Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 168 The Window Opener! The Enchanting Zazan! (1/2, Please Subscribe)


Deep in the woods, a chimera ant that looks like a bee is flying slowly through the forest.

There are lingering wings on its back, and on its head are a pair of compound eyes and ferocious mouthparts.

The body is full of black and yellow stripes, and the tail does not have a tail glowing with cold light.

It has no human characteristics, indicating that it is just a chimera ant born from an animal, and it is also the lowest type of soldier ant.

Therefore, he cannot speak normally.

Even if it is just the lowest soldier ant, its strength is still not to be underestimated, and it is much stronger than ordinary people.

They will come to this forest now mainly to find more meat to satisfy the queen's requirements.

This group of chimera ants all go out in search of more meat.

However, after many searches, it seemed that almost all the meat in the forest had been eaten.


The bee chimera ant shook its head from side to side, and bursts of white appeared in its compound eyes.

I saw pieces of thin white smoke appearing inexplicably in the originally dead woods. The white smoke became thicker and thicker, filling the area.

I didn't feel anything at first, but it was only now that the bees and chimera ants realized that something was wrong.

Although there is no human in its genes, its IQ is not high and it can only obey some ordinary commands.

But its nature as a beast is warning that danger is coming!

Just when the bee chimera ant was about to retreat to find the division leader, suddenly the white smoke surrounding it quickly gathered!

The white smoke that was originally slowly floating suddenly turned into a needle, and it suddenly stabbed towards the head of the bee chimera ant.

The white smoke needle stings so fast that even bees and chimera ants cannot escape.

It could only watch the needle pricks magnify in its compound eyes.


With a piercing sound, the bee chimera ant's head was completely shattered, and its body fell straight to the ground.

The headless corpse twitched several times before calming down and becoming completely silent.

This shows that the vitality of the chimera ant is very tenacious. Even if its head is shot, it will still twitch a few times.

Ordinary creatures will be completely unable to move if their heads are shot.

However, scenes like the bee chimera ant are not unique. Similar things happen everywhere in the entire forest.

One after another, the chimera ants fell to Mo Laowu's white smoke offensive.


Deep in the forest, a chimera ant with an enchanting figure and a yellow bra frowned slightly and realized that something was wrong.

This chimera ant has long pink-purple hair, which looks like snakes on her head when she rubs it.

Coupled with her strange and seductive face, she looks like Medusa in mythology.

But the long scorpion tail behind her reveals her identity as a scorpion-shaped chimera ant.

077 is none other than the division leader among the chimera ants—the scorpion girl Zazan (killing the cripple).

"The smell in the air is dissipating rapidly, and it's obvious that the number of soldier ants is declining."

"There are enemies in the woods!"

Zazan twisted the cat's steps, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and walked leisurely towards the front of the woods, with a touch of excitement on his face.

This time she came out not only to find meat for the queen, but also to try out the new abilities she had just acquired.

If you can clear out those soldier ants, your strength won't be that low.

Just enough to be her first test subjects.

"Paku, go to the front and control those enemies first."

Zazan walked forward slowly and gave instructions to the forest on the other side.

"It's such a convenient ability."

Nobu looked at Mo Laowu who kept smoking and blowing out smoke, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He could see clearly that Mo Laowu exhaled the white smoke and used his mind energy to control them to float deep into the forest.

There is only a small amount of thought energy hidden in the white smoke, which can be used to sense enemies, so large that it has an effect similar to "round".

This ability can expand the range of perception.

After all, the "circle" of a first-rate warrior is about 50 meters, and Mo Laowu is at this level and will not go beyond that.

But relying on the white smoke field, he can spend a small amount of thought energy to achieve a "round" effect in disguise.

The range is much larger than using "Circle" on your own, making it very suitable for exploration.

Moreover, the white smoke containing thought energy can be condensed at critical moments to form acupuncture and other weapons to attack the enemy.

That's how those soldier ants fell into the white smoke.

This ability integrates detection and attack, which is quite practical.

It can be said that Mo Laowu developed an ordinary ability to a very powerful level.

First of all, he took advantage of his talent for having a lung capacity far beyond that of ordinary people, and could spit out a large amount of smoke at once.

Secondly, by using his Emitter nature, he has extremely high talent for controlling mind energy.

White smoke can be easily manipulated and transformed into various forms.

Mo Laowu directly developed the ability of [controlling white smoke].

There are [Purple Smoke Machine Troops] and [Purple Smoke Clone] responsible for the attack.

There are [Purple Smoke Rabbit] and [Purple Smoke Field] responsible for exploration.

There is a [Purple Smoke Blanket] responsible for moving

In addition to these, he can also manipulate white smoke to create tough "ropes" and indestructible "cages"

It can be said that the ability covers many aspects. He is a hexagonal warrior with very strong overall performance.

"Hahaha, fortunately these are not strong. Just now it really scared me to the point where my heart was beating wildly."

Mo Laowu laughed boldly. After confirming that the opponent was not strong through the purple smoke field, he directly used the white smoke to assassinate them.

It can be seen that Mo Laowu's tense mood relaxed a little. Fortunately, the enemy was not as exaggerated as expected.

Now the common chimera ants in the entire forest have been wiped out.

"But something slipped through the net."

Lin Ke looked thoughtfully at the shade of the trees above. The thick green leaves were piled together, making the surroundings look a bit gloomy.

It is difficult to see the scene above the tree clearly with the naked eye.

Hearing this, Mo Laowu's face froze. His purple smoke field only covered the middle and low height parts.

Because if you want to cover all the thoughts, it will consume a lot of energy.

But what if there are chimera ants coming from the top of the tree?

In an instant, the figures of the four people flashed together and disappeared from the place at the same time.

The moment they disappeared, a huge spider web fell from the sky and covered the lawn where they had just been standing.

The spider web should be said to be a mind web, because it is covered with extremely strong mind energy.

The speed and attack range of this thought network are not to be underestimated. It is really difficult for others to avoid it.

The four people standing aside raised their heads and looked diagonally upward.

On the top of a big tree, crawling was a strange-looking chimera ant. Judging from its shape, it should be a spider-shaped chimera ant.

When I say it's weird, I mainly refer to its disgusting face.

A huge yellow spider with the face of a pretentious middle-aged greasy man, very disgusting.

"Did you actually avoid it?"

Paiku looked down and spoke in an extremely disgusting tone.


Lin Ke crossed his arms and looked at Paiku above the big tree, with a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Both this face and the tone of his voice make you want to slap him.

I remember that this chimera ant called "Paku" was the captain of the scorpion girl Zazan's army.

He was also the one who captured Bakuul, and his strength was pretty good.

There are several levels of chimera ants, which are roughly divided into levels of strength.

They are soldier ants, soldier captain, division commander, direct guard, and ant king.

The ones Mo Laowu just killed were ordinary soldier ants [This Paiku is the captain of Zazan.

And there is a more powerful aura coming here in the forest.

I think it's probably the scorpion girl Zazan.

In other words, they met the chimera ant team of the scorpion girl Zazan.

I remember that in the original work, the scorpion girl Zazan chose to run to Meteor Street with her loyal chimera ants.

In the end, they all died in the hands of "Phantom Troupe".

"This thing is really disgusting. Do all chimera ants look like this?"

Mo Laowu swung his big pipe twice, took a puff and spoke out the thoughts of several people.

This Paiko looks really ugly.

"Since it doesn't matter if you dodge, I can attack again.

Paikku said to himself, the uncle's voice made his face even more weird.

After saying this, it prepared to turn around, intending to face a few people from behind.

This is how it attacks, just like a normal spider, by shooting webs to capture enemies.

After acquiring Nen, it also develops its own Nen - the radiation of love.

That is, the Nianwang that just fell to the ground.

At the moment when he turned around, he caught a glimpse of Lin Ke and the others from the corner of his eye.

Huh? Is it three people?

Why do I remember that there were four people?

At this moment, in Paiku's peripheral vision, he only saw three people.

"Did I see it wrong?"

Paiku scratched his head with one hand, thinking that he had misread the quantity.

The next moment, his head was completely divided into two halves.

The upper half of the head (dbbj) disappeared out of thin air, and the lower half of the head fell to the ground along with the entire body.

"Window opener!"

"Falling from the sky", Nobu shouted coldly, opened his hands, and looked at a channel-shaped air connection between his hands.

I saw that half of Paikku's head, which was cut by the channel of thought energy, completely disappeared.

This is one of the ways Norbu uses his Nen [fourth-dimensional apartment].

It is also one of the few means of attack.

Like opening a window in an apartment, Nobu creates a space of thought between his hands.

It is equivalent to intercepting part of the space in the "fourth-dimensional apartment", shrouding it on the enemy, and then closing it.

The shrouded part is forcibly sealed in the mind space, cutting off the connection with the removed part.

The enemy seemed to have been hit by an attack similar to [Dimensional Slash].

In other words, half of Paiku's head now appears in Nobu's [Fourth-Dimensional Apartment].

While jumping down from the tree, Norbu accurately cut off half of Paijun's head.

Even in order to ensure death with one blow, Nobu deliberately selected the head. After all, it was better to kill this creature with a headshot.

Their vitality is too tenacious.

According to reports, as long as there is no problem with the head, chimera ants can survive for a day even if they are cut in half.

Nobu fell to the ground, patted the dust on his body gracefully, and then pushed up his glasses.

Behind him was Paikku's body that fell to the ground, and the heavy and huge body made a loud sound.

Heavy objects falling from high altitude made the dust fly.

"It's not bad. You said I'm strong. I think your ability is much better than mine."

Mo Laowu walked up to Nobu and patted his shoulder with his big palm, his tone full of boast.

"Hoo ho ho, the response is quite fast."

President Netero also praised Nobu without hesitation. He had just seen the details of Nobu's actions clearly.

Just when the four of them escaped the Nianwang attack, Norbu squatted on the ground and cast [Fourth-Dimensional Apartment], and then

Then get in.

The next moment he appeared, he was on the top of the big tree. While jumping down from the top, he accurately "cut off" half of the opponent's head.

"It's just a combination. Who allowed this chimera ant to happen to be on the tree where I set the mark?"

Norbu quickly waved his hand and said humbly. After learning about Gon and Gon's talents, he was no longer as arrogant as before.

Perhaps due to his personality, Norbu has a "timid" habit.

That is to place several [Fourth Dimensional Apartment] signs around during combat.

This will be miraculous at critical moments. You can get into the fourth-dimensional apartment at any time and come out from another place.

There happened to be a mark placed by Paiku on the big tree where he was staying.

"Hoo ho ho, it seems like another uninvited guest is here."

As soon as President Netero finished speaking, a figure appeared in the forest.

It’s the “late arrival” Zazan!

"How dare you! How dare you kill my men!"

At this time, Zazan no longer had the "elegance" he pretended to be in the past, and his face was a little distorted.

Zazan doesn't value ordinary soldier ants, but he still values ​​relatively powerful subordinates like Pai Ku.

As a rare chimera ant with female characteristics, Zazan has an ambition, that is, to be a queen-like existence.

Therefore, she attaches great importance to her own power, and therefore developed her own Nen - the aesthetic reincarnation injection.

You can inject the liquid formed by Nen into other people's bodies through your own scorpion tail.

There are only two outcomes after being injected.

One is that if you can't bear it, you will die directly.

The second is that after enduring it, it will mutate into a monster with more powerful power and will be loyal to Zazan.

This is what she relies on to become a queen-like existence. With this Nen, she can easily create more and more minions.

"Now that Paikku has been killed...then let you replace him!"

Zazan suddenly glared, and the scorpion tail behind him quickly stabbed Nobu.

She felt that Norbu, who looked "weak", was best dealt with.

Unfortunately, Norbu immediately noticed the scorpion tail behind Zazan and was always on guard.

When Zazan used the scorpion tail to stab Nobu, Nobu opened his hands in advance and waited for the scorpion tail to come over.

Sure enough, when the unstoppable scorpion tail stabbed between his hands, the front half disappeared directly into the air.

Zazan, sensing something was wrong, quickly retracted his tail, but it was already too late.

With a thought from Norbu, the channel of thought energy was closed, and the first half of Zazan's tail fell directly into the fourth-dimensional apartment.

Suddenly, a heartbreaking pain came from his tail and spread all over Zazan's body.

Zazan hurriedly took it back, but in the end he only brought back half of the tail.


Zazan looked at the half-remained tail, his face became more ferocious, and his miserable screams echoed throughout the area.

For Zazan, the pain in his heart is not as intense as the pain in his body.

Zazan attaches great importance to his appearance and will go crazy if he is even slightly damaged, let alone having half of his tail cut off.

Zazan, who had lost his mind, couldn't think too much and decided to use his ability to hide in the snow!

Zazan was cruel and cut off the remaining half of his scorpion tail. At the same time, his body began to expand rapidly.

"Click, click..."

Lin Ke quietly looked at Zazan, whose body shape and appearance were changing crazily, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Zazan is one of the most outstanding-looking among the chimera ants, and even Lin Chen felt that Catwoman didn't have a good look.

This appearance and figure are definitely among the best among the female characters that have appeared in Hunter X Hunter.

It's a pity that a beast is a beast after all, and its appearance after transformation is even more terrifying.

Zazan, who was originally a hot beauty, turned into a scary monster in vain.

The originally dark purple skin turned into a pale green, and the graceful figure became full of muscles.

The difference before and after can be called "Beauty and the Beast."

This is Zazan's method of suppressing the bottom of the box, and it is also a newly developed method.

Because he particularly loves beauty, Zazan believes that he will never use this ability in his life.

Who would have thought that not long after it was developed, Nen was just about to find someone to try it out.

Facing the beast-like Zazan, Lin Ke took a step forward to tell the other three people where he was.

It was up to him to deal with this chimera ant.

As the division leader, Zazan is already worthy of his experience points.

In an instant, a white light flashed through, and a five-color mountain-colored beam of light suddenly spurted out!

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