Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 174 Allen-Type Merion! Does Lao Jin Need Manpower? (1/2, Please Subscribe)

inside the ant nest,

"I wonder if Korudo can find help from humans?"

Lao Niu Shehong crossed his arms and looked worriedly at the octopus chimera ant who was laboriously giving first aid to the queen.

Although it has the greatest power among division leaders, it knows nothing about treatment and is completely useless.

I hope Korudo can bring reinforcements...

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

The bear chimera ant wearing a purple turban whispered. Although the voice was not loud, it echoed in the room.

The little bear is the cutest among the chimera ants. At first glance, he looks like a stuffed bear.

As the division leader of the loyal queen ant, its character is also happy-go-lucky and has no ambition.

It feels like an impossible thing to do to humans -.

After all, the two parties are enemies. How could any creature be willing to help the enemy?

Merion, the chameleon, stood quietly in the corner, staring at the red book in his hand with a pair of protruding eyes.

The face that used to be calm and leisurely became increasingly gloomy inadvertently, and it didn't even feel it.

It gently touched the book cover with its fingers, and little memory fragments emerged in its mind.

It's just that the speed is relatively slow, and it still can't understand why it has such a reaction.


A ball of anger emerged out of nowhere in his heart.

Aimed at that ant king!

Beyond the ant nest,

"It looks ugly when you look at it from a distance, and it looks even uglier when you look at it up close."

Lin Ke raised his head slightly and looked up and down at the appearance of the ant nest. Sure enough, he didn't think it was very farmy.

However, it is understandable that this entire ant nest was made by the lowest worker ants.

Although they are all made of clay-like ingredients, some curing ingredients are added by specialized worker ants.

The ant nest made of this "clay" will be extra strong, harder than ordinary clay.

The lowest-level soldier ants of chimera ants are not only used for fighting, but there are also some that are responsible for chores.

For example, pig-shaped chimera ants specialize in "cooking" food, and reptile chimera ants are used to make ant nests...

Lin Ke saw that there was no strong breath coming, and knew that the first ant king and the three guards had left here.

If they were still there, they would definitely be able to detect themselves.

This is exactly what happened. As soon as the ant king came out, he went to eat the food provided by the guards and the only food left in the ant nest.

As a result, the ant king did not want to eat ordinary food, but only wanted to eat food made by people with abilities.

The guards had no choice but to take the ant king out to find the Ninja.

As a result, all humans within a radius of countless miles were arranged to leave in advance, and the ant king was not even allowed to eat ordinary food.

Seeing this, the guards had no choice but to take the ant king away from this "useless" country and flew in another direction.

Their direction is exactly the country on the other side of the NGL Autonomous Country - the Kingdom of East Kota.

The NGL Autonomous Nation and the East Kota Kingdom are both located in the Balusa Islands Mito Federation.

It's just that one is at the far west and the other is at the far east.

Lin Ke guessed that perhaps the ant king and other chimera ants flew in a straight line in any direction, and then they flew to the East Godo Kingdom.

Otherwise, their destination should be the Lokalir Republic adjacent to NGL, or other adjacent islands.


At this time, there were bursts of footsteps coming from the ant nest, which sounded very urgent and had a feeling of impatientness.

The queen ant was dying, the king ant also left with the escort, and the remaining soldier ants began to get ready to move.

Without much intelligence, they just want to run out into the vast world and reproduce as much as possible.

It is naturally impossible for these soldier ants to escape.

However, the entire ant nest extends in all directions, with multiple entrances and exits, and he alone is not enough.

But he is a Pokémon Master.

In an instant, figures appeared behind Lin Ke, only to disappear in vain.

The Pokémon went to other passages.

When countless soldier ants ran out of the ant nest with excitement, they only saw figures with horrified auras.

"Where do you want to go? Shall I give you a ride?"


"It seems like something is coming?"

Shi Hong suddenly turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the cave where they came from. At this moment, the deep entrance of the cave was filled with a vague aura of danger!

What on earth is coming?!

The division commanders present all turned their attention to the entrance of the cave, except Meleon, who was still trying his best to remember, and Octopus, who was being sutured and treated.


The little bear's round ears twitched and he was listening carefully to the footsteps.

"Judging from the footsteps, there should be multiple creatures, most of them are of our species, and there is one..."

"Is it human?"

At the same time, Lin Ke's figure slowly walked out of the cave entrance, and the division commanders present were able to see Laitu's appearance clearly.

Is it really a human being?

"How is that possible? Are you here to help, or..."

Shi Hong was surprised at first, and then thought that he was not yet sure of the other party's intention.

It would be troublesome to solve them.

Without the protection of the escort team, these division commanders would be no match for the enemy.

"It seems that everyone is gathered here, which saves the group."

Lin Ke looked around and nodded. It would be convenient since they are all gathered here.

Lin Ke continued to walk forward, stood in the center of the room, glanced at the queen ant lying on the ground and said nothing.

Only then did Shi Hong and other division commanders clearly see the chimera ants following Lin Ke.

There is a pink koala who is drinking, a cute-looking Xina, and an ordinary soldier ant...

These are chimera ants that Lin Ke feels are okay. Although they are not division leaders, they still have the value of living.

As for the soldier ant, she is Corudo's sister, and she also has memories of the human period.

However, because he was too young during the human period and became a silent soldier ant, he has never been exposed.


Lao Niu Shehong was a little confused about the situation. Is this human here to help them, or is he here to destroy them?

If it was help, then where was Corudo? And could he be the only one who could save the queen?

But if they were to be eliminated, why bring those same species over instead of killing them directly?

So it took the lead to ask, wondering if Lin Ke's pressure was too strong.

Originally a bull-shaped chimera ant, Shihong's voice was quite loud.

But now the tone of its speech has been subconsciously lowered, putting itself in the position of a subordinate.

However, before it had time to ask, Dao Qian's shadow suddenly appeared on the field.

I saw a flash of pink light, and waves of ripple-shaped thought energy hitting all the chimera ants present.

Super skill——Hypnosis!

【Are you really here to destroy them?!】

Shi Hong and the other chimera ants' eyes widened in an instant, and they were about to take action to resist, but it was too late.

For a moment, all the chimera ants present froze in place, their eyes lost their highlights, as if they had lost their souls.

The vast room suddenly fell into silence, except for the moans of the queen ant.

An extremely strange scene entered the scene.

The chimera ants all stood there blankly, with their heads raised and motionless, as if they were caught in an illusion.

But Lin Ke knows that they are just immersed in consciousness, and they will wake up when he recovers their memory.

It will obviously be easier to communicate with chimera ants that have restored human memories.

As for the dying queen...

His Pokémon has so many ways to heal its injuries. It can be said that as long as it still has breath, it can be brought back.

Just drop a happy egg and you can recover half of your blood immediately.

Two are full of blood.

But Lin Ke had no idea of ​​saving the ant queen.

Unlike other chimera ants who were originally human, he had no favorable impression of this queen.

Not to mention taking the initiative to save it, just not killing it would be a good idea.

If I remember correctly, the reincarnated Kate is not in its body now.

It took a long time for the chimera ants to wake up one by one.

But after he woke up, his emotions seemed to be even lower than before.

The eyes that were clear before were now full of complex expressions.

Now they, just like Corudo just now, find it difficult to accept the current status quo.

If it were said that he originally just had the idea of ​​​​protecting the ant queen.

Then when human memories are completely awakened, their ideas begin to waver.

What should they do now.........?

They have human souls but look like monsters. Can they still live normally?

Seeing the chimera ants remaining silent, Lin Ke was not surprised.

Just like Corudo, they all need some time to recover.

"What a disaster~"

Shihong looked down at his light blue complexion, thick skin, and the huge power contained in his body, and said in a deep voice.

He even has a pair of longer horns on his head.

How can I tell that this is a human being?

In fact, if you really want to say it, there should be many people who are willing to become chimera ants, especially division leaders.

They can not only retain considerable human memory, but also master talents and powers that they originally did not have.

Compared with most humans, chimera ants are much more talented, and their strength increases rapidly like cheating.

This is too important for the "strength"-based world of Hunter X Hunter.

In the Hunter X Hunter world, only those with strength have the ability to determine their own destiny.

If the news is released, there may be a large group of people willing to take the initiative to put themselves into the mouth of the queen ant.

Just in exchange for more powerful power.

But these people do not include those present.

Human beings who can be swallowed by the queen ant are basically residents of the NGL autonomous country.

Except for the unlucky Bakuer, who was eaten too late,

The queen ant has already begun to give birth to the king, so he is not born, but simply provides nutrients to the king.

It wouldn't be a problem if he was caught earlier or later.

Earlier, he could at least be reincarnated into a chimera ant at the level of master leader, which would be much better than his original talent.

Kate and others will be able to arrive a little later. Catwoman hasn't been born yet and she can definitely be saved.

0…Please give me flowers…………

It was really unlucky to be caught at this juncture.

They are NGL autonomous domestic residents, and naturally they are members of green organizations who follow the principle of living in harmony with nature.

Therefore, they themselves are not enthusiastic about any power and only like to live a plain and leisurely life.

So instead of becoming like this ghost, they would rather change back to their original human appearance.

It's a pity that time cannot be turned back.

Meleon on the other side also successfully recalled the memories of the human period.

But unlike them, who looked gloomy, there were two lines of tears on Meleon's face.

little bit

Tears fell down his face, like a kite with a broken string, and finally dripped on the red book cover.

Meleon held the book in his hand, walked slowly towards the side, and finally knelt down in one place.

In front of it is the body of Peggy the penguin!

Peggy, whose head was already blown off, was later eaten by the hungry ant king.

Only the scattered bodies were left, which looked even more miserable.

Meleon knelt in front of the corpse, wiped the tears from his face with his hands, and kept making slight choking sounds.

It comes to mind......

Peggy the penguin is his adoptive father!

Its adoptive father was a scholar at NGL, and he later adopted him, and the two of them lived together.

Although he is said to be an adopted father, he is better than his biological father.

Those were very beautiful days.

They eat together, read together...

But the emergence of chimera ants completely broke all this!

They were both eaten, and ended up looking like this.

As a result, even in this state, its adoptive father still did not survive.


If anyone were to stand in front of Meleon now, he would see his eyes wide open.

That is incomparable hatred and sorrow!

At this moment, Zailei's hatred for the Ant King reached its peak!

Blood debts can only be paid with blood!

Lin Ke looked at Mo Laowu strangely, with an unspeakable expression on his face.

Mainly because Meleon's inner fluctuations made him feel so familiar.

Merion now is a bit like Eren from Attack on Titan.

One is that he has the inner thought of getting rid of all the chimera ants.

The other is to drive away the giants.

The former is unclear, but the latter is done neatly.

Allen really did everything, even himself.

"Mereon, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Hong felt something was wrong again.

I don’t know if it’s caused by turning into a bovine chimera ant, but I feel like I can’t always turn my head.

The appearance of this human being was like this just now, and Merion's reaction is also like this now. Nagisa doesn't know what the reason is?

Even if it is crying, it is understandable. It also has the emotion of wanting to cry. After all, Duan Duan is like this.

But why kneel before Peggy’s body?

"Peggy the Penguin...was my...adopted father when I was human!"

Meleon spoke haltingly, with a cry in his tone. At the end of the sentence, he suddenly stood up and turned his head.

Now everyone present could clearly see Meleon's current appearance.

It was an expression full of resentment, a face full of anger.

Completely different from the original laid-back, sun-loving Merion.

The previous Merion was dead.

Now there is only one human being who wants to take revenge on the ant king because of the tragic death of his adoptive father!!

So Peggy is Meleon’s adoptive father?!

Hearing this, the division commanders such as Shahong and Brobuta widened their eyes. The impact of this news was second only to their human memories just now.

Then they can also understand the change in Meleon's personality.

That was witnessing the tragic death of his adoptive father in front of his own eyes...

"Let me ask, do you want to live as humans now, or as chimera ants?"

Now that they have restored human memory, Lin Ke asked one last time.

This will also make it easier to process them later.

"Nature is human."

"We definitely want to return to human life."

Shi Hong's words caused other chimera ants to nod. It would be best to continue living as humans.

That is to say, they have a gentle personality. If they are replaced by chimera ants such as Zazan and Wilfen, they are probably trying to take advantage of the talents of chimera ants.

"Very good, then you have only one choice, I will send you to a island."

"That island is quite rich in things. Basically, you won't get tired of it even if you spend your whole life there."

“I can also help people with some work up there.

"You should all be able to accept this, right?"

Lin Ke's words rekindled hope in the hearts of the chimera ants. Can they still live as humans?

As for being on only one island, that's not a problem at all.

For them, it's nothing more than moving their lives from one place to another, which is totally fine.

Seeing that the chimera ants had no objection, Lin Ke took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

"Hello? Lao Jin, do you need any manpower on Greedy Island?"

"As long as you open your mouth, I will send the person a letter immediately."

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