Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 165: Insect-Type Fantasy Beast? Lin Ke Appears! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

early morning,

On the grassland near the entrance of NGL Autonomous Country, a figure suddenly appeared.

Because the fog was heavy in the morning, Killua's figure was not revealed until we were almost out of the grassland.

After escaping from Catwoman, he actually ran with the unconscious Gon on his back all night.

Because the situation was critical at that time, if Gon's head was delayed for one second, Catwoman might take it off.

He couldn't control the strength when using the hand knife, so he didn't know when Gon would wake up.

We had already gone deep into the NGL Autonomous Country and fought for another whole night. It took a lot of physical strength. Plus, we were carrying a Gon on our back...

So much so that we didn’t arrive at the entrance of NGL Autonomous Country until the next morning.

After crossing two large ancient trees, Killua and Gon arrived at the junction of the NGL Autonomous Country and the outside world.

Killua helped the unconscious Gon to the side, and the first thing he did was take out his cell phone to make a call.

They must ask for support!

And we must let Lin Ke come!

The NGL Autonomous Country is a very strange country.

It is located at the western end of the Mito Federation of Balusa Islands and is surrounded by the ocean.

Because most of the people inside are members of the NeoGreenLife (Green New Life) team.

So this country was named NGL Autonomous Country.

Their slogan is: completely abandon mechanical civilization and let people live in nature.

Therefore, the people living here are the same as the people in the old times, living a life of men farming and women weaving.

On the surface, there is no high-tech thing at all. People's mode of transportation is horseback riding.

The most common form of settlement is a village, and a huge country is composed of countless small villages.

High-tech products are not allowed in this country, let alone mobile phones.

Therefore, it can be said that it is the most suitable place for the development of chimera ants in the entire six continents.

It is difficult for any breaking news to be conveyed to the outside world in time, and most of the connections between people are only within the village.

The chimera ants continued to encroach outwards from the depths of the NGL autonomous country, and they were not known until they grew stronger.

Even if ordinary farmers can't defeat them, even soldiers with guns can't defeat many ordinary chimera ants.

Yes, this country that keeps saying that it "completely abandons mechanical civilization" has soldiers with guns.

On the surface it is a green country, but in fact it is used as a place to hide factories.

Countless addictive pills are made here and then distributed to various places on the six continents.

These soldiers are also used to guard the factory.

The contrast between the surface and the underworld is surprising.

Anyone who wants to enter the NGL Autonomous Country needs to go through a search in the two ancient trees at the junction of the gangs.

Make sure you don’t bring any “technology products” before entering.

Killua and others were no exception, so he ran all the way out and was able to contact the outside world.

In the wilderness not far from the NGL Autonomous Country, a delivery truck was speeding on it.

Sitting on it were Kate's biological survey team teammates and the chimera ant expedition team they helped bring.

"What? You left Kate there alone?! What are you doing..."

Spina was stunned for a moment, then angrily questioned Killua on the other end of the phone.

Such an emergency situation, but Kate was left alone at the scene!

As Kate's teammates, they would naturally feel angry.

But before Spina could say anything, the phone was taken away by Mrs. Wen in the back seat.

"Hmm...the situation is now known."

"You don't have to worry, we are heading to your side now, and we have brought reinforcements."

Wentai is a man with a simple and steady face. Even in the face of such an emergency, he can still calm down and comfort Killua.


Killua, who was still half-crouching, suddenly stood up. He didn't expect reinforcements to arrive so soon!

Will there be Lin Ke in it?

"We'll be there soon, just wait a moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was hung up on the other end. Killua originally wanted to ask something, but he didn't say anything.

Not long after, in Killua's eyes, a delivery truck quickly drove past on the other side of the horizon.


As the truck stopped, a large amount of dust was kicked up on the exposed surface.

Three figures vaguely emerged from the dust, walking towards Killua.


Killua's pupils shrank, and there was a feeling of anticipation in his heart. He didn't know if there would be Lin Ke inside!

Must have Lin Ke!

This might be able to save Kate.

The smoke slowly dispersed, and the three people's figures were completely exposed to the eyes.

On the left is a man with silver hair and a sturdy build. He is the tallest among the three.

Wearing the iconic sunglasses on his face, he is wearing a suit that has never changed for thousands of years.

The broad nose, square face and brown skin are not as conspicuous as the big pipe slung on his shoulders.

It's just that the big pipe is now wrapped in cloth and will not be removed until the battle.

It was Mo Laowu who met Lin Ke not long ago!

On the right of the three people is a bespectacled man in a black suit.

Wearing a high-end suit, he doesn't look like a staff member, but has an aristocratic temperament.

His face is calm and cold, and at first glance he looks a bit like Sakamoto, the most pretentious boss in anime.

The man's name is Norbu, and he is a staff member of the Hunter Association, so he wears crisp suits all the time.

Killua didn't know either of them, but he knew the middle one.

Standing in the middle of the two is Chairman Netero, the founder of this chimera ant expedition!


Killua stared blankly at the three people walking towards him and murmured in a low voice.

He didn't expect that President Netero would also come.


He was still disappointed that Lin Ke didn't come over. He felt that even President Netero might not have won Catwoman!

Lin Ke must come!

"Hohoho, it looks like you've been hit hard~"

Netero walked up to Killua and glanced at Killua, who was shaking his head and looking gloomy.

He glanced at the unconscious Gon again, stroking his long beard, but there was no change on his face.

Netero sighed in his heart, now it is estimated that there are not only chimera ants that can use [Nian Nian].

It is very likely that a very powerful being has appeared!

He also roughly knows the strength of Gon and the two, and it is definitely not at the level of children they appear to be.

Even the strength of these two children has surpassed that of a large number of Nin people.

But there were two people like this, one fell into a coma, and the other, Killua, who was still conscious, had a look of despair on his face.

Netero subconsciously recalled the reports he had read about chimera ants.

Although most of the ones that appeared this time were chimera ants from the Dark Continent.

But judging from various signs, most of their characteristics are similar to ordinary chimera ants on the six continents.

The most obvious one is the class differentiation among chimeric ants, with the highest being the ant king and the lowest being the soldiers.

According to the assessment of those experts, the time for the birth of the ant king should not have come yet.

That is to say…………

Do only the chimera ants under the ant king have this level of strength?!

While stroking his beard, Netero secretly sighed and felt more and more fortunate that he had invited Lin Ke.

Otherwise, it will be a lot of trouble to deal with it.

Mo Laowu stared at Killua, who looked desperate, and opened his mouth. He was about to say something, but stopped when he reached his mouth.

At first, he saw that the two of them were just children. They were probably not very strong and were frightened when they encountered slightly stronger opponents.

After all, how strong can two children be?

If you can come back smoothly after encountering the enemy, it is estimated that the opponent's strength will not be much higher.

From this point of view, is it really necessary to mobilize the three of them, or even President Netero?

Just as he was thinking this, his mind recalled inexplicably the experience of meeting Dark Sonata with Lin Ke and others.

It was after that experience that he realized that there really were such terrifying dangers in the Six Continents.

No matter what you face, you must always have a cautious heart.

This was Mo Laowu's biggest gain from that operation.

This is also the reason why Mo Laowu did not continue to speak.

Maybe they encountered a crisis similar to that of Dark Sonata?

Mo Laowu didn't speak like in the original novel, but Nobu on the other side did.

"So pathetic."

Nobu pushed up his glasses, and a bright light flashed across the lenses, making his eyes look sharper.

"They are just kids and it's natural for them to be scared.

Nobu's thoughts at this moment were the same as Mo Laowu's before.

Because of Killua's childlike appearance, they underestimated the terror of the chimera ants.

Just a kid………………

Netero blinked and said nothing more.

Anyway, when you see the enemy with your own eyes later, your concept will naturally change.

"Is it just the three of you?"

Killua lowered his head, and anyone could hear the disappointment in his tone.

Nobu frowned. In his opinion, let alone someone like President Netero, he and Mo Laowu would probably be broken.

Unexpectedly, he still thinks that the support force is not enough?

"Oh? Why do you ask?"

Netero asked curiously, even though Killua's meaning was already obvious.


Killua slowly raised his head and looked directly at the three of them. His eyes were covered with gloom and there was no trace of life in them.

"Because I have also learned Nian, I know very well that you are all very strong.

At this moment, in Killua's eyes, the auras of the three of them were stronger than the last.

Especially President Netero, with a statue of Guanyin with a thousand faces and a thousand hands looming behind him, he is the most powerful existence among the three.

"But it's not enough! You can't defeat the enemy!"

Hearing Killua's categorical words, even Mo Laowu felt that it was a bit much.

You can say that he and Norbu are not strong enough, but Chairman Netero is also one of the top players in the world.

Although he is no longer the "strongest in the world", he is still the "strongest in the world" in the old era, and his strength is not much different.

Isn’t this support enough?

"Hoo ho ho, if we are not enough, then who do you think we need to support you?"

Netero laughed twice and already guessed what Qi was going to say next...

At the same time, he was also curious about the enemy he had never met before. He knew how keen Killua was about danger.

Since what he said, it is most likely true.

"Lin Ke!"

“Be sure to ask Lin Ke to come over!”

"Only his appearance can defeat that enemy!"

Killua stared closely into Netero's eyes, the determination in his eyes was beyond words.

Even when he mentioned Lin Ke, his originally dark eyes became brighter.

Now he is the most

The big expectation is that Lin Ke will come.

As soon as the name Lin Ke appeared, Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu were stunned except for Netero who was expecting it.

"Hey, are you kidding me? Do you know what kind of person Lin Ke is?"

Now even Mo Laowu feels that Killua's reaction is a bit excessive.

If other people don't necessarily know much about Lin Ke's strength, then he is definitely someone who knows him better.

He is one of the few people who has witnessed Lin Ke's action.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ke is completely qualified as the "strongest in the new world", and his strength is even far beyond that of those behind him.

The name Lin Ke can be marked out separately and listed as a realm of strength!

Now this kid actually says that President Netero is not enough, and he wants Lin Ke to take action?

"I know that Lin Ke and I know each other. That's why I am determined to let Lin Ke take action!"

Killua looked sideways at Mo Laowu with a firm tone.

Do you actually know Lin Ke?

A look of astonishment appeared on Mo Laowu's face, and an inexplicable thought appeared in his mind, could he be right?

"When people meet an unknown opponent, they tend to overestimate the opponent. You are just in a moment of panic now."

"Leave it to us next, and you can go back and rest."

Norbu shook his head, thinking that they were just children after all, and it was reasonable to have such a reaction.

"No, we still have one member who hasn't arrived yet."

Netero took out his mobile phone and said with a smile.


It turns out that the expedition team is not just the three of us?

Nobu and Mo Laowu had the same doubts in their hearts.

Hearing this, there was no movement in Killua, there was just one more person, and there was still no change.

"Hohoho, you can come here."

President Netero chuckled and was a little curious about how Lin Ke would appear.

When he invited Lin Ke yesterday, Lin Ke said to call him when he wanted to go in and he would be there.

Although he was a little confused, Lin Ke said so, so he had no objection and followed it.

"President, are you calling the remaining person over now? Wouldn't that waste too much time?"

Norbu frowned. Now that they have reached the entrance, they are calling. Doesn’t that mean they still have to wait for a long time?

As soon as he finished speaking, a hole suddenly appeared out of thin air in the open space next to a few people.

The hole expanded rapidly in the blink of an eye, with countless glass-like space fragments falling to the ground and then dissipating in the air.

Suddenly it transformed from a small hole into a passage that could easily accommodate one person.

"I'm not late, am I?"

A hearty voice came from the space channel.

Except for Nobu, the three 1.4 people in Killua were all shocked. Even President Netero was extremely surprised.

"Hohoho, what a surprise~ Did you come from the Internet world?"

Netero's eyes were full of surprise. He really didn't expect Lin Ke to appear in this way.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to teleport him here using the mind beast that only had the ability to teleport.

Now it seems that Lin Ke is still underestimated.

Mo Laowu and Killua stared at the passage emitting white light, their throats moving up and down, but they were speechless.

When they heard the familiar noise, they all thought of that person in their minds.

Could it be that………………

That last member is Lin Ke?!

The white light in the passage became stronger, and at the same time, a figure stepped out of it and appeared in front of everyone.

It wasn't until he saw that familiar face that Killua was sure that it was really Lin Ke who was here!

"Hey, old man, am I fast enough?"

Lin Ke waved to Netero with a confident smile on his face.

With the ability of Porygon Z, he can freely travel through most areas of the six continents.

"I didn't expect...even you were dispatched?!"

Mo Laowu's voice was trembling, his eyes widened under his sunglasses, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Do you even want to take action against a being like Lin Ke?!

"It's Mo Laowu, I haven't seen you for a while since last time.

Seeing a familiar old friend, Lin Ke also said hello.

At the moment he appeared, a pregnancy bar quietly appeared in his mind.

Ants are bugs, so Lin Ke estimates that this should be a bug-type Pokémon.

As a chimera ant from the dark continent, it also has a strong person like the ant king.

The level of Pokémon is definitely not lower than that of the Pokémon it was conceived!

At least what Lin Ke can think of is the most suitable one.

A legendary Pokémon that can be called the best insect type!

The Phantom Beast Genesect!.

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