Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 163 Netero’S Determination! The Truth About Chimera Ants! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

When Lin Ke and Pyorn were traveling on Firestone Island, the Chimera ants that had originally wandered from the Dark Continent to the Six Continents had already formed a climate.

As the days passed, the Chimera ant colony grew stronger, and even Chimera ants that mastered thoughts appeared.

Hunter Association,

In the top office.


President Netero looked at the report on the table with a rare serious look on his face, without his usual playfulness.

"You actually chose such a creature..."

After carefully reading the introduction of Chimera Ant, Netero couldn't help but sigh, with a vague sense of relief in his tone.

Chimera ants are also called chimera ants.

This is a creature that can combine the characteristics of the food it eats to give birth to new ants.

If the queen ant is given enough types of food, the ants born will continue to evolve.

There are also creatures like chimera ants in the six continents, but they are all the size of ordinary ants.

Far from being as big as a human being as it appears today.

Moreover, ordinary chimera ants cannot integrate human characteristics. They can only eat some small bugs and improve their carapace.

The chimera ants that appeared this time are not only surprisingly large, reaching the size of a human, but they also have a human form!

Many chimeric ants have been found to have human characteristics.

If human genes are fused, can we master human abilities?

For example………………Nen!

And the intelligence that humans are proud of!

Chimera ants that can absorb the advantages of humans have far surpassed ordinary chimera ants.

Obviously, this is not a creature that can appear in the six continents!

There was only one place Netero could think of such a dangerous creature coming from.

That is the Dark Continent!

Based on this information alone, Netero knew that this was a creature from the Dark Continent.

This is indeed the case. Chimera ants, as creatures from the dark continent, are also considered one of the "disasters".

It is a "disaster" with a hazard level of B!

"Have you finally made up your mind? Biande...

Netero murmured in a deep voice.

At this moment, Netero's emotions were mixed.

There is both emotion and joy that my son is finally willing to take this step.

Netero doesn't blame his son.

He would only be disappointed that Biande did not have the courage to kill him directly, but resorted to such a method.

Although it is a bit strange, this is indeed the agreement between Chairman Netero and his son Biande.

The specific content is: Biande can go to the Dark Continent in the future, but he must be killed!

As a father, Netero asked his son Biande to kill him so that Biande's wish could be realized - to go to the Dark Continent again.

There are restrictions and oaths made here, so Biande must abide by them.

In the words of Chairman Netero, if you don't even have the courage to kill him, then going to the Dark Continent is just a matter of death.

One is to test courage, and the other is to test strength.

For Biyande, the second point is not a problem. As the son of Chairman Netero, his strength is equally impressive.

It's hard to tell who will win between the prime-age Billander and the old Netero.

It's the former that really limits Bjornde.

He didn't take action for a long time because he couldn't make the move and couldn't pass the test in his heart.

President Netero is a little unclear. This action is more led by Biande's partners.

"NGL Autonomous Country, you really found a good location.'


Netero tapped his fingertips on the table, making crisp sounds, and finally said slowly to the villain next to him.

"Douzi, go make a call and ask Mo Laowu, Nobu and me to go to the NGL Autonomous Country.

Now that the chimera ants have fully fledged, how many ants are there, large and small?

It was too much effort for him to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers by himself.

Mo Laowu's purple smoke machine army is very useful for reconnaissance and clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

Nobu is a rare space type Nin, and his [fourth-dimensional apartment] can be used as a hidden resting place.

"Okay, long."

The bean-faced man nodded his pea head and left the room to call the two of them.

We have the clean-up troops and a resting place, but what is missing?

Netero's eyes wandered, thinking about what he was missing.

Suddenly a figure broke into his mind, it was Lin Ke!


To say that the one with the most abilities is Lin Ke.

Having him alone is equivalent to having a whole team.

Lin Ke's various mind beasts can provide great convenience for actions, and their strength is the strongest in the world.

If you lose it, you'll be fine even if you die.

You can also let Lin Ke take care of the details.

Why did you miss Lin Ke just now?

Sure enough, I am still old, and even my brain is no longer bright.

President Netero shook his head, stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window next to him, and took out his personal mobile phone.

Aizhen Continent

As the largest continent among the six continents, a large country—the Kajin Empire—was established on it.

As a country that occupies an entire continent, Cajin is not one of the V5 countries.

Therefore, joining V5 is also one of the long-term goals of Cajun leaders.

The latter part of the plot was also realized, and V5 became V6 from then on.

In the capital of the Cajin Empire,

Here is a magnificent palace.

The palace covers a very large area and covers an extremely vast area.

Bizarrely, you can see the light emitting from gold even at night.

It can be said that almost the entire palace is made of countless gold, silver and jewels!

Either top-notch gems or rare ores.

In this palace, if anything is taken to the outside world, it will be fought over by countless people.

But the status here is like a piece of grass, just a piece of "garbage" piled up randomly.

In the largest living room in the palace,

There is a huge map placed on the wall, and the map's frame is made of extremely pure gold.

The patterns on the map are also carefully drawn by masters, down to the smallest details.

If any ordinary person saw it, they would be shocked.

Because this map is completely different from the map of the six continents known to ordinary people.

The six continents only occupy the middle area on this large map, and there is a whole circle of ocean around it.

Beyond the ocean is a continent whose main color is black.

Perhaps deliberately, this black continent is painted in an extremely strange way.

Whether it is the color or the things on it, they all present a strange look and feel, which makes them uncomfortable to look at.

However, there is one person who looks at such a map every day.

At this time, a figure was standing in front of the map.

This man is fat, with a round belly and a face full of fat, and there are two long beards on his face.

At first glance, it looks like a fat pig that has become a sperm.

He was wearing clothes sewn from high-grade fabrics, and his upper body was a yellow-red dress with a flower pattern.

The lower body is green scaly pants, which look weird when paired together.

This person is none other than the current king of the Cajun Empire——Nasby Gray Guoru.

Because the sounds of "Hui Guo Rou" and "twice-cooked pork" are similar, many comic fans also call it the King of Twice-Cooked Pork.

The twice-cooked pork king held the goblet, gently shook the jewel-like wine inside, and then fell asleep.

This is an extremely rare wine in the six continents, made from top-quality rose grapes.

The rose grapes are extremely round in shape, and each one is as beautiful as a crimson ruby.

Many people believe that the beauty of this rose grape is comparable to the seven most beautiful colors in the world.

It is said that after eating this rose grape, the aroma of roses and the taste of grapes will burst out in your mouth at the same time.

Such a mellow taste will stay on the tip of the tongue for three days and three nights before dissipating.

Because of its beauty, the lucky few who get it mostly collect it or sell it.

Each rose grape is of immeasurable value, and few people would choose to eat it.

Not to mention luxurious enough to make wine.

Even the twice-cooked pork didn't care about the wine at all, and focused entirely on the map in front of it.

The pair of Doudou's eyes were filled with images of the map, and nothing else could enter his eyes.

It seems that the map is more important than the rose wine.

That was true for him, but it wasn't the map that mattered.

It's the symbol behind this map.

Like many kings, Twice-cooked Pork looks forward to leaving his name in history and being remembered by people all over the world.

There is nothing that cannot be gained by reaching their status.


He has a total of fourteen princesses.


He has so much money that he can't even throw it away. The continent of Aizhen is extremely rich, and there is no shortage of money in his treasury.

The only thing he lacks now and what he desires most is fame!

Just being the king of the Cajin Empire and being remembered by the people of Cajin is not enough!

He wants to make the Cajin Empire one of V5, or let V5 become V6!

He also wants to do something that can shock the six continents!

After years of planning, he finally set his goal on the Dark Continent!

An unknown, brand-new continent, if he makes it public, let all people know the existence of the dark continent.

Then his name will definitely be remembered by the world!

That's why he was so interested in this map that he even looked at it every day.

What matters is not the map, but his reputation.

"Hohoho, are you looking at the map again?"

A strong man came from the door. Seeing Twice-cooked Pork looking at the map again, he couldn't help but chuckle.

The strong man's voice was rough, but he deliberately lowered his pitch, as if he didn't want to disturb the twice-cooked pork.

The strong man stepped lightly across the blanket made of top beast furs, with afterimages vaguely appearing on his figure.

It was obviously moving at a slower speed, and he appeared next to Twice-cooked Pork in a blink of an eye.

This shows that the strength of the strong man has reached an extremely high level. This scene is also similar to President Netero's Hundred Styles of Guanyin.

The strong man's words sounded like a joke between friends.

But it can be seen from the strong man's deliberately light steps that he is on the weaker side in the relationship between the two.

"It's Biande~Ashe."

Twice-cooked pork glanced at his ally Biande, and then turned his attention to the map on the wall.

From this subtle move, it was revealed that Biyande's status in the twice-cooked pork heart was far lower than his own reputation.

"Hohoho, I just have something I want to tell you."

Biande touched the back of his head and showed a "honest" smile.

The strong man is none other than Chairman Netero's son——Billander.

I have to say that the two are indeed father and son, and even their laughter is very similar.

In the Hunter X Hunter world, names come first, followed by the surname.

Chairman Netero’s full name is “Izhak-


Billander's full name is "Billander-Netero".

But because Chairman Netero's reputation is so outstanding, the world generally calls him Netero.

As long as the world mentions the three words "Netero", they will think of the president of the Hunter Association.

Instead of him "Bjander-Netero".

Therefore, even though he has such a powerful father, Biande is not willing to reveal that he is the son of President Netero.

President Netero also roughly understood Biande's thoughts and did not take the initiative to disclose information about his son.

Therefore, except for a very few people in the six continents, no one knew that President Netero actually had a son.

Biande's appearance is quite similar to Chairman Netero's, and he looks exactly like Netero in his youth.

The biggest difference is that Biande has an X-shaped scar on his face.

This scar was very large, covering his entire face. It must have been a horrific battle.

Another difference is that Biande is in his prime, with black hair and beard, while President Netero has already turned gray.

"What do you want to say~Hui?"

Twice-cooked pork was not surprised by Biande's arrival. He seemed to have expected it, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

In addition to its body shape, the biggest feature of twice-cooked pork is its catchphrase.

He added the word "grey" after every sentence.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that the Chimera ant already has ants that can use Nian."

Biande spoke indifferently, but when he mentioned reading, there was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being a creature of the dark continent?

He can actually use his mind energy by devouring humans and possessing human genes.

The chimera ant that Bjander mentioned can use telekinesis is called Lamodo.

It was the rabbit chimera ant that Gon and others accidentally opened the Aura Nodes.

"Have you learned how to use Nian yet~ Hui."

"The creatures of the Dark Continent really have terrifying talents~Hui."

The twice-cooked pork couldn’t help but sigh.

From the seriously injured Queen Ant to the Six Continents, and now to the Chimera Ants using Nian.

It’s only a few months in total!

But none of this has anything to do with him!

It should be said that he hopes that the Chimera Ants will become stronger and better, so that the probability of Netero dying in battle will be higher.

"I don't think you are still worried about Isaac Netero, right?" (Nuohaohao)

Twice-cooked pork finally turned around and looked directly at Biande [those deep and heavy eyes had already penetrated Biande's heart.

Under his serious expression, even his catchphrases disappeared briefly.

Biande's body suddenly trembled, but he didn't say anything.

"You must know that you are my ally. Because of your agreement with Isaac Netero, I have been patient for a long time."

"Seeing that the time limit is getting closer and closer, you still refuse to make up your mind to deal with your father personally."

"That's when I contacted V5 and paid a heavy price to have them arrange for Chimera ants to come over."

"You don't have to take action, just watch quietly and it will be solved."

"Now we are only one step away from the completion of the matter. Don't tell me that you can't even accept this!"

The last sentence of twice-cooked pork had a significantly higher pitch, and there was a hint of anger in the tone.

Twice-cooked pork has a cooperative relationship with Biande. Twice-cooked pork has the resources of an entire empire and is responsible for logistical support and funding.

Can be understood as a sponsor.

Biande is responsible for building a team and recruiting experts. Many people have already joined this dark continent-oriented team.

"Oh... I will accept it. After all, I still want to go to the Dark Continent.

Biande sighed heavily and his expression softened again.

Seeing that Biande recognized the reality, a smile slowly appeared on Twice Pork's face full of fat.

As a partner, Biyande has many advantages. He has high strength, high emotional intelligence, and is well-organized in building a team.

The only thing that made him unsatisfied was this. He could never do anything to his father.

He also needs to spend more money and energy to arrange Chimera Ants

But fortunately, these are all worth it. If the estimate is correct, there is a high probability that Luo will die soon.

Once a person dies, the agreement between him and Biande will disappear, and Biande can go to the Dark Continent smoothly.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. I plan to add a People's Committee to the list of personnel."

"I just don't know if I can recruit him?"

"His name is Lin Ke.".

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