Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 170: Most Of The Ants Lost! The Ant King Comes To The World! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"Hoo ho ho ho, he's so handsome~"

A glint flashed in Netero's eyes and he muttered something.

Lin Ke's mind beast also aroused his fighting spirit.

It was said to be an army of Nian Beasts, but in fact Lin Ke only released six of his own Nian Beasts.

After all, except for the ant king and the guards, the other chimera ants cannot provide much experience value.

If too many Pokémon are released, the experience points will be evenly divided and there will be even less.

Considering that if the guards see too many dead chimera ants, they may take the initiative to leave the ant nest to attack Pokémon.

Then it would be risky to let a Pokémon that is still in the A-level range act alone.

So Lin Ke decided to use the "old with new" approach.

That is, there are two Pokémon in a group, and each group has ten S-level Pokémon and one A-level Pokémon.

In this way, even if they encounter the escort team, the Pokémon can still escape intact, or even be killed on the spot.

These six Pokémon are: Lucario, Gardevoir, Dragonite, Winddog, Porygon Z, and Happy Egg.

Lin Ke's army of mind beasts is very scary, but the three of them know that not all of Lin Ke's mind beasts are!

Not to mention President Netero and Mo Laowu, they have witnessed other mind beasts with their own eyes.

Norbu had watched the live broadcast of the martial arts competition not long ago, and naturally saw the three evil dragons, Super Gengar and Bangela.

Not one of these three mind beasts Lin Ke has been released yet!

Lin Ke's strength is far higher than anyone imagined!

The only person who has a rough idea of ​​how terrifying Lin Ke is is Netero, who was lucky enough to meet Marshado.

It was precisely because of meeting Marshado that Netero was confident that as long as Lin Ke was present, the matter would be resolved.

No matter how strong the ant king is, he can't be stronger than Lin Ke's mind beast!

"Mo Laowu, just release the Purple Smoke Field and leave other matters to them."

Lin Ke said to Mo Laowu next to him, leaving those chimera ants to his Pokémon, he just needed to make a venue.

With the purple smoke "623" field, his Pokémon will be better concealed, and it also has the effect of interfering with perception and signals.

This will prevent those chimera ants from being scared away at once.

"Well, it's really an honor for me to fight alongside Mr. Lin Ke."

Mo Laowu readily agreed. At this moment, he recalled his experience exploring the Dark Sonata with Mr. Lin Ke.

To be honest, he basically didn't do anything that time, and so did everyone else.

Most of the dangers were solved by Lin Ke and his army of mind beasts, leaving no room for them to take action.

It can be said that as long as you have Lin Ke as your teammate, any problem will be solved and turned into an easy difficulty.

Originally he planned to make a purple smoke rabbit to explore forward, but now that Mr. Lin Ke said this, he changed his mind.

As Mo Laowu's chest continued to rise and fall, another cloud of white smoke floated towards the forest in the distance.

Mo Laowu was like a ruthless smoke-making machine, repeating a few monotonous actions.

Smoking, exhaling smoke, and controlling the white smoke to float forward are just these three actions.

Lin Ke and the other three quietly watched Mo Laowu arrange the venue.

In the original work, Mo Laowu and others used this method to fight guerrilla warfare.

When Mo Laowu arranges the purple smoke field, the information transmission and sight lines between the chimera ants will be interfered with.

Norbu had arranged various mental space holes in the [Fourth Dimensional Apartment] in the forest in advance. As long as you step on them, you will enter.

President Netero stays in the [Fourth Dimension Apartment] and is responsible for cleaning up chimera ants whenever they come in.

Now that Lin Ke has joined, there is no need for such trouble.

Except for the layout of the venue, everything else is handled by the Pokémon.

The next second, the Pokémon all disappeared.

The stage has been set and the show is about to begin.


[There are strange changes. Is it the enemy’s offensive? 】

【So what should we do, meow?】

Catwoman, who was sitting cross-legged on a rock pillar, looked at the forest in the distance, and saw that the originally dark forest turned into a vast expanse of white.

A large piece of white smoke appeared inexplicably in the woods.

Catwoman bit her finger lightly, and her tail swung behind her, her big and smart eyes full of curiosity.

He stood up subconsciously, looking into the white woods, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Apparently she was ready to make a move.

"It doesn't matter if you wait for the other party to come over, right?"

At this time, a rather magnetic voice came from the cave entrance on the other side.

Catwoman turned her head slightly, and a figure stood in the shadow. The soft moonlight did not shine on him.

"Just wait until the enemy is close to the ant nest and then deal with them."

Catwoman sat cross-legged on the ground again, touched her lips lightly with her fingers, and said in a tone of sudden realization:

"That's right. It might be a trap."

"Hey, did I say anything just now?"

She was just thinking in her heart and didn't say it directly.

"No, it's just that I think you should think so."

"By the way, who are you?"

Shaiapouf slowly walked out of the shadows, and the moonlight finally shone on him, completely revealing his appearance to Catwoman.

Shaiapouf is a man with a feminine face, blond hair, wearing a crisp shirt and trousers, and is quite elegant.

From this point of view, Bopfu is a bit like a combination of Kurapika and Pariston.

But as a chimera ant, he still has animal characteristics.

There is a pair of protruding tentacles among the blond hair, and the most obvious one is the pair of large wings behind him.

They were a pair of quite gorgeous wings, with black edges and colorful lines. They were a pair of huge butterfly wings.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is 'Shaiapouf'."

"Same as you, one of the direct escorts."

"The remaining Menthuthuyoupi will be born soon."

Shaiapouf spoke slowly, revealing an elegant temperament everywhere.

There are three chimera ants in the ant king's direct guard team.

They are Catwoman Neferpitou, Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi.

Among them, Catwoman is the one with the most balanced abilities in all aspects and the strongest comprehensive ability among the three.

Shaiapouf is the intellectual representative of the three, and also has the more human emotions.

From time to time, I would play the violin and feel sentimental for a while.

Menthuthuyoupi is the most adept at fighting among the three.

Because there are no human genes, the intelligence is not high.

All three have their own advantages, but they also have fatal flaws.

Catwoman is too curious and playful.

Shaiapouf is usually calm, but once he encounters something related to the ant king, he will get into chaos.

Menthuthuyoupi has only strength but lacks intelligence, and is prone to trouble in battles with enemies.

The three chimera ants serve as the direct guard team, which is different from other chimera ants.

Catwoman and the others have always been loyal to the King of Ants, not the Queen.

That's why Shaiapouf said to ignore it and attack if the enemy is close to the ant nest.

Because they only value the king ant in the belly of the queen ant, and there is no use waiting until the king is born.

"Huh? Why is the forest suddenly filled with white smoke?"

"This is indeed not fog."

Leopard Kidou squinted his eyes and looked at the white smoke filling the woods, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"But it should be okay? Anyway, my speed is so fast, it's impossible to catch up with me."

Jidu waved his hand, and his words were full of confidence in his speed.

Jidu is a leopard-shaped chimera ant, which looks like a humanoid cheetah and is tall and slender.

The chest and thighs are covered with white fur, and its head is covered with long purple hair.

Because he has leopard genes in his body, Jidu has a super talent for speed.

It can reach speeds of 200 km/h or even higher in an instant.

For it, speeds of 50 to 180 kilometers per hour seem to be a casual stroll.

As one of the division leaders, what Kidu is best at is speed.

Therefore, he can guarantee that he may not be able to defeat the enemy, but there is still no problem in escaping.

It was precisely because of his pride in his speed that Kidu did not choose to escape immediately.

This also contributed to his downfall.


Suddenly, two figures appeared in front of Leopard Kidu.

"This is!"

Kidu's leopard eyes suddenly widened, staring closely at the two figures appearing in front of him.

This is a higher speed than him!

No, this can no longer be called speed!

They appear in front of you in an instant!

In shock, Kidu subconsciously took half a step back, with a look of confusion on his face.

It had never seen such a situation before, and it was already starting to retreat.

Although these two are not humans, Jidu can also tell that they are definitely not chimera ants.

The one coming is the Pokémon combination Gardevoir and Happy Egg!

Kido glanced at Gardevoir and Happy Egg with fear.

Especially this elegant enemy gives it the greatest sense of intimidation!

It even vaguely felt that the aura strength of this enemy was almost the same as that of Lord Neferpitou as a bodyguard!

At this moment, Jidu was so lucky that he was the fastest among the division leaders.

Any other division commander probably wouldn't be able to escape today.

Jidu suddenly stepped to the ground, his body swayed, and disappeared in the next second!

Only a deep tread mark was left on the ground.

It has to rush back to the ant nest so that it can save its life.

In just a short moment, the leopard Jidu had already run a long distance.

While escaping, Kidu was still frightened and looked back from time to time to see if the other party was catching up.

But there was still an empty forest behind him, and there was no one there except trees and white smoke.

"Hahaha, I am indeed the fastest!"

Seeing this, Jidu's anxious heart finally relaxed. It thought the enemy had not caught up with it and breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he finished speaking, a pink light appeared next to it and hit its body directly.

【what happened?!】

Before Kidu could react, he saw two familiar figures beside him.

Jidu quickly touched his body, but found that he was not hurt at all.

[Why is there no damage? And why is the speed so slow? 】

Jidu felt that his speed suddenly slowed down a lot. Even if he tried his best to suck milk, he still couldn't reach the normal speed...

Kidou looked at Gardevoir and Happy Egg with a surprised look on his face, somewhat confused as to what was going on.

Super skills——Magic Space!

In this arena, fast action will be slower than slow action.

It is equivalent to the speed of the two being reversed.


With a smile on his face, Happy Egg shouted softly, releasing rocks all over the sky at a faster speed.

Rock-type skills——rock collapse!

At this moment, Happy Egg's smile was obviously very cute, but in Kidu's eyes, it was like a devil's smile.


The next second, countless rockslides hit Jidu!

Because of the magic space, the speed of the base is destined to be slower than the happy egg, so there is no way to avoid it.

Paired with the Tian'en version of Rock Crash, the fast Jidu is completely trapped in the magical space and Rock Crash moves.

Gidu probably never dreamed that he, who was so fast, would die because of his speed.

It seems so ironic that the speed that I am proud of is the "murderer" who killed me.

But even if there is no magical space, he can't hold the palm of a Pokémon's hand based on physical strength alone.

After dealing with the base, Gardevoir took the happy egg and teleported again, preparing to find the next target.

Kidu's death is not an isolated case, and countless chimera ants will follow suit in the next few days.

Nearly a month later,

In a hidden cave not far from the ant nest,

“I didn’t expect that within this short period of time, they would have been almost wiped out.

Mo Laowu sat cross-legged on the ground, looking leisurely into the distance, feeling that this trip was really easy.

During this period of time, Lin Ke's army of mind beasts almost wiped out the Chimera Ant division leaders.

Except for a few who seldom "go out" and whose personalities are not very bad, Lin Ke let them go.

There are thirty chimera ant division leaders.

Excluding Zazan who was killed in the forest at the beginning, there were only twenty-nine people left.

During this period of time, Pokémon appeared in the forest from time to time, and as long as there was a presence at the level of a division leader, they would inevitably die.

In the blink of an eye, the number of division commanders was reduced by more than half, leaving basically only a few who were not good at fighting.

As for the ordinary soldier captains and soldier ants, the Pokémon also easily eliminated a large number of them.

The hierarchical division among chimera ants is quite regular.

A division commander will have three or five corps captains.

A soldier captain will have about ten soldier ants.

It was such a huge amount that most of it was lost during this period of time.

"Hoho hoho, young people are so capable that an old man like me has no chance to stretch his muscles."

President Netero put down a chess piece and said rather "sentimentally".

"Old man, how can these chimera ants allow you to move your muscles and bones? At least you need a few escorts, right?"

Lin Ke said with a smile, and at the same time put down the last chess piece, blocking Netero's path.

"Oh, it's really boring. I won't play anymore."

When Netero saw that he had lost, he did not intend to continue playing, just like an old naughty boy.

"Guarding Team 0.3? Those three are indeed nothing to boo."

"Even looking at them from a long distance makes me feel scared."

Norbu next to him recalled the previous scene and couldn't help but sigh.

Perhaps because of Lin Ke's Nian Beast in front, Norbu felt that those escorts were strong.

But that seems to be it.

After seeing Lin Ke's Nian Beast up close, Nobu Tuan deeply realized that "The World's Strongest" was not groundless.

That is the well-deserved strongest in the world!

No one can compare to him!

Any Nian beast Lin Ke picks out at random is at the level of a bodyguard, or even better than a bodyguard.

"President, the minions are almost cleaned up. Isn't it time to take action against the escort team?"

"According to experts' analysis, the ant king will be born in about a month."

Norbu quickly reminded President Netero that it would be troublesome if he waited until the ant king was born.

Although you have Mr. Lin Ke as your trump card, if you can pass the game in easy mode, why bother making it difficult for yourself?

"Hohoho, is there another month?"

President Netero's tone was full of meaning, and only Lin Ke understood what the old man was thinking.

Nobu and Mo Laowu thought they had heard wrongly.

Why do you feel like the old man's tone seems eager to try?

The next moment, an aura full of violence and blood rose into the sky!

This is an extremely terrifying aura. Any creature facing the crushing force of this aura will involuntarily produce a mentality of surrender.

It seems to be a born king, and its inherent pressure will make living creatures feel humble from the bottom of their hearts.

The aura that is like falling into an ice cellar is centered on the ant nest, and the surrounding area is filled with ministers for countless miles.

The cave where Lin Ke and the others are located is naturally no exception.

Mo Laowu and Nobu looked at each other and saw the panic in each other's eyes.

The Ant King is here!

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