Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 178 You Can Stay! The Battle Is About To Begin! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Seeing the reunion scene where the three people shed tears, Mo Laowu, who was always known as a strong man, couldn't help but secretly wiped away his tears.

Although Nobu was silent next to him, his moved mood could be seen from his facial expression.

A mother who lost her children and cried all day long finally welcomed her children back!

What a tear-jerking scene!

"Everyone, look, Kurudo and Reina are back."

"It's true, the children are all back."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back.

After noticing the movement on Haruna's side, the villagers gathered around.

Although they were a little uncomfortable with the changes in the children for a while, they all felt emotional from the bottom of their hearts.

It'll be good when the child comes back.

They have seen the changes in Haruna in the past few months. As fellow villagers, they also hope that the children can come back.

In the village, Kruudo and Reina are also very popular. Everyone likes these two sensible children.

Usually they would also help Haruna and the three of them. After all, it is not easy for a single mother to raise two children.

In the eyes of the simple villagers, no matter what the child looks like, he will always be a child.

This will never change!

Seeing the familiar uncles and aunts surrounding him, Korudo realized that this was not going to work.

"We should go."

After wiping away his tears, Korudo resisted the reluctance in his heart and pulled his sister to leave.

Their appearance is really not suitable for them to stay here anymore, and they might even lead to the annihilation of the country and the village.

They can't involve their mother, uncles, aunts and the like.

Seeing Corudo pulling Reina away, Haruna collapsed on the ground, her face ashen.

The greatest harm to a person is to make him feel hope first and then despair.

She finally got through countless days and nights, thinking about the two of them coming back every day.

She had prayed in front of the statue countless times, as long as the children could come back, even if it cost her her life.

Now that she was lucky enough to see her children back, how could she be willing to let them leave her again?

"don't want!"

"Don't leave mom!"

Haruna ignored the tears on her face, quickly got up, and rushed to hold her child again.

She didn't have the chance before, and this time she won't let it go no matter what she says!

Corudo and Reina stayed in place, motionless.

It wasn't Haruna who really held them.

After months of suffering, Haruna's figure has become much thinner, and Corudo can clearly see her thin and pale hands.

Such hands can't exert much strength at all, and as chimera ants, their experience is far beyond that of ordinary people.

How could he be held hostage by a skinny woman? 370

It’s not that they can’t move, it’s that they don’t want to move!

Seeing this, Mo Laowu's face was filled with unconcealable sadness, and the tears that finally filled his head burst out again.

This time even Nobu had tears in his eyes, unable to maintain his cold image.

No one can watch this scene without crying!

Even the villagers who came over couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw this scene.

Only Lin Ke, who had made plans in advance, did not.


"Kurudo, Reina, you don't need to go to Greed Island, just stay in your hometown."

Lin Ke coughed twice to attract everyone's attention, and then said loudly.

The sound was enough for everyone present to hear.


"Why? Didn't you agree to go to Greed Island?"

“And our current status may bring trouble to the village.

Korudo was stunned at first, and then asked in confusion, didn't he agree to go to Greed Island before?

If the cost of staying in his hometown is that the people around him will be affected, then he would rather leave with his sister.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you even if you continue to stay here, I promise you this.

Lin Ke's words are not said casually, they are completely worthy of belief.

In the original work, after the ant king is eliminated, the game between the countries ends.

The dangerous identity of the Chimera Ant has also been lifted, and the official introduction is that it is a new type of Warcraft.

As long as you don't do anything harmful to others, you can live freely.

So there is really no need to worry about the identity of the chimeric ants.

As for the other chimera ants, their hometowns were mainly destroyed by floods.

It would be better to simply stay on the island of greed.

In the plot, the shrimp-shaped chimera ant Brobuta sent Reina back here.

The heartbroken Haruna recognized Reina as her child the first time she saw her.

The surrounding villagers were not only happy for Lena's return, but even asked Brobuta to come down with them.

Everyone is happy.

"If this is the case, then Corudo and the others can indeed continue to stay here."

After listening to Lin Ke's explanation, Norbu agreed with Lin Ke's statement, so that Kolutu and the others could stay in their hometown.

Corudo and Rena are just children. They don't understand much about the game between great powers, nor do they know about new types of Warcraft.

They only know that they can continue to stay in the place where they were born and raised.

"Who are these?"

Knowing that the children did not have to leave, Haruna smiled again and quickly asked Korudo.

"Mom, they are the benefactors who rescued Reina and me."

"Without them, we might not be able to come back.

Haruna quickly thanked several people. This was their family's savior!

After a while of persuasion, they were able to calm down the excited Haruna, and Lin Ke even gave her a happy egg egg.

With Haruna's appearance, Lin Ke was afraid that she would have physical problems because she was too happy, so she had to hurry up.

After all, excessive joy will break your heart.

The last three people were also "surrounded" by enthusiastic villagers and escaped in the face of the enthusiastic offensive.

"It's great to be reunited with you."

Walking in the forest, Mo Laowu sighed while smoking a cigarette.

After that touching scene, Mo Laowu felt that even the smell of cigarette smoke was much fresher.

"Speaking of which, I don't know where the Ant King went with his escort team? Could it have caused some large-scale destruction?"

Norbu suddenly realized that the Ant King had been gone for a while, but he still didn’t know where he was going?

"Don't worry, I'm tracking the Ant King all the time. His every move is now under my nose."

Lin Ke's words shocked the two of them. It turns out that the whereabouts of the Ant King have always been followed by Mr. Lin Ke?

East Kota Republic,

This is the easternmost part of the Mito base federation on the Urubian continent and the Balusa Islands.

In a deserted open space, surprisingly stood a large and magnificent palace.

The palace occupies a roughly square shape, and the overall color is mostly green and white.

This is the palace where the commander-in-chief of East Goda is located.

As the commander-in-chief of Dongguo Tuo, the pot-bellied Masadodigo is intoxicated in the wine pool and the meat forest.

He sat under the stage drinking and eating meat, while on the stage there were a group of dancers specially for him to watch. It was such a happy life for a god like this.

The Republic of East Kota is a country that is as weird as the NGL Autonomous Country.

On the surface, NGL is a country full of nature, but behind the scenes it is full of factories containing all kinds of prohibited items.

The Republic of East Kota does not allow people to own high-tech products such as mobile phones. The people's usual means of communication is to send letters.

This is particularly similar to NGL.

But the East Kota Republic's more unnatural operations are yet to come.

In order to meet the needs of the people at the top, the lives of the people at the bottom are miserable. It can be said that they are living in dire straits.

Even so, the country will deliberately report some false news.

For example, fake news such as "Most children in other countries will starve to death before they are ten years old".

It is just to make these poor people think that their lives are even good, so that they can better exploit them.

I learned that the people of East Kota live in a very difficult situation, so various countries have provided certain assistance.

As a result, the money was squandered by the people at the top and was not used on the people at all.

It is said that in order to obtain more international aid funds, East Kota also asked for technology similar to nuclear energy in exchange.

However, this technology was also developed with aid funding from other countries.

It can be said to be a rather strange country, even worse than the NGL Autonomous Country.

Masha Dodigo relies on the wealth collected from the people to live such a luxurious life.

"Hahaha, okay, winner!"

Masa Dodigo patted the table and laughed loudly, while a group of warblers and swallows danced in the audience.

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!..."

Suddenly, Diego's phone rang.

"Huh? What? Is there an intruder?"

"Just kill it! Is this kind of thing worth asking me about (aeag)? I'm very busy right now!"

Brother Di snorted coldly and hung up the phone. He turned to look like a pig and waved to the dancers on the stage:

"Come on, keep going.

"Ta Da, Ta Tian

After getting rid of the gun-wielding soldiers outside, the Ant King and his party walked into the passage of the palace unimpeded.

"What a pointless defense~ I can't even resist a single blow."

The ant king was walking at a snail's pace with a very unhappy expression on his face. No matter what enemy he encountered, he was always in trouble.

It made him very unhappy!

"Oh? It seems interesting."

The ant king suddenly felt a breath and was overjoyed. It was the food it had been looking for!

"Although I don't know which country you are from, I can guarantee that you will not die easily!"

A strong man with narrow eyes wearing a red thunder beetle and bulging muscles blocked the way of the Ant King and his party.

At the same time, field soldiers with guns also walked out from behind the surrounding pillars.

As soon as he finished speaking, the strong man with narrowed eyes suddenly burst out with dazzling thought energy, and the pure thought energy completely enveloped him.

This strong man with narrow eyes looks very much like Leza from Greed Island.

Whether it's squinting eyes or bulging muscles, I feel tired.

Moreover, the weight of his mental energy is not low. Judging from the performance of his bursts, he is already considered a good player among Nin people.

He is not only the strongest guard in the entire palace, but also the only Nin.

"It looks really delicious, then I'll start it!"

The ant king glared and shouted a declaration that sent chills down the back of the narrow-eyed strong man, and suddenly an afterimage flashed past.

The surrounding soldiers turned into headless corpses, and blood flowed out like pillars, dyeing the already red ground even more vividly.

In order to make it easier for him to eat, the strong man with narrowed eyes only opened the Tianling cover and lay quietly on the ground.

The ant king licked his mouth and could no longer suppress his desire for food, just like the fat pig Dick inside.

Eat all the same stuff.

When the ant king took a bite, waves of majestic evil thoughts surged out of his body.

"Coming, coming! That's it, hahahaha!"

Feeling the swelling in his body, the ant king began to eat more and more excitedly, and the cold air on his body continued to boil.

"That's it, meow!"

Seeing the changes in the Ant King, Catwoman's pupils shrank suddenly, and then she exclaimed.

They understand what the king’s talent is!

The king can grow by eating "rare species" (Nen) and then plundering their mind energy!

This is a talent with unimaginable potential!

After finishing eating, the Ant King walked into the hall with three guards.

The only thing that greeted Diego next was death.

They want to take over the position of dominance and treat the people of the entire country as their food!

What the Ant King and the three guards don't know is that in the online world here, there is always a pair of eyes secretly watching them!

Their every move is exposed to Porygon Z's eyes.

In a forest somewhere in the NGL autonomous country.

"So the current commander-in-chief of Dongguotu has been killed by the ant king, and the palace has been completely occupied."

Lin Ke repeated the information just sent from Porygon Z, and was able to make Mo Laowu and Mo Laowu understand the current situation.

"Didn't you expect that they would go to East Kota Republic?!"

"I thought they would go to the Lokallio Republic near here."

"NGL and East Kota are just across the border from east to west."

Mo Laowu gently blew out a smoke ring and said with a surprised look on his face.

He was not only surprised by the whereabouts of the Ant King and others, but also by their astonishing speed.

It hasn't been too long since they left the ant nest, and they have already fled from NGL to East Kota?

"It's really unreasonable, but if I have to say it, they just picked that angle.

"There are five countries in this entire large island, NGL is in the west and East Kota is in the east."

"Because the distribution is not even, the east and west sides of the entire large island will be more southerly, while the middle will be more northerly."

"If you want to explain [Song Neng is the ant master, they just chose the angle from NGL to Dongguotuo.

Nobu held his chin and analyzed with a stern face.

You can't even tell that he was crying just now.

"This is trouble. They used Nen to replace the commander-in-chief of East Goto, and they plan to turn the entire country into food rations."

Mo Laowu couldn't help but gasped, and two pillars of white smoke blew out from his nose.

They can replace Commander Dick, relying on Catwoman's Nen [Toy Repairer]

With this Nen, Catwoman can bend to the point where she can manipulate corpses like puppets.

Not only can the corpse speak, but it can also move, and the operating thoughts can also be hidden using [Hidden].

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Di Ge is still the same Di Ge, and only they know that Di Ge is dead.

"That doesn't matter, just solve it before then."

Lin Ke shrugged and then asked Mo Laowu:

"Where is the old man now?"

"The president only said that he planned to meet an old friend, but he didn't say who he was going to meet, or when he would be back.

Go see old friends…………

Looks like it's just to find Geno Zoldyck.

The reason is to rely on Geno's [Dragon Star Cluster] to create a one-on-one opportunity for him with the Ant King, just like in the original work.

The old man didn't even ask him if he knew how to do it. He had many Pokémon in his hand who knew how to use the Dragon Star Swarm.

There is no need to spend that money and time to find Geno.

But it’s not necessarily just for this, maybe I also want to meet Maha.

After all, this time he had the idea of ​​dying.

"Then let's go back first. It just so happens that the results of the competition between your apprentice and Gon are about to come out."

"Now I can go back and see it with my own eyes."

Because the Ant King was born three days earlier than in the original work, Mo Laowu and others were even able to watch the battle.

As a bright light flashed, the three of them walked into the space passage and completely disappeared into the forest.

The Ant King has occupied the East Godo Palace, which also means that the Ant King's crusade is imminent!

At the same time, after a month of progress, the pregnancy bar in Lin Ke's mind has gradually approached the end!

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