Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 167: Just After Leaving The Novice Village, I Met A Max-Level Boss! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

“Fortunately, the president invited Mr. Lin Ke.

Norbu next to him took out a handkerchief from somewhere and was wiping his sweat and said sincerely.

Not only Mo Laowu, but also Nobu had the same idea.

Facing such an unknown enemy, the more powerful the partners around you, the better. No one will think that they are too safe.

As the "Five Greatest Talents in the World", one is the strongest in the world before, and the other is the strongest in the world currently.

I'm afraid no one can give people more security than the two of them.

"Now that we understand everything, it's time for us to set off."

After speaking, President Netero turned his hand over, and like magic, two wooden signs that were broken into half appeared in his hand.

"I've got two of them in the nearest town."

"If you want to continue to join the team and fight, just defeat them."

"If you still want to live as Hunter."

President Netero put two wooden signs into Killua's hands, with "fly" and "general" written on them respectively.

This is not an ordinary wooden sign, but something called a [talisman deed], which can be regarded as a kind of mental tool.

Cut the marked bamboo board into two and hold each half.

The wise generally believe that the [talisman deed] serves as evidence of companionship and proof of identity.

After inputting the thought energy into it, the wooden tablet will blend into the hand, and the words on it will be imprinted on the hand.

Lin Ke estimates that the effect of this [talisman contract] is mostly related to the text on it.

Maybe this text is the same as [divine text] and has various effects, or is it a type of sacred text?

Lin Ke watched President Netero's actions quietly, with a smile flashing in his eyes.

This is obviously the other two people who have corresponding wooden cards. Only when combined into one is the complete wooden card.

This contains the profound meaning of Netero. The old man should have known for a long time that the two waves of people would come together.

After all, neither Gon nor Nakulu are Hunters who give up easily.

"Although it's a bit boastful to say this, I still want to remind you."

"The two people arranged are my apprentices. They are not weak. If you want to defeat them, you have to work hard."

Mo Laowu warned Killua seriously, and finally gave him a thumbs-up sign with a confident smile.


Killua scratched his hair and felt that this uncle was a bit strange, as if he was too bold.

Even if the other side is his disciple, Mo Laowu will still not be partial, but uses words to encourage Killua who is in poor condition.

After all the instructions were given, President Netero took the lead and walked forward, followed by Lin Ke and the other three.

The four of them were walking forward, leaving only Killua's back.

Just when they were about to enter the inside of the big ancient tree, the four figures flashed together and disappeared in an instant.

"This is!"

Killua's pupils shrank and he stared blankly at the disappearing figures of the four people.

In just an instant, several people disappeared there.

Among the four of them, Mo Laowu and Nobu could barely see the moment they disappeared.

But he really didn't see the actions of Lin Ke and President Netero at all, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

Also, although Mo Laowu and Lin Ke are not as strong as Lin Ke, they are still elites in the Hunter Association.

Those who can participate in this war are not that weak.

If the four people were rated according to Lin Ke's strength, they would be two S's and two A's.

Even the relatively weakest Nobu, with his strength of mind energy and Nen, is strong enough to reach the A-level range.

It's just that his mental endurance is a bit worse than the others, and he was so frightened by the enemy's momentum in the plot that his hair turned gray.

But it's understandable, after all, he encountered a "monster" level opponent, and most people would be like him.

This expedition team is definitely a luxurious lineup.

[I have to believe in them, but at the same time, I and Gon also have to put in our own efforts!]

Killua took one last deep look at the place where the people disappeared.

Then he squatted down, picked up Gon, and walked firmly towards the truck nearby.

Kate's team members will help them and transport them to the town mentioned by the president.

What was waiting for them there was hard training from Bisgi.

On the other side, Lin Ke and the four of them were galloping on the grassland.

Just now, they did not choose to pass through the big old tree, but went around.

Mainly not wanting staff to check on them.

They came here to solve the problem, and it would be outrageous to take away their high-tech products.

The large ancient tree is the gateway between the NGL Autonomous Country and the outside world.

It is also the place responsible for checking whether outsiders are carrying high-tech products.

The inspection here is very strict, even plastic products are not allowed.

Even the clothes you wear must be made of pure natural materials.

If there are any illegal items, they must be temporarily stored in the old tree, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter.

These people are all strong, so naturally they don't bother to pay attention to the so-called "rules" and "fixes".

The defense lines used to protect ordinary people are just a fake to them, and they can reach the territory of NGL in a flash.

on the grassland,

A father and daughter are riding horses on the grassland. Their clothes are very similar to the style of nomadic people.

They are the people who belong to the "green new life" in the NGL autonomous country, and they are also the most ordinary people.

"Dad, what do you think that is?"

The lovely daughter looked surprised and quickly called her father to look in the direction of her finger.

"what? What?"

The honest father looked quickly, but there was nothing there except the endless bright green grassland.


The father touched the back of his head, not understanding what his daughter was talking about.

"Huh? But I just saw a few shadows flashing past there?"

The younger daughter wiped her eyes and said hesitantly.

There really is nothing there.

"Maybe you saw it wrong."

"Our mission during this trip is not only to get to the location, but also to get rid of the chimera ants on the road."

"According to intelligence, the territory of chimera ants is constantly expanding outward from the depths [we must control their speed]."

Netero moved forward while talking about the purpose of his trip.

The girl was right. It was the Netero four who were moving on the grassland.

But they were moving too fast, and the little girl could only catch a glimpse of a few ghostly afterimages.

Even if Mo Laowu and the two were not a little slower, Netero and Lin Ke would have to slow down a little.

Otherwise, the little girl might not even be able to see the afterimage.

Because there is no such thing as a vehicle here, people's means of transportation are like the father and daughter just now, moving on horses.

In addition, the main purpose of their trip was to clean up chimera ants, so they adopted the method of walking.

First, time is tight and every minute and every second needs to be fought for.

The four of them are all elites among the powerful, and they are much faster than horses.

Second, chimera ants need to be cleaned up on the way, and it will be more convenient to walk. Otherwise, we will have to distract ourselves from taking care of the horses.

The huge NGL autonomous country has been continuously eroded by chimera ants, although the people near the entrance of the big ancient tree have not had any trouble.

But deep inside the country is already a paradise for chimera ants.

If you go deeper, you may encounter chimera ants anytime and anywhere.

The actions of the four people also have their own characteristics.

President Netero looked like an old man taking a walk, walking forward with his hands behind his back.

It looked like he was walking slowly, but in the blink of an eye the person appeared in the distance, leaving only afterimages.

This is similar to Netero's [Hundred Styles of Guanyin], both showing extreme speed.

Mo Laowu is like the legendary Aladdin's magic lamp, sitting on a white "blanket".

The white "blanket" was suspended in the air, but not too high off the ground, carrying him flying closely behind President Netero.

But if you look closer, you will find that it is not a blanket, but a flat ball of white smoke.

It seemed that Mo Laowu did not exercise or consume much.

But his consumption was no less than that of a few people. He controlled this "flying blanket" through Nen.

Although it does not consume as much mental energy as the Ziyan Machinery Corps, it is still consumed to some extent.

Among them, Nobu seemed to be struggling the most, and he could only run honestly.

Of course, he also used the thought energy in his body to speed up, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up with a few people.

Norbu's Nen [fourth-dimensional apartment] actually also has the ability to move in space.

It's just that he needs to go to the place first and mark it with Nen, and then he can use Nen to move there directly next time.

Norbu, who has never been to the NGL autonomous country, can only run honestly.

【As expected of Mr. Lin Ke~】

While running, Norbu also paid attention to his surroundings, the most eye-catching of which was Lin Ke.

The others were walking or sitting on the white smoke. Only Lin Ke directly released a mind beast as a mount.

At this moment, Lin Ke is sitting on the back of the wind speed dog, enjoying the breeze blowing in his face.

On the grassland, the breeze is mixed with the smell of fresh grass, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Woof woof!"

As a dog, the wind speed dog likes this prairie very much, and can let it run wildly.

The orange-red wind speed dog is covered with fluffy and warm hair. When the breeze blows, the hair on the body is like beating flames.

The wind speed dog running on the grassland is as majestic as the god of fire descending from the earth, showing his handsomeness in every aspect.

Occasionally, he would make a cry or two, and a little spark would come out of his big mouth.

Emotions are contagious. Looking at the excited Fengsu Dog, Lin Ke couldn't help but feel better.

Remember the last time Wind Speed ​​Dog ran wildly like this freely? It seemed to be when he was on Greed Island?

Now he finally has the opportunity, which can not only save his energy, but also let the dog enjoy running.

It's simply a win-win.

The posture of the wind speed dog also attracted the attention of the other three people.

President Netero and Mo Laowu are relatively good friends, because both of them have seen Wind Speed ​​Dog.

But Nobu had never seen it before, so he was very surprised.

[Although I have not tested it, you can see from the subtleties that this mind beast is quite powerful!]

【's much better than me!】

Norbu looked at every detail of Wind Speed ​​Dog with his peripheral vision.

He saw everything from the hair, the powerful limbs, and the little sparks coming out of the mouth.

The two shouts from Fengsu Dog made him feel palpitations.

This was even Lin Ke's special order, asking Feng Su'a to restrain the [Intimidation] effect.

Otherwise, the momentum will only become more terrifying.

Although Norbu is arrogant, he is still very calm and rational when doing things, and is especially good at analyzing things.

Just from the running movements of Fengsu Dog and the looming momentum, he concluded that Fengsu Dog was definitely stronger than him.

that's the truth.

As a Pokémon acquired by Lin Ke early on, Winddog has experienced many battles and has already reached A+ level.

It can be said that there is only one step away from the next stage, promotion to S-level.

It is extremely normal for Norbu to feel this way.

It can be said that the most laid-back among the four is Lin Ke.

Everyone else has consumed more or less, but he really has consumed nothing.

But even if others are envious, they can't imitate it. This is Nen's uniqueness.

With the four people traveling in various ways, they ran from near noon to the afternoon.

In such a short time, they crossed half the country from the entrance of NGL to the center of the country.

The chimera ants' nests go much deeper.

After a not-so-long journey, they finally got to see the target of their trip for the first time—chimera ants!

In a large forest,

This is the largest forest in NGL autonomous country, and the locals call it "||The Forest of Harvest and Challenge".

Because there are many animals and plants here, which can meet the living needs of local people, it is called "harvest".

But it is also filled with ferocious large beasts.

Every time you enter or exit here is a challenge, hence the name "challenge".

It is said that local people will also hold "coming-of-age ceremonies" from time to time.

The main content is to allow young people who have reached the age limit to enter this forest and live alone in it.

But now the forest, which used to be filled with all kinds of creatures, is filled with deathly silence.

There were no larger creatures as far as the eye could see.

Only one or two bugs would crawl across the ground from time to time, indicating that there were still living creatures in this forest.

"What a surprise~ There aren't even any animals at all?"

Mo Laowu walked forward carrying a big pipe, looked around, then curled his lips and said.

In this relatively dense forest, his "flying blanket" was inconvenient to use, so he chose to walk on his own.

Even Lin Ke also put away the wind speed dog and chose to walk like several others.

"It's really a beast's thinking."

Norbu pushed up his glasses, and the sunlight falling from the shade of the trees caused a reflection to appear on the lenses.

"They were all probably eaten and used as meat for the chimera ants."

"Especially the queen ant, which needs to give birth to the king ant, usually needs a lot of nutrients. It is estimated that many creatures have entered its belly."

Netero was walking in the forest, also walking in front of several people, and expressed his thoughts. (Okay, okay) At the same time, he took out his ears, put his fingertips in front of his face and blew gently to blow off the earwax.

Anyone who looks at him thinks that he is an old man who is out of tune.

Just as the four of them were walking, Lin Ke's eyes suddenly condensed slightly, and his originally leisurely expression slowly calmed down and he got up.

A moment later, President Netero's body suddenly shook. Although it was only a slight change for a moment, it was still captured by Lin Ke.

"President, you must have sensed it, right?"

Lin Ke's words seemed to have deep meaning, and he said to President Netero who was still walking in front.

"Da da."

Netero suddenly stopped and looked deeper into the woods.

Although invisible to the naked eye, the "circles" of both of them tell the story of what they look like deep in the woods.

"Hoo ho ho, there are quite a few."

Netero stroked his beard and laughed. At this moment, under his "circle", there were a large number of biological signs deep in the woods!

Judging from the perceived intensity, it could only be chimera ants!

"Is there a swarm of chimera ants deep in the woods?"

Hearing this, Mo Laowu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized what the two men were referring to.

It can only be the goal of this trip.

The strength of Mo Laowu and Nobu is far inferior to Lin Ke and Netero, so naturally they are not that far away.

It was only through the words of two people that we learned that there was a colony of chimera ants in the depths.

"Yes, there are about two thousand five in total."

"There are a few in there that are a little stronger."

Lin Ke's words immediately cheered up Mo Laowu and the others.

They thought that when Lin Ke said "stronger", he meant the level of running Qixia away.

Frightened, Nobu quickly took a few deep breaths to adjust himself.

Mo Laowu put his big pipe to his mouth and started "smoking".

Next is their first battle against chimera ants, so they must not take it lightly!

With Lin Ke's previous introduction, Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu are now extremely wary of chimera ants.

It can be said that this group of chimera ants are really unlucky when they encounter a few people.

As soon as I left the novice village, I met a max-level boss. .

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