Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 157 Fossil Pterosaur! Tool Dragon! See You Again Satsuki! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Since they had privileges, the two of them were too lazy to queue up at the gate to get in.

I estimate that there are about ten people queuing up here, and I don't know when they can get in.

The two people's figures flashed, and the next moment they appeared on the other side of the gate.

This is one of the reasons why Hunter has so many benefits.

Because Hunters have Nen, it is difficult to defend them in many places and prevent them from entering.

Like this kind of gate for ordinary people, they can appear on the other side in a flash, completely defenseless.

It is simply classified as one of Hunter's benefits, allowing you to enter and exit most places in the world at will.

When they came to the gate, the whole view of the Karshi Mine Valley completely appeared in their eyes.

As the name suggests, this is a mining valley, and the entrance where the two of them are located is the highest point in the entire mining valley.

The Karshi mining valley is very large and is one of the largest mining valleys on Danshi Island.

The mine valley is in the shape of a spiral downward, and the center is very deep. It is said that it has been dug to a very deep place after so many years.

When people go down to the mine, they have to go down the spiral road at the edge.

If you look down from a high altitude, the entire mine looks like a huge ground vortex.

Kind of like a giant version of a quicksand whirlpool.

There are many mine caves in the mining valley, usually distributed on the walls of the spiral road. People will pass by many mine caves when walking.

The environment where the two of them were was pretty good, and there were still some vegetation and grass.

Looking down, the deep ground is a piece of bare rock.

There are raised mountains around the mining valley, and the rocks above are basically composed of [red rock].

It is said that even in the dark night there are faint rays of light.

The first time I saw the Karshi Mine Valley, the scene here always gave Lin Ke a sense of familiarity.

Lin Ke feels that this place looks very similar to Area Zero in Pokémon Red.

Whether it's the spiraling road or the mine that appears on the rock wall, it's very similar.

The difference is that the environment here is not as beautiful as Area Zero, there is not much vegetation, and there are no waterfalls.

There are no Paradox Pokémon either.

I don’t know if it’s possible for me to get a Paradox Pokémon in the future?

There are also some powerful Pokémon in it.

It's just that the origin of Paradox Pokémon is rather strange, either from the ancient timeline or from the future timeline.

It would be difficult to breed a Paradox Pokémon in Hunter X Hunter World 25.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

When Lin Ke was looking at the mine valley, a notification sound suddenly sounded in Lin Ke's mind.

Of the two incubation bars, the one with the fastest speed is already ready!

Lin Ke quickly immersed his mind in his mind, eager to see which Pokémon it was?

The new Pokémon's body color is gray.

It has a pair of wings with purple wing membranes and four sharp claws.

Its appearance is somewhat ferocious, its teeth are jagged, its eyes are full of ferocity, and it looks like the overlord of the sky.

There are two horns on the head, which can be seen as a dragon eyebrow.

It is none other than Fossil Pteranodon, one of the overlords of ancient times in the Pokémon world!

Fossil Pteranodon is considered a very good existence among the fossil Pokémon, and it is just within the scope of his expectations.

Just for this fossil pterosaur, the trip to Qiyan Stone Island is completely worth it!

Not to mention there is a second Pokémon and the whereabouts of Dark Sonata.

When Lin Ke used to play Pokemon stand-alone games, he liked to use fossil pterosaurs.

At that moment, Lin Ke used restraint and oath on the fossil pterosaur.

Name: Fossil pterosaur

Characteristics: Feeling of oppression

Attributes: rock type, flying type


Skills: earthquake, rock avalanche, sharp stone attack, free fall, tailwind, provocation...

Because the fossil pterosaur's race value is 515, its final strength is fixed at A-level.

However, strength is not the key point. After all, the experience value increased within the A-level range is not much and can be easily made up.

Moreover, the fossil pterosaur has a super-evolved form, and will be able to super-evolve when its strength reaches S-level in the future.

There is nothing special about the moves. The only thing worth paying attention to is the characteristics of the fossil pterosaur.

The characteristic of "sense of oppression" was once thought to be exclusive to mythical Pokémon.

For example, mythical beasts such as Ho-oh, Lugia, and Dialga all have this characteristic.

It wasn't until later that people learned that the Mythical Beast Pokémon can also possess the characteristic of oppression.

Fossil Pteranodon is one of the few non-mythical Pokémon that can possess oppressive characteristics.

Others include Howling Whale King, Absol...

The effect of "sense of oppression" in the game is: when the opponent uses skills, ten more PP points are consumed.

It can be roughly understood as using a move once, but it will consume double the number of times.

This is in singles, if two "pressure" Pokémon appear on your side at the same time, and the opponent uses a skill once, the cost will be three times.

Compared with other features, this feature seems a bit useless, and it is better than the negative features of "weakness" and "slow start".

It is one of the whiteboard features.

But in the real world, this "sense of oppression" characteristic has a different descriptive effect.

[Sense of Oppression]: When the enemy takes action, the consumption of each move will be doubled, and it is equally effective for multiple people.

As long as an enemy wants to launch an attack, their mental energy and physical energy consumption will be doubled.

Whether there is one or more, this is equally useful.

This is already considered a god-level characteristic!

No matter who or what enemy they face, their consumption rate will be doubled.

This is very important for fighting a protracted war and can greatly speed up the opponent's consumption.

If you are not as good as the other party, then you can try to kill the other party.

But for Lin Ke, who has Marshado and a group of S-level Pokémon, the chance of falling into a war of attrition is relatively small.

But it's always good to have an extra trump card on your side.

Most of the time, Machado is useless in battle, as its attacks are almost instantaneous.

But if it's Gengar and the others fighting, maybe the fossil pterosaur can come out for some air.

It is used as a negative effect blessing device, giving the opponent a "fatigue" effect, and the physical strength and mental energy are rapidly reduced.

This auxiliary ability is basically comparable to that of Happy Egg.

Although it does not have the healing ability of the Happy Egg, the fossil pterosaur also has effects that the Happy Egg does not have.

A good-natured sky overlord, an ancient evil Pokémon, turned into a tool dragon in the hands of Lin Ke.

The biggest use is its characteristics.

The first fossil Pokémon has been released, and its abilities exceed Lin Ke's expectations.

This can't help but make Lin Ke look forward to the next Pokémon even more.

Now that the fossil pterosaur can be ruled out, I still don’t know which Pokémon it will be?

"Mr. Lin Ke?"


Just as Lin Ke and the two were about to go down, an uncertain voice of questioning came from the other side.

This voice is quite familiar to both Lin Ke and Pyorn, and it is quite recognizable.

A flash of surprise flashed across their eyes at the same time, and they were both thinking of the same person.

Could it be that…………

The two of them turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man standing there with a surprised face.

Although he no longer wears the standard suit of the past, his very special curly beard shows his identity.

It was the friend they both knew——Satsu!


Pyoern lightly covered his mouth and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Just like Saci just now, Pyorn couldn't help but exclaimed.

Neither party expected to meet each other here.

"I really didn't expect to meet you two here~"

Seeing that he had seen the two figures correctly, Saci couldn't help but sigh.

Speaking of which, Satsuki and the two of them haven't seen each other for a while.

Saci used to be a Hunter who was just trying to gain fame, but he didn't wake up until he met Jin.

So he is not a star Hunter, he is just an ordinary Hunter in the Hunter Association, but he is more senior.

Not qualified to participate in the last [New Top Five] meeting.

Those who could attend that meeting were either high-level representatives of various forces or star Hunters from the Hunter Association.

Therefore, apart from seeing Lin Ke on TV, the last time Saci saw Lin Ke was during the Hunter exam last year.

As for Pyonn, it’s been even longer. The last time we met was during our last trip to the Moros ruins.

Without an agreement, being able to meet in such a place can only be explained by fate.

"Long time no see Satsuki."

Like Pyoern, Lin Ke was equally surprised. He didn't expect to meet old acquaintances in such a place.

Lin Ke didn't have many friends after coming to the world of Hunter X Hunter, including Pyoern and Saci.

And they were among the first to get to know each other.

They are some of the most affectionate friends I have ever met.

Although they haven't seen each other for more than a year, they are not too shy.

"Saci, are you... planning to go into the mine?"

Lin Ke saw that Sa Ci was not wearing his usual suit, and he was still a little uncomfortable for a while, so he asked immediately.

At this time, Satsuki was wearing a complete set of dark mining uniforms.

The dark blue miner's uniform has one or two white stripes on it.

He also wore a yellow miner's hat on his head, covering his purple curly hair underneath.

Satsuki was also carrying a larger brown mountaineering bag.

Judging from the vaguely exposed pickaxe, there should be some mining tools inside.

Saci's outfit can be said to be a very neat miner's attire, and no one can find fault with it.

"Yes, in fact, I have been here in Karshi Mining Valley for a month, and I usually live in the nearest Danshi City.

Sa Ci nodded. He had already been here for a month when Lin Ke and the two came over.

"Oh, I remembered that Sats's classification in the Ruins Hunter is to focus on studying fossils!"

Pyoern next to him suddenly remembered, and Insaci added.

It turns out that the ruins Hunter is just a big category, which can be subdivided into many smaller categories.

For example, studying fossils is one of them.

As a ruin hunter, Sats's main fields are the study of fossils and the restoration of ruins.

"That's right. Studying fossils is one of my hobbies. I spend a lot of time on Firestone Island every year."

"This time I happened to hear about the appearance of strange white bone fossils, so I came to the Karshi Mine Valley."

Saci spoke slowly.

This can also explain why we met Sats here. It turns out that he belongs to the research fossil category in the Relic Hunter.

So as the Flame Stone Island has the largest number of fossils among the six continents, it is naturally a place that Saci often comes to.

According to him, he has properties in three or four places on the entire Firestone Island, just to facilitate access to the mining valley.

This month he has been living in Yan, which he bought.

In Shishi's house, I go out during the day and come back at night.

Occasionally I would stay in the Mine Valley all night, but I didn’t go back every day.

"So that's it. No wonder I met you Satsuki here."

Lin Ke now completely understood why he met Saci here.

If we really want to say it, they should have come for the same goal, but Saci doesn't know the truth yet.

The white bone fossil in Saci's mouth is obviously the same as the claw bone they discovered yesterday——

They are all the things produced under the influence of Dark Sonata!

It can be said that Dark Sonata brought them together.

There are some shops at the entrance, specializing in selling easy-to-carry food and mining tools.

Satsuki just walked out of the shop and happened to see the two people admiring the storm in the mine valley.

"It sounds like I really miss it, the three of us getting together."

Pyorn sighed when he saw this familiar scene.

"Yes, the last time this happened was at the Moros ruins. That was the first time we met Mr. Lin Ke.

Saci twirled his beard, his eyes wandering, and he was also responding to his experience at the Moros ruins.

During that trip to the ruins of Moros, he and Pyorn met Lin Ke and were frightened by his nun.

Later, he met Shui Liuli 847, one of the seven beauties, and even encountered the rage and jealousy of the S-class criminal "Seven Deadly Sins".

Fortunately, Mr. Lin Ke was present, so everything went smoothly.

If anything, Mr. Lin Ke is still the savior of both of them.

This is why he still adds honorifics when calling Lin Ke.

Sats is very particular about etiquette and is used to adding honorifics when addressing others, especially people like President Netero and Lin Ke.

"Yes, the last time three people gathered together like this was when they first met at the Moros ruins."

Lin Ke looked at Pyoen and Saci and said slowly.

Before today, none of the three people thought that they would meet here.

After sighing with emotion, Satsuki asked the two of them curiously:

"Speaking of which, I still don't know why you came here?"

"Is it also because of the strange fossils that appeared recently?"

The outfits of Lin Ke and Pyoern were in stark contrast to those of others preparing to go down to the mine in the distance.

Others were heavily armed, either wearing miners' uniforms or wearing archaeologist-like clothing.

Only Lin Ke was wearing ordinary casual clothes, and they looked out of place with the others around them.

Not so much for the fossils, but more like tourists planning to come here.

"Yes and no."

After Lin Ke and Pyorn looked at each other, they said something that confused Saci.

"We're here to get to the root of the strange fossilized bones!"

Lin Ke said something that Saci didn't expect.

"Have you ever dug up that kind of fossil during this time, Satsuki?"

Lin Ke continued to ask, and he planned to tell the truth behind it.

"Yes, it's in the backpack."

Saci nodded, put down the hiking bag behind him, and took out a wooden box.

After opening it, there was a long bone inside. It was the same as the claw bones seen before, and it was surprisingly white.

"You may not believe it when I say this, but there is a very faint thought of death attached to it."

Lin Ke used "Condensation" to stare at the bone. As expected, there was also the thought of death on it.

"Do you actually have thoughts of death?"

A look of surprise appeared on Sa Ci's face, and even his beard trembled subconsciously.

Although his strength was a bit weak, and his "condensation" was still not enough to see the weak thoughts of death above, he quite trusted Lin Ke's words.

[The World's Strongest Mind-Eliminating Master] said that there is a desire to die above, it definitely means there is a desire to die!

At this moment, Saci also roughly understood that the peculiarity of the bone fossils was probably related to the thought of death above.

"Saci, do you know how this strange bone fossil was formed?"

Satsuki shook his head.

"According to my exploration with Pyorn, the special changes in the bones are most likely related to Dark Sonata!

Lin Ke stared at the skeleton fossils in the box and said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Saci's eyes widened instantly, with a look of surprise on his face, as if he had heard something bizarre.

Is it related to the legendary Demon King's song - Dark Sonata?!

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