Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 169 The Sense Of Security Given By Lin Ke! One Man Becomes An Army! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

At this time, Nobu and Mo Laowu were still surprised by the contrast between the female chimera ant before and after its transformation.

In addition to being surprised, their faces also became serious.

If it was easy for them to deal with it just now, then after this chimera ant transformed, it would be a bit troublesome to deal with it.

The talent of chimera ants is really powerful, just ordinary soldier ants can outperform many people.

Not to mention the division commander whose talent is only inferior to that of the Ant King and the Guards.

Chimera ants grow very fast. In the original work, not much time passed between when they first came into contact with [Nian] and when they revealed their abilities.

But he showed considerable strength.

There is also a huge gap in strength between division leaders, and the scorpion girl Zazan is considered one of the more powerful among the division leaders.

In her current normal state, she has not yet reached level A, but after transformation, she has already touched level A.

Maybe in the Meteor Street story later [the tie has A-level strength in its normal state.

"Have you already possessed this level of strength from birth to now?"

Seeing this astonishing scene in front of him, Nobu's expression became increasingly gloomy, and he was completely shocked by the terrifying talent of the chimera ants.

The shock that Zazan gave him was no less shocking than the shock that Gon gave him.

This is a talent even scarier than those two children!

The chimera ant's talent is unreasonable.

Relying on the advantages of fusion organisms, chimera ants have a very powerful body and a very high upper limit.

Realms that are difficult for people to cross can be easily reached.

Especially the growth rate is very fast.

【Change form...

President Netero's hands naturally drooped, and he had some thoughts in his mind as he looked at Zazan, who exuded a violent aura.

Because chimeric ants contain genes from multiple organisms, it is reasonable for them to undergo drastic changes in body shape.

Maybe there will be multiple forms of chimeric ants with many different biological characteristics.

Chairman Netero's guess is correct, the third member of the escort team will be born soon——Menthuthuyoupi.

It has no human genes, but is composed entirely of Warcraft genes, so it can change its body at will.


At this moment, Lin Ke took a step forward, and this movement caused reactions from the other three people.

Are you planning to take action?

When this thought flashed through the minds of the three of them, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out in front of Anzan.

Before the white light dissipated, the colorful beams of light inside shot forward like a rainbow.

Zazan, who had just transformed, was unable to react for a moment, and his huge body became a complete target.

The beast's pupils were filled with fear.

This was the first time since she was born that she felt the breath of death.


The powerful beam not only shattered Zazan, but also blasted a large crater on the ground, followed by thick smoke and dust.

Lin Ke waved his hand casually, and the dust in the sky returned to the ground again, and everything became calm.

"Nian beast?"

Norbu looked at Porygon Z floating in the air and murmured in a low voice [Cold sweat dripped down subconsciously on his forehead.

At this moment, the mind beast exuded an aura far beyond his own, making him feel weak.

Obviously those beams of light just now were emitted by this mind beast that looked like a toy duck.

Norbu unconsciously imagined what would happen if he was the one facing these attacks.

The final conclusion was that it was the same as this chimera ant.

No, he doesn't have a body as tough as a chimera ant. If he resists these attacks, he will most likely be reduced to nothing.

This beam of light was emitted so fast that it would be too late for him to use the [Fourth-Dimensional Apartment] to avoid it.

In the face of Porygon Z's attack, both Nobu and Zazan were almost the same.

And this is just a mind beast in Lin Ke's hands!

Glancing at Nobu who was about to wipe his sweat with a handkerchief, Lin Ke put away the multilateral Z again.

Zazan has not grown to the level of Meteor Street yet, so he does not provide much experience value.

But Lin Ke didn't pay much attention to them.

The main goal of this trip is the Ant King and the three guards. These division leaders are just his appetizers.

"Well, it seems that all the chimera ants here have been cleared, so let's move on."

Netero spoke slowly, and a hint of anticipation could be heard in his tone.

Having seen chimera ants like Zazan, he was even more interested in chimera ants that could make Gon and Gon escape in panic.

Now that they have encountered chimera ants, it means that they are getting closer to the ant nest.

the other side,

Gon and Killua are preparing to start training hard to defeat their opponents.

in the corridor,

"In other words, we have to work hard to grow in the next month.

Killua analyzed Gon.

"No, that would be too slow. We have to complete the goal within a week and then return to NGL."

Gon shook his head, said something that scared Killua, and at the same time reached out to open the door.

"are you an idiot?!"

The moment the door opened, a shout sounded, and at the same time a fist enlarged in Gon's eyes.


Gon was knocked directly into the opposite wall.

"It hurts, it hurts."

Gon stroked the back of his head that was hit. When he saw the person in front of him clearly, the little one immediately shouted "two" in unison.


Bisji, who was wearing a burgundy princess dress, had her hands on her hips and looked at the two of them with an extremely serious expression.

"Why is Bisgi here?"

Gon stood up from the floor, confused as to why she appeared in front of him.

"Don't speak yet, I want to ask you a question!"

Bisgi's clear eyes were fixed on Gon, and his tone was quite serious.

"Why do you have to go to NGL!"

"That's no longer a place for you two kids to go!"

"With Lin Ke and President Netero taking action, how can it be your turn to take action?"

Bisji reprimanded the two little ones in a tone of hatred, how could she teach such a disciple?

He always looked like he was rushing to die.

It’s not like they don’t understand the gap between us and the enemy, so why do they have to do things that are beyond their capabilities?

In Bisgi's opinion, this incident has already been resolved by Lin Ke.

As the undoubted [Strongest in the World], if even Lin Ke can't be solved, then we can't let these two brats pass.

Letting them pass is just inviting death.

However, with the insistence of Gon and Gon, the soft-hearted Bisji still designed an exercise plan for them.

In the next period of time, the two little ones will face more severe hell-like training than before on the Greed Island.

From day to night, they can only rest until they lie down completely.

Night falls slowly,

The ink-colored sky was dotted with stars.

A bright moon poured its bright moonlight onto the earth, illuminating the faces of the four people.

"Hoo ho ho, that's not good."

"That guy might be stronger than me~"

Chairman Netero put his fingers in front of his eyes in a gesture similar to "OK".

Through the mind-qi film contained in his eyes, he can easily see distant details.

At this moment, in the eyes of President Netero, there is a cat-shaped chimera ant sitting on the ant curtain.

Catwoman, who has the characteristics of a cat, is supposed to be a cute existence, but President Netero only thinks she is powerful.

In addition, Catwoman also gave him a feeling of disgust, which was the influence of strong evil thoughts in her body.

After a long period of running around and killing the chimera ants, the four finally saw the destination ant nest.

Now they were standing on a rock platform a considerable distance away from the ant nest.

"Are you stronger than the president?!"

Mo Laowu's face froze next to him. Even though he had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the president's words.

"If I can't defeat you, then I can only..."

Mo Laowu said hesitantly, turning his head to look at Lin Ke who looked indifferent during the sentence.

Although Mo Laowu didn't say everything, the other three people present knew what he meant.

If not even President Netero, [the strongest in the old world] could defeat him.

Then they can only count on Lin Ke, the "strongest in the new world".

"Times are so cruel~ I am no longer the strongest in the world, and there will be more and more people stronger than me in the future.

“That’s the kind of person that’s standing next to me now.”

Netero put down his finger and glanced at Lin Ke next to him, as if he saw the high-spirited self in his youth.

"I'm afraid I'm not even half as strong as I was in my heyday. I really don't want to grow old~"

This is the heartfelt sigh of President Netero.

As a strong man, he knows very well that he has long passed his prime.

Even being able to live to this age is already something worth boasting about. It is definitely impossible to retain peak strength.

But as a person who wholeheartedly pursues martial arts, it is indeed painful to watch his own strength weaken day by day.

"Don't you want to grow old?"

"President, don't be so discouraged. Maybe there is still a chance."

Lin Ke's calm words came from the side, causing the three of them to turn their gazes with doubts in their eyes.

Is this a joke?

Indeed, Lin Ke was not joking, but said it sincerely.

Making people immortal may sound like a joke, but it is not impossible to achieve.

Putting aside the "hope" and "disaster" of the Dark Continent, there are many Pokémon that have this ability.

For example, Celebi, who can travel through time and space, might be able to freeze a person's age?

Or Jirachi who can fulfill wishes, King Ho who can resurrect living things, Xerneas who is the god of life...

There are so many mythical Pokémon that can bring things back to life.

Not to mention just wanting to not age.

"I'm not old~"

"Old man, I guess there is no hope in this life."

President Netero looked forward faintly, while Lin Ke looked at the old man with his peripheral vision.

It can be seen from Netero's expression and the meaning in his tone.

He was ready to sacrifice.

There is more of a willingness to die.

After all, it is too easy to deal with chimera ants, especially when the ant king has not yet been born.

Just let Mo Laowu's Purple Smoke Machine Troop bring a [Poor Man's Rose] to deal with the Chimera Ants.

Compared with the harm caused by chimera ants, the harm caused by exploding [Poor Man's Questions] is much less.


There are no signs of humans in the surrounding area. The only ones living here are chimera ants. The use of [Poor Man's Rose] is very suitable.

But Lin Ke knows that President Netero has his own reasons for not doing this.

The current situation is not only that he is going to die, but someone is forcing him to die.

Even if this chimera ant is [

The Poor Man's Rose] is solved, there is no guarantee that other creatures will not appear later.

Before Netero dies, he can still have a pleasant battle. This is the "mercy" of the masterminds behind it.

"President, please don't underestimate yourself so much. If even you can't defeat the guards, what will the Ant King do?"

Not only Netero, Inker also saw Catwoman above the ant fence in the distance.

And the "circle" she released has a terrifying range!

Catwoman's "circle" is quite special and can be released in irregular shapes.

In the original work, a "circle" of several hundred meters was shown, and a "circle" of two kilometers, or two thousand meters, was shown at most.

You must know that a top-notch expert can use a circle of 50 meters.

Compared with Catwoman, the gap between the two is ridiculously large.

Of course, this is also related to Catwoman's good use of "circle".

For strong men with the same strength, the size of the "circle" between them can also be quite different.

Precisely because Catwoman is the one who is best at using "circle" among the three guards, she is usually used as a guard.

Lin Ke estimates that this Catwoman should have the strength to reach the S-level range.

The strength of the three guards is probably around S-level.

At this moment, under Lin Ke's "condensation", there was a blood-red mental energy shield in the distance that enveloped a large area around it.

This is Catwoman’s “circle” centered on the ant nest.

An ordinary person would be frightened to death just by seeing this "circle".

"So, everyone has seen that there is a monster-like 'circle' over there, what should we do next?"

Netero turned around, with his back to the ant nest, and looked at the few people thoughtfully.

"President, you really have a bad taste. You should have already thought of a countermeasure, right?"

"It's natural to reduce the enemy's strength."

Norbu squatted down and put his palms close to the ground, and a pure thought energy emerged on his palms.

In an instant, a dark and deep thought space hole appeared in front of everyone.

Norbu put his hand in and took it out, and Lao Wu's big pipe appeared in his hand.

Because it was too strenuous to carry it, Mo Laowu simply stored the big pipe in Nobu's fourth-dimensional apartment.

This [Fourth Dimension Apartment] is really useful. It can not only store items, but also allow living things to enter.

Gengar can't compare to this. His stomach can only hold dead things.

Suddenly Lin Ke thought that he seemed to have a place similar to the [Fourth Dimension Apartment].

That’s the online world!

With Porygon Z, the online world is equivalent to his "fourth-dimensional apartment"

Not only can creatures come in and out, but items can also be stored.

The only drawback is that it can only be used where there is an Internet connection.

But it doesn't matter, Porygon's strength is getting higher and higher now.

Presumably, we will soon be able to grow from using the Internet to creating the Internet.

Having an ability similar to [Fourth Dimensional Apartment] is very important for exploring the dark continent.

"Take your time and enjoy the process of fighting."

Mo Laowu took the big pipe, his face full of confidence.

With President Netero and Lin Ke by their side, Mo Laowu and Nobu felt quite secure.

Now they are even more in agreement with President Netero's decision to invite Lin Ke.

Without Lin Ke following them, they wouldn't be as calm and calm as they are now.

"Yeah, enjoy the process of fighting."

Lin Ke sat cross-legged on the ground, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, and a dull sense of oppression suddenly fell on the platform.

The strong breath created wind pressure, causing Chairman Netero's robe to whistle.

I saw silhouettes appearing in vain behind Lin Ke, "The fifth rank of the Venerable was stunned to see it.

One after another, different-looking mind beasts appeared in front of them!

Although different in size and appearance.

But they have one thing in common, that is, their breath is terrible!

"This is...the legendary mind beast army of the mind beast master!"

Norbu watched the Pokémon closely, and even his words had a trembling sound under the pressure of his breath.

Any mind beast inside is far stronger than him!

One person is an army!

This is the true background of the name "Nian Beast Master"!

Any enemy who wants to use the human sea tactic in front of him is tantamount to digging his own grave.

This is the strength of being the "strongest in the world"!!

Gardevoir, Lucario, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Kuailong...

Suddenly, the rocky platform was filled with Pokémon!

Surrounded by numerous mind beasts, Mo Laowu and others felt more secure.

Facing so many chimera ants, Lin Ke plans to release his Pokémon army to collect experience points!

At this moment, a thought flashed through their hearts at the same time. 【013803031 Feilu 210472360】

Do they really need to weaken the enemy?

Just relying on Lin Ke's Nian Beast team can push them through, right?

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