Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 159 Harp Chapter! Gengar Beats The Soul! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

In this cave, which was so dark that ordinary people couldn't see their fingers, suddenly there came a series of weeping music.

Anyone who hears it will feel horrified.

If it weren't for the surrounding environment, if this wasn't a dark sonata, it might be rated as an extremely high-level piece of music.

After all, it is a piece of music composed by the Demon King. Not only does it have unimaginable abilities, it is also exceptionally beautiful.

But the reality is that no one wants to, and no one wants to enjoy the music.

"This is... the music of the harp!"

Pyorn pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and finally determined that this should be the sound of a harp.


Lin Ke murmured to himself.

The Dark Sonata is divided into four chapters. I have already obtained the violin chapter, and the remaining parts are the harp, flute and piano.

It seems that what appears this time is the harp chapter.

I don’t know what the “pay” and “gain” of this harp chapter are?

In the flute chapter, you lose health and gain special fat.

The violin chapter is about losing your soul and gaining strength.

What about this harp?

Lin Ke glanced at the skeleton of the monster next to him that was covered with thoughts of death.

Thinking back to the white skeleton he had obtained before, a vague thought flashed through Lin Ke's mind.

Just like before, a strong desire to die followed the sound of music.

The dark thoughts of death seemed to have a shape, flying into the bed in the shape of strange and twisted musical notes.

The oppressive feeling brought by the thoughts of death in the sky makes people breathless. Just looking at this scene makes it difficult to breathe.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly jumped out of Lin Ke's shadow, and his purple-black body aura was stronger than the thought of death.

However, Pyoern and Saji did not feel panic, but showed relieved expressions.

Because what appeared in front of them was Gengar whom they had known since the ruins of Moros!

They all know that Gengar has the ability to swallow the thought of death.

Sure enough, Gengar turned his back to them and opened his bloody mouth towards the flying thoughts of death.

A flash of light flashed across those scarlet eyes, and soon the thoughts of death in the sky twisted together in a whirlpool.

The intertwined thoughts of death flew toward Geng Gui's mouth in a spiral.

That constant stream of thoughts of death is Gengar’s buffet.

Not only the thoughts of death in front of him, Gengar also sucked in the thoughts of death on the surrounding bones.

In the process of smoking, Gengar's experience value is also constantly increasing.

The Death Thoughts 177 were completely blocked by Gengar, and both Pyonn breathed a sigh of relief.

The scariest part of Dark Sonata is here.

Being able to block these thoughts of death has greatly reduced their danger level.

But Lin Ke doesn't think so.

With the violin chapter in front, Lin Ke feels that this dark sonata is definitely not that simple.

The thing that made him most suspicious was the skeletons all over the ground.

The cave they came to was not just the skeleton of the monster, there were bones scattered everywhere.

It can be seen that this is the place where many creatures die.

Their time can be distinguished from some subtle details,

Some are relatively old bones, with extremely strong thoughts of death attached to them.

Some had recently become like this, and next to them there was the corpse of what looked like a spotted mole.

There are not many thoughts of death on it, but you can see that as the flesh and blood are swallowed up by the thoughts of death, there are more and more thoughts of death on it.

Most likely they died shortly before they teleported here.

The death wish on this one was deliberately left by Lin Ke, and he wanted to observe it carefully.

The most interesting part is the thought of death devouring flesh and blood.

Thoughts are the life energy emanating from the body and are closely related to the physical body.

So it doesn’t seem strange that Death Thought can possess the ability to devour flesh and blood?

But Lin Ke always felt that it was not that simple.

The swallowing speed was too fast, and at the same time, the swallowed parts showed a strange white light state.

Moreover, I have seen before that the flesh and blood of the people affected by the violin chapter and the devil cicada were not devoured.

Probably an effect specific to the harp passage.

"Did you find anything?"

The two people nearby saw Lin Ke staring at the mole corpse on the ground, and couldn't help but follow suit.

Countless thoughts of death are like maggots, "gnawing" at the mole's body crazily, making people's scalp numb.

After a few breaths, the thought of death swallowed up the last piece of flesh on the rat's body.

At this point, apart from the thoughts of death, only a skeleton is left on Mole's body.


Lin Ke's eyes narrowed, as if sensing something, and he stared closely at the mole's body.

I saw a strange thing floating out of the mole's body, and its shape looked like the shape of the mole when he was alive.

But it was floating strangely in mid-air, exuding a faint green light.

In the dark environment, a creepy feeling arises spontaneously.

"This is.........soul?!"

Pyonn looked at this horrifying scene, his face changed slightly, and he exclaimed softly.

The faint green light reflected on the faces of the three people looked extremely strange.

"It turns out to be a soul."

Until witnessing this scene, Lin Ke finally understood what the "pay" and "get" of this harp chapter are!

Give your body and gain your soul!

That is to say, you pay the price of being devoured by your body and gain the reward of appearing in the form of your soul.

This also reminds Lin Ke of Nen, the bald Hanzo in the original work.

On the Black Whale ship, he used his own Nen, which is fat called "Clone Technique".

He can use his thoughts to create a clone that is exactly like himself, and his consciousness will be transferred to the clone.

This clone can move at will and can penetrate space.

Although it is called a clone, its full name should be called a soul clone.

Judging from his Nen performance, he has obtained the ability similar to an out-of-body experience.

The world of Hunter

I just didn't expect that the exchange of the harp was exactly the opposite of the violin.

The violin is gaining physical strength and losing soul.

Harp is to gain the soul ability and lose the body.

What about the rest of the piano chapter?

Could it be the opposite effect from the flute?

Can you give special abilities in exchange for health?

This is not yet known, it may be true, or it may not be.

Just as Lin Ke was thinking, there was new movement in the mole's soul.

Mole Soul didn't seem to know what was happening, and just looked around blankly.

Several people can see that it is self-aware and that its soul can be controlled by itself.

But this self-control could not be maintained forever.

In vain, the thought of death on the mole's bones suddenly climbed into the mole's soul.

The mole soul seemed to want to scream, but the soul could not speak.

All this was completed in just a moment. When Pyoern and Saci reacted, the mole's soul had been completely controlled by the thought of death.

His eyes, which were still alert at first, were left with nothing but dead silence and numbness.

"Has it been manipulated?"

"Then the next step is to... attack us?"

As soon as Lin Ke finished speaking, the mole soul floated towards the three of them, a pair of sharp claws glowing with cold light, which was quite scary.

The soul at this moment is not as pure as it was just now, and the faint green light is mixed with black thoughts of death.

The speed of this soul state is much faster than that of the body!

In the blink of an eye, the mole soul flew in front of the three people, and its first target was -

Gengar is absorbing the thought of death!

It was obviously an action manipulated by Dark Sonata.

Seeing that his thoughts of death have been swallowed by Gengar, he let the mole soul attack Gengar.

The strength of this soul has probably increased, and the mole soul can move very fast.

Seeing the souls rushing towards them, the first reaction in Pyoern and Saci's mind was to retreat first.

As a Nin person, the most important rule to abide by is to never act recklessly when facing unknown abilities.

Because the abilities in the world of Hunter X Hunter are various and strange.

Any ability with any effect may appear.

Therefore, in the battle between the good and the bad, intelligence is a very important link (cfab).

The first task at the moment is to avoid the soul's attack, and then slowly figure it out, step by step, to explore the ability of the tomb soul.

Lin Ke thought the same thing, but just returning it was not enough, he had to test the soul.

It is said that ghost-type Pokémon are transformed from souls, so will it be effective if using ghost-type skills?


Geng Gui's body burst out with purple-black thought energy all over the sky. This thought energy was more like the thought of death than the thought of death.

The dark thought energy instantly gathered in front of Geng Gui into a basketball-sized thought bomb, with countless thoughts surging inside.

Ghost skill——Shadow ball!

With Gengar's S-level strength, it can easily create a shadow ball several times larger than this.

Considering the surrounding environment, Gengar chose a smaller shadow ball.

The shadow ball flew straight towards the mole's soul. When the shadow ball touched the soul, the imaginary explosion did not appear.

The soul and shadow ball are like water and fire, canceling each other out.

But the mole's soul was obviously weaker than Gengar's shadow ball, and the soul completely dissipated after only a slight resistance.


The unobstructed shadow ball flew straight towards the cave wall, and finally made an expected sound.

The fluctuation of the shadow ball is about to stir up pieces of decaying dust in the cave.

Lin Ke waved his hand casually, and the dust that was about to move fell silent again.

"It seems that the rock underground is quite solid."

Lin Ke glanced at the big hole blasted by Gengar and said softly.

Under the attack of Gengar's small shadow ball, it was pretty good that the cave did not collapse.

"Can it actually hit the soul?"

Saci couldn't help but exclaimed, so surprised that the curly beard on his mouth was trembling.

Although Pyoern next to him was a little surprised, he did not regain his composure after a brief shock.

After all, it was Lin Ke who took action. He was like the representative of the word "miracle". It seemed that there was nothing in the world that Lin Ke couldn't do.

Subtly, Pyoern is also changing in the direction of Menqi, and he is also full of infinite confidence in Lin Ke.

Lin Ke was recalling the scene where his soul was attacked just now. Although the performance was a bit strange, it was certain.

That is, ghost skills have an effect on the soul.

I don’t know if other skills from other departments have any effect?

At the same time, he also had some guesses about the consequences of the soul attack.

Since it is a soul attack, most of the damage is not the body, but it is probably a direct attack on other people's souls?

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Ke felt that Dark Sonata was not simple.

Each chapter has unique abilities, and Death Thought can control the affected creatures.

"Since you can attack and get the soul, and the music doesn't work, I think it can be solved easily this time."

Saci stroked his curly beard, and his tense face gradually relaxed.

Having Lin Ke by your side seems to mean having a sense of security around you.

There shouldn't be any problem solving it.

Lin Ke's words are an understatement. With Marshado in the shadow, no matter how many souls there are, he can push through.

"But we may face more souls than we think."

Lin Ke looked at the bones on the ground and said something that made Saci feel chills.

He just ignored one thing.

If the soul emerged from those corpses.

Doesn’t that mean that every skeleton represents a soul?

How many skeletons are there here?

He couldn't count.

Because it’s everywhere!

And there are not many that are completely displayed. Many of them have a paw in the east and a skull in the west.

After so many years, it is normal for more creatures to be corrupted by Dark Sonata.

But this also means that they are likely to face an army of souls in unimaginable numbers!

"No matter what, let's move forward first.

The appearance of the mole soul revealed to them the power of the Harp Chapter, which made Lin Ke curious.

How many souls are there where Dark Sonata is?

According to Machado, there is a quite large space deep in the cave, where an extremely large number of souls gather!

As a ghost-type fantasy beast, Marshado's "Yuan" can also perceive the soul.

What's more, Zhuowu Qu probably gathered the collected souls around himself.

This kind of manipulation must also have a limited range and cannot be too far away from the main body.

If Lin Ke and others had not appeared, the soul of the mole would probably have drifted deeper into the cave.

If the estimate is correct, they are heading towards Dark Sonata, and Dark Sonata is waiting for them to come.

Then use all the souls to catch them all!

It's a pity that Mashado's "Yuan" has already found out everything about the situation there.

Dark Sonata is not a Hunter, but a prey!

Geng Gui walked at the front, responsible for swallowing the thoughts of death that came to him in the form of spicy strips.

I don't know if it is more secretly that Zhu Wuqu is planning to lure them over and then use the soul army to destroy them.

So even the sound of music was a little fainter, and the thoughts of death that floated over were not as strong as they were at the beginning.

There wasn't much distance to begin with, and with the unhurried pace of the three people and one beast, they quickly reached their destination.

"Is that really the case?

Saci couldn't help but sigh in a deep voice when he saw the scene in front of him that was beyond imagination.

In addition to being overly shocked, even Saci's small mouth hidden under his beard was exposed.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the three people was the army of souls filling the cave!

Inside the large cave, the air is filled with the souls of different creatures.

There are all kinds of souls inside, ranging from snakes and rats to dragons and beasts.

A few people even saw a figure that seemed to be the soul of the walking dragon in front of them.

After years of savings, Dark Sonata has gathered an army of souls!

The cave that should have been dark was now filled with the faint green light emitted by the soul, mixed with a little ink.

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