Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 162 Soul Crystal! Gengar's Gift! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

After experiencing Jade's huge resentment and the death wish in the Harp Chapter of Dark Sonata, Gengar was successfully promoted from S level to S+ level!

Become the second S+ level Pokémon in his hands!

When he first learned about Gengar's special ability, Lin Ke had a hunch that its promotion speed would be very fast.

Whether it is the Six Continents or the Dark Continent, there is indispensable existence of substances like the thought of death.

It can be said that Gengar's "experience candies" are everywhere.

Later I also learned that this should be an ability possessed by ghost-type Pokémon, which can absorb negative substances and strengthen themselves.

Marshado looked down upon something of this level, and his super seductive eyes didn't have as much potential as Gengar.

So most of the thoughts of death went into Gengar's belly, which allowed him to be promoted to the current S+ level!

If he had to choose the most important Pokémon in his possession, Gengar would definitely be one of them.

As the last thought of death fell into his stomach, the figure of the black shadow completely disappeared, and no more thought of death could be seen around him.

Only the mist that has not completely dissipated is left, so uninformed people may think that this is a fairyland.

You can never imagine that just now it was a place of death with a dark and terrifying atmosphere!

"It's really scary ~ Such strength..."

Sa Ci twirled his beard, looked at Lin Ke, and muttered something.

He knew Lin Ke was very powerful from before.

Whether it was the Steel Mind Beast, the defeat of President Netero, or even the performance in the Sky Arena...

All these show that Lin Ke's strength has reached a level beyond his imagination.


"Does the mind beast actually have a second form?"

Sa Ci spoke with a trembling tone and asked the same question as Mo Laowu.

It's acceptable if one Nian beast can transform, but what if all Nian beasts can transform?

At this time, Saci suddenly remembered the scene when he watched Jade's live broadcast.

Although it was only for a moment, the gas beast behind Lin Ke seemed to be transformed from Gengar?

This can also be recognized from the appearance. Gengar's appearance does not change significantly before and after his super evolution.

Pyorn looked at Lin Ke silently and did not respond to Saci's soliloquy.

Because as early as the 27th day when she and Jin were exploring the Cave of Death Thoughts, Gengar had transformed in front of her and Jin.

At that time, she had the same idea as Satsuki.

Today finally confirmed this guess!

If one is an exception, then Gardevoir's transformation has greatly reduced the probability of an exception.


Lin Ke Really, every mind beast has its own transformation ability!

Not only has the appearance changed, but the breath, strength and other aspects have also been improved.


Gengar touched his enlarged belly. It felt very comfortable now that it had just had a full meal.

A pair of scarlet eyes curled up with a smile, and a smile appeared on his mouth involuntarily.

The belly stretched by the thoughts of death is digesting at a speed visible to the naked eye and is continuing to shrink.

in the shadow,

The petite Mashado looked through the shadow and saw Gengar laughing heartily in the outside world.

Looking at his good friend "Gengar" who was enjoying a good meal, Mashado showed sympathy on his cute little face.

Even something like this can taste so delicious, how bad must Gengar's food be?

Seeing that his friend was eating so "poorly", Marshado's eyes became firm and he thought to himself.

It will find more delicious food for Gengar in the future!

Lin Ke glanced at his own shadow, then looked at Gengar, his mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what to say.

It can only be said that there is a huge difference between the two.

Dark Sonata is definitely the top dark item on the six continents, but even such thoughts of death are still not in the eyes of Marshado.

If you want to make it interesting, you can only go to the Dark Continent.

Looking past Gengar, Lin Ke focused on the three things in front of him.

Previously, the violin chapter was two things, but really it should be one.

Because one of them is a mummy that Dark Sonata used to possess, it is of no use.

This Harp chapter is no exception, there is also a corpse, which is of no use to Lin Ke.

What really caught his eye were two other things.

One of them is the must-have Dark Sonata score, which is also a strange yellowed piece of paper.

The paper is made of an unknown material and has a musical score that seems to have been deliberately distorted.

Ordinary people will feel dizzy after just one glance, as if their souls are being sucked into the paper.

Obviously this is the score of the Dark Sonata recording the harp chapter, and Lin Ke has collected half of it so far.

The gestation bar that symbolized the dark sonata in my mind was halfway through at this moment, and just stopped there without moving.

In order for this gestation bar to reach the end, Lin Ke must also obtain the remaining two Dark Sonatas.

Like last time, the music score has the effect of amplifying ghost skills.

After thinking for a short time, Lin Ke decided to focus on Gengar.

This music score is not like the props in Pokémon, the effect is not regular.

When a Pokémon item is said to increase by 20%, it means 20%, neither more nor less.

The improvement effect of this music score is a fixed value, not a percentage increase.

There are many effects for Gengar, especially when stacked with multiple copies, it will be quite impressive.

But if you give it to Ma Shaduo, it will be the same as not giving it at all.

Marshado's strength is too strong. It is estimated that all four music scores placed on it will have minimal effect.

Since the improvement effect is a fixed value, it doesn't matter who you give it to.

It would be more appropriate to give Gengar, who has lower strength and more appearances.

After handing the music score to Gengar, Lin Ke turned to look at the last thing left.

This is something that didn’t appear in the last violin chapter!

Gengar took the music score with his two short hands. Based on the last experience, he understood that this was something that could improve his strength.

Just when it opened its mouth and was about to swallow the music score, its movements suddenly stopped.

Geng Gui stared at Lin Ke's shadow, then looked at the music score in his hand, and a thought flashed in his mind.

He already has a piece of music, should he give this to his new good friend Majando?

Gengar felt that he couldn't be too selfish.


Gengar's deep voice came from beside him, pulling Lin Ke out of his state of concentration.

"Are you saying that you want to give something to Marshado?"

Lin Ke had a look of astonishment on his face and repeated what Gengar Gengar said again.


Gengar nodded heavily. He really wanted to give the thing to his good friend.

Although we haven’t known each other for a long time.

Although my new friend Marshado is not very good at talking.

Although Mashaduo is very powerful, it is easy for him to feel scared.


Gengar could feel Mashatu's care and love for it, and it wanted to give Mashatu something.


Lin Ke glanced at the shadow, and through the shadow he could feel Marshado's current mood.

It was a complex mixture of emotions such as touching, joy, etc.

"Okay, then you can hand the music score to Marshado later."

Lin Ke smiled and said softly.

Anyway, it’s not much different for anyone [The relationship between Geng Gui and Ma Zhongduo is more important.

Lin Ke is happy that they can become such good friends.


Gengar held the score in his arms like a treasure, looking forward to giving it to his good friend later.

However, thinking of how Mashaduo looked down on Death Thought, Gengar felt a little depressed, and some bad pictures couldn't help but appear in his mind.

Will Marshado like this gift?

After making arrangements for Geng Gui, Lin Keyou looked at the things in his hands.

This is the last thing left after the black shadow disappears, and it is also the strangest looking thing.

The shape is a hexagonal column crystal shape, which looks extremely regular, like a work of art carefully carved by a master.

The crystal is crystal clear, with a uniform green color inside, exuding a faint green light from time to time.

No matter in terms of color, shape, etc., this green crystal is almost comparable to the seven most beautiful colors in the world!

And this strange green light was exactly the color of the soul he had just seen!

The two are exactly the same.

Think about it again, there is no violin chapter, but there is a harp chapter that controls the soul.

A thought flashed through Lin Ke's mind. This green crystal is most likely related to the soul!

Faced with such strange things, Lin Ke planned to use his long-unused graphics skills to distinguish them.

The illustrated ability is activated!

Name: Soul Crystal

Source: Originated from the Dark Sonata Harp Chapter of the Demon King, which has the special ability to control the soul.

By bringing the souls of living things together, they can be condensed into a crystal-shaped soul body.

It contains a lot of soul energy and has extremely special effects, but it cannot be used under normal circumstances.

After using the illustrated ability, Lin Ke finally learned the specific situation of the green crystal.

As guessed, this is a soul crystal, which is made up of the souls of living things.

Although the source was clarified, Lin Ke still didn't know what use it was, so he could only put it with Gengar first.

Since it is a soul crystal, its use is mostly related to the soul.

Perhaps after the soul is damaged, the soul crystal can be used to repair the soul of a creature?

Or can the soul crystal be used to launch soul attacks, like the soul army before?

The appearance of this soul crystal made Lin Ke more interested in things like souls.

I don’t know what role it will play in the end.

Lin Ke feels that we are likely to encounter souls in the dark continent in the future.

Gengar took the soul crystal with ease and remained there without making any movement.

"What's wrong? Marshado is still waiting for you to give you a gift?"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and saw that all the things were collected, but Gengar still stayed where he was.


Geng Gui lowered his eyes, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

It doesn't know if Marshado will be willing to accept its gift. If he refuses, will it affect their friendship?

"No, Marshado is looking forward to your gift."

Lin Ke didn't expect that Geng Gui was worried that Ma Shado would not accept the gift, so he had to comfort Geng Gui.

With Lin Ke's encouragement, Geng Gui mustered up his courage, plunged into the shadow, and disappeared in front of Lin Ke in the blink of an eye.

in shadow,


Geng Gui handed the music sheet to Marshado, his short hands trembling slightly.

As a ghost-type Gengar, he abruptly behaves like a Parkinson's disease patient.


With a smile on his face, Machado first gave Gengar a hug, and then took the music sheet.

This is a gift from a good friend, and of course it will accept it.

Although it doesn't have much effect on it, it is mainly Gengar's intention.

Seeing that Ma Shaduo accepted it directly, Gengar also showed an innocent smile.

Marchado casually put the music score on himself, the music score

In vain, he encountered a suction force and gradually sank into Mashado's body.

No trace of the score can be seen from the outside.

Lin Ke felt that this trip to Yanshi Island could be described as "very fruitful".

First, two generals, the fossil pterosaur and the branchial ichthyosaur, were born, and the progress bar of Dark Sonata reached half of the sky.

Secondly, the Pokémon gained another batch of experience, allowing Gengar to be promoted to S+ level.

What makes Lin Ke most happy is that Gardevoir successfully crossed over to S-level and acquired a super evolved form.

His wifemon has more opportunities to appear.

Finally, he came into contact with the new thing of the soul, and his understanding of the soul was deeper.

He also obtained a soul crystal whose specific use is unknown at the moment.

If 703 needs to add a little more, then the items purchased at the market in Youshi can also be counted.

Not to mention the medicinal materials with various effects, the most useful ones are blood fruits and blood rhizomes.

The former is a magical medicine that can replenish a large amount of blood in a short period of time.

The latter is a "crop" tool that can shorten plant growth and improve plant survival rate.

It can be listed as one of the gains.

After repeatedly confirming that nothing was missing, Lin Ke returned to Pyoen and others.

"It looks like everything here has been cleaned up."

Lin Ke looked around the cave. Under the detection of "Yuan", he could clearly sense everything here.

There was nothing in the cave except scattered smoke and some broken bones.

While Lin Ke was studying the harvest, Sa Ci also jumped some scattered bones and took them away.

The thoughts of death on these bones have been eaten by Gengar, so he can safely take them back for collection.

Now they also have a rough idea of ​​what causes the changes in bones.

It should be caused by the thoughts of death attached to it in the Harp Chapter, and it may also be related to the soul.

With this connection, coupled with their impressive appearance, these skeletons have considerable collector value.

"As expected of the strongest in the world~"

Saci suppressed his surprised expression and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

In the entire six continents, no one can treat Dark Sonata like Lin Ke.

Not to mention dealing with it, most people can't even pass the music level.

Not to mention the army of souls behind, the souls of suture monsters, and even the last sneak attack.

Any one of these links can stop most people on the six continents!

If you want to completely pass the level, only one person can do it!

That is the new strongest in the world——Lin Ke!

The dark sonata that others are afraid of avoiding, Lin Ke does the opposite and takes the initiative to look for it.

This alone is enough to win over countless people.

This all comes from confidence in your own abilities.

"Now that it's over, let's go up."

With a flash of pink light, several people disappeared immediately, and the dark cave fell into deathly silence.

Maybe someone will dig here in the future and be amazed by the countless strange skeletons here.

But these have nothing to do with Lin Ke and the others.

Although the purpose of this trip has been achieved, Lin Ke plans to travel here with Pyoendo for a while.

After all, the relationship between the two has just been confirmed, and they still need to spend more time together.

This Yanshi Island is a very good tourist destination.

Saci's target also passed away, and there was no need to spend time digging.

Next, he will stay here to study fossils for a while, and he can also serve as a tour guide to lead the way for Lin Ke.

While Lin Ke was enjoying traveling, a drastic change was taking place in the NGL autonomous country on the six continents!

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