Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 166 The Life Experiences Of The Two! The Strongest Of Both Worlds! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

【Did you get here in an instant?!】

[And it uses the ability to travel through space! 】

Norbu was first shocked by Lin Ke's "speed of light" and was so frightened that his glasses tilted a few degrees.

As a possessor of space-type Nen, Norbu understands the difficulty of space travel all too well.

His Nen has a similar effect, but it is far less powerful than this person's ability to directly break through space.

After quickly adjusting his glasses, Norbu realized that he seemed to have seen the person in front of him somewhere.


That legendary Lin Ke?!

After recognizing that the person in front of him was Lin Ke, Norbu could no longer maintain his original calmness.

We talked about him just now, and now he appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye?

Originally, he thought he might have to wait for the last person, but who would have thought that someone would show up not long after the call was made.

How on earth is this done?

Lin Ke glanced around at several people, and finally stopped at Gon lying on the ground, and Killua, whose face was full of hope.

Killua is completely different now than when he faced Netero just now.

The whole person was radiantly refreshed, and even his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Now that you're out, you don't have to worry anymore. Just leave the rest to us."

Seeing Killua looking at him in high spirits, Lin Ke comforted him casually.

It can be seen that he was very surprised by his arrival, and seemed to believe that no one could solve the problem except himself.


Killua nodded hurriedly, finally relieved of his worries and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"President, do we really need to invite Mr. Lin Ke? Is it too much to make a fuss about?"

Nobu looked hesitant when he saw this and asked President Netero next to him.

Now there are four people in their team, including two of the "World's Strongest"!

One is as the former strongest Netero president.

The other is Mr. Lin Ke, who is currently the strongest.

These two people came together just to deal with some chimera ants.

Even if there are chimera ants that can use [Nian], is it really necessary to use such a powerful force?

"Yes, President, you don't need to trouble Mr. Lin Ke, right? Just the three of us are enough?"

Mo Laowu next to him also agreed with Nobu's words and felt that this sentence was very reasonable. 29

Although they had obtained some information before setting off, they also understood that there were chimera ants that could use [Nian].

The ants who can use [Nian] are certainly surprising.

But in such a short period of time from birth to now, to what extent can we cultivate?

You must know that the practice of "Nian" is a hard work, and it requires long-term practice accumulated over a long period of time to achieve results.

The two people who still don't know the terrifying talent of the Chimera Ants in the Dark Continent don't think how capable the enemy they are about to face is.

As senior Hunters, the two of them would naturally not despise their enemies under normal circumstances.

Prudence is the basic quality that every qualified Hunter should possess.

It was the birth time of the chimera ants that confused the two of them.

Although the two of them had imagined the chimera ants as outrageous as possible.

But I still don’t feel that Lin Ke and Netero need to act at the same time to face chimera ants.

There was nothing wrong with their estimation, and they were even very cautious.

However, I still don't know much about the chimera ants in the Dark Continent, and I can't imagine the terrifying talent of the enemy.

Compared with humans, their talents are indeed extremely high, which shows how unreasonable the creatures in the Dark Continent are.

"Mo Laowu, you may have made a mistake."

Before President Netero could speak, Lin Ke shook his head, raised a finger, and asked first.

"Let me ask you two a few questions first. First of all, do you know who these two children are?"

Hearing this, Mo Laowu and Nobu looked at each other, then turned to look at Lin Ke, with suspicious expressions on their faces.

"This... we really don't know. What is their origin?"

Mo Laowu scratched the back of his head and said with some confusion.

Could it be that these two children have some big origins?

"Then let me introduce it to you."

"The child standing next to you now who is still conscious is called Killua, and his full name is Killua Zoldyck!"

Lin Ke pointed to Killua next to him and said calmly.

But what he said surprised both Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu.

"Zoldyck? Could it be that legendary killer family, the Zoldyck family?"

Norbu reacted the fastest and recognized that this was the surname of the world's number one killer family.

"Yes, Killua is from the Zoldyck family, and he is the most talented child of this generation."

These words caused Mo Laowu and Nobu to focus on Killua, looking up and down.

Killua took half a step back slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable being looked at by two people like this.


President Netero coughed twice, and then Mo Laowu and Nobu withdrew their gazes as if they were looking at rare animals.

The members of the Zoldyck family can be said to be more mysterious than rare animals. Most people in the world have never seen their true faces.

It is said that just one photo of a Zoldyck member can be sold for a large sum of money.

On the dedicated website of Hunters, there is a long-term mission of offering rewards for information about Zoldyck family members.

"Is he actually from the Zoldyck family? This origin is really impressive."

"What about this kid?"

Mo Laowu sighed with his right hand on his cheek, and then turned his eyes to Gon, who was unconscious.

Since the silver-haired kid in front seems to be called "Killua", he has such a powerful background.

Presumably the hedgehog-headed kid who is my companion is not much lower?

Speaking of which, it seems like I have seen this face somewhere?

Mo Laowu frowned slightly, feeling as if he had vaguely seen this face somewhere, but he couldn't recall it, maybe he just glanced at it.

"Do you all know that the pig of the twelve earthly branches is gold?"

Lin Ke glanced at Gon. Gon's face could be said to be almost exactly the same as his father's.

It's just that Jin is more slovenly. If he tidies up a little better, people will believe him if they say he is Brother Gon.

Lin Ke's words stirred up Mo Laowu's memories.


He had caught a glimpse of Jin's face at the [New Top Five] meeting before.

Although most of it is covered by the scarf, half of the face can still be seen.

Very similar to this kid.

A bold, but extremely reasonable idea appeared in Mo Laowu's mind.


Mo Laowu stared at Gon closely, swallowed his saliva, and said in a somewhat disbelieving tone.

"Yes, he is Jin's son!"

Lin Ke's words completely confirmed Mo Laowu's thoughts, making the two of them look shocked.

"Is he actually the son of that Haizhu?"

Norbu's sharp eyes were completely gone, but filled with astonishment. This answer was really unexpected.

"Hohoho, he is indeed Jin's son. What Lin Ke said is correct."

President Netero’s evidence makes this answer completely beyond doubt, which means it is true!

"In other words, of the two of them, one is the most talented child in the Zoldyck family."

"The other one is the Pig of the Twelve Earthly Branches, Jin, who is known as one of the five great Nen in the world. His child?"

Norbu said slowly, and the more he spoke, the more shocked he became.

Because the background of these two children is indeed extraordinary!

No wonder Mr. Lin Ke told them this. There are really few people who can match this background.

"Now that you know the origins of these two people, let me ask you another question."

"Do you know how long it has been since these two children started learning [Nian]?"

Lin Ke raised a finger again, both his expression and tone were full of meaning.


Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu used "Condensation" at the same time to carefully observe the two little ones again.

Despite a whole night's consumption, Killua still had a thick layer of thought energy surrounding him.

The same goes for Gon, who is unconscious next to him.

That level of Nian Qi is very solid at first glance, and it is obvious that the basic skills of the two children are very good.

From this point of view alone, these two people have surpassed many seniors who have been immersed in [Nian] for a long time.

"Their strength is not low, especially their basic skills are extremely solid. They must have received very professional training.

Mo Laowu's eyesight is still very good, and he can make a rough guess based on the performance of the two people's thoughts.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After being taught by Bisji, it can be said that he was taught by a gold medal mentor.

Among the characters who have appeared so far, Bisji is the most suitable person to teach others to practice [Nian].

"Considering their age, most of them are around ten years old, it is impossible to spend too much time practicing.

"I think they should have practiced for at least 3 to 5 years before they could achieve the strength they have now."

Mo Laowu analyzed it very carefully and finally came to the conclusion that it would take at least 3 to 5 years.

Norbu next to him also agreed with Mo Laowu's conclusion. His analysis was very reasonable, and this was probably the answer.

Mo Laowu even considered the two little ones' backgrounds and deliberately exaggerated their talents.

In the end, we only came to the conclusion of 3 to 5 years.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate to the level of the two little ones.

This is the level that most Nin people will not be able to reach now even in their lifetime.

Better masters need at least two digits of years to practice to this point.

But unfortunately, their guess was wrong.

"No, it's only been a year since they started practicing [Nian] until now!"

Lin Ke shook his finger and said something that made Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu even more horrified.

"How is it possible? Can you reach this level in just one year of practice?!"

Norbu could no longer maintain his composure and felt that his world view was about to collapse.

When did the practice of [Nian] become so simple?

"is this real?"

Mo Laowu faced Killua and asked in a deep voice, his rich voice also revealing a tone of disbelief.

"Yes, Gon and I started practicing [reading] together, and it has been about a year so far."

Killua glanced at Gon who was still lying on the ground, and subconsciously recalled the period of training in the Sky Arena.

Exactly one year has passed since now.

"What a terrifying talent this is, it only took one year..."

Norbu's sigh stopped abruptly. He was so shocked that he had something to say but couldn't say it out.

But it can still be seen from his constipated expression that this incident shocked him greatly.

In the past, he had felt that he was a very outstanding existence among the Nephiles.

He has been practicing for many years, and his strength has reached such a level that he has surpassed most people with abilities.

He can be proud of his talent.

However, it wasn't until he saw these two children today that he knew what a real genius looked like.

with Killua them

In comparison, the talent he was so proud of was completely vulnerable!

At this moment, Norbu's arrogance was completely shattered!

He, who originally put on a arrogant expression and disapproved of the performance of the two children, finally realized the difference in their talents.

There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

The only thing that can give Norbu some comfort is that his Nen is pretty good and should be able to beat these two children?

Mo Laowu remained silent, but quietly took down the big pipe on his shoulder.

He wanted to take a puff of cigarette to calm down and calm down his shock...

After unwrapping the wrapping strips, a large and shiny pipe appeared in front of several people.

【Was it originally a pipe? 】

A flash of surprise flashed in Killua's eyes, and he was a little surprised that Mo Laowu was holding a big pipe.

He thought it would be a weapon like a sledgehammer. Did he usually use this big pipe to attack?


Mo Laowu took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled a cloud of white smoke, which floated toward the sky in the breeze.

Because there were no enemies, Mo Laowu did not use Nen to control the white smoke, but let the smoke drift away.


Mo Laowu 737 spoke word by word. After smoking, his mood finally calmed down a bit.

It's no wonder that the two of them were frightened. Killua and Gon's talents are indeed frighteningly high.

Yun Gu once commented that Zooci is a genius that only occurs one in 100,000 people.

A year later, Zooci was promoted to the host level as he wished, which shows his strength.

As a child, he became a poster. It is said that he has broken the record of the youngest poster in Sky Arena.

Zooci's talent is terrifying, but there is still a huge gap between Gon and Gon.

Yun Gu’s evaluation of Gon and Gon is that only one top-notch group will be born among tens of millions of people!

The talent difference between the two is hundreds of times!

Yun Gu's evaluation was also correct, which could be seen from the speed of their cultivation.

As a member of the Zoldyck family, Killua is extremely talented and is the purest child of this generation.

It is reasonable to have such a talent.

Not to mention Gon.

As a member of the Freecss family, he has an ancestor who has been struggling in the Dark Continent to this day - Dongfu Lishi.

There is also a father who is in his prime and is one of the world's top five nerds——Jin Freecss.

This family is even more talented than the Zoldyck family.

It couldn't be more reasonable to have the talent of tens of millions of people.

Top-notch talent, coupled with the guidance of the famous teacher Bisji.

Only then did the miracle of having such strength happen in just one year.

Mo Laowu and Nobu are already elites among the Nin, but they can still be beaten by the talents of two children.

While in shock, both of them thought of one thing at the same time.

If the Zoldyck family and the golden child can be frightened like this, then how powerful will the enemy they face be?

Thinking of this, the expressions of the two people turned from shocked to gloomy, and they no longer had the same contemptuous attitude as before.

I'm afraid the enemy this time is really not that simple!

"Hohoho, it looks like he's come to consciousness~"

Netero saw the change in the mood of the two people and immediately understood that the two people had corrected their ideas.

It is good to have self-confidence, but you should not be too blindly arrogant. It is not advisable to underestimate the enemy based on experience.

"To be honest, I did have a contemptuous mentality before and thought it was too big a fuss."

"It wasn't until Mr. Lin Ke revealed the identities and talents of the two that I realized that the enemy's strength was far beyond my imagination!"

"I can't even imagine how powerful it must be to scare Zoldyck's children and Jin's children into such enemies!"

As Mo Laowu spoke, he smoked a cigarette, always calming down his mood, and at the same time looked at Lin Ke with his peripheral vision.

It seems that the silver-haired kid named "Killua" is really right, and only Lin Ke can definitely defeat the enemy.

Before that, Mo Laowu felt that there were too many people.

After that, Mo Laowu felt that there were fewer people.

Fortunately, President Netero and Lin Ke are here, and the two worst things in the world give him a sufficient sense of security.

Now he is happy that Lin Ke has joined the team. .

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