Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 176 Top Five To Three! Kurapika Version Of Mereon! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

I don’t know what Kate’s reaction would be if she heard what Kim said.

But he is still just a little one in the queen ant's belly, and he certainly doesn't understand what is happening in the outside world.

Not being able to see this scene with my own eyes, I don’t know if it’s Kate’s luck or misfortune?

Lin Ke really didn't expect that Jin would finally think that Sheena was Kate, and she couldn't tell at all.

But let’s not forget it, the Jin-selected Sheena is indeed the one who looks most like Chimera Kate among these chimera ants.

They all look very human in appearance, and their gender is biased towards women.

So this is the bond between master and disciple?

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Jin scratched his head and laughed, trying to get over this matter.

What he just said was half-certain and half-guessed.

Based on the change in Lin Ke's expression after saying it, he knew that he had guessed wrong.

"Did you really think it was Kate just now?"

Lin Ke looked at Jin who was trying to hide his embarrassment and asked in a low voice.

But it's normal, after all, no one can see Kate's appearance.

Kim's chosen Sheena is already the one closest to Kate among the chimera ants.

Next to her, Xina, who was originally relaxed, became nervous again after being fingered by Jin.

"Okay, don't continue to guess. Kate is really unlucky to have a master like you.

Lin Ke waved his hand and told him not to waste any more words.

If he guessed further, maybe Kim would say that the queen ant lying there was Kate.

"You'll find out who Kate is later."


Jin stood there deep in thought.

If Kate is on the court now, why should she be introduced to him later?

Wouldn't it be enough to just point out who Kate is now?

And with Kate's temperament, if she were really among these chimera ants, Si Dao would definitely take the initiative to speak out.

He chose Sheena not only for speculation, but also planned to use Sheena's little girl characteristics to force Kate out.

He didn't say what he just said in vain, he just wanted to make the real Kate jump out.

But this is the strange thing. Even though I guessed this, Kate didn't even reveal her identity.

There is something wrong with Lin Ke's words.

Is Kate the reincarnated chimeric ant queen whose personality has changed?

Or lose the memory of the past?


Is it inconvenient for him to speak out now?

Jin suddenly glanced at the queen ant lying next to him, but said nothing.

He naturally knew that Lin Ke had a treatment method,04 but he did not choose to save the queen ant.

It means that Lin Ke doesn't like this queen ant, so naturally he won't do anything more.

He just vaguely felt something was wrong.

Seeing Jin's thoughtful look, Lin Ke just let him think slowly. If he could guess correctly, he would be considered great.

When Mo Laowu and the others came with the medical team, everything became clear.

"Click, click..."

Not long after, sounds like shattering glass sounded in the quiet room.

"Is it finally here?"

Lin Ke and others all turned their attention to the place where the sound came from.

I saw broken marks suddenly appeared in the originally empty place. As the space fragments fell, the passage was completely formed.

The first person to step out of the passage was Korudo, followed by Mo Laowu, Nobu, and finally the personnel with medical equipment.

"Is everyone still here?"

Korudo was slightly surprised to see that Shahong and other chimera ants were still in the same place, and there were a few more.

It's somewhat understandable that he didn't leave it. After all, those who survived before were all queens with gentle personalities.

But it didn't expect the number to increase.

"Mr. Lin Ke, this is such a convenient ability. You can come over as soon as you gather the staff.

Mo Laowu walked over with Nobu carrying a big pipe, sighing at the convenience of Lin Ke's ability.

"Since Mr. Lin Ke appears here, the other chimera ants...

Norbu looked at the chimera ants around him and said meaningfully.

"That's right, the chimera ants that can stay here now are all worthy of survival. Don't let me give away the others.

Lin Ke nodded, and at the same time deliberately pronounced the accent on the word "send" to let everyone know what it meant.

This answer was consistent with the two people's thoughts, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It would be quite troublesome if the chimera ants escaped, but fortunately Mr. Lin Ke was present and he could easily control the situation.

"Hmm? Who is this?"

It was only then that Mo Laowu and the two noticed Jin behind Lin Ke, and felt surprised. Why was there an extra person?


Jin took a step across, allowing Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu to see his whole face.

"This.........This is really unexpected!"

"Are you even here?!"

Mo Laowu's pupils shrank at first, and then he spoke with a slight stutter, his square jaw almost falling to the ground.

"One of the five most powerful people in the world, and one of the twelve earthly branches, is the pig's gold?!"

"That is to say, three of the world's top five talented people have now gathered together!"

Norbu next to him was also shocked. He pushed up his glasses with slightly trembling hands and said in a surprised tone.

Unexpectedly, for this chimera ant incident, three of the five great masters from the six continents were present.

But think again about the terrifying aura of the ant king and its three guards.

It seems reasonable to gather three [Top Five] together?

"But how did you get here? Apparently there was only Mr. Lin Ke before..."

Mo Laowu suddenly stopped in the middle of his words, turned his head and looked towards the place where they came from.

The original space channel has now disappeared, but he also successfully realized how Jin came here.

"Just like you thought, you used Lin Ke's method to get me here."

Kim said with her arms crossed.

"I came here this time to bring the remaining chimera ants to Greed Island."

Greed Island?

Mo Laowu and the two naturally knew that [Greed Island] was a game produced by Jin and his companions.

But isn't that a game?

How can we still bring chimera ants up there?

Seeing this, Jin had to give them a little introduction to [Greed Island]

"Is this the patient?"

The leading doctor with a solemn expression came to the queen's side, and her assistants also placed relevant equipment nearby.

Although she was wearing a mask, she could still see her nervous expression.

Although she is the top doctor on the six continents, this is the first time she has operated on a chimera ant the size of a human.

There are even unknown corpse fragments nearby, which means that these doctors have relatively strong psychological endurance.

Otherwise, the surgery can be performed normally.

"Did you do the first aid up here?"

The leading doctor saw obvious signs of sutures on it and turned to the octopus chimera ant next to it.

While Jin was explaining to Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu, Lin Ke came to Corudo's side and patted his shoulder to indicate.

"Go over and take a look. That's the "person" who deserves your attention more than the queen ant.

When Corudo looked in the direction indicated by Lin Ke with doubtful eyes, he felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

It was a very complicated emotion, and it didn't understand why it felt this way.

In its field of vision, an ordinary soldier ant stood obediently in the corner. It could be seen that it was timid.

It should have never seen this soldier ant before, but why does it feel this way?

"It is your sister, Rena!"

Lin Ke's words were like a thunder, completely awakening Kodo.

At this moment, the appearance of the soldier ant overlapped with the figure of the young Lena, and gradually merged together.


Corudo's eyes began to become dazed, and two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks, while he walked towards Rena step by step.

At this time, Rena also recognized Corudo, who was clearly just a little girl's memory.

But you can still recognize the brother who turned into a chimeric ant queen. Maybe this is the connection between brother and sister.

Rena, who had been timid and restless in the past, finally summoned up the courage to hug Corudo who was approaching.

Feeling Reina's active embrace, Corudo's tears poured down like a bursting dam.

It knew that this was indeed the sister Reina it wanted to protect.

Lena is still alive!

"Rena, I'm didn't protect you well."

"It's all my brother's fault."

Corudo apologized profusely, and Rena wanted to comfort her brother, but she couldn't speak.

Because she was too young when she was eaten, Reina became a low-level soldier ant that cannot speak.

"Huh? What is Corudo doing?"

Mo Laowu on the other side asked curiously.

After Jin's rough explanation, Mo Laowu and Nobu finally understood where these chimera ants would go next.

For these poor people, staying on the Dream Island is indeed the best choice.

As soon as he found out, he saw Corudo holding a soldier ant and crying bitterly.

Even when the human memory was restored, I had never been so sad, crying like this.

"Do you know who that soldier ant is?"

Lin Ke came to Mo Laowu's side, looked at the touching scene of the brother and sister's reunion, and said calmly.

"That's Korudo's sister when she was human."

Is she actually his sister?!

Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu looked surprised. They didn't expect that it turned out to be Korudo's sister.

"Because my sister was too young when she was eaten, she is now a soldier ant who cannot even speak.

Normally, soldier ants containing human genes can also speak. Those who cannot speak are low-level soldier ants created by animal genes.

But because Lena is too young, she can't speak like other animal soldiers.

"Corudo is only eight years old, and his sister is several years younger than him."

Lin Ke said with a solemn tone, causing the surprise on Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu's faces to slowly dissipate, replaced by a gloomy look.

Two such small children.

Now it has become like this.

"Corudo has had the thought of protecting his sister since he was a child. 11

"As a result, after transforming into a chimera ant, the concept of [guarding] still did not disappear."

"After losing most of the human memory, his concept of [guarding] was transferred to the ant queen."

Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu didn't say a word, but their expressions became increasingly gloomy, and their fists clenched subconsciously.

"By the way, I want to introduce you to someone who may join our crusade team in the future.

Lin Ke waved and asked Meleon the Chameleon to come over.

"This Meleon wants to join our crusade team because he has the desire to take revenge on the Ant King.

"My plan is that if it develops useful Nen before attacking the Ant King, then I can let it join."

Do chimera ants want to join the team to defeat the ant king?

Although it sounds strange, considering that it was originally a human being who was eaten, it seems understandable?

But when Mo Laowu saw the rich look of hatred in Meleon's eyes,

Finally, he realized that he was wrong.

There must be a deeper reason!

Otherwise, this chimera ant would not have such strong resentment.

"Why does this person want to take revenge on the Ant King?"

Mo Laowu chose to ask Lin Ke. Anyway, Mr. Lin Ke knew everything. If you have any questions, just ask him.

"See the stump over there?"

Mo Laowu turned his head and saw that there were indeed several stumps of limbs in the corner, and even the blood stains splashed on the wall had changed color.

"That chimera ant is Meleon's adoptive father, who raised him from childhood to adulthood."

After Lin Ke finished speaking, Meleon took the initiative to continue:

"My adoptive father originally wanted to treat the queen ant, but he was killed by the damn king instead!"


"Even the hungry ant king directly gave my adoptive father to..."

"have eaten!"

At the end of the sentence, Meleon almost said it in a roar, and his eyes were bloodshot and red.

Hearing this, Mo Laowu and Nobu were speechless, and their faces were so gloomy that they could drip with ink.

This ant king really deserves to die!

Now they could understand why Meleon was so angry.

Even if the adoptive father who raised him was eaten by chimera ants, he actually witnessed the adoptive father being killed and eaten by the ant king again.

No one can swallow this breath.

Jin next to him lowered his eyes and listened to their conversation quietly.

Whether it was the reunion of Korudo's brother and sister, or Meleon's revenge for his father, he listened to it.

While the 913 people felt sad, they could not help but lament the impermanence of the world.

"So I vow to destroy the ant king. I will not give up until I kill the ant king!"

Meleon's eyes seemed to be able to spit out anger, and his whole body was like a volcano about to erupt.

When it finished shouting, something strange happened.

Suddenly, an extremely violent thought burst out from Meleon's body, and the huge momentum filled the entire room!

Meleon's mental energy seemed to be flowing continuously, and his aura was as terrifying as a rushing river.

The pure thought energy was now covered with a touch of bright red, adding a bit of weirdness.

The resentment contained in the thoughts can be deeply felt by everyone present.

The magnificent aura caused strong wind pressure, and suddenly there were gusts of wind in the entire room.

"This is the restriction and Jin agreement?!"

Jin exclaimed as he stared at Meleon, who was transforming into a Saiyan, with wide eyes.

It can make the aura of a person with low strength suddenly become extremely huge, and then think of what Meleon just said.

Jin felt that this was most likely a restriction and an oath!

Did he actually learn how to use constraints and oaths without any teacher?

Mo Laowu and others present heard Jin's exclamation, and at the same time they were secretly speechless in their hearts.

Meleon actually used the restrictions and oaths unconsciously.

In this way, we can understand why the aura suddenly increased so much.

"What's wrong with me?"

After venting his anger for a while, Mian Lei Dingji realized that something was not right with him.

How did you become so powerful?

Now it feels that its whole body is full of strength, and its strength far exceeds its previous!

"Meleion, what were you thinking just now?"

A flash of light flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, and he asked Meleon, who was still confused.

"I just thought that I must kill the ant king in the next ant king crusade. Only one of me and it can survive."

Meleon honestly said what he was thinking just now, and also let others understand the reason.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong. We have indeed made a restriction and an oath."

Jin nodded, staring directly at the thought energy emanating from Meleon.

"And the restrictions are quite big!"

Lin Ke next to him felt a little strange. In the original work, Merion didn't seem to have such a big reaction?

Why are restrictions and oaths even made?

At this time, Lin Ke suddenly thought of something. It seems that Wang Meileong's memory was recalled bit by bit.

Moreover, some time has passed since the Ant King killed Peggy, so there is a lot of time to buffer.

Now Meleon has just witnessed Peggy die in front of his eyes, and the human memory suddenly comes back.

The violent collision between beauty and cruelty has created Mei Lei, who is now crazy!

Now Meleon reminds Lin Ke of someone.

That is Kurapika who takes revenge on the "Phantom Troupe"!

Both seek revenge against the murderer for their loved ones, even making stringent restrictions and oaths.

Meleon's restrictions are even more stringent than Kurapika's, and he is the one who must die within a time limit. .

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