Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 175 The Arrival Of Jin! Guess Where Kate Is? (2/2, Please Subscribe)

In a forest full of tall trees.

"I don't know what's going on over there now?"

"I heard that those chimera ants have grown quite powerfully now. Would you like to go over and take a look?"

"This kind of creature is quite valuable for research, and it is worthy of being a creature of the dark continent.

"After combining human genes, you can actually use [Thinking]"

"But no matter what, it doesn't matter. After all, that guy went there together. Those ants must not be able to make any big waves."

A man was walking in the forest, thinking about everything.

The man wore a blue and white spacious robe and a dark scarf around his neck.

It seems that he wears this scarf no matter what time of year, and I don't know if it is to prevent mosquitoes and dust.

Or is it convenient to cover your face with the shield when you are shy?

The hair that was originally tied up with a towel is now let down. It is not good to tie it up all day long. It needs to be ventilated.

He obviously has a handsome face, but he doesn't like to take care of it. He looks like a homeless man on the street.

After letting down the messy hair, it looked more like.

Men are golden Freecss!


While he was chanting, a phone rang suddenly, which was particularly noticeable in the silent forest.

A look of surprise flashed in Jin's eyes.

Logically speaking, there is no signal where he is now. How did this call come from?

If there is anyone who can make the impossible possible, then he can only think of one person!

Lin Ke!

Sure enough, when Jin took out his mobile phone, he saw the word "Lin Ke" shining brightly on it.

It's quite a coincidence that I was talking about him just now, but I didn't expect to receive a call from him a few breaths later.

Since it is Lin Ke, it is reasonable to receive a call even in the deep mountains and forests.

In fact, this is also the reason why Lin Ke can make outgoing calls in the NGL autonomous country.

It was through the multilateral "197" Beast Z's influence on the online world that he was able to make calls from places where there was no credibility.

And the person on the other side can also hear it in a place where there is no signal.

All thanks to Porygon Z who was promoted to S-rank!

The last time the souls were eliminated on Firestone Island, Porygon was level ten with Gardevoir.

Porygon Z was finally promoted from A+ level to S- level, becoming the seventh Pokémon in his hands to reach the S-level range.

For Porygon Z, crossing over to the S-level realm is not just a sudden increase in strength.

It also means that its control over the online world has reached a new level.

The current Polygon Z has initially reached Lin Ke's expectations, from using the network to creating the current network.

Although Porygon Z's current ability to create a network is still relatively weak, it can only do some basic things.

But it's pretty good.

Being able to create your own online world is a milestone move.

In the future, Lin Ke will be able to use the self-created online world of Porygon Z with more confidence.

You can think of it as Lin Ke's own [fourth-dimensional apartment], and everything you get in the dark continent in the future can be placed in it.

If it's a rare plant, maybe it can be cultivated inside with the roots and soil.

Jin's doubts only lasted for a moment, and then he pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Lao Jin, is Greedy Island manned?"

"As long as you open your mouth, I will send you there immediately.

It was Lin Ke's voice that came over the phone.

"The Greedy Island is indeed short of manpower, but what kind of manpower is there to score?"

"Leiza and the others have been managing the company for so many years. It's really hard work."

"But don't throw some crooked melons and cracked dates over here."

Why does Jin feel that Lin Ke is not so kind and suddenly cares about the employees of Greed Island?

"How could it be? The ones I brought you here are all good seedlings."

"Although they have only acquired [Nen], they have not fully developed their own Nen."

Just learned [reading]…………

Lin Ke's words made Jin realize some details. Could it be that the manpower he wanted to give him was...

Those chimera ants?

"But their Nen are definitely not that ordinary. One of them even has the qualifications of a decontamination master."

As Lin Ke spoke, he focused his attention on Hina next to him.

Xina is the captain of the Haga team, and Haga is the lion chimera ant with only ambition, who will later be renamed Lei Oulu.

Xina's appearance is almost identical to that of a human girl, and her personality is more lively.

It has golden hair, wears yellow fur clothes, and has an unknown pink creature that looks like a hat on its head.

It was renamed Hina after it arrived in East Kota Republic. Now I don’t know what its name is.

In the plot, he later went to Meteor Street to find Zailuo with the human Bi Zefu and the wolf-type chimera ant Wilfen.

In the original book, the leopard Kidu was hit by Nen of Nakulu, and it was Xina who helped Kidu get rid of the Nen planted by Nakulu.

The price was that Xina's belly grew several times bigger.

It can be seen that Xina's Nen is related to eliminating thoughts.

"What? A mind-killer?!"

Lin Ke's words completely attracted Jin's attention, and he couldn't help shouting.

Don't look at Lin Ke's indifferent look, that's because he is (the strongest in the world divided by two)

And he is an overwhelming mind-killing master, no other mind-bending master can compare with him.

Which mind-killing master can remove the death thoughts from an entire ruins in a short period of time?

Not to mention a short period of time, even if you give him a lifetime, he can't do it. This is the gap between Nen and Nen.

But this still does not affect the status of the mind-killing master in the world.

You must know that in the huge Hunter Association, there is only one old woman who is over fifty years old.

He would win anything except a rare talent like a telepathic master.

Even if you have a bad personality and are dissatisfied with the management fee, you can make it work for you willingly.

Now Jin completely threw all chimera ants out of the sky.

It can have the ability to eliminate thoughts, let alone chimera ants, any creature can do it.

"Okay, then I will let you come over now, and then you will take them with you to explain."

Lin Ke hung up the phone after saying the last word.


Let me come over now?

Even Jin, who is usually quick-thinking, was confused by a series of things.

First, Lin Ke called and said he would have manpower, then there was a seedling to eliminate the mind master, and now he asked himself to go directly to his place?


Did Lao P say before that Lin Ke has a mind beast that can...

Jin Dai was stunned on the spot. This thought had just appeared in his mind when countless space fragments fell around him.

In the blink of an eye, a channel emitting dazzling white light appeared in Jin's eyes.

Jin's pupils shrank, it was indeed like this!

"If you stay there any longer, Master Zixian will not give it to you. I believe the old man will be very willing to accept it.

Lin Ke's voice came from the passage, causing Jin to wake up immediately and step in quickly.

He naturally knew who the old man Lin Ke was talking about.

"Don't, the old man already has an old lady, which is enough. Leave this to me.

After the space passage disappeared, Jin's figure also disappeared.

This tall forest once again returned to its former peace.


inside the ant nest,

"Oh? Is this a chimera ant? Sure enough, I still have to see it with my own eyes.

Jin held his chin in his hand and stared at Shi Hong who was sweating coldly. It was obvious that he was quite interested in chimera ants.

Or should I say, it is interested in novel things.

Jin is not like a normal Hunter, who usually specializes in one field, but he is different.

He is interested in many fields and has made great achievements in all of them.

Up to now, Jin’s more famous achievements include:

Discover the ruins of Luluka civilization, establish the breeding method of two-headed wolves, discover the Kongo gold mine, and eliminate the Kurdish bandit group...

These alone cover various fields such as ruins, creatures, ores, and bounties.

The reason why Jin is a two-star ruins Hunter is because the Hunter Association only selected one of the fields.

It was because he didn't value these false reputations and didn't apply, otherwise he would definitely be a three-star Hunter.

And it is the same multi-field type Samsung Hunter as Lin Ke.

"Well, while retaining human consciousness, the body is that of a chimera ant..."

"This is really difficult to do on the six continents."

"I'm afraid there aren't many places to go."

Jin Jiang looked over several chimera ants, and finally spoke slowly.

Just after Shihong waited for the chimera ants to hang their little hearts, Jin said lightly again:

"Putting it on my Greedy Island is indeed the best choice."

As soon as these words came out, it meant that Jin agreed to put the chimera ants on the Greed Island.

Jin is very good at observing details. Just by looking at them just now, he understood that these chimera ants are definitely easy to get along with.

It is estimated that Lin Ke has been screened.

Those who are not good in character and other aspects are probably dead now.

Placing it on the Greed Island not only gives these poor people a place to stay, but also makes it easier for him to do some research.

It can be said to be the best solution.

"Now, this is what I said, it has the talent to be a mind-killing teacher."

Lin Ke pointed at Xina, immediately attracting Jin's eyes again.

It can be said that he came here mainly to get rid of the mind master, and the other chimera ants are just gifts.

"Oh? Is this the one with the talent to eliminate thoughts?"

During the inspection just now, Jin paid more attention to Xina.

Because compared to other chimera ants, Sheena's appearance is the most human-like, and it is almost impossible to tell that the feces are chimera ants.

Could this be related to its talent for eliminating thoughts?

"Huh? there any problem?"

The lovely Xina quickly rubbed her little hands, which was a habit she had when she was still a human.

In fact, this is also a habit that many people have.

When many people are nervous, they subconsciously rub their fingers to relieve their emotions.

In addition to being nervous, the expression of the unknown creature resembling a hat on its head also became anxious, exactly the same as its expression.

This is the only thing about Xina's appearance that is different from ordinary people.

Whenever its mood changes, the unknown creature that looks like a hat on its head will also change accordingly.

There is a high probability that Xina, like Reina, was originally a younger girl.

This can also be seen from her usual behavior, she is just a little girl who is inexperienced in the world.

"It's okay, relax..

Jin's words seemed to have magic, causing Xina to breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously, and the expression on her face and head became soothed.

"Okay, then I'll take them all away."

Jin had no doubts about what Lin Ke said. Lin Ke said that this girl would be cured of her thoughts in the future, so she would definitely do so.

In the field of eliminating thoughts, Lin Ke is the absolute authority.

But it seems that they haven’t been developed yet.

To produce your own Nen, you have to ask Dwun and Leza to teach you later.

"Please wait a moment."

Meleon, who had been silent next to him, suddenly spoke.

"I want to ask you, are you going to attack the Ant King next?"

Meleon asked Lin Ke, the resentment in his eyes was beyond words.

"Yes, but you don't have the ability to follow me yet."

Lin Ke knew what Meleon wanted to say without even guessing, and rejected it in advance.

Mereon, who has not yet developed Nen, is of no use to him.

Even if it is developed, he won't be able to use Merion to defeat the Ant King.

Meleon is a rare trait type with the ability [Proof of God’s Absence]

Just hold your breath and you can make yourself disappear.

This ability is really strong, even the Ant King Guards cannot sense it.

The possibility of developing this kind of Nen is most likely due to its "invisibility" talent as a chameleon.

Later, the Nen branch was developed——[God’s Accomplice]

You can pull other people to disappear together, greatly enhancing maneuverability.

But it's still useless to Lin Ke.

At least it doesn't work now.

Lin Ke thinks that when he goes to the Dark Continent in the future, Meleon's Nen may be put to some use.

Such as investigation and so on.

Lin Ke's words made Meleon fall into silence again.

Also, it couldn't even move when facing the ant king before, so how much help can it be?

"Jin will take you to the Greedy Island. Once you get there, you can practice [reading] well."

"If you can develop useful Nen before you attack the Ant King, then I can also take the initiative to bring you along."

Lin Ke added another sentence, which made Merleon's eyes shine with the light of "hope" again.

That’s right!

It must practice [Nian] well, and then contribute its own strength to defeat the Ant King!

"Thank you so much. Can you let me know your name?"

Meleon quickly thanked Lin Ke for giving him the opportunity for revenge.

"My name is Lin Ke."

Meleon usually lives in the NGL Autonomous Country with his adoptive father, so naturally he doesn't know about Lin Ke, who has become famous in the past two years.

But it will still remember the word "Lin Ke" in its heart.

I thought about finding out about Lin Ke’s deeds after arriving at the “Island of Greed”.

He believes that people like Lin Ke are definitely not unknown.

"You should be able to drive the passage directly to Greed Island like you just picked me up, right?"

"Send us there directly?"

"Of course it's possible, but you don't have to be so impatient. I'm going to introduce someone to you later."

Speaking of this, the corners of Lin Ke's mouth raised slightly, as if there was something in his words.

I don’t know what Kim’s expression will be when she sees Kate later.


Jin scratched his head. He was a little confused, but he always felt that Lin Chen's smile seemed to be "unintentional."

Now he has his hair tied up with cloth strips.

"Kate was killed by Catwoman, one of the Ant King's guards. Do you know about this?"

When he first heard this sentence, Jin's breathing stagnated slightly, then returned to normal, and said in a confident tone:

"I don't know this, but don't worry, Kate is my disciple, and he is definitely not dead."

"Nen has the effect of being 'absolutely resistant to death. I'm right."

Lin Ke's words frightened Jin again. Jin kept looking at Lin Ke up and down [it took him a long time to hold back ten sentences:

"How come you know everything?"

"You don't have to worry about this. The point I want to tell you is that Kate is here right now."

"And you'll never guess which one it is."

Kate is still in the belly of the queen ant, just a little bit bigger. Lin Ke doesn't believe that Jin can find it.

He would never guess it.

Are you actually there?!

"That is to say...after being eaten by the queen ant, did she reincarnate into a chimera ant?"

Jin spoke word by word, while looking at all the chimera ants present again.

Kate is in here?

This honest old cow is a bit like Kate's temperament, silly and naive, but it doesn't feel like it.

This chameleon seems to have a different obsession with the ant king, which is not quite like Kate's temperament.

After looking around, Jin finally focused on Xina, whom he had paid special attention to just now.

Here it is the most human-like.

Although it is obviously a chimera ant transformed from a female...

But thinking about it again, Lin Ke said just now, it is absolutely impossible for him to recognize it.

Could it be…………

"Kate, I am your master, how can I not recognize you?"

"Yes, you are Kate!"

Jin suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at Xina, who looked confused, and shouted confidently.

Xina: "Oh?!"


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