Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 164 You Must Find Lin Ke! Only He Can! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Firestone Island,

Outside a fossil museum somewhere.

Lin Ke stood outside, answering the call from President Netero.

"Hoho hoho, that's it, let's see you then.

President Netero's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, just let me know when the time comes."

Lin Ke said with a smile on his face, with a hint of expectation in his tone.


As a hang-up sound sounded, Lin Ke put the phone into his pocket and looked at the blue sky.

"Chimera ants..."

Chairman Netero just called him to invite him to join the Chimera Ant Crusade Team.

Calculating the time, it is indeed almost at this juncture. It is normal for Netero to invite himself.

After all, I can support a team by myself.

In this case, the chimera ant expedition team will have to add him.

Fighting chimera ants is a very important plot, even if Netero didn't invite him, he would take the initiative to go there.

Let’s not talk about what Pokémon will be born.

The three chimera ant guards and the most powerful ant king alone can provide him with a lot of experience points.

As for the other "little minions" ants, they are just like that, compared with the king ant, they are in the sky and the earth.

Although Nen is full of strange things and looks weirder than the last, his strength still cannot catch his eye.

At the same time, Lin Ke also had an idea in mind.

An idea that would make others think he is crazy if he tells it to others!

That is, after dealing with the three guards, let the ant king eat the bodies of the three guards!

The ant king has an incredible devouring ability. As long as he eats the body of a more powerful creature, he will gain a higher level of improvement.

If the corpses of the three chimeric ants from the Ant King's guard are given to him, the Ant King's strength will soar to an unimaginable level!

Before the martial arts competition, Lin Ke was not sure whether he wanted to do this.

The super-enhanced ant king may have to use the "poverty rose" to solve it.

But after getting Mashaduo, Lin Ke no longer had such worries.

It is precisely because he knows the difference between SS class and S class that Lin dares to conclude.

Even if the ant king eats the three guards, he will never be a match for Marshado!

After eating the corpses of the three guards, the Ant King will not make a comeback, but will only bring huge experience points to his Pokémon!

To put it bluntly, even if Mashado can't defeat the ant king, Gengar still has his own "poor rose" in his belly.

At that time, if Gardevoir or Porygon Z just throw it away and run away, they can still kill the Ant King.

[Poverty's Rose], also called [Poor Man's Rose], is a highly toxic bomb made by a big country.

Although it is only the size of a small box, it will have the power of a nuclear bomb once it explodes.

The most terrifying thing is not its destructive power, but its strong poison.

Countless miles behind the explosion will be enveloped in poison.

In the original work, after absorbing two of the three guards, the ant king suddenly recovered from a near-death state.

But he died in the end.

He was poisoned by the poison remaining in the air.

It can be seen from this that [Poverty Rose] is extremely poisonous. Even if it is as powerful as the ant king, it can only end in death.

Although humans have Nen, technology is still one of the irreplaceable and powerful means.

The power of technology cannot be underestimated.

Things like [Poverty Rose] may not be needed, but it will definitely not go wrong if you have them.

Because of its powerful destructive power and appalling poison.

V5 countries have explicitly banned the production and trade of [Poverty Rose], and have also recycled most of the stock.

But behind the scenes, this kind of thing is still being produced, but the price is quite expensive and not something that ordinary people can afford.

Lin Ke, who has infinite wealth, is naturally not short of this money.

Just scatter some of it casually and you can easily get the "Poverty Rose"

Time passed little by little, and soon night fell.

In the NGL autonomous country, a strange building stands in a dense forest.

This is a building made of soil, clay and other materials. It has an extremely strange shape and looks like a random building.

Under the moonlight, the building looks like a twisted rock pillar, giving people a twisted look.

This is an ant nest created by a chimera ant colony, which contains terrifying chimera ants that people cannot imagine.

In a room inside the ant nest,

There is a strange red light everywhere, not like a warm red, but a dark red filled with dripping blood.

"Nen's systems include Enhancer, Conjurer... and the most special trait system."

"Increasing the air volume and making the flow of thought energy faster, most people will spend a lot of time on these two points..."

"Proficiency in these two items is the key to determining...the outcome of the battle."

Bakul is like a puppet with dull eyes and talks about mindfulness in a robot-like tone.

Behind him was Catwoman Eleven Fei Tiyudo, who was holding an insect needle and stroking Bolt's scalp to prompt him to speak.

"That's how it came to me (that's what it is)."

Catwoman nodded, and continued to control Bakuer's brain with interest, making him speak out more knowledge.

Catwoman, as the name suggests, looks very similar to a cat.

In the silver-white hair, there is a pair of standing cat ears, and there is also a slender cat tail behind her.

The overall appearance is very cute.

But her behavior is completely opposite to her appearance, and her attacks are very cruel. In her mind, only the Ant King is really important.

You can treat other things however you want.

Her personality is also very similar to that of a cat, with strong curiosity and playfulness.

At this moment, Bakul was in her hands like a doll that she could manipulate at will.

Catwoman is one of the three guards of the Ant King and the earliest member of the guard.

As beings whose strength is only lower than that of the Ant King, the three members of the guard have mastered the ability of Nian since they were born.

Is a born nun!

At the same time, Catwoman's IQ is also quite high, with only a few books and a pair of insect needles just pulled out of the soldier's head.

It can stimulate the cerebral cortex of others and achieve the effect of reciting memories.


Catwoman's actions shocked the two chimera ants next to her, and their mouths opened slightly.

This method of controlling creatures to spit out memories is quite shocking to them.

"Then what's the way to tell the difference?"

A look of intense curiosity appeared on Catwoman's face, and she controlled Bakuol while asking.


"Last question, who is the most powerful person you have ever met? How does it compare to me?"

Catwoman paused for a moment, and then said interestingly.

"It's...Lin Ke!"

"Lin Ke is stronger!"

When he said the word "Lin Ke", Bakuul's tone was obviously excited.

At least compared to the emotionless and completely mechanical tone before, this time it will be more personal.

Bakuul's originally stiff and corpse-like face could not help but reveal a hint of fear.

It can be seen that Bangela's ghost in Hunter's exam left a big legacy for him.

As long as the word Lin Ke is mentioned, the scene at that time will come to mind, and I will feel scared subconsciously.

"Oh~ Stronger than me? Is your name Lin Ke..."

Catwoman's eyes flashed with light, she wanted to meet this Lin Ke for a while.

See who is stronger!


Catwoman casually threw away the two needles.

At this time, a chimera ant came from the other side, holding a glass of water with a leaf floating on it.

"Ramodo, you come first."

Catwoman pointed to the cup on the table. Although it was called a table, it was actually a protruding rock.

Lamodo is the first chimera ant to master mind, and he is also the chimera ant that Biande mentioned about the twice-cooked pork.

The amount of water in the water glass suddenly surged, and it obviously belonged to the Enhancer.

After Ramudo finished testing, Catwoman also tried the same.

To their surprise, the leaves in the water cup suddenly withered and broke into several sections.

At this moment, Catwoman curiously poked at the dead leaves that were almost turned into powder.

Catwoman, feeling that there was nothing interesting about her, turned around and left, leaving only one last sentence before leaving.

"That one is of no use anymore. Give him to Her Majesty the Queen."

Not far from the ant nest,

Kate, Gon and Killua are tracking three chimera ants back to the ant nest.

"It's really amazing. I haven't lost him since the beginning."

Killua walked lightly because there were lawns everywhere and it would make noise if he stepped hard on them.

From the time they focused on these three chimera ants, Kate has not lost their bearings until now.

Obviously this is an extremely superb "circle"!

"Kate seems to have said it? A 45-meter circle."

Gon glanced at Killua and whispered back.

"I heard that the circle of a first-class nen is about 50 meters, and Kate's is quite close.

Killua turned his head slightly and looked at Gon, somewhat surprised.

"No, Kate has been fighting all night. It is very likely that the true range is more than 50 meters."

Killua then thought that something was wrong. Kate's "sameness" probably shouldn't be more than 50 meters away.

In other words, Kate's strength has definitely reached the level of a first-class master.

Kate walked in front, but her words were also heard in her ears.

Kate is a tall and slender man wearing a blue ray beanie, a white top and black pants.

She has long, straight hair, and her silver-white hair falls straight down to her waist.

The most conspicuous feature of Kate's body, apart from her thin body, is her slightly deep eye sockets.

The black eye sockets look like a national treasure giant panda at first glance.

After talking along the way, Kate also helped the two little ones have a deeper understanding of Hunter, and also handed over Jin's Hunter license to Gon.

Let him personally return Jin's Hunter license to the original owner when he finds Jin in the future.

Just when everything was so warm, the scene changed in vain.

When they reached a cliff, Kate suddenly felt an extremely terrifying evil thought coming from the front!


Kate shouted in a deep voice, her pupils quickly shrank, then suddenly dilated again, and she subconsciously knelt down.

"How could that be's unbelievable!"

Kate's face suddenly became very ugly. His prediction was far wrong!

There are extremely powerful beings among the chimera ants!

"Gon! Killua! Run!"


Kate suddenly turned her head and shouted towards the two little ones.

But something happened suddenly, and the two little cats were not strong enough and couldn't sense Catwoman's aura.

He didn't react for a moment, but looked at Kate in confusion, who was facing a formidable enemy.

"Damn it, it's too late!"

I saw outside the ant nest not far away, Catwoman was squatting on the rock pillar, the pair of deep

His eyes crossed the distance between them.

He actually saw Kate and others directly!

"I found it~"

The corners of Catwoman's mouth curled up slightly, and her thighs suddenly swelled, as if they had been inflated by a pump, with countless veins popping out.

With a flick of her tail, Catwoman's body flew out like an arrow in the next moment, leaving not even an afterimage in mid-air!

"What happened Kate?"

As soon as Gon asked the question, he saw a strong wind suddenly blowing on the field, followed by a little blood falling to the ground.

At this moment, Catwoman suddenly appeared next to Kate, and her sharp claws broke off his right arm!


This is the sound of a whole arm falling to the ground!

Catwoman was half-crouching on the ground, posing like a cat preparing for a fight.

Those big eyes glared at the two of them, filled with boiling murderous intent!

Countless evil thoughts were like a torrential river of blood, rushing straight towards the three of them.

In an instant, the whole world turned blood red!

Especially Gon and Killua, their hearts seemed to be pinched hard and might explode at any time.

Even breathing is extremely difficult!

Both Gon and Killua's pupils shrank, shocked by this sudden change!

The needle in Killua's head kept tingling with warning.

You will die! Run!

Covered by Catwoman's extremely evil thoughts that seemed to emerge from hell, Killua couldn't even escape!

A large amount of cold sweat fell down from their faces, and their clothes were instantly soaked with cold sweat.

Just then, Gon realized that Kate's arm was completely broken!

It's all because of him!

If he hadn't reacted too late, Kate could have avoided this attack! Her right arm wouldn't have been broken!


Gon's heart was filled with anger and regret, and he forced the energy in his body to burst out, letting out a roar.

The golden thought energy is extremely conspicuous among the bloody evil thoughts, but it is a candle that can be extinguished at any time.



Just when Kate was about to scold Gon, she saw Killua using his sword sharply.

But the target of the attack is not Catwoman, but Gon.

A sudden blow to the back of his neck caused Gon to fall unconscious and was caught by Killua.

"Good job! That's it Killua! Get Gon and get out of here!"

Kate's face was filled with joy and she quickly urged her to leave with Gon.

If you stay here, all three of you will die!

Killua took a deep look at Kate, gritted his teeth and disappeared with Gon on his back.

Catwoman glanced at Killua and Gon who were leaving, but didn't pay much attention to them, instead focusing on Kate.

She is only interested in Kate.

Those two are too weak.


Kate exhaled heavily, ready for her final battle.

Although he still has a trump card to save his life, he cannot guarantee that it will be effective.

But no matter what, as a Hunter and Jin's apprentice, he will never be timid in a bed fight!

Kate suddenly waved her remaining left hand, and a "toy" with a clown pattern suddenly appeared.

"Ah hahaha, what a crisis at the end of the road!"

"Hurry up and get a good number!"

The clown opened his mouth and laughed, while the number above rotated crazily and finally stopped at "3".

The clown toy suddenly turns into a magic wand.

This is Kate's Nen - the crazy clown!

When the ability is activated, the roulette wheel in the clown's mouth will roll the numbers 1-9, each number corresponding to a different embodied weapon.

Kate herself cannot control what weapons will appear each time.

You must have used the weapon that was shaken out before you can use the ability next time, otherwise the weapon will not disappear.

As Jin's apprentice, Kate is naturally very powerful, and the Nen she possesses is also quite outstanding.

There are a total of nine weapons, covering several aspects of effects. It is a very comprehensive Nen.

Unfortunately, one arm was cut off first, and after fighting for a whole night, Kate's ending seemed to have been decided.

On the other side, Killua ran wildly with Gon on his back.

As if to match their mood, it happened to rain heavily, making Qi's mood even lower.

He and Gon are both too conceited!

Together with Gon, neither he nor Gon can compare to Kate who has lost her arm.

This conclusion can be drawn from Catwoman's reaction.

This is an extremely terrifying enemy!!

Whether it’s Ilmi or Hisoka…………

Even Muscular Granny Biscuit and Grandpa Jeno are not so scary!

Killua kept turning over the names of people one after another in his mind, but he could never find anyone who could compete with him!

Killua's expression became increasingly horrified.

Does it mean that no one can defeat that enemy?!

Suddenly, Killua thought of someone.

That’s Lin Ke!

That’s right!

Be sure to find Lin Ke!!

Only Lin Ke can solve it! Pill!.

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