Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 156: PokéMon Takes A Hot Spring Bath! Pjorn's Thoughts! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Is that really the case......

Lin Ke took a deep look at the claw skeleton and then put it into his pocket.

The claw bones are not only gleaming white, but also have a strange texture to the touch.

It looks like it has been weathered for many years. It is extremely brittle and feels like it will be crushed if you hold it with a calendar.

According to Machado's induction, except for this stone, there is no aura of death thoughts here.

It was now approaching evening, and the two decided to stay in Yanshi City for one night before going to the Karshi Mining Valley.

As the largest town on Yanshi Island, some of the tourists from the mainland of China will come here to visit.

Therefore, hotels, B&Bs and other places provided to tourists are naturally indispensable.

The two people who were not short of money chose the most luxurious hotel. It is said that each room will provide a dedicated hot spring.

The hotels are basically located in the center of Yanshi City, and the high-end hotel they chose is the highest among all hotels.

Compared with other buildings, it stands out and is quite eye-catching.

in hotel room,

Here is a large hot spring pool. As the most expensive room, Lin Ke has the largest luxurious hot spring in the entire hotel.

The hot spring pool is roughly divided into two parts, one is the hot spring, and the other is a place for bathing.

There are some medicinal powders added to the hot springs to help you take a bath.

Therefore, the spring water appears turquoise, and as the steam dissipates, the entire hot spring pool is filled with the fragrance of medicinal herbs.

This is what Yanseokdo Hot Spring is famous for.

It is different from the hot springs in places such as Kira Volcano and has unique advantages.

That's a medicated bath.

The rich local medicinal resources are successfully connected with the hot springs.

After adding many medicinal materials, the local hot springs have the effects of soothing nerves, relieving aches and pains, and even beautifying the skin.


Chenglong swims leisurely in the large hot spring pool, and swimming in the warm hot springs has a unique flavor.

Slowly swam to Lin Ke who was enjoying the hot spring, a pair of warm eyes stared at him "820".

"Are you going to touch me again?"

Seeing Chenglong's appearance, Lin Ke sighed and said helplessly.

I don’t know why, but my Chenglong is like a puppy and likes to pet its head.

As soon as it is released, you have to pat your own head.

It’s not even like a dog anymore, it’s already more than a dog.

It seems that even the Wind Speed ​​Dog has not reached this point?


Chenglong couldn't wait and put his head directly on Lin Ke's shoulder, urging him to touch his head quickly.


Lin Ke put his hand on Chenglong's head and began to stroke it gently. Judging from Chenglong's appearance, he probably wasn't enjoying it very much.

Chenglong has no hair, and its skin is relatively smooth, and it feels like it has been coated with a layer of lubricant.

It's a bit like touching a big ball of jelly.

While touching Chenglong, Lin Ke observed the conditions of other Pokémon.

The entire hot spring pool is full of Pokémon, a scene of gods and demons dancing wildly.

Next to him was Kuailong with his eyes closed and a towel covering his head.

From time to time, two streams of white smoke are exhaled from its nose, and it can be seen that it is enjoying the hot springs very much.

Opposite him was Gardevoir who was also soaking in the hot spring.


A big pink and white egg swam next to Lin Ke and brought a plate of delicious food.

"Thank you, Happy Egg."

As a compliment, Lin Ke also touched Happy Egg's head with his free hand.

Unlike Chenglong, Happy Egg has a thick layer of down on its body surface, which gives it a different feeling when touched.


Happy to see Lin Ke, Happy Egg was also very happy.

The hot spring pool was peaceful and everyone was enjoying the hot springs. It was different when they returned to the bathing area next to the hot spring pool.


"Woof woof!"

The most eye-catching ones are Lucario and Winddog. The two Pokémon are performing "The Wave Brave and His Mount"

Lucario is like a knight, and Winddog is its war horse. The two Pokémon are "galloping" in the bathing area.

Obviously they are both dogs, but it is Wind Speed ​​Dog as the mount and Lucario as the knight...

This reminds Lin Ke of the Disney animation on Blue Star.

Goofy inside is obviously a dog, but he is holding Pluto, who is also a dog.

But seeing the two Pokémon playing happily with each other, Lin Ke didn't react at all.


Kirby, who had just been bathed by Gengar, was ready to come in and take a bath.

As soon as the huge body entered the hot spring, the water level in the hot spring rose crazily and sharply.

In an instant, it exceeded the height of the enclosure, and a large area of ​​hot spring water hit the bathing area like a tsunami.


Seeing a "huge wave" suddenly coming, Lucario couldn't help but change his face slightly and let out a confused sound.

Are they in the hot spring room?

Why did there suddenly come a tsunami?

But Lucario's doubts didn't last long, and excitement followed closely.

It just felt that ordinary running was boring, and now it had a challenge.


"Woof woof!"

They want to challenge this "tsunami"!

For a moment, both Pokémon stared at the "tsunami" sweeping towards them, taking it as a challenge.

The wind speed dog's limbs tensed up and he took the initiative to "rush towards the tsunami", with Lucario on his back who was ready to go.

As if by convention, neither Pokémon used skills nor telekinesis.

They plan to rush over directly with their bodies.

Lin Ke glanced at Windspeed Dog and Lucario who were having a great time, and then looked at the "initiator" Kirbymon.

At this moment, Kirbymon is not aware of what happened, and is leisurely soaking in the hot spring.

Although his face still had the same pair of squinting eyes that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, Lin Ke could feel Kirby's happy mood.

Kirby's body is indeed big, and it's not frivolous at all, it's really solid.

A large amount of hot spring water can be washed out just by taking a dip in the hot spring.


With a sound, the figures of the two dogs came out of the "tsunami" and landed directly in the hot spring.

Suddenly there was a high splash of water.

After a while, the heads of Lucario and Wind Speed ​​Dog came out from underneath, with excited smiles on their faces.

At night, after taking a bath and eating, Lin Ke planned to go to bed.


Suddenly there was a ringing sound. It was the bell rang by someone outside the door.

Is it Pjorn?

After Lin Ke opened the door, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ke.

"Hey, did you sleep?"

Pyoern looked a little unnatural [his fair cheeks were inexplicably stained with a blush.

"Getting ready for bed."

Lin Ke said honestly.

"Then... How about I come in and have a chat? Or treat me to some tea? I heard the tea here is quite delicious."

Pyoern stumbled a bit as he spoke, his eyes wandering, as if he was afraid to look directly at Lin Ke.

Lin Ke didn't speak, but looked at Pyoen silently.

He is not a fool, and his various performances against John have made it very clear.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ke slowly spoke:

"Menqi and I have..."

"I know."

Pyorn did not let Lin Ke finish what he said and interrupted him mid-sentence.

Pyoern's eyes were still erratic at first, but at this moment they finally calmed down and looked directly into Lin Ke's eyes.

It was a pair of pale pink pupils, Lin Ke could see clearly, and his own figure was reflected in them.

"Lin Ke, do you know what the most basic thing is for a Hunter?"

Pyorn did not continue the topic just now, but said something that seemed unrelated at first glance.

"Is it strength?"

Lin Ke thought for a while, and finally said three words with a slightly confused tone.

He feels that as a Hunter, you must have enough strength.

"Strength is important, but it is not the main core of becoming a Hunter."

Pyorn shook his head. What Lin Ke said was not wrong, it could only be said to be one of the answers.

"A real Hunter must not only have strength, but also have an unwavering determination to pursue his goals!"

Having said this, Pjorn suddenly took a step forward, causing Lin Ke to subconsciously take two steps back.

The free space allowed Pyorn to walk into the room, and the first thing she did when she entered was to close the door.

With his back against the door, Pyoern walked towards Lin Ke step by step, like a man-eating goblin, forcing Lin Ke into a corner.

Pyorn stood on tiptoes slightly, put his head next to Lin Ke's ear, and said softly:

"I don't care about you and Menqi. If you really want to say it, I should be the latecomer."

"Although this is a bit sorry for Menqi, it's a pity. Who asked me to be Hunter?"

"As a Hunter! I will hold the things I cherish firmly in my hands!"

"Don't let go of your target!"

"This is what a Hunter needs!"

What he was doing was wrong, but Pjorn knew only one thing.

If you give up because of these concerns, it is likely to be something you will regret for the rest of your life.

As long as she lives, she cannot do anything she regrets.

Just like when she chose to become Hunter, what happened tonight was also her decision.

This is hers, a choice without regrets!

foodie paradise,

In Menqi's shop.

Menqi was sitting at the table. There was a piece of white paper on the table, and the yellowish light illuminated her face.

She was thinking about what she had missed and could improve in the food competition.

Returning to the Foodie Paradise this time, her main responsibility is to coordinate and plan the food competition. If there are improvements, she can also improve them.

After a long time, she turned off the light and went to bed to rest.

In the dark room, the bright eyes of the second phase are very conspicuous.

She was used to getting along with Lin Ke, but she was still a little unaccustomed to not being together, and she had a little insomnia for a while.

I wonder what Lin Ke is doing now?

In fact, she had some vague premonitions in her heart.

She had this thought in her mind when she learned that it was Pyoern who invited Lin Ke.

But she will not deliberately stop it, but let it take its course.

In her opinion, Lin Ke is the best person in the world, and it is very normal for such a person to be pursued by others.

It would be strange if no one else likes Lin Ke…………

Now Lin Ke's fame has spread across six continents, and she has countless female fans who all dream of marrying Lin Ke.

Men Qi felt that if she wanted to monopolize Lin Ke, it would be a very undue burden.

She was lucky enough to have Lin Ke, and she didn't dare to ask for more.

To put it bluntly, she was able to have Lin Ke because she was so lucky.

There are countless people in the entire six continents who want to stay in their position.

Especially Pyonn, she could tell as early as the last meeting that Pyonn must like Lin Ke!

This is a woman’s intuition.

We are all Hunters, and Menqi also knows very well what decision Pyorn will make.

But she won't say anything, because if the roles were reversed,

Let her be Pjorn and she will make the same decision.

All so that you don’t regret it!

As Lin Ke's woman and Lin Ke's most ardent fan, Men Qi is very open to this kind of thing.

Even as long as Lin Ke expresses similar thoughts, she can even take the initiative to help Lin Ke implement them.

But no matter what Pyorn does, her number one title will never be shaken. Pyorn can only be small, she is the big one!

the next morning,

Lin Ke woke up first and looked at the messy bed quietly, feeling inexplicably unreal.

But seeing Pyoen still sleeping soundly, Lin Ke accepted it all.

Menchi and Pyorn are two types.

Menqi belongs to the style of a royal sister, with a broad mind and a quick temper at ordinary times, but at critical moments she is as gentle as water.

Pyoern has a cute style and a good heart.

Normally he is quirky and cute, but at critical moments he is very crazy and completely different.

Pyoern's words yesterday were indeed shocking.

This was the first time he saw Hunter's dedication to his goal!

Pjorn was indeed right.

Looking at the various characters in Hunter X Hunter, every Hunter is relentlessly pursuing their goals.

In order to meet Jin, Gon chased him for most of the chapter, and he never thought of giving up during the journey.

In order to take revenge, Kurapika dared to make cruel restrictions and oaths, and was determined to risk her life just for the sake of her enemies.

In order to pursue martial arts, President Netero has always had an innocent heart from youth to old age and has never wavered.

After a brief sigh of relief, Pyorn also woke up, and the two became affectionate again after breakfast.

Then decide to move towards your goal.

That's the Calcite Mine Valley!

karst mine valley,

This is one of the largest mining valleys on Yanshi Island, located south of Yanshi City.

Because the distance between Karshi Mining Valley and Yanshi Island is not far, many miners and archaeologists choose to live in Yanshi City.

Set off to Mining Valley in the morning and return to Yanshi City to rest in the evening.

Therefore, many people choose to dig out things in the mining valley and then go directly to the nearby Yanshi City to sell them.

The middle-aged man they met yesterday belonged to this type.

Stones are excavated from the Karshi Mine Valley and are not cut directly on the spot. Instead, they are transported to the market area of ​​Yanshi City to be sold as "gambling stones."

This is also one of the economic sources of many miners5.8-.

There are roughly two types of miners here. One is those who receive fixed wages.

This usually involves joining a local mining company. The company will be responsible for providing mining equipment, and some will also provide food and accommodation.

Correspondingly, they have fixed targets every day, such as how many hours they need to dig. If they cannot reach it, their wages will be deducted.

The second is individual people, who do not belong to mining companies.

All the equipment is purchased by oneself, and the more you dig, the more you dig.

Just to dig inside, you need to pay the local government.

Each mining valley has a gate, and individuals need to pay before they can go in and mine.

These are all paid on a daily basis.

"Then do we have to pay to go in?"

Lin Ke looked at the gate with many people queuing up and asked Pyoern next to him.

After what happened last night, the relationship between the two has become much closer, which can be seen from the distance.

In the past, the relationship between the two was just friends, and there was a lot of distance between them, but now the distance has been shortened a lot.

"No, this is also among Hunter's benefits, we can go in for free."

Pyorn shook his head slightly. As Hunters, they did not need to pay to enter.

As Hunters, they enjoy considerable privileges and can enter and exit many places for free.

Even some forbidden areas can be entered with a Hunter license.

It is said that you can enter 90% of the countries that are generally prohibited from entering [and 75% of the restricted areas].

You can also use public facilities for free, 95% of public facilities can be used for free, and you can also use computer web pages without spending a dime.

The mining valley of this stone island is also among Hunter's benefits.

It can be said that as long as you become a Hunter, making money is easy.

It can also be used as a guarantee.

The money gained from the sale can provide food and clothing for seven generations of children and grandchildren, and can be used as a guarantee to obtain high-value loans.

Just by mortgaging your Hunter license, you can get hundreds of millions of ringgits. .

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