Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 179: The Blackened Gon? Don’T Compete With The Old Man! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

In the hotel where Gon and others are.

"Just keep it like this. There are only a few days until the deadline, so you have to continue to persevere."

Bisji was sitting on the sofa, looking at beauty magazines, while shouting at Gon and Gon.

Although he was giving instructions to the two of them, their eyes never moved away from the magazine, and they were very fascinated by it.


Gon and Killua both shouted in unison.

The two little ones stood side by side, both wearing thin T-shirts, with their hands on their sides.

Their bodies are constantly releasing mind energy, which is extremely solid. It can be seen that their basic skills are very good.

At this moment, they were releasing their thoughts with all their strength, causing waves of wind pressure in the room.

The relatively strong wind pressure blew the clothes of the two people, and even the flowerpots in the room were shaking slightly.

However, the magazine in Bisji's hand was not affected by any waves and was firmly held in her hand.

Gon and Killua are now the same Netero presidents they were before.

I am using the most standard posture to perform one of the four basic skills of [Nian] - "Lian"!

"Refining" is the technique of releasing one's mind energy outwards with all one's strength, which can cause effects such as coercion.

But it is most commonly used in the aspect of "increasing the capacity of mind energy".

Because the mind energy is released with all one's strength, it is difficult for people with insufficient mind energy to continue for too long, and they will be exhausted soon.

However, after a large amount of consumption of thought energy, and after enough rest, one's own thought energy capacity will be improved to a certain extent.

It can be understood as tapping the potential within the human body.

Therefore, "Lian" is most often used as a daily practice technique for the elderly.

If "refining" is released for a long period of time, the capacity of mind energy will continue to increase, but the extent of the increase is related to talent.

If you continue to practice according to Bisji's method of heart flow.

In the future, both Gon and Gon will have the opportunity to have the tempered mind energy of Chairman Netero.


Bisji seemed to feel something in her heart. She suddenly put down the beauty magazine and looked at the door with a pair of burgundy eyes.



At this time, the door happened to be opened. Because it was a hotel door, there was no sharp sound.

The door opened slowly, and the two little ones also turned their attention to the door.

Is Pam back from shopping?

However, the person who appeared in front of them was not Pom.

After seeing that familiar face clearly, Gon couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Lin Ke?!"

"Hey, I'm exercising."

Lin Ke walked into the room, greeted the two little ones, and then looked at Bi Jie sitting on the sofa.

"Are you reading beauty magazines again?"


"After all, this is one of my rare hobbies."

Bisji put the magazine on the table next to him and asked Lin Ke curiously:

"Why are you back so soon? Have the chimera ants been dealt with already?"

They still don't know that the Ant King left with his escorts, and when they saw Lin Chen coming back, they thought Yongdu had finished.

"No, most of the chimera ants have been dealt with, and some who want to continue to be human are sent to Greed Island."

Lin Ke briefly explained the current situation to the three of them and went to find Nakulu and Xiutuo.

It stands to reason that Norbu should come to Pum. After all, Pam is Norbu's disciple, and Pum lives with Gon.

But because of Pom's morbid feelings for Norbu, he didn't really want to face the disciple he taught.

He simply followed Mo Laowu.

"Is that so? The Ant King and his escorts have gone to the East Goto Republic."

Bisji nodded. As an old woman in her fifties and sixties, she had naturally heard of the strange East Kota Republic.

"The remaining chimera ants are quite pitiful, and good-looking people have turned into grotesque creatures.

Bisji sighed softly and spread his hands. He could only sigh and there was no other way.

As a Hunter for so many years, she has encountered this kind of regrettable thing not once or twice.

The world is full of mysteries worth exploring, but it is also full of countless dangers.

Only with every extra point of strength in oneself can one feel more secure.

"Lin Ke, did Kate come back with you?"

Seeing Lin Ke come back, Gon could no longer suppress his emotions and quickly asked Lin Ke.

If Kate dies because of this, there is nothing he can do to forgive himself!

In the original book, Gon always blamed himself for Kate's sacrifice.

It was because he didn't leave in time that Kate had her right arm broken off the first time they met.

If nothing happened to the arm, maybe Kate wouldn't have died.

Gon thought so.

So he has always been brooding about it, and it wasn't until Catwoman personally admitted that Kate was dead that he finally recognized the reality.

Then Gon, who was extremely self-blame and angry, made very extreme restrictions and vows, and suddenly became the blackened Uncle Jie.

Hitting Catwoman like a ball is a complete massacre.

In the end, Gon can be said to be indistinguishable from death.

Even if the Hunter Association mobilizes the highest resources, it will only give him a sigh of relief.

Still relying on Killua to bring the "wishing machine" Naniga over, and using the bug's wish-making ability from the dark continent, Gon was rescued.

So, if I tease him now, will he turn into a blackened Uncle Jie on the spot?


Killua stood behind Gon with a tangled look on his face. He stretched out his hand and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Although when Gon woke up, he used Lin Ke to comfort Gon, Lin Ke can definitely bring Kate back.

But that was just a helpless move.

From the time they left the scene to the time Lin Ke and the others appeared, almost half a day had passed.

Although he comforted Gon with his mouth, he didn't feel that Kate, who had broken her right arm, could last that long.

And if Kate came back with Lin Ke, how could she not show up now?

Most likely already………………

Bisji next to him also realized this, looked at Gon with firm eyes, and took a breath in his heart.

"I have two pieces of news for you about Kate."

"One is good news and the other is bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Lin Ke curled up his lips and did not say it directly, but wanted to tease the two of them.

When Killua heard the bad news, his heart skipped a beat and his expression changed slightly.


Gon was only halfway through his words when Killua immediately covered his mouth and said quickly:

"Let me tell you the good news first."

Although I don’t know what the good news is, maybe it can cover up the bad news of Kate’s death a little bit?

Lin Ke didn't even say the bad news, and already assumed that Kate was dead.

"The good news is I got Kate back."

Hearing this, Killua's face relaxed, and the hand covering Gon subconsciously relaxed, allowing Gon to speak.

"Really? You brought Kate back? But where are the others?"

Under this "good news", Gon ignored Killua's covering of his mouth just now, but looked behind Lin Ke.

But I looked left and right and couldn't see Kate.

This made Killua look even more ugly. Kate did not appear, but Lin Ke said to bring him back.

Didn't they bring the body back?

"right here."

Lin Ke waved his hand, and a figure suddenly appeared.

"this is?!"

Gon's pupils shrank suddenly, and then quickly expanded again. He murmured in a low voice, and at the same time he moved closer to observe.

After seeing the figure clearly, Killua's expression immediately dropped, and the warning in his heart had reached its peak.


Gon will definitely go berserk!

What appeared in their eyes was Kate, whose body was full of stitching marks and looked tattered.

Or should I say Kate's predecessor.

When leaving the ant nest, Lin Ke also took Kate's body that Catwoman left in the ant nest with her.

Maybe when little Kate grows up in the future, it can be kept as a souvenir?

Being able to collect your own body can be regarded as a very "meaningful" thing.

But few people have the opportunity to see their own bodies.

Kate, who originally looked like a cool and handsome guy, now takes the form of a monster in a zombie movie.

There are signs of stitches everywhere. It can be seen that there were many pieces of the body that were sewn back together.

But after all, the stitching is not as natural as the original body, and both the hands, feet and head show strange curved shapes.

It's a bit like how an ordinary person would look after being hit by a large, fast truck.

The originally silver-white hair is now extremely withered and scattered on both sides of the face, making it look even more eerie.

"Lin Ke, what's the bad news..."

Gon looked at the lifeless Kate quietly, the highlights in his pupils gradually disappeared and became hollow.

His face was as gloomy as the sky before a storm, filled with dark clouds.

Several people present could feel Gon's almost crazy emotion.

The thought that was about to explode made him like a volcano that was about to explode at any time.

When Bisji saw this, he took half a step back, fully intending to run away if the situation turned bad.

But thinking about Lin Ke's presence, I finally chose to stay here instead of leaving directly.

Not to mention, Gon's appearance is quite oppressive, looking at the coercion that his current strength does not possess.

"Bad news~"

Lin Ke prolonged his tone and finally said slowly:

"That's Kate turning into a girl."


The three people present were breathless at the same time, and their brains were a little unable to turn around.

What does it mean to become a girl?

Aren't there all the corpses in front of you?

Especially Gon, his head is turned around like a robot, his brain has shut down.

He was ready to explode.

You actually said Kate turned into a girl?

"Or should I say Kate is now a chimera ant."

"I'll take you to see it and you'll find out."

Limei Road City,

This is the last city on Greed Island and where the staff is located.

In a western-style castle,

"Ah ah ah..."

Gon held little Kate in his hands like a treasure.

The movements are very light, for fear that if you move too much, you will hurt it.


Even though little Kate's crying was extremely loud, he didn't show any signs of impatience.

Gon stared blankly at the little Kate, with mixed emotions in his heart and didn't know what to say.

Although the eyes are still empty, the feeling now is completely different from before.

Before, I was full of resentment, but now I am more happy.

Putting aside the body of the chimera ant, at least Kate is still alive, which is enough.

Although there is absolutely no trace of Kai from the outside,

A special shadow, but for some reason, he just felt that this was Kate.

And there is no need for Lin Ke to deceive himself.

"Didn't you expect to be reincarnated into a chimera ant?"

Killua and Lin Ke stood behind Gon and could also see Xiao Kaishi.

"However, this is indeed the best ending."

Killua's originally tense face finally relaxed, and his anxious heart finally dropped.

Kate's "death" is already a predetermined outcome, but being able to reincarnate into a chimera ant and live a second life is already very good.

Totally a blessing in misfortune.

According to Lin Ke, when Kate grows older, she can help her regain her previous memories.

This way there will be no worries.

The person is still the same person, but the body has changed.

Both Gon and Killua were surprised by Kate, and Lin Ke was no exception.

But his surprise was different from the two of them.

【Have you grown so much in just a few hours?!】

Lin Ke looked at little Kate being held by Gon and was secretly speechless.

It hasn't been long since Corudo took Little Kate out of the Queen Ant's body.

But little Kate's body has grown a whole circle.


After thinking about it carefully, Lin Ke thinks this is understandable.

After all, in the original book, in about a month, little Kate will grow to the size of a 5 or 6-year-old child.

After all, it is the body of a chimera ant and cannot be viewed with ordinary human concepts.

After a long time, Gon reluctantly put little Kate back into the special cradle.

It is estimated that this cradle will need to be replaced every two or three days. Kate is growing up too fast.


Gon took a deep look at Kate, then turned his head and looked directly at Killua, his eyes full of determination.

"We must not lose the next challenge!"

Although he learned that Kate was not dead, Gon's desire for revenge became stronger.

Now that Kate has become like this, it has nothing to do with him. He must avenge Kate with his own hands no matter what!

To this end, the two of them must defeat the two Nakus and join the Ant King's crusade team!

"Lin Ke, do you have any suggestions? How can we improve our strength faster?"

Gon asked Lin Ke again. In his opinion, Lin Ke has always been the strongest existence and asked him whether he was right.

"I can't help you with this. Bisgi is good at teaching people. Just listen to her honestly."

Lin Ke shook his head, he had nothing to teach the two of them.

"But there is one thing I can remind you."

"Killua, you have to learn to use your brain."

Lin Ke looked at Killua and pointed at his head, as if there was some deep meaning in his words.

Use your brain?

Killua lowered his head slightly, thinking about what Lin Ke's reminder meant.

He vaguely grasped a feeling, but couldn't quite figure out what it was?

At this moment, in Lin Ke's eyes, there is a thousand thoughts buried deep in Killua's forehead!

This was put in by his brother Ilmi. The main purpose of the mind needle is to affect Killua's consciousness.

When facing a slightly stronger enemy, the mind needle in the head will take effect, coupled with the concepts that have been instilled since childhood.

Killua will prioritize escape. Even if the opponent is about the same strength as itself, it is entirely possible to win.

This is Ilmi's morbid love for his younger brother Killua, and he will not let him do anything dangerous.

This is also the reason why Killua always distanced himself instantly when faced with the aura of a strong person like Lin Ke, and acted even worse than Gon.

It was the mind needle that limited his ability to exert his strength. Whenever he encountered an enemy, he just wanted to escape.

Gon he can't do anything, but Killua can still do it.

As long as Killua can pull out the needle, he can show his true strength.

And it is best to pull it out yourself, the effect will be better.

Therefore, Lin Ke just gives a little hint. Whether you can understand it depends on yourself.

"Then let's go back first."

The space passage opened again, and when they stepped through it, they quickly appeared in the original hotel room.


Just at this time, Lin Ke's cell phone rang, which was a reminder that someone had sent a text message.

Old man: I'll find a place to retreat for a while, and wait until I notify you to launch a general attack. Don't compete with the old man for the target then~

Although the person did not appear in front of him, he could feel that the old man was speaking to him from between the lines.

"Don't fight with the old man..."

"If you can't defeat me, old man, don't blame me for taking action.

Lin Ke stared at the text on the phone screen and muttered to himself.

Not only does he want the ant king's experience points, but he also wants to strengthen the soil afterward!

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