Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 155 Weird Fossils! The Aggrieved Gengar! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

After shopping at the medicinal materials stall, Lin Ke and Pyorn came to another stall.

Although this stall is engaged in fossil business, it does not have a unique way of buying and selling like other stalls.

This is called "stone gambling".

It sounds exactly like the "Gamble on Stone" on Blue Star.

In fact, it's almost the same. You select the stones yourself, and then cut and polish them to determine what's inside.

It's just that the stone gambling on Blue Star is to get emeralds, gems and other things.

The stone gambling here is to obtain valuable fossils.

There are many fossils distributed on Yanshi Island, and there are several large fossil mining valleys. Some stones will be excavated directly on the spot.

Some stones will be kept intact and transported to various towns for use as "gambling stones"~.

If there are no fossils in it, or if there are very few fossils and the damage is serious, you will lose money.

But if there are well-preserved fossils inside and they are in good condition, they can be sold at a good price.

Hunter X Hunter's fossils are not that cheap, especially those on Firestone Island.

There are many types of fossils on this island, ranging from gophers and moles to subsaurs, all of which have been excavated.

Naturally, the rarer the fossil, the higher the price.

Of course, although there are a large number of fossils, it does not mean that there are only fossils down here, there are also some ores and gems.

Therefore, this "gamble on stone" may also yield ore.

The stall here is larger than the old man's medicinal stall next to it, and there are stones of different sizes and shapes on them.

Several people were holding something like a magnifying glass and carefully observing the textures, cracks and other appearances on the stones.

Concentrating their attention, each of them seemed to have forgotten everything. In order to observe more carefully, they almost kissed the stones.

"How about it? You want to try it too?"

Lin Ke looked at the "well-equipped" old people, each of whom analyzed the rocks very seriously.

He turned to look at Pyorn next to him. Maybe as an ancient document Hunter, she would also be more interested in this.

"No, I'll just watch you play."

Pyorn shook his head, and even the bunny ears decoration on his head swayed, as if he was waving to the wind.

Thanks to Lin Ke's ability to contain the auras of the two of them, they were able to walk around freely on the street.

Although others can see that there are people here, they will not notice the specific identities of the two people and just treat them as two ordinary people.

Otherwise, with Pyorn's status as one of the twelve earthly branches, and the increasingly popular Lin Ke, I'm afraid he would have been surrounded before he even took a few steps.

After all, Lin Ke's reputation has spread all over the six continents, and it reached its peak after the martial arts competition.

Today is the third day after the martial arts tournament. After receiving Pyoen's call, Lin Ke decided on the spot to go to Firestone Island to find out.

As for Menqi, she just happened to have something to do and couldn't go with her.

Now it's just around the corner for the annual food competition, and she's going back to help in the forest area.

Unconsciously, it has been a year since the two last participated in the food competition.

Last year Menqi went as a contestant, but this year she went as a staff member.

After defeating the intruders, saving the audience, winning trophies and other events, Lin Ke became famous.

The already resounding name spread throughout the six continents again.

This time it has really reached the point where "no one in the world knows you".

The name Lin Ke is almost on par with Chairman Netero.

This breath masking ability is actually very simple. Lin Ke had used it before in [Carter Harbor].

To put it simply, it is to let Gengar reduce the presence of the two people, which can confuse other people's perception of them to a certain extent.

People know Lin Ke and Pyoern, but when they appear in front of people, they can't recognize them.

This usage is quite practical, especially for celebrities like them.

This can also be understood as [Absolute] with abnormal effects

It is the result of the combination of Gengar's ability and [Jue].

Lin Ke calls it [illusion-absolute]

Because this is mainly for ordinary people, Gengar does not need to pay any consumption.

Those with enough strength can still recognize the two people normally.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Hearing this, Lin Ke shrugged and focused on the surrounding rocks.

Suddenly, a message came from his shadow to his mind. This was a message from Machado.

The rock on his left had a dark aura hidden deep within it.


The breath of darkness…………

Lin Ke frowned and placed his gaze on the rock on the left, carefully observing the appearance.

From the outside, it looks like a very ordinary rock, with pits and some dirt on the surface.

It gives people a particularly "fresh" feeling, and you can even smell the earth.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ke's eyes were covered with a thick layer of thought energy——condensation!

After using "Ning", Lin Ke still didn't find any difference. It seemed that this was really an ordinary stone.

But Mashado's words are definitely not groundless, Lin Ke firmly believes that Mashado will not make mistakes.

As a legendary Pokémon, Machado's abilities are far higher than his own.

If you can't notice it yourself, it doesn't mean anything.


"Boss, how can I sell this stone?"

Lin Ke pointed to the stone on the left and asked the boss who was sitting leisurely on the pony.

The owner of this stall is much younger than the old man next to him. He is an elderly man.

He has a Chinese-character face, hands full of calluses, and obvious dirt between his nails.

Next to it are the tools used by middle-aged men to "eat" - safety helmets, mining picks and other things.

Obviously, this is a miner who has been mining for a long time.

Looking at the freshly unearthed marks on the rocks, Lin Ke felt a flash of surprise in his heart.

Couldn't he have mined these stones by himself?

"Twenty thousand."

The man's rich voice came, only two words, the words were concise and clear.

"Help with cutting for free."

Pause, then add another sentence.

It can be seen that the middle-aged man has a relatively taciturn character.

This stone is not that big, about the size of a basketball. It is sold at a relatively low price of 20,000 ringgit.

Just like before, Lin Ke directly took out 20,000 city ni and handed it over.

After counting the money, the middle-aged man put the money in his pocket, went straight to the selected stone, and took the stone to a special cutting tool.


There was a long and sharp cutting sound, which was the boss cutting the stone.

Seeing the boss starting to cut rocks, one or two customers who were analyzing the rocks turned their attention.

Curiosity is human nature.

The boss moves very quickly and is an experienced veteran. The hard rock is like a hard-boiled egg in his hands.

The cut stones were like eggshells, peeling off easily.

After a while, the contents inside were exposed to the air.

That's a claw bone.

It was about ten centimeters long and looked like it should belong to the claws of some medium-sized beast.

The strange thing is that the claws are surprisingly white.

Bones are generally white, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But the claw that appeared in front of everyone was several times brighter than ordinary bones, with a faint white light.

At first glance, it looks like it has been whitened using beauty software.

This doesn't look like bones, but looks like white jade.

Even the middle-aged man who cut it out himself kept looking at the claw in astonishment, somewhat confused.

Is it true that the claws that you opened out are claws?

It is easy to identify from the details and shape above. This is a claw bone.

But it is ridiculously white, the color is the same as white jade, like a claw carved from white jade.

If he hadn't cut it out of the rock with his own hands, the middle-aged man wouldn't believe it was a skeleton.

Normally, this claw skeleton shouldn't be worth much, but due to unknown changes, it might be worth a high price.

At this moment, Lin Ke used "Condensation" again, and saw that the bones of the claws did have a very weak and strange thought of death.

Marshado's reminder was indeed correct.

There is something wrong with the bones of this claw!

Seeing Lin Ke's strange expression, Pyoen leaned forward slightly, swayed the little tail behind his waist, and asked in a low voice:

"Is there something wrong? It just seems a little bit whiter?"

Although "Condensation" is also used, Pyonn's strength is not enough to detect the death wish above.

"It's death thoughts."

Lin Ke said softly, his eyes still staying on the flawless white claw bones without moving at all.

Do you actually have thoughts of death?

Pjorn's eyes widened and she looked at the claw bones again, this time she looked at them more carefully.

Death thoughts, as the name suggests, are thoughts after death.

There are roughly two situations that can produce thoughts of death.

The first one is that if a person has too deep obsession after death, there will be a small probability that the person will die but the obsession will not go away.

At this time, the remaining thoughts will be transformed into thoughts of death, attacking the surrounding creatures.

The second one is items, or things.

Some things are born with the thought of death, or they transmit the thought of death to other things.

This kind of stuff usually comes from the Dark Continent.

This is a claw bone. There are two possibilities for death.

One is that a worthy person died somewhere, and the thoughts of death happened to be formed due to excessive unwillingness.

Then the beast with this claw happened to pass by, and was killed by the thought of death, causing the bones to be stained with the thought of death.

The second is that strange items with thoughts of death appear, making this skeleton contaminated with thoughts of death!

It’s easy to say the former, but if it’s the latter…………

Let’s combine it with their goal of coming here this time.

Could this be related to Dark Sonata?

Pyonn subconsciously came up with this idea, but it was just a guess, and there was no more evidence to prove this.

But Lin Ke next to her confirmed that the thought of death on the skeleton was related to Dark Sonata.


He judged it using a very simple and crude method.

Just now, the gestation bar in his mind that had stopped moving a quarter of the way forward actually moved forward again!

Although it only advanced a little and stopped again, this was enough to explain the situation.

The thoughts of death on this claw are caused by Dark Sonata!

Pjorn's efforts were not in vain, and the conclusion he drew was correct.

There is indeed a trace of Dark Sonata on this Flame Stone Island.

If it were Dark Sonata, the strange changes in the claw bones would be understandable.

I think it was caused by the influence of Dark Sonata this time.

I just don’t know which chapter this Dark Sonata is about, and what are the “payments” and “gains” I have?

Will this white and glowing skeleton be [obtained] by Dark Sonata?

For a moment, everyone was paying attention to the claw bones, and people were amazed.

At this moment, an undetectable dark thought of death suddenly floated out from the claw bones.

He flew into Lin Ke's shadow accurately and disappeared completely, like a stone sinking into the sea.

in shadow,

Marshado looked at the Death Thought in his hand with curiosity, his orange eyes showing curiosity.

"哏Si, 叏Si."

Geng Gui next to him said happily when he saw that Machado was curious.

He thought this was a very delicious "food" and his friend Marshado must have tasted it.


Marshado tilted his head, looked at the wisp of death thoughts in his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth when Gengar praised it so much.

As soon as the thought of death entered Marshado's little mouth, it immediately turned into pure thought energy and was absorbed by it.


Ma Shaduo tasted it carefully and then shook his head. He didn't think it was delicious, and it tasted just so-so, very bland.


Gengar was shocked when he heard this.

The already big mouth is even wider at this moment. If the main body is not gas, the jaw will drop.

This is obviously very delicious, right?

This is actually caused by the strength gap between the two.

Gengar is currently only S-level, while Marshado is SS-level, although there is only one big stage difference.

But it’s a world of difference!

For Gengar, Dark Sonata's last wish is delicacies, such as lobster and abalone.

Although this is a bit less desperate, it is still a fried pork-level delicacy.

But for Machado, Dark Sonata's death wish is like a bowl of rice with no side dishes.

The thoughts of death that I just ate are even more pitiful.

It's like picking out a grain of rice from a bowl of rice and eating it. It's not enough for Ma Shado to even stuff it between his teeth.


Mashaduo patted Gengar's "shoulder", seeing that Gengar was in a bad mood, and wanted to comfort him.

However, as a simple Pokémon, Marshado's "art" of speaking is slightly lacking.

This made Geng Gui, who was already feeling uncomfortable, even have a bitter look on his face, like a little daughter-in-law who had been wronged many times.

"What's wrong?"

Realizing that something was not right about Lin Ke's expression, Pyoern quickly asked with concern, could it be that the claw bones had some influence?

In fact, Lin Ke's expression was suppressing a smile.

"No, it's okay."

Lin Ke replied to Pyoen who cared about him, and at the same time glanced at his own shadow without any trace.

He could sense movement in his own shadow.

In other words, he knew all about Masha's death wish and the conversation between the two Pokémon.

Therefore, he also heard Mashaduo's words of comfort to Geng Gui.

If I heard it correctly, Mamaido’s words to comfort Geng Gui were two

You don’t need to feel sad. Although you eat poorly, you can eat well and your belly is bigger than mine.

At first glance, it sounds like he is mocking Gengar.

But whether it is Gengar or Lin Ke, you can tell from its tone that it is sincerely comforting.

But precisely because he understood that this was comforting him, Geng Gui found it even more difficult to hold back.

Ignoring the conversation of the Pokémon, Lin Ke took the claw skeleton in his hand.

Even though the thought of death has been eaten by Ma Shaduo, the surface is still as white as light and has not changed at all.

I think the effect should be permanent.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Ke said solemnly to the middle-aged man:

"Boss, where did you mine this stone?"

He wanted to find out where Dark Sonata appeared.

"It was dug out of the Karshi Mine Valley south of Yanshi City."

The middle-aged man touched the back of his head and told him honestly where he dug.

These stones were dug out of the Nakha Stone Mine Valley, so he could name the places without thinking.

"Karashi Mine Valley?"

Pyonn's pupils shrank and he turned to Lin Ke.

"The Karshi Mining Valley area is where I said that weird music sounds will appear from time to time!"

Now even Pyorn, who didn't have a pregnancy strip, was probably sure.

The abnormality in the claw bones is probably the mouth caused by Dark Sonata. .

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