Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 160 The Soul Of The Suture Monster! The Terrifying Dark Continent! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Countless souls are floating in the air of this cave, as if they are all seeking their lives against the creatures that appear.

You can see that they have mouths, as if they want to make roars, but they can't make any sounds due to the state of their souls.

It formed an extremely strange scene.

This is their silent roar!

The souls filling the sky are certainly terrifying, but what attracts Lin Ke's attention more is a figure in the depths.

Similar to the previous violin, it was also a black shadow surrounded by strange thoughts of death.

The human-shaped black shadow occasionally has thoughts of death floating out from its body, and the above person is holding a harp outlined by thoughts of death.

His fingertips kept playing on the harp, and the sound of music flew towards several people with thoughts of death.

In the end, they all ended up in Gengar's stomach.

Seeing several prey finally arriving here, the music of the dark sonata became louder and louder.

A piece of music starts from the beginning and now finally reaches the climax, which is also the war drum that instructs the soul to attack.

The black shadow plucked the strings even faster.

If the harp was not formed with thoughts of death, the strings would probably be broken by now.

Despite the increased tempo, the music still maintains a strange rhythm.

When they heard the sudden change in the music, Pyoern and Sats raised their vigilance to the highest level.

With such a change, they wouldn't believe it if nothing happened.

The results did not exceed many people's expectations.

After the high-pitched music appeared, the souls in the sky changed from their wandering state, and a large group rushed straight towards a few people!

Although the souls could not make a sound, their actions stirred up gusts of wind and made a lot of noise in the cave.

Because the number is so huge!

The entire cave is densely packed with souls, and ordinary people will never see one in their lifetime. It's just like wholesale here.

While on alert, Saci also broke out in a cold sweat subconsciously and looked in Lin Ke's direction unconsciously.

To be honest, it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to deal with these souls.

The real protagonist can only be Lin Ke.

At this time, Lin Ke didn't think this would be too much trouble. If it really had to be solved, it would be easy to get one more face to face with Ma Zhen.

But there are not many opportunities to encounter souls, so you can take advantage of this opportunity to try it.

Try other skills besides ghost skills to see if they are effective for souls.

And Gengar just gave feedback that these souls can also provide experience points.

It just so happens that Gardevoir and Porygon Z are just a few experience points away from S-level, and both of them have relatively wide skill pools.

As soon as a thought came to his mind, two figures appeared in front of Link Ke.

【Two mind beasts?】

Saci looked at it curiously. He had seen one of them before, which was the teleportation beast.

But what abilities does the other one have?

This one looks very strange. It feels like its body is upside down, and its body looks a bit like an inflatable duck toy.

While Satsuki was thinking, Gardevoir and Porygon Z had already begun to attack.

Gardevoir's body aroused a dazzling light, and streams of thought energy suddenly surged out of his body.

Under precise control, each ball of thought energy is transformed into a different skill.

A lot of things suddenly appeared in front of Gardevoir. These attacks were all kinds of strange and varied.

The only thing they have in common is that these attacks are so terrifying that ordinary people will die if they touch them.

There are green leaves, but they emit a strange colorful light, which is particularly eye-catching in the dim cave.

Each leaf seems to be blessed with navigation, flying accurately towards the soul in the sky.

Grass skill——Magic Leaf!

There is a large, dazzling flame, but it is different from ordinary flames. It is filled with magical colors.

The magnificent flames are not meant for attack, but rather for appreciation.

The light is constantly flowing in the flames, making people easily intoxicated.

Fire skills——Magic Flame!

The mental energy on Porygon Z's body is like boiling water. In the boiling state, attacks appear in front of him instantly.

There is a huge beam of blue color, like a column.

Wherever the light beam passes, it will leave a biting cold wind, and anyone disturbed by the light will be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Ice skill——freezing beam!

There was a loud sound, like a thousand birds chirping, and streaks of yellow lightning were flowing.

Electrical skill——One hundred thousand volts!

In addition to these skills, Gardevoir and Porygon Z also paused deliberately, and then used the Shadow Ball in unison.

The previous ones are all tests. If they don't work, you can let the shadow ball harvest them.

"Can you actually use so many different abilities at the same time?"

Saci stared at the colorful skills in amazement, and the originally dark cave was suddenly illuminated by the light of the skills.

This was the first time he had seen so many abilities being used at the same time.

According to Nen's judgment, these moves should belong to the Conjurer category.

But despite this, what Saci saw basically used one of the changing properties.

Either transform the thought energy into the nature of fire, or transform it into the nature of thunder and lightning, but I have never seen anything that can be transformed into any nature.

Just what appeared in his eyes were flames, leaves, electric shocks, ice...

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The powerful soul was suddenly swallowed up by the skills, and the aftermath of the explosion stirred up pieces of dust in the cave.

The smell of decay carried the thick smoke and swept towards the depths of the cave, gradually shrouding the black shadow's body.

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, and seeing the smoke dissipating, it seemed reasonable.

In addition to the ghost type, other types of attacks are effective.

But very weak!

There is one exception, and that is evil skills.

The evil wave effect of Porygon Z just now was very obvious, and the dark ripples knocked down a large number of souls in the blink of an eye.

In other words, the soul has relatively strong resistance to skills other than ghost and evil.

If Gardevoir and Porygon Z were not stronger, it would be difficult to cause damage using other skills.

Now that the conclusion of the experiment has come out, Lin Ke no longer needs to waste time.

After receiving instructions from Lin Ke, Gardevoir and Porygon Z immediately transformed into ruthless forts.

Shadow balls and waves of evil suddenly attack the soul one after another.

As a result, the number of the soul army decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Each blast vaporizes a bunch of souls.

Just when a few people thought they could successfully clear the obstacles, there was new movement from the shadows.

It seemed that he was angered by the actions of Gardevoir and Porygon Z, and even the music played was full of anger.

It is said that music can express emotions, and this is true when I see it today.

The anger of the black shadow filled the entire venue with the sound of music, echoing in the cave and unable to dissipate for a long time.

"Are you angry?"

Saci murmured to himself, always feeling that the change in the music was not that simple.

The last time the music changed suddenly, the souls attacked them.

So what does it mean this time?

"Huh? So it's fusion?"

Lin Ke suddenly looked into the sky, and countless souls gathered crazily towards a center.

Souls big and small deformed under the control of the music, as if they were melted and fused together.

Just like a large robot transforming, each soul is combined separately.

In an instant, a giant soul was created.

The momentum of the giant soul is still rising. This is the aura of souls condensed together.

Not only is the momentum terrifying, but even the appearance is terrifying.

It's even flattering to say it's a robot transformation.

This is a Stitch monster, similar to the abomination in the game.

The head of this giant soul is some kind of snake head, the body is an earthly dragon, and the limbs are the limbs of an unknown creature.

At a glance, there are at least a dozen different creatures.

Not to mention how much strength can be exerted, at least the momentum and appearance are not very scary.

But this is not all the strength of the giant soul. I saw huge green light gathering in front of the giant soul.

From a tiny energy ball to a huge green beam, everything was formed in the blink of an eye.

"Can you still use the beam?"

Lin Ke became more interested in this soul. He didn't expect that he could use light beams after fusion.

This appearance is already very intuitive, it is a light beam formed by using the soul.

When the light beam was formed, the giant soul was several levels smaller.

Using the light beam formed by the soul, no one wants to touch it, who knows what impact it will have on themselves.

I guess if you rub it even a little bit, your soul will be annihilated, right?

These attacks are all aimed at the soul.

People's exercised bodies cannot resist at all, and even thoughts may not have much resistance effect.

Thoughts are the breath of life and are closely related to the body. They do not have a good effect on attacks that only target the soul.

The faint soul beam was formed and launched in just an instant, but it was stopped by another attack in mid-air.

The dark waves were like the sea in the middle of the night, beating forward like ink.

That profound fluctuation is darker than thoughts of death, it is the ultimate darkness!

It is like a black hole that can swallow everything wantonly, and the soul light will be broken the moment it touches it.


The bright beam of light like green glass is eaten bit by bit by the black hole,

The huge soul beam quickly disappeared into the fluctuations without causing any ripples.

Evil skill - Wave of Evil!

The wave of evil continued to attack backwards with undiminished effect.

When the giant soul is hit by the waves of evil, it melts away quickly like snow melting.

After a few breaths, the originally huge suture monster's soul suddenly dissipated, turning into bubbles and disappearing between heaven and earth.

A horrifying figure floated in front of everyone, and there was an infinite dark atmosphere coming from it.


The three evil dragons suddenly let out a roar, and just a random shout can achieve the effect of a loud roar.

The thick smoke and dust in front suddenly drifted toward the rear.

If the cave was still filled with the music of the Dark Sonata before, now there are only the auras of the three evil dragons left!

That is the aura that can be called the Lord of Darkness!

Anyone facing this kind of aura will be aroused in fear and unconsciously lose their fighting spirit.

There is only endless fear left!

The black shadow still refused to give up and played the music desperately. The remaining soul planned to repeat the previous operation.

It's a pity that neither the three evil dragons nor Gardevoir and Porygon Z have any intention of giving it this opportunity.

Three Pokémon used skills at the same time, and among them the three dragons made the most noise.

With a single blow, countless souls were turned into fragments, and these soul fragments finally disappeared into the air.


Under this continuous harvest, the number of souls is constantly decreasing, and the experience points of Pokémon are constantly rising.

Both Dark Sonatas brought a lot of experience points to Pokémon.

Otherwise, if you want to face so many powerful enemies at once, you will most likely have to go to the Dark Continent to have a chance.

As two prompts sounded in succession, Gardevoir and Porygon Z were promoted to S-level at the same time!

Successfully crossed from A+ level to S- level!

At this point, he has a total of seven Pokémon in the level 5 range!

They are Bangira, three evil dragons, Gengar, Kuailong, Lucario, Gardevoir and Porygon Z.

Of course, these alone are not enough to wander into the dark continent at will.

Back then, Netero, Jaeger, and Lin Ji, three S-level experts, went to the Dark Continent together.

In the end, it was only a preliminary exploration and retreated in defeat.

Over the years, V5 Cruise Hall has tried to explore the dark continent.

In the end, not only was there no harvest, but it also brought disaster back.

As the V5 ferry hall is a department specifically targeting the Dark Continent, the troops sent out must also include S-level experts.

But the final result is basically to drink and hate on the spot, and in most cases even coming back is a luxury.

He has only encountered two disasters so far.

The first time was the gas life form "E", a body dependent on desire that had been sleeping for an unknown length of time.

At first, he was able to solve it by luck with Gengar's special ability.

The second time was the plant weapon encountered in the Death Thought Cave—gold and silver ingots.

Although I encountered S-level gold and silver ingots at the highest level, it was just a small ancient labyrinth city.

Even compared to the real thing, it is so small that it can only be called an ancient maze "countryside".

The real ancient labyrinth city standing on the dark continent was more enlightened than any he had ever seen.

There will definitely be no shortage of S-level gold and silver ingots there!

In addition to these two, there are three other known disasters.

They are the two-tailed snake with the ringing hell, Papu the human-nurturing beast, and Zorba AIDS, the immortal disease.

Not to mention that these disaster books are only five disasters on the darker continent that are close to the six continents.

After going deep into the dark continent, there will be countless and more terrifying disasters!

Human beings are incapable of deep exploration. It is these kinds of disasters that stop them "outside" just after landing.

No one knows what kind of "hope" or what kind of terrible "disaster" there will be in the future.

The fact that the Dark Continent is a restricted area for human beings does not come out of nowhere, but is acquired at the cost of blood.

There is no room for human life there, and every second you stay up there is a huge crisis.

It is very common to be alive and kicking there one second and be dead and dismembered the next second.

Therefore, it can better reflect the power of Dong Freecss.

He was able to explore the Dark Continent alone for so long, and even had the energy to write travel notes. He was at least a $-level expert.

Lin Ke's biggest and true support at the moment is Ma Shado as a fantasy beast!

And the blood-locking hanging after merging with the sturdy ghost cicada!

These two are his true confidence to dare to explore the dark continent.

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