Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 161 Super Gardevoir! The Terrifying Ichthyosaur! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

After the giant soul was destroyed, even if the black shadow played music frantically, it would be of little use.

When they entered, the entire cave was densely packed with souls.

People with trypophobia will faint immediately after looking at it.

Normal people will feel their scalp numb after watching this, and then become patients with trypophobia.

But now there are only a few of them, and the whole cave is suddenly much spacious, leaving only Lin Ke and others and the lonely black shadow.

Originally we were outnumbered, but the offensive and defensive momentum changed in the blink of an eye.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

Just as the three evil dragons were waiting for the Pokémon to collect their souls, the second gestation bar in his mind also reached its end.

The new Pokémon has a blue head like a fish.

There is a huge, oval-shaped skull on the forehead.

It has a pattern of lighter blues and reds near its eyes that covers the entire head.

What looks like a neck is actually the tail of the lower body of a resurrected fossil dragon.

The dark green skin is full of red lines, and there are red spikes on the top.

It's none other than one of Xiaozhi's generals - Ichthyosaurus!

As a fossil Pokémon, Ichthyosaurus is one of the strongest among them.

According to the illustrated book, its extraordinary leg strength and jaw strength made it invincible in ancient times.

However, due to exhaustion of prey, they themselves became extinct.

The only criticism I have is that the appearance is a bit off, but after watching it for a long time, it still feels a bit cute.

Especially in the original work, the ichthyosaur often wants to bite Xiaozhi's head.

Forcibly, Xiaozhi experienced what Kojiro felt.

Originally, Lin Ke always thought that Ichthyosaurus was just like that.

Although it is said to be ugly and cute, its appearance is still far different from those of Lucario's Pokémon.

It wasn't until Lin Ke thoroughly understood the ichthyosaur that he realized its true charm. "One Zero Three"

Suddenly he went from ugly and cute to "handsome".

The most special thing about the branchial ichthyosaur is that it has a skill - gill bite.

[Gill Bite]: Bite the opponent with its hard gills. If you attack before the opponent, the power of the move will be doubled.

As a skill of this type, gill bite will increase the power by 1.5 times, and with the addition of gill bite, the effect will be multiplied by 2 times.

If the branchial ichthyosaur has the characteristic of strong jaws, then the power of the gill bite will be doubled.

Not counting other bonuses, these alone are scary.

Forcibly increasing a skill with 85 power to 382.5.

Except for the slight difference in speed, the attack power is really nothing to say. Encountering many enemies is just a matter of gill bites.

As for speed, it doesn't matter to Lin Ke at all. He has too many ways to make the ichthyosaur attack first.

For example, let Gardevoir teleport it to the enemy.

Or let Happy Egg use gravity to slow down the opponent...

Moreover, Ichthyosaurus, as a water-type Pokémon, can also solve Lin Ke's gap in sea battles.

Currently, he has many suitable Pokémon on hand, whether on land or in the air.

But the only ones in the ocean are Chenglong and Kuailong, who can barely be counted.

The emergence of branchial ichthyosaurs can fill this gap very well.

After using Constraint and Oath on the Ichthyosaurus, specific information has also been released.

Name: Ichthyosaurus

Traits: Strong Jaws

Attributes: water, dragon


Skills: Gill bite, angry incisors, dragon wave, crushing, mental teeth…………

In addition to the most distinctive skill of [Gill Bite], Ichthyosaurus also possesses the skill of [Angry Incisors].

[Angry incisors]: Use sharp incisors to bite the opponent violently. As long as it hits, it can reduce the opponent's health by half.

In the game, HP is only reduced by half, and has no effect on actions such as using skills.

But here is the reality. One bite and half of the opponent's blood is definitely a very serious injury.

It is even possible that he fell to the ground because of this.

This is the same rule-based skill as [Same Life]. As long as it is bitten, the effect will definitely be exerted!

Go down to ants and go up to SS level.

No matter what kind of creature you are, as long as you are alive, if you are bitten, half of your blood will be lost, and you will be seriously injured!

In the real world, the [angry incisors] of Ichthyosaurus are even more important than the [gill bite].

No matter how much the gill bite is increased, it will still be useless against an enemy that is far stronger than oneself. It may not even be able to break through the defense.

But Angry's incisors will be half-blooded as long as he bites them, and the difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

Pokémon's regular skills are also one of the things Lin Ke relies on to dare to explore the dark continent.

[Protect] that will definitely protect you, [Same Life] that will definitely take away the opponent, and [Lay Egg] that will instantly restore half of your health.


These rule-based skills are the charm of Pokémon.

Taking his mind out of his mind, Lin Ke walked towards the black shadow step by step.

After all the minions have been cleared, it's time to face the general.

If there was no precedent for the violin, Lin Ke might not have this idea, thinking that he would be done with other things.

But after the last sneak attack by the shadow, Lin Ke was convinced that the shadow this time also had the ability to attack.

This is Dark Sonata's use of his own death thoughts!

"Hmm? Don't you need to bring them all?"

Lin Ke walked leisurely towards the black shadow, with Gardevoir and Gengar following him on the left and right.

The three evil dragons and Porygon Z stayed where they were.

Porygon Z is okay, but the momentum of the three evil dragons is too scary.

If Dark Sonata is frightened, the scene will not go on smoothly.

Sure enough, after the soul was swept away, the black shadow seemed to have no means of attack.

The blurry figure like snowflakes kept trembling, and wisps of black smoke composed of thoughts of death escaped from the body.

It can be seen that the disappearance of so many souls has taken a huge toll on it.

Because it uses its own thoughts of death to control the soul, the larger the soul, the more thoughts of death it needs.

So many souls were wiped out, and its thoughts of death also entered Gengar's belly.

There is no chance to recycle it.

This scene is so familiar, Lin Ke remembers that the violin shadow had the same reaction.

But it's a pity that no matter how much you act, the ending is doomed.

The difference from last time is that Gengar's job this time is to deal with the aftermath, which is to eat the thoughts of death.

The task of attacking is handled by the lovely wife beast——Gardevoir.

I remember that Gardevoir was my first Pokémon, and it was through her that I got my "first pot of gold."

It's a pity that as the number of Pokémon increased and their strength became higher and higher, Gardevoir also lost his dominance early on.

Normally, I use teleportation to move short distances, and for long distances, I use Porygon Z to move in space.

As for attacks, she rarely appears, and she is only used as a fort during group battles.

After experiencing gold and silver ingots, devil cicadas and an army of souls, Gardevoir finally reached S-level.

Become one of the top powerhouses in the six continents.

More importantly, she can finally use her gorgeous super evolution!

Gardevoir will no longer be a Pokémon that can only serve as a support, but can also serve as the main attacker.

The next face to face with this black shadow is the first battle of Mega Gardevoir!

"Tada, Tada, Tada......"

Since the souls had been cleared away by the Pokémon, the cave became dark.

In the dark and strange environment, the only sound of Lin Ke's footsteps was unusually loud.

The black shadow saw that the three evil dragons stayed where they were and did not follow, while Lin Ke walked towards him in a swaggering manner.

Adding a bit more confidence to the subsequent sneak attack.

Sa Ci, who was at the back, opened his mouth, wanting to say something to remind Lin Ke, but then he thought that it was not his turn to remind Lin Ke.

He must be absolutely sure that he would make such a move.

As soon as this idea came into Sa Ci's mind, something suddenly changed on the field.

When Lin Ke approached to a certain distance, the black shadow that had been shrinking into a ball suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura.

Countless thoughts of death were carried by the dark wind and swept around, and the black shadow's human-shaped hand was also resting on the harp.

Then a series of violent plucking sounds sounded, as if every pluck had the meaning of breaking the strings.

The force used exceeds any previous strumming, and the music is exceptionally loud and harsh.

The sound of this music is extremely high-pitched, as if it can pierce people's hearts.

This time the playing was not like playing the harp, if Lin Ke had to describe it, it was more like pulling a bow!

The harp outlined by dark thoughts of death is more like a dark bow at this moment!

In the blink of an eye, a large group of thoughts of death appeared in front of the harp in the black shadow's hand, forming ink arrows in vain.

The arrows are lifelike from the head to the arrow feathers, as if they were carefully carved by top masters.

Ordinary people would have the illusion of having their hearts pierced just by looking at it.

Was it a bow and arrow?

Lin Ke had a look of surprise on his face and was a little surprised when he looked at the arrows that were shooting at him at such a high speed.

He thought that the harp's attack should be similar to the violin's use of death thoughts to form sword auras.

Unexpectedly, the attack was in the form of bows and arrows?

So the attack methods of each Dark Sonata are still different.

The violin is obsessed with sword energy, and the harp is obsessed with bows and arrows. I don’t know what attack methods the piano and flute will use?

Maybe sword energy, spear or something like that?

Countless ink arrows flew towards Lin Ke like raindrops. This was the black shadow's last trump card!

It tried its best to achieve a sure kill, so it used almost all its thoughts of death in this move!

Either Lin Ke falls in the rain of arrows, or it dies in Lin Ke's hands!

Judging from the way the thought beast swallowed the thought of death, this person did not have the means to eliminate it.

It's a pity that its attack has been guarded by Gardevoir next to it.

Almost instantly, Gardevoir's body burst out with extremely strong thoughts, and the sky was filled with thoughts that forced the ink-colored arrows to stop!

Enveloped in the dazzling white light, Gardevoir's figure changed, magnifying in vain...

After the white light dissipated, Gardevoir's new appearance also appeared in front of Lin Ke.

No, it should be called Super Gardevoir now!

Gardevoir has not changed much after mega evolution, and the biggest difference lies in the lower body.

The main reason is that the skirt of the lower body has expanded a lot, and the temperament has changed from an elegant young lady to a noble lady.

The aura on his body is also more terrifying, and his every move is a perfect combination of elegance and power.

It has both gorgeous beauty and no lack of power.

Name: Gardevoir (super evolved form)

Features: Fairy skin

Attributes: Super power system, fairy system


Skills: Magic Sparkle, Mental Power, Moon Power, Mist Field, Teleportation...

After the super evolution, Gardevoir's special attack racial value has increased from 125 to a terrifying 165!

This value is extremely terrifying, and its special attack ranks among the highest among all Pokémon.

The special attack value of 165 means that any long-range skill of Super Gardevoir can exert terrifying power!



Super Gardevoir said with a solemn expression, and a sweet voice like a silver bell echoed in the cave.

The pink light on her body became stronger and stronger, and her body seemed to be covered with a layer of pink gauze, full of charm.

Gardevoir, who was already at S-level, was briefly raised to level 5 after super evolution.

Coupled with the characteristic effects of fairy skin, if you use general skills, you can transform into fairy skin.

At the same time, the power of skills can be increased by 20%.

This is the fairy type of this system. With this characteristic, the power of Gardevoir's skills will be even more terrifying!

I saw the shining pink powder centering on Super Gardevoir and quickly spreading to the surrounding areas.

It was as if there was an invisible hand pushing them all over the place.

Suddenly, the entire cave was filled with fairy energy, and pink light shone everywhere, illuminating the dark venue.

The hazy dust formed pieces of mist in every corner, turning the originally weird and scary scene into a fairyland!

Fairy skills——Mist field!

The original effect of [Mist Field] is that it cannot enter an abnormal state, and the power of dragon skills is halved.

But in reality, this Fairy-type field somewhat increases the power of Fairy-type skills.

Once the mist field appears, the power of Super Gardevoir's subsequent skills will be even higher.

Super Gardevoir raised his head slightly, and a flash of pink flashed in his beautiful jewel-like eyes.

Immediately, the extremely rich pink thought energy intertwined and entangled in the air, vaguely outlining a huge outline.

That is an outline that cannot possibly appear in this underground space!

"That's...the moon?!"

Seeing the astonishing scene on the field, Pyorn's pupils shrank slightly and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, a moon quietly appeared in her pale pink pupils, completely occupying her pupil space.

In my eyes, there is nothing but the bright "moon" and the fairyland-like venue!

Fairy skills - the power of the moon!

Super Gardevoir is in a fairyland formed by the mist. In the sky is a bright moon formed by the power of the moon.

The bright moonlight shines on her delicate face and even the pure white skirt, like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world.

Everywhere reveals a sense of otherworldly freshness, which makes people feel inferior involuntarily.

It is a kind of beauty that is right in front of you, but hard to touch.

It wasn't until this moment that Gardevoir truly looked like a [Super Queen]!

This is the real super queen!!

It can be seen from the trembling appearance of the black shadow. This time it is no longer a disguise.

But I am genuinely scared!

The power of the moon with 95 power, coupled with 165 special attack racial value, 1.5 times this system, and the bonus of mist field.

This brings the power of Super Gardevoir's moon power to a very high level!

Even preventing his own attack from causing the cave to collapse, Super Gardevoir also controlled the power of use.

So as the black shadow continued to tremble, the bright pink moon quickly hit it.

The bright and shining moon seems to be indestructible.

Those ink-colored arrows that were stagnated in the air by Super Gardevoir turned into a wisp of death thoughts and scattered in all directions just after touching them.

Like an army that has been defeated in a battle, it is in disarray!


The Gengar next to him took the opportunity to swallow the scattered thoughts of death into his mouth, turning a lot of experience points into the meridian strip.

It can be seen that Gengar eats very well.

Although Marshado despises it, Dark Sonata's Death Thought is a top delicacy to it.

The unstoppable power of the moon rushed straight into the black shadow, and the black shadow instantly dissipated in the minister of the bright moon.

The gathered thoughts of death were completely dispersed, and in the end he could not escape the ending of being eaten by Gengar.

As Lin Ke's first Pokémon, Gardevoir finally returns to his powerful team today!.

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