Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 177 I'm Allergic To Chimera Ants! Welcome Home! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"Mereon, you must listen carefully to what I say next.

"You just unintentionally used the ability called restriction and oath in [Nian]."

"That is to say, in the next ant king's crusade, the ant king must die, otherwise you will die!"

"There's probably a time limit here, so you won't be kept delayed."

"The price of great strength is that your life has entered a countdown!"

"Only one of you or the Ant King can survive!"

Jin analyzed Meleon carefully, and it was a rare moment for Jin to be serious.

Jin's explanation also made Meleon understand the reason for his sudden change.

Was it originally an ability called [Constraint and Oath]?


Meleon suddenly clenched his fist, and after clenching it tightly, a sonic boom sounded from the hand covered with thick thoughts.

It sounds a bit like setting off firecrackers.

Its current strength is simply the same as before!

As for the so-called "restrictions", it doesn't care at all.

Even if it costs his life, he will not hesitate!

If it can't avenge its adoptive father, what's the use of this life?

In other words, the [strength] that can exchange [life] for revenge is because it makes a lot of money!

As Meleon's thoughts continued to advance, wisps of bright red colors mixed in and disappeared.

"Is that true? There is indeed a time limit."

"Your life is constantly draining away, and that red aura symbolizes your life.

Jin held his breath and concentrated, carefully sensed and then spoke slowly.

Also, it is impossible to exploit the loopholes of [Restrictions and Oaths].

The principle of [Constraints and Oaths] is equal exchange. How much you pay, you get.

If the "restriction" is just: kill the ant king during the ant king's crusade, otherwise you will die.

Then the crusade against the ant king can be postponed indefinitely, so that even if the restriction is not completed, you can still enjoy the ignorance.

This obviously does not comply with the principle of [Restrictions and Oaths].

So after Meleon made this restriction and oath, its life was actually slowly draining away.

Kill the ant king before the time limit, and everything will be fine.

If you fail to kill it in time or are killed by the ant king, the outcome will be death.

This is an even more extreme restriction and oath than Kurapika.

Seeing Merion slowly calm down his thoughts and his expression became calm, he knew that he had listened to his words.

It sounds really scary.

Self-taught using [Restrictions and Oaths]

And he has such strength as soon as he makes the [Constraint and Oath].

Lin Ke stood aside and thought about the changes in Meleon just now.

Judging from the aura that just burst out, Meleon's strength is already approaching that of Mo Laowu, Nobu and others.

The gap between this is not huge.

Of course, this is just a matter of breath proximity. If there were to be a fight, Mo Laowu or Nobu would definitely win.

It was Mereon's Nen that he was thinking about now.

Merion's current character is more radical than in the original work, and he has also established restrictions and contracts at the cost of his life.

So will its Nen still be [proof of God’s absence]?

A flash of light flashed in the golden eyes next to him.

It was the right time to come here.

Not only did he pick up some good seeds, but he also had a mind-killing master, and he even saw the talent of chimera ants.

It is indeed a species from the dark continent!

It seems that the next step is to learn more about Meleon and the others, which may also be helpful for future trips to the Dark Continent.

"No more."

"We've done our best."

The leading doctor sighed, slowly put away the scalpel and other medical instruments, and pronounced the death sentence on the queen ant.

Basically, the top medical troops in the six continents have difficulty dealing with the creatures of the Dark Continent.

The main reason is that the queen ant was too seriously injured, and the probability of being able to save such a serious injury was slim.

The other chimera ants didn't seem too surprised by this, after all, it had been a long time since the queen was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

I don’t know how much blood has flowed out, and it’s normal that he can’t be saved.

Because Lin Ke helped them completely awaken human memory.

Therefore, the current Chimera Ants such as Shi Hong are not as sad as in the original work, and their emotions are relatively calm.

The only bit of sadness was just the instinct of the chimera ant.

As human beings, they still wish that the queen ant would die quickly.

They will look like this now, all thanks to the "gift" of the queen ant.

Even Corudo, who was full of snot and tears in the original work, was just standing next to the ant queen in charge of translating at this moment.

It can also help the queen ant a little now, purely due to its own [guardian] psychological influence.

But it's not a performance that brings tears to the eyes.

Seeing this, the queen ant didn't express anything, but relief appeared in her eyes, and she made a request at the same time.

Ask them, if they see the ant king later, tell it the name of the ant king.

The name of the ant king is "Meluai々"mu".

After making this request, the queen ant completely died and no longer had a trace of life.

"By the way, didn't you say that Kate was present?"

"Which one is it? Stop pretending."

Jin stood next to Lin Ke and said with some malicious eyes.

If you haven't said anything after so long, you're not lying to him, right?

"Don't worry, you will know soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Korudo, who was beside the ant queen, suddenly stopped breathing and stretched out his hands in disbelief.

I saw it holding out a tiny speck from the queen ant's body.

Although it looks like a human baby, it is very small, even only the size of Corludo's finger.

The little baby wrapped in mucus was babbling and crying loudly.

Although he has such a small body, he has a very loud voice that can spread throughout the room.

Get the attention of everyone in the room.

"Is this a chimera ant that the queen has not yet given birth to?"

Mo Laowu said in a deep voice, what comes out of the queen ant body is naturally a chimera ant.

"Isn't it right?"

Nobu frowned, feeling that it was unreasonable.

"First of all, the queen ant should be infertile after giving birth to the queen ant. How can it be possible to regenerate chimeric ants?"

"Secondly, the gestation of chimeric ants is not viviparous, but oviparous."

"They are born from eggs with green blood vessels on their surface. How can they be born alive?"

After listening to Nobu's analysis, everyone felt that it was very reasonable and what he said was correct knowledge about chimera ants.

Then here comes the problem.

Why is this chimera ant so special?


Jin looked at the little baby that Corudo was holding, his anxiety became more and more intense, and his eyelids were twitching wildly.

He had a bad feeling.

"Bah bang bang."

"Nobu, your analysis is very good."

Lin Ke walked out while applauding Nobu's analysis.

"This chimera ant is really special."

"Jin, don't you have anything to say?"

Halfway through, Lin Ke turned to look at Jin, who was silent, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

Jin's bad premonition is getting worse now.

He could already guess it.

"This little chimera ant is actually Kim's apprentice - Kate!"

Seeing that Jin Man was shocked but still had no intention of speaking, Lin Ke took the initiative to announce the answer.


"That's Mr. Jin's apprentice?!"

Mo Laowu was startled at first, and then he leaned closer to see the little baby.

But no matter how you look at it, you can't tell that this is Kate. The difference between the two is still too big.

"Kate is Jin's apprentice, and his Nen has an effect called 'Absolute Death Resistance'.

"It is precisely because of this effect that Kate was able to preserve her life and be reincarnated in the body of the queen ant.

"In fact, he was not eaten by the queen ant, so he was not born like a normal chimera ant."

In the original work, Kate's corpse was made into a puppet-like thing by Catwoman using Nen (the toy repairer).

Specifically designed for it to play with.

It can be seen that if Kate was not eaten by the queen ant, naturally Kate chimera ants would not be conceived normally.

Now Kate can appear in this way, which can only be attributed to his special Nen.

"Is that so?"

Only then did Mo Laowu and others understand why Jin's apprentice became like this. It turned out to be Nen's reason.

In this world, no matter what weird things happen, it seems to be understandable as long as it is caused by Nen.

In other words, it would be great if people can survive, and they basically look like humans.

"Jin, why don't you come over and give your apprentice a pat on the back?"

Hearing this, Corudo quickly held little Kate and walked toward Jin.

【Since Mr. Jin is its master, you must really want to see it, right?】

Corudo thought so.


Jin "inadvertently" took half a step back, coughed twice, and said with a very "serious" face:

"I'm actually allergic to chimera ants."

【Who believes it?】

Seeing Jin's expression and behavior full of loopholes, the chimera ants and people present all had the same thought.

In the end, Kim still didn't touch Kate, just glanced at her briefly and gave up.

Then he planned to take her back and let Dwun and others take care of little Kate. He would let him know when little Kate grows up.

So everything was arranged, and there was even an unexpected surprise (Kate)

Those medical teams are back where they were.

Jin also took a group of chimera ants and little Kate to Greed Island.

Nen must be taught to them in a formal way, and Merleon is especially concerned about this.

It believes that every time its strength increases by one point, the chance of winning will increase by one point when it later conquers the ant king.

In fact, the entire Ant King Crusade team is just Lin Ke's pendant, there is no need for them at all.

Only Korudo and Rena stayed, they wanted to see their mother again.

A relatively hidden village in the NGL autonomous country,

It is surrounded by dense forests, and there are hills on the outside.

Therefore, even if the chimera ant incident occurred, people here still did not know about chimera ants.

Because except for Reina and Corudo who ran a little further and were extremely unlucky to be caught, no one in this village was killed.

The disappearance of Reina and Corudo was also regarded as the loss of life due to encountering wild beasts in the wild.

After all, the two children had been missing for so long, and no one thought they were still alive.

Being clear is one thing, but being able to admit this "reality" is another matter.

Especially their two mothers.

In a small hut,

The sobs echoed in the darkened house, making anyone who heard them feel sad.

There were two large plates of fish and meat on the table that was usually used for eating and was the only table in the house.

A whole cooked chicken was placed on one plate, and a few slices of meat and a fish were placed on the other plate.

The middle plate holds two bamboos in the shape of an X. In front of the three plates are two small stone statues similar to Guanyin statues.

Having big fish and meat does not mean that the family is very wealthy, on the contrary, the family is actually not living well.

These meats are not for eating, but the highest ritual used by the locals to offer sacrifices.

It is also the last resort for a helpless mother who has no other options.

There were a lot of delicious food on the table, but Haruna didn't move a bite, but half-lying next to the thick quilt.

There are several layers of quilts. Although they are neatly folded, you can clearly see the dust attached to them.

Obviously these folded quilts have not been used for a long time.

Haruna has never had a good night's sleep since her two children disappeared at the same time.

He didn't even want to take out the quilt to cover him properly, he just half-lyed on it.

Haruna is a relatively young woman, and her oldest child is only eight years old.

However, her current complexion does not look like that of a young person at all, but more like that of an old man who has difficulty even walking.

Because I haven't eaten well for a long time, my cheeks on both sides are sunken, and my complexion is no longer as radiant as before.

The whole person looked very haggard, and if it weren't for the fact that he was still breathing in and out, others would probably think he was dead.

Her husband left early, and it was not easy for her to raise two children alone.

Fortunately, the eldest son is very sensible and can help the family at a very young age.

Although the younger daughter was too young to do much, she still insisted on following her brother out.

I want to do something within my ability.

But even the bones of these two well-behaved and sensible children could not be found.

"`~Why, why did you allow them to go out."

"You yourself killed your own child!"

Haruna lay on the quilt and choked, scolding herself angrily, but tears fell down unconsciously.

It has been several months since my child disappeared.

Not a day went by without Haruna blaming herself, blaming herself for the deaths of her children.

It was my own carelessness that killed them!

They were obviously just children, how dare she let them go out alone!

It’s all her fault…………

When she found out that the child had not come back, she searched frantically all over the mountains and plains.

Even the villagers in the same village took the initiative to help search.

I searched for many days and still found nothing.

At this time everyone will know…………

The children can't come back.

Only Haruna is still dreaming of a dream, a dream that in the eyes of the villagers can never be realized.

She basically does two things every day. One is to go out looking for the children without any hesitation every day.

Another thing is to reminisce about the good times with your children at home and then berate yourself for your shortcomings.

Since the man's death, her two children have been her motivation to live.

When she found out that none of the children came back, her sky fell.

If she hadn't still held on to the slightest hope that the children could come back, she would have committed suicide long ago.


Suddenly, the old wooden door was pushed open, making a sharp and harsh sound.

A beam of warm sunlight shone in through the gap between the doors, illuminating the dust in the room and returning to the sobbing Haruna.

Haruna didn't pay attention and just turned her head slowly.

Everyone in the village is very simple and would not do anything bad, so every household does not have the habit of locking the door.

It was probably the eldest sister next door who came to comfort me again...

Haruna thought so.

The sunlight shone directly on her haggard face. Haruna squinted her eyes and saw two figures standing at the door.

When they saw their familiar mother, now so haggard, "Koludo and Rena both shed tears involuntarily.

Tears fell like pearls, falling to the ground and soaking a small area.

In such a state of grief and sadness, they were unable to say anything.

After all, they are very uneasy at this moment. They don't know if their mother will treat them.

Because they now look like monsters.

Haruna blinked her eyes, her pupils quickly dilated, and there were faint tears in them.

She suddenly crawled forward a short distance and said in disbelief:

"Kurudo? Lena?"

Haruna's shout made their tears fall faster. There were obviously many words on their lips, but they couldn't say them out.

" you still recognize us?"

Corudo wiped away his tears with his hands and spoke in a choked voice.

Haruna quickly stumbled over and hugged them into her arms.

"Because mom is mom!"

"She's Crudo and Rena's mother!"

"Welcome home, Crudo, Rena."

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