Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 173 The Desert King! Hypnosis Restores Memory! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

The cave where Lin Ke and others are located is on a huge exposed rock, or it can be said to be a hill.

This kind of hill is very common in the surrounding areas, and you can see dozens of them that are roughly the same at a glance.

At the bottom of the hill are patches of forests and rivers, which contrast with their bare appearance.

On these hills, there are pitch-black cave entrances. If they were denser, they would look like honeycombs.

But on the hill where Lin Ke and others were, piles of sand were popping up everywhere.

The yellow sand that should not appear in such an area took over the entire mountain in a matter of seconds.

Even under Banjila's control, only this mountain has changed, and even the forest at the foot of the mountain has not been affected.

Suddenly, the entire hill turned from gray-white to yellow, and there was still a steady stream of yellow sand emerging.

In addition to the yellow sand, the aura of Banjila is also difficult to ignore. The aura of this steel giant envelopes the entire mountain.

Even if Banjila is willing, it can let its breath envelope the entire area.


Under the crushing force of the S+ level aura, not only the cave, but even the entire mountain began to crack.

It looked like it could not bear the pressure, as if it would turn into pieces of broken rock and collapse in an instant.

【It's... so scary!】

Norbu pressed his body against the rock wall to make the pressure on himself weaker.

He himself looked away. Unlike when he looked at President Netero before, he couldn't even look directly at him this time!

Not only Norbu, but among the people present, only President Netero dared to look directly at Bangira.

Mo Laowu and Corudo were the same, choosing to stick their bodies against the rock wall, unable to look directly at Bangila.

If President Netero just gave them the feeling like a big fireball in front of them.

Then the terrifying thought energy bursting out from Bangila is the blazing sun!

The energy of his thoughts was so bright that they couldn't even look at it, and the surface of his body felt like it was being burned by the sun at close range!

The violent thoughts were like a boiler, boiling the surrounding air!

Norbu looked at the side wall, and there were cracks like knife marks, and they were still growing.

If this continues, I'm afraid the entire mountain will be shattered by the pressure of Link's Nian Beast.

If he hadn't tried his best to protect the glasses with his mind energy, I'm afraid the glasses would have been shattered by now.

[Is it actually the Nian Beast? Remember, it’s called Bangila? 】

Netero also squinted his eyes, but unlike the others, he could look directly at Bangira.

Through the dazzling mental energy, he could clearly see what Bangela looked like.

Among Lin Ke's mind beasts, he is most familiar with this one called "Banjira".

It is one of the few Nian beasts that he has fought against among Lin Ke's many Nian beasts.

Last time it was Jed who was defeated by 033!

And it only took one interview!

Compared with when he first fought against me, Bangila's aura now is countless times stronger!

Banjila's power is certainly appalling.

But Netero knows that Lin Ke's true terrifying strength has never been revealed.

That's the small black shadow beast I saw last time!

That mind beast was the most terrifying creature he had ever seen in his life!

Its aura is far incomparable even to the disasters of the Dark Continent.

Even the aura that the Ant King exuded not long ago was not one ten thousandth as terrifying as that Nian Beast!

This is why he has so much confidence in Lin Ke.

Let's not talk about whether there are more mind beasts hidden behind the scenes. The one that was revealed last time is enough to solve any problem.

Dealing with an ant king and three guards is no problem.

Humanity is really lucky to have Lin Ke!

He proved that even humans could conquer that continent.

Corudo next to him was even more frightened, and his pair of eagle eyes almost bulged out of his eye sockets.

Bangela succeeded in making it experience again, similar to the feeling when facing the ant king!

Not only are the auras similar in intensity, but even the domineering meaning contained in them is exactly the same!

They are all extremely domineering, as if they contain the temperament of a king.

Lin Ke saw that it was almost done, so he asked Bangila to restrain his breath, otherwise the whole mountain would collapse.

After a moment, the breath that made several people dare not breathe out finally completely subsided, and Nobu and others quickly gasped for air.

Visible to the naked eye, several people were sweating crazily on their foreheads.

"Really strong!"

"This giant steel beast definitely has the strength of the Ant King!"

"It is possible to defeat the ant king!"

After slowing down for a while, Corudo put his hands on his knees, looking shocked, but his tone was very firm.

This steel giant is definitely as strong as the Ant King!

Just now it was obscured by the fluctuations of mental energy and could not see clearly. Now it is discovered that the appearance of this steel behemoth is also quite terrifying.

The whole body is covered by dark green steel, with a pair of scarlet eyes, and pillar-like white smoke is exhaled every time he breathes in and out.

Just standing there gives people a great sense of intimidation.


Lin Ke's eyes passed over Corudo, and finally stopped on Bangila.

It seems that the Ant King is probably S+ level.

It's understandable, after all, President Netero adjusted his condition and gained S-level strength after wearing the "Heart" T-shirt.

But still haven't beaten the ant king.

It is normal for the Ant King to be at S+ level.

I just don’t know if the ant king can break through the threshold of SS-level and be promoted to SS-level after eating (acba) three guards.

Lin Ke estimates that it may be a bit difficult, because the S+ level Bangira super evolution cannot reach the $5- level.

The gap between S-class and SS-class is too big.

It can be seen from the strength of Marshado that the two are an absolutely impossible gap to cross.

But even if he can't reach SS-level, Nian Xia's main guard Hou Yi will definitely improve a lot.

There is still value in doing this, and the bodies of the three guards can be used again.

"Well, I don't know if I feel wrong."

"Why do I feel something similar to the Ant King in it..."

"The breath of a king!"

Korudo's heart was filled with complicated emotions at this moment.

Unexpectedly, it could feel the auras of two kings one after another in this day, both of which were equally terrifying.

When facing this giant steel beast, it felt like facing the ant king, wanting to kneel down and surrender.

That is the subconscious reaction of lower creatures when facing higher creatures.

"It's normal for you to feel this way."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and explained to several people in a calm tone, while a thought flashed through his heart.

"It's called Banjira, and it has a title called 'Desert Monarch'."

"You can also call him the 'Desert Tyrant'!"

"He is the king of the desert!"

The... king of the desert!

Corudo looked at Benjira blankly. After Lin Ke's explanation, Tuyu understood why he had such feelings.

Turns out he really is a king!

And the king of the desert sounds more powerful than the ant king.

After all, the ant king is only the king of the chimera ant species, but Bangela is the king of the desert.

When Corudo looked at Bangira, Lin Ke was also looking at Corudo.

Its reaction gave Lin Ke some inspiration.

If Bangira's kingly aura can make chimera ants surrender, can it make them loyal to Bangira?

Loyalty to Bandila is equivalent to loyalty to oneself.

This is just a chimera ant. If we go to the dark continent in the future, can we collect more creatures using this method?

But these are just my own conjectures, and it is not necessarily possible to do this kind of thing by relying on Bangila.

But for now, Bandila seems to have vague abilities in this area.

"Corudo, we can agree to your request, but you also need to provide us with information about the Ant King and the escort team."

President Netero moved his eyes away from Bangira and turned to Corudo.

"Yes, thank you very much!"

Corudo bowed deeply to Netero, his face full of gratitude.

"Corudo, no, maybe I should call you Corudo."

Seeing Corudo's expression of emotion, Lin Ke suddenly said, he thought of a good way.

This might make the remaining chimera ants better off.


Corrudo murmured the name in his mouth. Although the two sounded very similar, it still felt like something was wrong.

Does this name sound familiar?

"Does it feel familiar? Because this is your human name."

Corudo suddenly looked up at Lin Ke. After seeing his serious expression, memory fragments began to slowly emerge in his mind.

In fact, these division leaders all know that they were transformed from humans, and each of them also has some memories of their predecessors.

It's just that some have more memories than others.

Now Lin Ke plans to revive their memories from the human period, so that communication will be more convenient.

A white light flashed through, illuminating the cave again.

The elegant Gardevoir stood in front of Corudo, pink cold air gathering between her red and thin hands.

Although it contains large fluctuations, Korudo can feel that it does not pose a threat to him.

The pink thought energy rapidly changed its form.

The light waves, which turned from small spheres into circles, rushed straight towards Corudo's head.

Super skill——Hypnosis!

After being hit by hypnosis, Corudo's eyes lost their highlights and became dim.

At the same time, drastic changes were taking place in its mind, with countless memories of its predecessors pouring out like a spurt.

He was originally an eight-year-old boy………….. He had a sister named Rena…….

"This is?"

The sudden change made Mo Laowu and Nobu next to him stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

Only President Netero could vaguely think of something.

"To put it simply, it uses a hypnotic-like ability to stimulate the deep human memories.

Lin Ke shrugged, his eyes still fixed on the dull Kou Luduo.

Is it still possible to do this?

Mo Laowu and Nobu looked at each other, but found that they were not as shocked as they thought.

If you spend too much time with Lin Ke, you will gradually become immune to such emotions as Lian Zhen.

Catwoman can stab the cerebral cortex with a needle, causing Bakuol to spit out memories.

Super-power hypnosis can naturally also evoke deep memories.

After a long time, Korudo slowly woke up, and his eyes were more alert than before.

It can be seen from its facial expression that it has mixed feelings inside now.

"How do you feel now?"

Mo Laowu said softly, everyone knew that the current Corudo could not be regarded simply as a chimera ant.

"It felt like a nightmare."

“Thank you for helping me regain my memory.

Korudo bowed deeply to Lin Ke.

Then Korudo still stood there with a gloomy expression, wondering if he was thinking of his sister.

Seeing that Corrudo was still immersed in complicated emotions and unable to break free, President Tello once again said about the previous matter:

"First we have to get out of here and go outside before we can call professionals."

In the original work, President Netero and others made the call from the Hunter Association branch closest to NGL.

"Then let me take you out, it will be faster."

Lin Ke took back Bangila, who was standing proudly next to him, and said something that surprised several people.

"By the way, if you use that kind of spatial movement, you can run outside in no time."

Mo Laowu picked up the big pipe next to him and showed an expression of sudden realization.

Hunter branch closest to NGL,

Under the space shuttle of Porygon Z, it only took the eight people a few breaths to get here from the cave.

In the original work, Noble should have used his [Fourth-Dimensional Apartment] to bring Corudo here.

I guess it's been marked here a long time ago.

"What an extremely convenient ability."

"Even if you have never been there, you can still go to other places."

Mo Laowu was sitting on the sofa, with the big pipe leaning next to him. Looking around, he still felt unreal.

A few seconds ago, they were in a cave deep in NGL, but now they appeared outside in the Hunter branch.

"This is indeed a very convenient ability, much better than my Nen."

Norbu was also impressed by Lin Ke's ability.

This ability to move freely in the real world through the online world is simply unheard of!

Mr. Lin Ke is probably the first person in history.

Norbu found that each of Mr. Lin Ke's mind beasts was not simple.

It seems that every ability that Nen is proud of will be worth mentioning in front of him.

He is a good example.

Corudo next to him looked at President Netero in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes full of worry.

Although he succeeded in asking them for help, Corudo didn't know if he could really save the queen?

Even though it has human memory, it still wants to complete its "guarding".

Whether it is for its sister or the queen ant, it has a "protective" mentality.

"it's me."

"Let the chimera ant research team get ready now."

“When they are ready, someone will come and pick them up.

President Netero held his mobile phone, faced the entire floor-to-ceiling window, and said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, President Netero did not turn around, but put away the phone and picked up a razor.

The sharp razor was as sharp as iron, and Tongtero cut off his bun with a little force.

His old face was reflected in the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and his youthful appearance seemed to be still vivid in his mind.

He is really old~

Netero's eyes flashed with sadness, and then filled with determination.

Let him enjoy the fun of fighting one last time!


"Is that possible?"

Mo Laowu glanced at President Netero on the other side. He had changed his clothes at some point.

As Netero turned around, Mo Laowu and others were able to see clearly what the clothes looked like.

That's a T-shirt with the word "heart" written on it!

The word "heart" was written vigorously and boldly, and Mo Laowu and others could vaguely feel the aura contained in it.

That is the aura called "Martial Arts Determination"!

The breath is not emitted by the clothes, but by the person wearing it.

"I always thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true?"

"It is said that the president has a 'Heart' T-shirt. When he puts it on, it means he will go all out."

Norbu put down the tea cup in his hand and stared closely at the T-shirt he thought was a legend.

"Because I haven't heard of the president wearing this dress for a long time, I always thought it was just a legend."

"Didn't you expect that the legend turned out to be true?"

Norbu really didn't expect that this legend was true, and the president even wore it today.

"Hohoho, it has indeed been a long time since I last wore this dress."

"I'm afraid this is the last time I'll wear this dress."

Hearing this, Mo Laowu and others wanted to say something else, but they saw President Netero waving his hands and walking toward the side passage.

"I'm going to meet an old friend. You can follow the original plan later and use Lin Ke's method to bring the medical team there."

At this time Lin Ke had appeared at the entrance of the ant nest. .

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