Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 158: Marshado’S Circle! Gardevoir's Teleportation! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"If it's Dark Sonata..."

"It seems that we can understand the changes in this skeleton."

Saci looked at the skeleton with white light in the box and said thoughtfully.

Originally, he had doubts about the changes in bones, but he could never figure out the cause.

It was only today through Lin Ke's explanation that he was able to understand that it was actually due to the influence of Dark Sonata.

Just when Saci suddenly realized it, the thoughts of death on his bones suddenly started to flutter, as if being blown by the surrounding breeze.

However, among the three people present, only Lin Ke could see clearly.

Just like yesterday's scene, thoughts of death quickly flew into Lin Ke's shadow until they disappeared.

If other people saw this scene, they might think that Lin Ke's shadow was made of thoughts of death.

The difference from yesterday was that it was Gengar who swallowed the thought of death today.

Yesterday, after tasting Mashaduo, she felt that the "taste" was not very good, so she planned to give these to Gengar in the future.

According to Lin Ke's estimation, it would take at least the Dark Continent to find the Death Thought that would interest Masha.

Among the six continents, Dark Sonata's desire to die is already at the top.

But it was still not enough in front of Marshado.

"The thought of death above has been eliminated, you can safely put it away."

Seeing that the thought of death had completely disappeared, Lin Ke informed Sa Ci so that he could safely collect the skeleton.

Although it is the shape formed after the influence of Dark Sonata, there will be no risk if the thought of death is gone.

From dangerous goods hiding deep dangers to extremely rare works of art.

Saci was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Lin Ke who had taken action to get rid of the thought of death. After thanking him, he put the skeleton back into the hiking bag again.

"According to our guess, this Dark Sonata is most likely deep in the Kasme Mine Valley.

"Especially where this kind of skeleton appears, it is most likely the location of Dark Sonata.

Pyorn told the two of them their plans, and then looked at Sats quietly.

It would be much easier if someone familiar here leads the way.

"I'm relatively familiar with this place, so let me take you to the place where you found this skeleton."

Saci also heard the implication, and immediately said that the three of them would act together like they did during the trip to the Moros ruins.

Because Lin Ke and Pyorn are not ordinary people, they don't need any mining uniforms to wear.

This is Saji's hobby, and he needs to stay in the mine for a long time, so he wears a complete set of clothes.

No need to prepare any extra tools, the three of them immediately walked towards the bottom of the mine valley.

Saci led the way, with Lin Ke and Pyorn following behind him, forming a triangular position.

Their chats along the way basically revolved around Lin Ke. Lin Ke has also done a lot of big things this year.

First of all, he defeated many posters in the sky arena and was named the most disgusting poster.

Then he also won the championship in the food competition held in the foodie paradise.

He also killed half of the members of the Class A criminal "Phantom Troupe" during the auction in Youkexin City.

Finally, there was the Olympus Martial Arts Tournament a few days ago. In the live broadcast, Lin Ke killed the intruder.

Some of these things are directly promoted in the six continents, and most people know about them.

Some things are only circulated in the circle of the good, such as winning the food contest and wiping out half of the spiders.

As Saci and Pyoen listed it, Lin Ke realized that he had done quite a lot.

Unknowingly, his reputation becomes stronger and stronger in the circle of worthy people.

It has almost reached the point where no one knows it and no one knows it.

The last person to reach this level was President Netero.

Saci's experience this year was also very monotonous.

Either he was responsible for repairing a certain ruins, or he was digging for fossils on Yanshi Island.

According to his own words, this is a very happy thing because he can do what he likes.

While chatting, the three of them followed the spiral path step by step and gradually reached a deeper place.


Suddenly, a strange-looking creature emerged next to them.

Its head is slightly pointed, its limbs are shorter than its body, its body is fatter, and its appearance and hair are very similar to that of a mouse.

The eyes are relatively small and are basically covered by fine fur.

The most special thing is the thick forelimbs, the claws on them are extremely sharp and glow with a frightening metallic luster.

This is the tool it uses to dig into the soil.

The creature looks like an enlarged version of a mole.

It's just that there are some spot-like patterns on the fur, which is different from ordinary moles.

"Oh, this is a spotted mole, a very common creature here~々.

Satsuki glanced at the spotted mole that emerged and explained it carefully to the two of them.

Not to mention, this shrew looks pretty cute.

And at first glance, it looks like a screw gopher. Maybe it will look more like a dragon-headed gopher when it grows up?

"Although this mining valley is basically composed of rocks, soil and fossils, there are still some creatures living there."

"For example, this spotted mole is one of them, and it is one of the most abundant creatures on the entire Tanshi Island.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Saci finished speaking, two more spotted moles appeared next to the three of them, as if they were deliberately responding.

He has beady eyes that are quite "intelligent", giving people a sense of laughter.

"Their habit is to dig in the soil. Those big claws can dig through metal and are extremely sharp."

"Because of this, you will see some passages of different sizes in the mine from time to time."

"They range from fist-sized to those that can accommodate multiple people passing through. These are basically dug out by spotted shrew rats.

“In a sense, they also bring convenience to miners and allow them to mine better.”

“But this is also a double-edged sword, because there are so many tunnels dug by moles underneath that collapses occur from time to time.

Under Saci's explanation, the three of them also came to the lowest level mine in the entire Karshi Mine Valley.

According to Saci, it was in this mine that he dug out the fossilized bone.

"Wait, are you saying there are a lot of holes dug by moles in the ground?"

Lin Ke suddenly had an idea, a thought flashed through his mind, and he subconsciously asked.

"Yes, although there is no specific number, there will indeed be many empty passages inside."

Saci's words successfully solved the previous doubts he and Pyorn had, and also confirmed their guesses in disguise.

According to Pjorn's previous search information, Dark Sonata has not been discovered by anyone.

Only occasionally there would be a little bit of music, but there were no sudden casualties.

So even if those who heard the music told them, no one would believe it.

Others just thought it was a hearing problem caused by staying in the mine for too long.

From this point of view, Dark Sonata is most likely located deep in the mining valley, somewhere deeper underground.

Normally, the ground is full of rocks, and there is no place for Dark Sonata, but with the existence of moles, it is different.

The holes dug by the moles in the ground can be used as a space for Dark Sonata to stay.

Even those cases where people disappeared due to collapse are likely to be related to Dark Sonata.

Those strange bones are likely to be other underground creatures.

As they walked in the mine dug by the mole, they heard the music of the Dark Sonata.

So they could only fall there, entangled by thoughts of death.

"Then let's go in. I found it at the bottom of this cave last time."

Saci said with a solemn expression.

If it had been before, he could have faced it with a relaxed mood.

After learning that this was related to Dark Sonata, his vigilance was raised to the highest level.

Facing something as weird as Dark Sonata, one can never be too cautious.

At this time, a wave of thought energy that no one noticed came from Lin Ke's shadow and quickly reached the ground.

The fluctuations of thought energy are extremely obscure and dark, and no living thing can detect these fluctuations.

It's exactly "round"!

A normal "circle" is to spread the mind energy from the body surface and spread it around, using the contact of mind energy with objects to transmit information.

But doing so will let the perceived person know that someone is using "circle" on him, because there is an unknown thought energy touching the other party.

The effect of "circle" is quite different, basically the difference is the size of the range, which is related to the strength and ability system.

At most, there are some changes in the direction of use, such as not letting the "circle" move around, but exploring in a single direction.

This can increase the maximum detection distance.

Catwoman showed this method of use in the original work.

But right now, Marshado's "roundness" is even more powerful than the ordinary "roundness"!

Not only is the distance extremely wide, it can detect very far away places.

And coupled with his ability to hide his breath, he can be "round" without being noticed.

Obviously, he uses "Yuan" to see every move of the enemy, but the other party has no idea about it.

This "circle" effect is the most powerful "circle" Lin Ke has ever seen, and it is worthy of being a legendary Pokémon.

Machado's "circle" continued to extend downwards, and pictures appeared in its mind one after another.

There are ores that radiate golden light, well-preserved fossils of monsters, and passages crisscrossing the ground.

Obviously, those passages were dug by moles.

After a moment, Lin Ke's eyes flashed with light.

found it!

"No, we don't go in through the mine."

Lin Ke shook his head and did not intend to go down the mine. After all, it was not a direct route to the destination.

He has an easier and faster way!

"Huh? Why don't you go in through the mine? Or should we just dig a hole and go down?"

Pyorn asked curiously.

She felt that Lin Ke might have locked the approximate location of Dark Sonata and decided to open a direct road there.

"If that's the case, it's indeed quite convenient."

Hearing this, Sats also nodded, feeling that this method was indeed trouble-free, but don't consider the impact of digging holes.

If there is too much movement, it can easily cause large-scale collapse.

This is one of the reasons why there are very few high-powered machines digging holes in the Mineral Valley.

Although large machines are convenient, just digging a few times is enough for an ordinary person to work in a day.

However, there are intertwined large and small passages underground, and it is easy to cause large-scale collapse if you are not careful.

At that time, the loss was more than just a little bit.

Facing the curious gazes of the two people, Lin Ke showed a smile on his face and said calmly.

'''Half of my guess was correct. I did plan to run directly down there, but not by digging a hole.


A question mark appeared above the two of them.

If you don't dig a hole, how do you get down?

After a brief daze, both of them remembered one of Lin Ke's mind beasts.

If I remember correctly, that mind beast has the ability to teleport!

Just when this thought flashed through their minds, a white light suddenly appeared in front of them.

The white light dissipated, revealing an elegant young lady.

The mind beast appeared in front of everyone.

That beautiful dress accentuates its elegance to the extreme.

If super evolution is used in the future, the skirt will become even bigger.

Gardevoir's magnificent eyes were dyed with a touch of pink, and the pink thought energy quickly expanded to the whole body and enveloped the three of them.

In an instant, the infinite thought energy burst out with dazzling light, and the figures of the three people and the beast disappeared in the light.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise they would probably be frightened by this scene.

Deep in the karst mine valley,

There are passages of different sizes and very irregular shapes everywhere here, which are obviously different from the passages dug by humans.

These are tunnels dug by moles.

A pink light flashed, and three people and one beast suddenly appeared under the ground.

In order to accommodate them, Gardevoir deliberately chose a larger passage to place it.

It is a pity that Gardevoir is not strong enough, and the scope of the "country" is far less wide than that of Masha.

Therefore, a teleportation can only be transmitted to the channel, and it cannot reach the destination in one step.

However, this place is not far from the location of Dark Sonata. You can reach it by walking a short distance forward.

There is no need to use teleportation again.

"Did you run underground all of a sudden?"

"It's really teleportation!"

Pyorn looked around at his surroundings to make sure that they had really gone down to an unknown depth.

The underground is not like the surface, there is no light to illuminate it, and everything (King Qian's eyes) is pitch black.

Fortunately, several of them are nuns. They can focus their thoughts on their eyes and use "Condensation" without affecting their vision.

"It seems the environment is not as bad as imagined."

Saci raised his palm, feeling a faint breeze blowing in his hand.

Although they are underground, there is still some air circulation, which is why moles can survive underground.

The underground and the surface are not completely closed. There are some openings to each other for air circulation.

"Although the environment is not that bad, the situation may be more dangerous."

Lin Ke frowned slightly, pointed to their side, and said pointedly.

Saci and Pyorn quickly looked to the side, and couldn't help but look slightly pale after seeing things clearly.

What I saw there was a larger biological skeleton.

The skeleton was relatively complete, so they could roughly identify its appearance.

Overall, it should be some kind of earth-walking dragon, a sub-dragon type of Warcraft.

This kind of monster is usually very powerful. It can be said that creatures related to dragons are basically not weak.

If this skeleton is taken out, it will most likely be sold for a high price.

The two of them were surprised not only by the complete set of bones of the Earthly Dragon, but also by the strong thoughts of death attached to them!

Unlike the previous small bones, the death thoughts on them were too weak, making it difficult to see them with their strength.

But this time is different, there are quite a lot of thoughts of death attached to it, and the black thoughts of death are almost solidified.

The bones that should have been white were suddenly stained with a layer of black by thoughts of death.

Ordinary thoughts of death should be like a mist, but this thought of death has almost condensed from a mist into a solid state!

At this moment, a strange sound of music came from the depths, like a whisper from hell.

It will drag everyone who hears it into hell!

At the same time, the gestation bar in Lin Ke's mind also moved forward crazily, as if it was injected with chicken blood. .

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