Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 171 Eight Left In Thirty! Early Premature Babies! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

in the ant nest,

The few remaining division commanders, the chimera ants, gathered together.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's true or not, it's been like this, haven't you guys planned to take action yet?"

Meleon, who was wearing a light-colored hooded sportswear, had a look of disbelief on his face, and his eyes were wide open.

His words revealed his dissatisfaction with Catwoman and other members of the escort team.

Meleon is rather peculiar, a chameleon-type chimera ant.

It has a pair of larger eyes and a mosquito-shaped curved tail behind it.

"Although I don't know how they considered it, they really have no intention of taking action."

The old Niu Xihong, who had a pair of horns on his head and was covered in knotted muscles, said in a deep voice.

Shihong's genes contain bovine animals, and he is the most powerful chimeric ant among the division leaders.

But with such power, it is not as cruel as division commanders such as Zazan and Wilfen.

It only wants to be loyal to the queen, and usually stays in the ant nest to take care of the queen.

"Are you kidding me?"

"There are a total of thirty division commanders, and not even a month has passed, and there are only eight of us left!"

Brobuta, who looked like an honest "human", was really angry, even though he was usually calm, he couldn't stand it anymore.

A month ago, there were thirty Chimera Ants who were the leader of their division, but in the blink of an eye, there were only eight of them left!

The remaining eight are the first born division commander——Koludo.

As well as Peggy, Turtle Chimera Ant, Shihong, Bear Chimera Ant, Octopus Chimera Ant, and Meleon.

The remaining eight chimera ants are either loyal to the queen, or they are division leaders without any ambitions.

Among the many division commanders, he is a rare clear figure.

It is precisely because they are rarely responsible for going out to hunt for food and have relatively good personalities that they survive to the end.

But they don't know, they just think that it will be their turn to die next.

Now the position of the high-level division commander is seriously vacant, and the subordinate corps captains have also suffered heavy casualties, with only a few surviving.

Among them is the rabbit-shaped chimeric ant, Sheena, who looks like a little girl.

As well as Ikarugo, who looks like a cooked octopus, and koala chimera ants who love drinking...

It can be said that the division commanders and corps captains who are still alive today all performed reasonably well in the original work.

The other chimera ants died early and were turned into experience points for the Pokémon.

There are not enough 31 high-level soldiers to guide the low-level soldier ants, which means that they will provide enough food next.

You must take the initiative to lead the remaining chimera ants to find food.

Otherwise, the king's pregnancy will be affected, and those guards will definitely kill them.

What they don't know is that under Lin Ke's arrangement, there are no humans for countless miles outside the ant nest.

They had gone to seek refuge long ago, so it was even more difficult for them to obtain food.

"Damn it! Those guards don't care about us at all, they only care about the queen."

The bear-shaped chimera ant spat hard, and was completely heartbroken by what the guards and other members did.

Right now, they will die if they go out, or they will die if they don't go out.

Caught in a dilemma.

【Only care about the queen...】

Meleon remained silent, his expression becoming more solemn.

It felt that those escorts didn't seem to only care about the queen. The real statement should be that they only cared about the king in her belly!

Now they take care of the queen because the birth of the king requires a queen.

But what if the king is born?

Where should the Queen and them go?

Another space within the ant nest,

"Hey, what a bunch of useless things. Were they almost wiped out by the enemy in such a short time?"

Menthuthuyoupi crossed his arms and said in a low tone.

Menthuthuyoupi is quite strong, with a red skin color and bulging muscles.

The eyebrowless face looks a lot like Phinks from "Phantom Troupe", and he has the same irritable temper.

As the last chimera ant born among the three guards, Meng Tuupi is quite different from the first two.

Its genes are completely mixed with various monsters, but now it mimics human form, and its true appearance is not like this.

Menthuthuyoupi is like a large piece of clay that can be molded into various shapes.

Want to fly?

It can create a fleshy wing on its back.

Want faster speeds?

It can directly transform the lower body of a humanoid into a horse, giving it the appearance of a centaur.

With the blessing of many kinds of Warcraft genes, Menthuthuyoupi can have many forms.

At the same time, because of the nature of Warcraft, it is extremely warlike, and its body is filled with blood.

"You might as well let me take action and kill those enemies!"

Menthuthuyoupi looked at Shaiapouf, who was playing the violin and looking intoxicated.

"That's right~ Now the queen's food is not enough."

"The soldiers can only hunt a few animals this month."

"The usual food supply basically relies on the amount of goods stored previously."

"If it affects the birth of the king, you and I will both be to blame."

Shaiapouf stopped playing the violin, lowered his eyes, and said thoughtfully, with an extremely feminine tone.

"Being able to clear out those division commanders means that they are pretty strong, I guess. They are probably good among the 'rare species'."

"If it can be provided to the queen, it will surely be beneficial to the birth of the king?"

The more he analyzed, the more Yapov felt that it was necessary to deal with those enemies.

But the question is how should it be arranged?

It had not taken any action before because it was worried about falling into the enemy's trap.

"Meow, if that's the case, why don't you let me take action? You and Yupi just stay in the ant nest to protect the queen.

"I am very fast and can respond in time if there is an emergency."

Sitting on a tattered sofa that she found from somewhere, Catwoman leaned back and stretched out lazily.

The pair of cat eyes were full of curiosity, and it wanted to fight these enemies.

After nearly a month of not moving my body much.

It couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to go out and have fun.

Enjoy the same fighting experience you had that night.

Shaiapouf glanced at the excited Catwoman, shook his head, and did not accept Catwoman's proposal.

Catwoman's playfulness is clearly written on her face. There is no guarantee that Catwoman will be able to escape in time when she goes out.

The same goes for Menthuthuyoupi, who is also worried about letting Youpi take action.

The difference between it and Catwoman is that one has a high IQ but a playful heart.

Another flaw is its IQ. Although it is strong enough, if it is released alone, there is no guarantee that it will not fall into the trap of a cunning enemy.

If he chooses to go out on his own, he is worried that he will not be in charge of the ant nest as the intellectual responsible.

Catwoman and Yupi cannot fulfill their mission of guarding the ant nest well, and they will be in trouble if they fall into the enemy's trick.

Halfway through the thought, Shaiapouf played the violin again, and his expression became sentimental again.

【King~ As expected, I am your most capable subordinate, the other two are not good enough.”

In the eyes of the proud Shaiapouf, he is the most important guard and should be the most worthy of the Ant King's attention.

Others, whether Catwoman or Mengyu Pi, are far less important than him.

Only he can assist the king to sit on that throne.

"What happened to it?"

Menthuthuyoupi scratched his head, a trace of astonishment flashed across his rough face, and asked the catwoman next to him in a low voice.

Shaiapouf's words and actions always make him feel inexplicable and difficult to understand clearly.


Seeing that Shaiapouf was "getting sick" again, Catwoman pouted her little mouth and casually dealt with the confused Yupi.



At this moment, one sad scream after another suddenly came from the depths of the ant nest.

This wailing sound, which was extremely painful to anyone who heard it, easily resounded throughout the entire ant nest.

Suddenly, countless chimera ants cast their sights deep into the ant nest, and they knew it very well.

This is the scream of the Queen!

After the queen's scream, an extremely terrifying aura spread in the ant nest.

The huge ant nest is filled with the domineering aura of the ant king unscrupulously.

Those low-level soldier ants all knelt on the ground, trembling.

Facing the aura of the ant king at the top of the race, they are not even qualified to fight.

The few remaining captains were slightly better, but they all collapsed on the ground and it was difficult to get up.

The division commanders were pretty good. After a brief hesitation, they quickly acted against the uncomfortable pressure.

The hierarchical divisions between chimera ants are clearly visible at this moment.

Those who can move under the ant king's aura are all powerful beings.

"Oh? It seems that he was born in advance? Our king!"

Catwoman got up from the sofa and looked straight into the depths of the ant nest.

Those smart eyes seemed to be able to see the ant king through the rock wall.

"I don't know if being born so far in advance will affect the king."

"This is all my dereliction of duty~"

Shaiapouf's feminine face was full of sadness, and his heart was full of self-blame.

If the situation were not inappropriate, it would want to play the violin again.

[If the king fails to grow well because of my negligence, then how can I have the face to face the king? 】

[Shaiapouf, you should wait until the king succeeds and then commit suicide. You are not qualified to be by the king's side!]

Shaiapouf's inner little theater started to play out again, and he kept criticizing himself for failing to create good conditions for Wang.

Menthuthuyoupi looked at Shaiapouf in bewilderment, surprised by his emotional change.

"That's all. Now that it has become a fact, we can no longer dwell on it. Let's prepare the food for the king first."

After Shaiapouf briefly vented his emotions, he finally returned to his usual calmness.

What it doesn't know is that this state will appear more frequently when it is followed by the queen ant.

In the cave outside the ant nest,

"How can this be?"

"Is it actually a month ahead of schedule?"

Mo Laowu's face froze, frightened by the news of the sudden birth of the Ant King.

"No, to be precise, it should be one month and three days in advance.

Nobu pushed up his glasses and said with a slightly trembling tone.

It could be seen that he was also frightened by the ant king's aura.

But it's much better than being frightened until his hair turned gray and then bald in the original work.

This is all due to the long distance and the fact that Lin Ke's Pokémon have been seen up close.


President Netero murmured softly. In addition to being a little surprised, there were also some complicated expressions on his face.

The birth of the Ant King was brought forward, which may also mean that his life time was shortened.

But apart from these emotions, the old man's eyes still had fireworks called "fighting spirit" burning.


Apart from the Netero trio, even Lin Ke was also surprised.

Why did the ant king advance the time at the wrong time?

Experts' assessment is that it will take at least two months for the ant king to be born.

In the original work, it happened to be one month ahead of schedule. The ant king was unwilling to wait any longer and was forcibly born into this world.

So the ant king is actually a premature baby born early.

But Lin Ke remembered that the birth in the plot should be on the day when Gon and others came to the conclusion.

There are still three days left before Gon and others' one-month deadline.

Was it because of his butterfly effect that the ant king was born three days early?

After thinking about it, Lin Ke finally came up with a more reliable explanation.

It's possible that his Pokémon cleared away so many chimera ants that the queen didn't have enough food.

This allowed the ant king to be born three days earlier.

However, the premature baby, who was born one month early, is not far behind in these three days.

"And he still has such a terrifying momentum."

As Mo Laowu spoke word by word, he subconsciously raised the 363 pipe leaning against the wall and started smoking again and again.

The birth of the Ant King and its terrifying momentum made Mo Laowu have to smoke to calm down.

"Fortunately, we have Lin Ke and President Netero."

Norbu once again took out the handkerchief that had remained unchanged for thousands of years and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I don’t know if Norbu is physically weak, so he can’t stop breaking out in cold sweats whenever he encounters this situation.

"Yes, fortunately we have two of the strongest ones staying with us."

"If even you two can't control the situation, then you will have to resort to some informal means."

in the ant nest,

This is where the queen ant usually stays.

When Corudo and other division commanders hurried over, they only saw the wailing queen ant who was seriously injured and with blood flowing continuously.

And the Ant King, who has his back turned to them, with yellow-green blood still remaining on his body, and exuding a terrifying aura!

Compared with them, the ant king is like a creature of another species.

Another even more terrifying race!

The ant king has well-developed muscles and a strong physique. It seems that every muscle contains an energy zone of Moyin.

It makes people feel that it can cause quite terrifying damage with just a few moves.

There are two long tentacles on its ears, and it wears an iconic black and green armored cap on its head.

Like most chimera ants, it has a thick and powerful tail.

At the very end is a poisonous needle with a chilling cold light.

At first glance, it looks like an oversized syringe full of poison. If it is stabbed, it will kill you in one blow.

In addition to the distinct muscles, the green body surface also has profound and strange patterns.

It's like wearing a gorgeous armor on the body, both on the chest and back, there is this pattern.

The surface of the turquoise "armor" is covered with frightening deep purple thought energy.

The strong thought energy tightly lingered around the Ant King.

An ordinary Ninja's thought energy surrounds the body surface like a gas.

But the ant king's mental energy has become so huge that the mental energy around him has almost condensed into a physical entity!

This is quite a huge thought energy!

Just the aura emitted unconsciously made several division commanders have trouble breathing and break out in cold sweat.

Under these shocking combinations, the ant king has a sharp-edged face.

The most unforgettable thing is the way it looks at the heavy object.

It was an extremely indifferent look, without any emotion in it.

It seemed that those sharp pupils were full of coldness.

In the eyes of the Ant King, everything seems meaningless and can be manipulated as it pleases.

If you like it, keep it; if you don't like it, destroy it. It's that simple.

【This is...their king!】

Corudo and other division leaders looked at the stern-faced Ant King in shock, as if they had been trapped.

Cooperating with the queen ant who fell to the ground next to her and was already in a dying state.

This scene is so weird!

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