Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 172 They Are Demons! Banjira Vs. Ant King! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"I'm hungry, go get me something to eat.

The corner of the ant king's mouth curled up, revealing a frightening smile, and his words were full of absolute tone.

It does not allow anyone to refuse its orders, as long as what it says must be obeyed unconditionally.

For a moment, Corudo and other division commanders were still in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"Your Majesty, this is bad. Almost all the internal organs have been damaged. We must receive treatment quickly."

Only the gentle penguin Peggy stepped forward quickly with small steps, thinking only of treating the queen ant's injuries first.

In the rush, the red book that Peggy the Penguin usually carries also fell to the ground.

This move did not attract the attention of many people, except for the chameleon Meleon whose expression changed slightly.

This red book stirred up some memory fragments from its original human period, and an inexplicable excitement arose in its heart.

But before it had time to figure out these scattered memories, a stream of blue blood splashed onto its face.

His originally green skin was stained with a paint-like blue.


Meleon trembled and touched his face, gently wiping off a piece of thick blood.

The heart was beating wildly at this moment, and it seemed that it could hear its own heartbeat.

Could it be…………

Merion was like an old robot, slowly turning his head and looking straight at the side of the Ant King.

That's a headless corpse!

It was Peggy the penguin who just wanted to treat the queen ant!

The ant king waved his tail casually and suddenly killed his men!

Meleon didn't know why he had such a big reaction. Maybe it was because the Ant King killed his men at will?

Peggy the Penguin is obviously just his "colleague", and they should not have had any intersection before this.


Why is it so painful inside?

Except for Meleon, who looked sad, Korudo and other division leaders were more shocked.

They couldn't figure out why the ant king wanted to take action against Peggy.

In fact, the Ant King is a very willful existence.

Just because Peggy didn't put the ant king's order (finding food) in the first place, she killed it.

There is no need for disobedient subordinates.

This is the idea of ​​the ant king.

Not to mention that it has never regarded these division commanders as its subordinates, and they are not qualified enough.

"It's dirty, please wipe it clean for me."

The ant king's emotionless eyes glanced at the blood-stained tail, and then ordered to the horrified Korudo.

However, Corrudo was still immersed in the fear of Peggy being killed at this moment, his pupils kept vibrating, but his body was unable to move.

"Oh, I happen to have a handkerchief here. It would be an honor for me to wipe it for the king...

The old turtle next to him saw this and quickly excused Corudo. He took out his handkerchief and walked towards the Ant King with a smile.

The next moment, a ghostly afterimage flashed before the eyes of the division leaders.

In an instant, the old turtle's head disappeared!

Another division leader was killed by the Ant King!

The old turtle's body has a heavy turtle shell, which is more weighty and more stable than Peggy.

Therefore, they are also headless corpses. Peggy's corpse fell to the ground and blood spattered on the surrounding rock walls.

The old turtle stood strangely upright on the spot, but his head was flying without wings.

Compared with Peggy's tragic situation, Lao Turtle's death was not so shocking.

But it looked even more terrifying, making the hairs of several division commanders stand on end, and a chill running down their spines into their hearts.

They only have eight division commanders present!

In just a few breaths, two people were killed by the newly born king.

Compared to those enemies hiding in the darkness, their king seems to have caused more damage.

Now there are only six of them left as division commanders.

"Don't make me say it again! Wipe it clean!"

The ant king flicked his tail and stared at Corudo with an indifferent gaze, but a strange smile appeared on his face.

The ant king, who is cruel and indifferent by nature, began to like this kind of wanton behavior.

That's it, as a natural king, no creature can disobey its orders!

Otherwise, there is only death!

Corudo didn't dare to delay any longer, because if he was a second too late, a headless corpse might be his turn.

He quickly took the handkerchief from the old ghost's body and carefully wiped the ant king's tail.

"Where's the food?"

Seeing that the tail had been wiped, the Ant King asked again.

"The meal has been prepared for you~~."

This time it was Catwoman and other guards who responded to it.

"From now on, we will be your most loyal and reliable subordinates."

The three guards knelt down on one knee as a gesture of loyalty.

Hearing this, the Ant King looked calm, acknowledging their status, and left with Catwoman and others.

After the Ant King left, Korudo and other division leaders suddenly felt their bodies relax, and the originally stagnant air became smoother.

"Quick, save the queen quickly."

Corudo quickly commanded the octopus chimera ant, which was one of the few chimera ants among the division leaders that could use medical skills.

The other one was Peggy who fell to the ground.

"No! The internal organs are extensively damaged, and it is impossible to save them with our ability."

"I'm going to find Lord Neferpitou. His ability will definitely save the queen."

Korudo said firmly.

"Queen? That kind of thing is no longer useful."

Catwoman left lightly, leaving only these short words, but it caused great harm to Corudo.

Corudo's pupils kept shrinking, staring closely at Catwoman's leaving back.

At this time, Korudo thought back to Bakuul who was captured that day.

After being controlled to spit out her memories, Catwoman said the same thing.

It’s no longer useful…………

Even the figure from behind was the same as that day, leaving very decisively without any expression.

Corudo finally understood what the sense of alienation that had always been in his heart was!

Compared with several of their division leaders, whether they are low-level soldier ants or high-level escorts, they are the same.

They have no emotions!

In other words, the feelings of the Guards are only for the Ant King!

The guards and the king are different from them.

They are demons!

After awakening, Corudo completely changed his mind and was willing to seek help from his enemies in order to cure the queen ant.

In the hole outside the ant nest,

"Huh? It seems like something is coming."

Mo Laowu held a big pipe and stood at the entrance of the cave looking into the distance. Strong winds were blowing the red tie in front of him.

Ever since the ant king's aura had calmed down, he had paid special attention to the direction of the ant nest.

"It must be a bird, right?"

Nobu squinted his eyes and looked at the creature that still looked like a black dot in the distance.

It wasn't until Korudo flew closer that they could see clearly.

"Is it a bird-shaped chimera ant? What did it do here?"

Mo Laowu frowned, not understanding what the chimera ants were doing at this juncture.

Could it be that he was issuing a challenge to them on behalf of the Ant King?

Would you be so polite?

"No, Mo Laowu, look, it's holding a white flag in its hand, it's here to surrender.

Norbu observed more carefully and found that the white flag held by Corudo was fluttering in the wind.

"We surrender!"

"I'm here for help, please don't attack me!"

Korudo continued to shout as he approached the entrance of the cave, cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead.

After all, this is a very dangerous move, going to the enemy's place alone.

Even being besieged by enemies is normal.

But it had no choice, otherwise it would have to watch the queen die.

"Did something like this still happen?"

Mo Laowu started to smoke again, frowning as he spoke, and at the same time, wisps of white smoke flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"It's really unimaginable that the king of a race would take the initiative to attack his own men."

Mo Laowu shook his head, fully understanding why Corudo and the remaining chimera ants surrendered.

First of all, the originally ambitious and militant chimera ants have been wiped out by Lin Ke.

The rest are chimera ants who are loyal to the queen and have no ambitions.

Then the ant king's cruel behavior completely frightened them, and then he sent the division leader named "Corudo" to surrender.

"In fact, it's not difficult to understand. Although they basically have human genes, they still have beastly minds after all."

"If I'm not mistaken, that ant king never considered himself and the other chimera ants as the same species.

"Maybe the three escorts have the same idea."

"Compared to the chimera ants, the four of them are like a completely new race, so they don't care about your casualties at all.

After integrating the information brought by Corudo, Norbu finally came to this unexpected but reasonable conclusion.

"So can I ask you to save the queen? She is already on the verge of death. If the queen dies, it will cause a big disaster."

Korudo said anxiously.

"Is it possible?"

"Yes, they are also chimera ants, and they should have similar habits. If that is the case, it would be a bit troublesome.

Nobu suddenly exclaimed, recalling the knowledge about chimera ants, and quickly told the information.

"Once the queen of chimera ants dies, the chimera ants that were centered around her will lose their goal."

"If they turn to themselves as the main body, they will scatter to other places and destroy the ecological environment of other places."

"Able to forcibly mate with members of the opposite sex of other species, and eventually breed new generations of chimeric ants."

At this moment, Lin Ke, who had been silent since just now, spoke:

"In this case, just clean up all those soldier ants, and the remaining ones with human emotions can be dealt with as appropriate.

Nobu glanced at Lin Ke, using Dayuan Er

"Yes, Mr. Lin Ke has already eliminated most of the chimera ants, so it's not far behind."

"As long as Mr. Lin Ke takes action, this won't be a problem."

Corudo looked at Lin Ke next to him with a horrified look on his face. He didn't expect that so many of his kind who had died before were killed by Lin Ke!

You must know that there is no shortage of powerful division leaders.

"President, how do you decide? Should you choose to help it?"

Mo Laowu slowly put down the big pipe in his hand and shouted into the depths of the cave.


Before President Netero showed up, a meaningful laughter came from inside.

It's not a good thing that chimera ants have a relatively rich population of humans. Fortunately, that ant's temper is very cruel.

In this way, he can fight wholeheartedly when he fights later.

"Corrudo, right? I want to ask you a question."

President Netero's figure slowly walked out of the shadows, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his expression became solemn.

Under the thin sportswear, there are quite bulging muscles, and the already strong body is even more vividly highlighted.


At the same time, let your hands hang naturally on both sides of the body, and the whole body appears in a state of exertion.

This action is familiar to everyone present. It is usually used for "display" and "practice".

"You have had the experience of seeing the Ant King up close, so I want to hear your opinion."

"That's me or the Ant King, who will be stronger?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely huge energy of thought burst out from President Netero's body!

In an instant, President Netero was like a ignited fireball in everyone's eyes, with his whole body exuding a dazzling light of thought energy.

The originally dark cave was illuminated, and the vision suddenly became clearer.

The fluctuations of thought energy formed strong wind pressure, and howling wind sounds were generated in the cave that was supposed to be calm.

Several people around President Netero were blown by the strong wind pressure, and their hair stood up like a super harmful person.

Norbu and others even had to put their arms in front of them and squint to see President Netero clearly.

Among the few people, only Lin Ke was the calmest, standing there as if nothing had happened, no matter it was the fluctuation of mind energy or the violent wind pressure.

None of them had any effect on him.

Just relying on the mental energy on his body, he avoided the impact of President Netero's mental energy bursting out.

Both are one of the top five Nen in the world, but Lin Ke's actual strength is already worthy of being President Netero.

Even stronger!

This is all due to the delicious food he has eaten for a long time, and his strength is growing every day.

So even if he was "practiced" by President Netero, he still didn't react at all, even if he moved his face.

"You are strong."

Corudo said with narrowed eyes, acknowledging the terrifying aura of President Netero.

President Netero's aura is quite strong. Looking at it from a close distance, it looks like there are countless needles piercing his skin.

It makes people feel pain all over their body.

"But...I'm afraid you can't even touch the Ant King."

Corudo's words completely shocked Mo Laowu and the two people next to him. Can such a refined thought energy not even touch the Ant King?

"It is estimated that he will be killed by the direct escort before then."

Corudo said with a confused expression. Although it was a bit direct, what it said was indeed the truth.

With President Netero's current strength, it is far from possible to defeat the Ant King.


A sigh of relief sounded, and then the strong aura suddenly subsided, and the originally dazzling light disappeared in vain. (no money)

The cave once again returned to its former peace.

President Netero scratched his face and still said with a smile.

"Sure enough, I am still getting old. There are more and more people who are better than me now."

Although he said it with a smile, several people could feel the feeling of "the hero is dying".

After all, time is not forgiving, and no matter how strong a person is, he will grow old one day.

"I didn't expect that at this age, I could still be a challenger. I have to be well prepared for this time."

After a brief sigh of relief, President Netero returned to his usual state, stroking his beard and thinking about where to go to build momentum next.

It has decided to put on that "heart" T-shirt and then spends ten years adjusting its state to the best state.

Go and meet your final battle!

[It’s just a pity that I haven’t been able to wear a “Heart” T-shirt to fight with Lin Ke before]

Thinking of this, Netero glanced at Lin Ke next to him, with a heavy look of regret in his eyes.

If I had known this, I should have spoken earlier, but now there is no time......

"Corrudo, right? I have the same problem."

A flash of light flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, and he said words similar to those of President Luo.

"You might as well see who is stronger in this momentum compared with the Ant King."

Without seeing the ant king up close, Lin Ke has no way to use the illustration ability to judge the strength level.

Right now Corudo happens to be here "You can use it to roughly judge the strength of the ten ant lords."

The ant king is naturally stronger than the president, but it is difficult to judge how much.

So let’s compare it with Banjira, which is at S+ level!

The next moment, an aura that was countless times more powerful than Chairman Netero burst out!

It seemed as if a great terror suddenly descended on this cave!

The violent aura swept through the entire cave and even the mountain.

Countless amounts of yellow sand appear out of thin air in caves and even mountains.

Corudo's pupils shrank suddenly, his body trembled crazily, and his legs trembled constantly.

This horrible smell!!.

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