Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 180 God’S Judgment! Horrible Marshado! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Two days later,

It was night, and the final battle between Gon and Nakulu began.

This battle determines which side can join the Ant King's crusade team.

"I can see that you are strong.

"But one thing I can't understand is why you retreat at every critical moment."

"It seems like they are unwilling to do anything that involves even a little bit of risk."

Xiu Tuo stood in front of Killua with a solemn expression, a flash of doubt in his eyes, and he couldn't figure it out.

Killua stood motionless, not because he didn't want to take action, but because he was fighting for control with the influence of the mind needle.

After a round of battle, Killua's left cheek has been sealed by Xiu Tuo's Nen [Dark Hotel].

This also caused the mind needle to convey thoughts that made him retreat all the time.

But...he can't retreat!

Killua clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth, making a tooth-ache-inducing sound.

Bisji had reminded him before coming here that his safety was his first priority.

If there is even the slightest threat, we will give in!

If he can't change this idea, sooner or later, he will die without saving Gon!

What Bisgi said was cruel, but also correct. He had to change his mind.

He would never just watch Gon die without saving him!

Even if he couldn't defeat Shuto this time, Bisji wouldn't let him meet Gon again!

This was a price he could not bear, and he knew that Bee Gideon would keep his word.

Gon's words from two days ago were still echoing in his mind.

I had promised him that I would go together to avenge Kate!

But, what can be done to completely change this idea?

At this moment, Killua suddenly recalled what Lin Ke said two days ago.

Use your brain………………

"Although it feels a bit pity that I couldn't see you exert your full strength, but I'm sorry."

Seeing Killua standing still, Xiu Tuo sighed "Zero Nine Seven" and prepared to control the three palms beside him to fly over.

He and Naku also want to win the challenge.


Suddenly, a crisp cracking sound sounded.

Under excessive force, the rings Killua wore on her fingers broke into pieces.

That's the ring that connects the special yo-yo.

Killua's weapon is quite special. It is a special yo-yo that can pass electric current on it.

[Did he disconnect the ring that connected him to the yo-yo? What is he going to do? 】

Then under Xiu Tuo's puzzled gaze, Killua suddenly pulled out his right hand and hit himself on the head at an extremely fast speed!

【What is he doing?!】

Killua's behavior was very much like he wanted to break his Tianling Cap, which made Xiu Tuo's heart shrink.

Could it be that you have broken this child's mentality and are planning to understand yourself?

Isn't that the case?

Killua moved very quickly, and his sharp nails quickly pierced his scalp and penetrated deep into it. The blood that overflowed in a short period of time dyed his silver hair red.

Killua's hands can pull out a person's heart, and it couldn't be easier to pierce the scalp and get in.

Before Xiu Tuo could react, Killua took out his hand, holding a needle with mind energy in his hand.

"Did you actually put such a thing in my head? That guy Yi Mi!"

Killua looked at the needle in his hand and immediately knew that it belonged to his eldest brother Ilmiqian.

[Is there a needle stuck in your head? 】

Now Xiu Tuo vaguely understood the source of Killua's strange behavior, and it seemed that he was affected by the needle.

Throwing the needle aside, Killua felt as if he was more relaxed than ever before.

Without restraint, I can use all my strength, even when facing someone stronger than myself, I will not be restrained!

Seeing Killua who had a completely different aura, Xiu Tuo's eyelids jumped wildly, now he was the weak one.

Without the influence of the telepathy needle, Killua simply defeated Xiuto and then rushed to help Gon.

After the two little ones merged, Nakulu was even more difficult to resist, and had to lose in the end.

At this point, Gon and Killua have won, and have the qualifications to join the Ant King's expedition team, and have the opportunity to avenge Kate.

At the same time, a "white cloud" slowly floated down from the sky, with Mo Laowu, Nobu and Lin Ke standing on it.

This was controlled by Mo Laowu using his own white smoke. They could pay attention to the battle situation of the two sides at the same time from above.

"Mo Laowu, you lose me 100,000 ordination nuns."

Norbu crossed his arms and jumped down from the white smoke with a slight jump.

"I know, I almost won."

Mo Laowu shook his head and jumped down from the white smoke.

As in the original work, he made a bet with Norbu, betting that Yi Yi would win.

Gon and Killua win, which means he lost the bet and needs to give Norbu one hundred thousand ring nip.

But for Hunters of their level, it doesn't matter if it's several times more, let alone one hundred thousand nuns.

Their bets are not intended to win money, but simply for fun.

"Lin Ke, thank you for reminding me before."

Killua looked at Lin Ke next to him and thanked him sincerely.

If it weren't for Lin Ke's reminder two days ago, he might not have realized that something was wrong in his head.

If they failed to detect the needle, their night would probably end in failure.

Not only would there be no chance for revenge, but he would also have to leave Gon's side.

"I'm just being casual. You will notice it yourself sooner or later."

Lin Ke himself didn't expect Killua to react so quickly and let Gon win.

This can be regarded as another butterfly effect caused by oneself.

At this point, their team members have been completely decided, and they are just waiting for the old man to set the attack time.

As time goes by, they are getting closer and closer to the date of the general attack.

During this waiting period, Lin Ke's biggest achievement was that his new Pokémon was finally conceived.

After seeing the new Pokémon, Lin Ke couldn't help but be amazed and became more confident about exploring the dark continent next.

Everything is ready, just waiting to defeat the Ant King!

While Lin Ke and others were preparing, Wang was not idle either.

They used Catwoman's Nen [Toy Repairer] to control Digo's corpse to get people across the country to gather.

The ant king looks down on ordinary people and only likes to eat the poor.

So in the end it was decided to let all the residents come over, and everyone forced them to open the Aura Nodes to make them Nen.

This method of violently opening Aura Nodes has a very high fatality rate, which is equivalent to the "Initiation" of the Sky Arena.

There are five million people in the East Kota Republic. If this method is used, less than half a million people will survive.

Not even one out of ten!

Even if you are lucky enough to become a Nen, you will end up being eaten by the Ant King and become part of his strength.

In a sense, the weak person is the experience value of the ant king. The more he eats, the more experience he has.

It took some time to wait for the residents to come here. During this period, the ant king, who had nothing to do, became interested in various chess-type games.

Board games are usually considered to be games that test intelligence, and the Ant King believes that he wants to be more than just the world's number one in terms of force.

It wants to be the world's number one in every field!

This board game was the first area it chose, and the result was not only the first area, but also the last area.

In the name of Commander Diego, the top players in various chess games came to the palace one after another. Their mission was to fight against the Ant King.

The ant king thought very simply. It would be too troublesome to participate in any competition honestly.

As long as it beats those "champions" [it's the new No. 10].

Ant King is indeed the top creature of chimeric ants. Not only is it powerful in force, but it also has a very high IQ.

Every champion who came to the palace was defeated by him. Of course, there may also be factors in this that the appearance of the Ant King is too scary.

The opponent is short of breath just facing the ant king, let alone playing chess well.

In the ant king's unstoppable state, several champions of chess games were defeated.

Until the last chess game, it is also a self-made game in the East Kota Republic - military ritual.

Although Military Ceremony is a self-made game in East Kota Republic, it is quite influential in six continents and has gone through many world competitions.

Unexpectedly, the world champion of Junyi is a blind little girl, her name is "Wheat".

"Very good. All that's left is the game called 'Military Instruments'. Once this game is solved, that's it."

The Ant King murmured to himself while looking at the game introduction about military etiquette.

Shaiapouf on the other side is arranging for Xiaomai to enter the palace, which is also the road to becoming a king.

The king in their minds is the king of the world.

Naturally, he is the one who dominates in any field.

They don't believe or think that the ant king will lose.

When the ant king saw this sloppy blind girl who sniffed from time to time, the gears of fate began to turn.

The ant king, who had never been defeated since birth, lost to Xiaomai, and he never defeated her until his death.

East Kota Republic,

In the open space some distance away from the palace, six figures stood impressively.

The six people either crossed their arms or stood naturally.

Gusts of strong wind blew up their clothes, but their bodies remained motionless.

At this moment, all they could see was the palace in the distance.

It's the Ant King Crusade Team!

After a period of waiting, they finally received a notification from President Netero.

Today was also the day they launched their attack.

Since all the chimera ants were basically dealt with by Lin Ke, their targets this time were only the ant king and the three guards.

It will be much easier than in the original work, and it won’t require too many people.

So these six figures are Gon, Killua, Mo Laowu, Nobu, Lin Ke and Meleon!

During this period, Lin Ke would occasionally go to Greed Island, and he could see the talent of chimera ants with his own eyes.

Originally, the chimera ants had just mastered [Nian], but after receiving professional guidance from Dwun and others, their strength improved by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that every day is the same.

Because most of them are division leader-level chimera ants, their talents are considered high-end among chimera ants.

That's why there was such a scary scene.

Among all the chimera ants, the one with the fastest progress in experience is undoubtedly Mei Lei.

With the death of its adoptive father spurring it on all the time, it hardly wastes any time and continues to practice.

After making the [Constraint and Oath], Meleon's strength has soared...

After these days of practice, his height has reached an unimaginable level.

No one could have imagined that it only took this little time for Meleon to grow to this point.

Now just looking at the aura, Meleon already has the same level of strength as Mo Laowu.

Meleon not only focused on the accumulation and application of Nian Qi, but also developed his own Nen.

The higher the strength, the more Melion can deeply understand the terrifying strength of the Ant King.

So the idea of ​​​​revenge with one's own hands slowly turned into an agreement.

Help Lin Ke eliminate the ant king.

After all, there is only such a short time, and it is completely wishful thinking to want to grow to the level of an ant king.

Coupled with his chameleon talent, Meleon finally developed the Nen [Proof of God's Absence].

And the Nen branch [God’s Accomplice] that can make others invisible together

In the end, it also developed an additional Nen branch that was not in the original work, which may be related to constraints and oaths.

[God's Judgment]: It can only be used when you are angry. You can consume your own life force to consume the enemy's life force.

Depending on the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the proportion of consumption will also change.

In other words, if the enemy's strength is at the same level as Meleon's, then the life force consumption will be one to one.

Their strength is the same, and their vitality is almost the same in most cases. Meleon can pull the enemy to death together.

If the enemy's strength far exceeds your own, then even if you use up your own life force, you may only consume a little of the opponent's life force.

This is the ability to exchange blood.

It stands to reason that Meleon, as a chameleon, cannot develop this ability, so it can only be attributed to restrictions and oaths.

Meleon's [Constraint and Oath] was made in a state of extreme anger, and it had the effect of draining life force.

I think it was influenced by this factor.

This ability can be said to be very practical, because it consumes life rather than thought energy.

In this way, the usable range is wide, and it can be used on any creature.

He can turn the Variety Monster into Meleon and continuously consume his life force at the enemy.

Then the nearby Pokémon such as Lucky Egg and Gardevoir kept using healing skills against the Variety Monster.

In this way, you can keep exchanging blood and kill the opponent forcefully.

However, there is also a scope limit.

According to Meleon, the current target of this ability must be within one hundred meters of himself.

It will be useless if it exceeds 100 meters, but as the strength increases, the distance cannot be expanded.

In fact, this blood-draining ability is far less useful than the [Angry Incisors] of the Ichthyosaurus. One bite of the opponent will reduce the blood by half.

But the advantage is that you don't have to get close, you can keep a certain safe distance.

[Angry Incisor] You have to let the ichthyosaur bite the enemy, and there are a lot of uncertainties in it.

And Lin Ke also thought of a better way to use [God's Judgment].

It's not just the Dilemma that he has on hand to use others.

Marshado can also use the abilities of others!

It's just that the Variety Monster transforms into someone else and then uses their abilities.

Marshado's appearance will not change, he will simply learn the abilities of others.

The strength of the Variety Monster will change according to the strength of the imitator, but not Machito!

SS-level Ma Shaduo uses [Judgement of God 2.3]. Lin Ke can no longer imagine how terrifying this is!

Creatures thousands of miles away will die in a single thought from Mashado!

SS level means that most creatures are far weaker than Marchado.

Marshado doesn't need to expend any life force to kill him.

It seems a little useless.

Marshado's strength is much higher than those creatures, and they are all killed in one blow, and there seems to be no difference.

But there are still some.

The key lies in the distance.

[God's Judgment] is an ability that covers both range and strength. Machado can cover extremely distant places.

As long as he is within this distance, one more thought from Masha can make him die.

This is faster and more convenient.

The only limitation is that it can only be used when angry, but it's not too serious.

Just be a little angry.

Moreover, there are not many times when this ability is used, and there are very few times when it is necessary to destroy creatures from a distance.

However, I have also thought about waiting for the Dark Continent and using this ability to harvest experience points like crazy.

But thinking of the desperate experience points required by Marshado, Lin Ke decided to give up this harvest plan.

At the level of SS level, the experience points gained from harvesting creatures that are weaker than oneself are too little, almost none.

At the very least, you have to defeat enemies of the same level to gain enough experience points.

Instead of harvesting those negligible experience points, it would be better to give them to Bangila.

"Then let's go and defeat the Ant King!"

Lin Ke slowly gathered his thoughts, spoke softly, and stepped forward at the same time.

Lin Ke stood in the middle, and was also at the front as the leader, with several other people distributed on both sides of him.

Seeing Lin Ke walking in front, everyone felt full of security.

As long as you follow this figure and move forward, there will be no problem!

With Lin Ke’s order, the battle against the ant king officially begins!

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