Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 181 Dragon Star Group! Lucario Vs. Yupi! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Over the East Kota Republic,

A huge strange bird is flying.

It is said to be a strange bird, but it is more like some kind of sub-dragon monster.

It has three pairs of wings, one is larger than the other, and it draws airflow lines in the air at high speed.

If any creature approaches this monster, it will be intimidated by its aura.

It is not a showpiece, it also has high strength.

Because it is a monster raised by the Zoldyck family!

However, even with such a ferocious monster, there were two people standing on its back.

"I said you don't need to work so hard, right?"

"Are you even wearing this dress?"

Geno Zoldyck glanced at Netero next to him, his eyes full of confusion.

He didn't know exactly how strong that "Chimera Ant King" was.

But he knew that Lin Ke was also in the crusade team.

Even though Lin Ke is present, is it necessary for the old man Netero to work so hard?

If even Lin Ke can't beat him, then even Netero, who has adjusted his condition now, can't beat him.

Obviously, post-Tero trial-like customization had other purposes.

Do you just want to play in peak condition?

Jeno felt it was more than that.

As the number one killer family, the Zoldyck family has always been well-informed, so they also know some secrets.

For example, the alliance between Biande and the Cajun Empire, and even the origin of the chimera ants are vaguely guessed.

"Maybe you don't have to do this."

After pondering for a moment, Geno slowly turned around and faced Netero and spoke sincerely.

At this moment, Geno saw Netero wearing the legendary "Heart" T-shirt.

The thin T-shirt perfectly outlined Netero's muscle lines.

Netero's strong muscles are made more impactful by the T-shirt, and there is infinite power hidden in every muscle.

He obviously has an old face, but he has an extremely strong body.

This is the result of Netero's lifelong and long-term continuous practice.

For this battle, he tried his best to adjust all aspects of his condition to the best level.

Not only was the bun cut off, but most of the precious beard that he had grown was also cut off, leaving only a handful.

In a battle reaching S level, any slight impact may lead to catastrophe.

06This is also a fight to leave no regrets.

If Lin Ke were present, you would see that Netero's current strength rating is S level.

Not only is Netero's mind strong and majestic, but his own body has also been tempered.

If you don't look at that face, he has the body of a young man.

But as an old man, Geno was fully aware that the man in front of him was an old monster who had lived for more than a hundred years.

At the time of his birth, Netero was an old man.

Even now that he has become an old man and has several grandchildren, Luo is still as energetic as ever.

Maybe it was because he had been together for too long, or maybe he didn't want to see an old monster die like this, so Geno still spoke to dissuade him.


Netero whispered Geno's name, then shook his head and didn't say another word.


Geno took a deep look at Netero, sighed inwardly, and said nothing more.

As long as this old man believes in one thing, even countless horses can't pull him back.


Maybe there is still someone who can bring him back.

Geno looked down faintly, thinking of the victory he had seen at the [New Wuxing] meeting before.

If Lin Ke takes action, he should be able to stop it.

When the Warcraft flew to a certain location, Geno suddenly gathered his hands around his waist, and golden thoughts gathered crazily.

At the same time, the two people suddenly disappeared on the back of the monster and fell straight down.

On top of the luxurious palace,

Catwoman suddenly felt something, and suddenly raised her head, scanning the sky with her smart eyes.

It was night, but there were no stars to be seen.

Because it is a cloudy day today, only wisps of faint moonlight shine on the earth through the clouds.

The rest was covered by thick clouds, making it difficult for Catwoman to see clearly what was above the clouds.

In fact, Catwoman's "circle" is now placed around the palace and does not reach that high.

Her current reaction was more of a beastly instinct.

Shaiapouf, who was playing the violin next to him, also noticed something was wrong with Catwoman.

So it stopped playing and squinted its eyes to look at the sky.

Just at this time, streaks of golden light flashed through the thick clouds. Surprisingly, the position of the golden light was not fixed.

The golden light was on the right for a while, and on the left for a while, as if it was constantly swimming in the sky.

Seeing this, both of them knew something was wrong, and Catwoman quickly extended the "circles" distributed around the palace toward the sky.

The blood-red "circle" is like a ladder filled with blood, stretching straight towards the clouds.

Just as the "circle" extended upward, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared from the clouds, as if it was about to tear the dark sky apart!

Catwoman and Shaiapouf's pupils shrank at the same time, staring at the things that came out.

It was actually a "golden dragon" made entirely of thought energy!

The golden dragon's body is extremely large, which shows that the person who made the move has a deep foundation of thought.

The outer layer is golden thought energy, while the inner layer is purple thought energy, which can also become a "Purple Gold Dragon".

This is Geno’s Nen [Dragon Head Play Painting]!

As a Conjurer, he can transform his mental energy into the form of a dragon, which can be used to attack or ride on.

At this moment, in the eyes of Catwoman and the two of them, two people were standing on top of the golden dragon that was bending and spiraling down!

One is Geno, who is slightly hunched over, with his hands behind his waist and a sharp gaze.

The other one is Chairman Netero, who is standing leisurely but with tense muscles!

Enemy attack!

And the enemy is very strong!

This thought flashed through Catwoman and Shaiapouf's minds at the same time.

Catwoman licked her lips, her eyes filled with excitement, and her body tensed subconsciously.

Finally you can enjoy the fun of battle again!

But before Catwoman could jump into the air, the golden dragons that were spiraling downward suddenly scattered and disintegrated in the air.

"No way, don't tell me!"

Shaiapouf looked at the golden light in the sky, and the uneasiness in his heart reached its peak at this moment.

The originally huge golden dragon instantly dispersed into streaks of golden light, falling like a meteor shower.

Also used by Geno’s Nen——————Dragon Star Group!!

Being able to actively disperse the descending golden dragon at a suitable height shows that Geno's use of Nian Qi has reached a deeper level.

Although it is not as good as the dragon star cluster of Lin Ke Pokémon, it is still very spectacular.

Suddenly, the dark night sky was completely illuminated by countless golden lights. In vain, Catwoman felt as if she had come to daytime.

How many attacks are there in total in the sky today?

a hundred?

Or a thousand?

Catwoman can't count her, all she knows is that everything she sees is golden light!

Catwoman's eyes looked around [trying to find where the two figures were hiding.

If it is not found out in time, it may pose a threat.

But it alone was not enough, so Catwoman quickly turned her head and asked Shaiapouf for help.


But they saw Shaiapouf throw away the violin and hurriedly flew towards the place where the ant king was.

It was deeply afraid that the ant king would be harmed, and it just wanted to run to the ant king's side to protect him.

Catwoman knew that Shaiapouf couldn't be counted on, so she had to find the two men on her own.

At the same time, a pink light flashed in vain in the passage of the palace, and soon Lin Ke and six others appeared on the field.

Because with Lin Ke joining, they don't need to make many plans at all.

There is no need for Norbu to go to the palace in advance to arrange the [fourth-dimensional apartment], Gardevoir can just teleport here.

The approximate task assignment this time is that President Netero will take away the ant king and then eliminate the ant king.

The rest deal with the three guards.

Norbu and Meleon were tasked with dealing with Menthuthuyoupi.

Mo Laowu is responsible for dealing with Shaiapouf.

Gon and Killua volunteered to deal with Catwoman.

Of course, just relying on a few of them to deal with the three guards would be to die, so their position in the battle is not the main force.

The real main force is Lin Ke’s Nian Beast!

Every member of the guard team will be dealt with by one of Lin Ke's mind beasts.

Their purpose is to assist the mind beasts.

It can be said that they came here just to make soy sauce. It would be the same with or without them. Anyway, it was Lin Ke who took action.

After all, not only the ant king, but Lin Ke also needs the experience points of the escort team.

Coincidentally, at the moment they appeared, they happened to bump into Menthuthuyoupi who was in charge of patrol.

They were standing at the entrance, and in front of them was a huge staircase that led directly to the second floor.

At this time, Menthuthuyoupi happened to be sitting on the grand staircase, which meant that if he wanted to go to the second floor, he had to pass through Menthuthuyousi.

"Huh? Intruder?"

Menthuthuyoupi scratched his head and muttered to himself. The beast's breath on his body was terrifying even if he didn't release it deliberately.

Mo Laowu and others' breathing was stagnant, and then Gon rushed out first, planning to go up the grand staircase.


Killua shouted quickly, wanting to stop Gon.

"That is for Nobu and the others, our target is Neferpitou (cat)!"

Gon ran towards the stairs with firm eyes, thinking only of revenge for Kate.

"That's right, leave Menthuthuyoupi to me and Meleon. Just rush forward."

Nobu pushed up his glasses, a reflection flashed on them, and there were sharp eyes under the glasses.

With Lin Ke by his side, Norbu's confidence is at its peak.

Seeing this, Killua had no choice but to follow Gon's back and run towards the stairs.

Gon thought simply, since he didn't see Catwoman on the first floor, he rushed to the second floor.

If you don't see it, then search the entire palace until you find Catwoman.

Menthuthuyoupi on the other side saw the two little devils completely ignoring it, and anger arose in his heart.

I immediately decided to give them some color.

The red arms were wrapped with scarlet thought energy. Just seeing this thought energy gave people the feeling of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The huge fist was wrapped in crimson thought energy and was so big that it would be shattered into pieces if hit by this attack.

However, just when it was about to hit Gon's head, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Menthuthuyoupi.


Lucario crossed his arms in front of him, completely blocking Meng Tuyupi's fierce punch.

One attack and one defense.


The collision between the majestic thoughts formed a terrifying aftermath, with strong winds centered on both sides and sweeping towards the surroundings.

Gon, Killua and Mo Laowu took this opportunity to rush up to the second floor from behind Lucario.

Menthuthuyoupi showed a fierce look on his face and stared at the three people running up, wanting only to kill them


But Lucario stopped him tightly, and Menthuthuyoupi's face became more ferocious, as if he wanted to swallow Lucario.


Menthuthuyoupi roared angrily, and the muscle tissue on his body squirmed rapidly like worms.

Its appearance is also changing rapidly.

Because there are no human genes, Menthuthuyoupi's roar is not like a human scream, but a beast-like roar.

"This...what kind of monster is this?!"

Merion looked surprised, looking at Menthuthuyoupi's changed form, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, Menthuthuyoupi changed from normal arms to six arms.

They are two on the left, two on the right, and two on the back.

Lin Ke feels that it is still conservative, and a pair of arms can be stretched out from the front chest.

The face that originally looked like Phinks has completely changed, and is no longer a human head.

Apart from its ferocious mouth, the most eye-catching and disgusting thing are its eyes.

Menthuthuyoupi's head now has eyes in addition to its mouth, and its huge head is covered with eyes of all sizes.

Those eyes, without exception, were all the same blood red as its skin color, which looked weird and scary.

Perhaps it was to see Lucario's movements clearly and respond at the same time.

Only then did Menthuthuyoupi transform into countless eyes and six arms.

Menthuthuyoupi is the least good at thinking among the three guards. He will attack randomly when he is angry.

As a member of the escort team composed entirely of Warcraft genes, it can freely change its physical appearance and transform its anger into destructive power.

This terrifying shape is the expression of its ability.

Menthuthuyoupi's aura is even better than before.

If facing Gon is just a casual attack, then it will be serious!

In an instant, Menthuthuyoupi's six arms moved together, and each fist was filled with strong thoughts.

If you are hit by a punch, even the pillar next to it made entirely of solid ore will be shattered!

The two left arms hit Lucario's right side, and the two right arms hit Lucario's left side.

The two arms behind him were Menthuthuyoupi, who leaned down slightly and let these arms hit him from above!

Six arms, attacking from three directions at the same time!

Seeing this astonishing scene, Norbu and Meleon held their breath at the same time, their bodies fixed in place and unable to move.

Facing a battle of this level, they were completely shocked and found it difficult to do anything to help.

Lucario's eyes swept up, left, and right in three directions, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

It doesn't have six arms, so it can only win with speed!

Suddenly, Lucario's hands waved rapidly, and the four sensors behind his head also showed blue fluctuations.

The power of the waveguide is activated!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Suddenly, Lucario and Menthuthuyoupi fought quickly, making collision sounds.

Although the opponent is missing four arms, Lucario can still cope with it with ease!

Norbu and Merion stared at this scene in stunned silence. They could only see the afterimages of the attack.

They couldn't participate in a battle of this level at all, and the aftermath alone would be too much for them to bear.


As powerful collisions continued one after another, cracks appeared under the feet of both Lucario and Menthuthuyoupi.


Then it reached a certain critical point, and the stairs completely collapsed from it, and both parties fell down, but they were still fighting.

Just when the stairs collapsed, rays of golden light descended on the palace, passing through the ceiling and falling to every floor.

Everyone present saw this massive attack!

The huge palace became a target for the dragon stars at this time. As the golden light fell, it gradually became tattered.

At this time, Gon, Killua and Mo Laowu were still looking for the other two escorts on the second floor.

【This is...the Dragon Star Group?!】

【Is grandpa here too?】

Killua was shocked when he saw this familiar move, but he still kept walking.

He didn't expect that his grandfather would also appear here. He thought he was invited by President Netero.

He knew without even thinking that Chairman Netero must have spent a huge sum of money this time.

Their charges are always very high.

Gon and Mo Laowu also noticed the attack, but still didn't take it too seriously.

Instead, he was looking for traces of the enemy while avoiding the dragon stars.

Although there were collisions downstairs, they still had no fear in their hearts because they knew that with Lin Ke there, there would be no problem.

From the moment they decided to crusade, no, it should be said from the moment Lin Ke joined the crusade team.

The fate of the chimera ants is already doomed!

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