Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 182 Three Guards Versus Three PokéMon! Don't Die! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

over the palace,

As the golden dragons dispersed, the dragon star clusters fell rapidly, and some of them fell to the ground very quickly.

But there is still a large group of dragon stars left in the sky.

But Catwoman didn't care about those attacks, because compared to these attacks, the people hiding inside were more dangerous!

"Where exactly?"

Catwoman was prostrate on the spire of the palace, her body just like a cat's movements when in danger, her waist straight up.

The anxious Catwoman directly raised her five senses to the highest level and quickly scanned every place.

【found it!】

When Catwoman noticed Netero, she kicked her foot and her body was shot out like a cannonball.

Among the dragon stars in the sky, Catwoman flew towards Netero accurately and appeared not far from him in the blink of an eye.

Facing Netero at close range, Catwoman's warning became stronger and she immediately used her trump card.

Heizi Wuxiang!

Almost instantly, a shadow composed of blood-red energy appeared around Catwoman.

It looks like a puppeteer holding a silver string, and Catwoman is the puppet controlled by it.

This is the Nen branch developed by Catwoman [Kuroko Dance Thoughts]

Kuroko Dance is an ability that Catwoman will use when she wants to fight with all her strength. It only takes 0.1 seconds to activate the ability and attack.

It can be said that it activates instantly!

This is a branch of Nen developed by Catwoman on a whim.

Originally, Nen was made to be the controller, and other things were the controlled ones.

So why can’t you allow yourself to be manipulated?

So Catwoman developed this Nen.

The puppeteer manipulates Catwoman's body by chanting strings, allowing her to exert strength and speed beyond her limits.

It is somewhat similar to Shalnark's ultimate move in "Phantom Troupe", which allows Nian to control himself to exert more powerful power.

It's just that Shalnark can't control himself, but Catwoman's actions are still controlled by herself.

Catwoman once said personally, "Heizi dances like a dance beyond the limits."

This sentence is the origin of the name [Kuroko Wuxiang].

Facing an enemy of Netero's level, Catwoman used her trump card.

"Although I have imagined many types of offense and defense, this is the trick."

"Little ant!"

Catwoman's body froze and her expression changed drastically. Although it was only for a moment, she did hear the voice of the other party.

President Netero was still stagnant in the air and slowly falling, seemingly speechless.

This is a technique called [Heartdrop Quanting].

It is also an ability that all strong men possess.

When fighting between strong players, it always feels like time has stopped for a moment, and you can clearly see the opponent's slow motion.

This is the so-called [Heart Drop Quan Listening]

As a martial artist, Netero has brought this skill to its peak.

Whether it is ordinary walking, or Nen's [Hundred Styles Guanyin], it has the effect of incorporating [Drip Fist Listening].

The next moment, Netero slowly raised his hands, drew a circular trajectory, and finally put his hands together.

The whole movement was so smooth and natural that it was completed smoothly.

Netero's [thoughts] were terrifyingly quiet, as if he had become completely silent and unable to move.

After more than a hundred years of practice, Netero's body and spirit have been cultivated to an extremely deep level.

From being sharp and sharp to being restrained now, it means that his power is even more terrifying.

No living thing can tell what he will do next from the fluctuations of his mind.

Battles between good and bad often require the use of advanced application skills such as "flow" and "firmness".

At this time, the mind energy in the human body will move, and the enemy can use "condensation" to observe what the other party is going to do.

But Netero is different. His thoughts are very quiet, and even if he uses advanced application techniques, others can't see them.

It is therefore difficult to respond appropriately.

At this moment, Catwoman felt as if time had stood still, and everything seemed to move in slow motion in her eyes.

He could only watch the old man waving his hands.

Listen to Heart Drop Quan!

This is the effect of [Xin Di Quan Ting].

It seems like time has stopped, but this is actually caused by Netero being too fast.

Netero's actions were all completed at the moment Catwoman used Nen and was about to rush out.

The next moment, Netero suddenly waved his clasped left hand out, drawing a golden light!

【This is!】

Catwoman struggled hard, but couldn't move.

Because Netero's movements were so fast that Catwoman's body couldn't react at all.


A giant golden beam of light suddenly struck from diagonally below Catwoman, and her petite body was completely engulfed by the golden light.

[The attack came from an impossible direction?!]

Netero's position is diagonally above Catwoman, but the attack comes from Catwoman diagonally below.

Catwoman's eyes were wide open as she tried her best to surge up the energy in her body to resist the blow.

Although he barely resisted the damage, his body flew backwards quickly involuntarily.

"I would be very grateful if I could keep flying out like this."

Netero looked at Catwoman who was knocked out by him and muttered to himself.

At this time, Catwoman was flying very fast in the air without stopping at all.

[No! If this continues, we will get further and further away from the palace!]

The anxious Catwoman suddenly had an idea and used her Nen [Toy Repairer]

[Toy Repairer] has a limitation, that is, the repairer will only stay in place after casting, and Catwoman must be within 20 meters of it.

Without further ado, Catwoman quickly used [Toy Repairer]. If she continued flying like this, she would be too far away.

The huge Repairer's body took shape in an instant, and Catwoman's body was fixed and stopped flying out.

Just when Catwoman thought the matter was over, a surprising scene suddenly appeared above.

In Catwoman's eyes, two bright moons suddenly appeared in the sky, one was larger and the other was much smaller.

The small bright moon is like a shadow, looming and may disappear at any time.


In Catwoman's disbelieving eyes, the strange bright moon was heading towards it.

Fairy skills - the power of the moon!


Because the body had not had time to stabilize, the huge bright moon completely bombarded it.

The toy repairer next to her was also shattered, and Catwoman's body fell to the ground.

"Kuroko Maixiang!"

Just as she was about to fall to the ground, Catwoman suddenly shouted, and waves of energy flowed out of her body.

It took shape within 0.1 seconds, and the blood-red energy completely enveloped Catwoman, causing her to stagnate in the air.

Although she managed to stabilize her body, Catwoman was still hit by the power of the moon, and her current condition was not good.

A stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and there were several holes in his body.

This is the first time since he was born that he has been so embarrassed.

First he was knocked out by an old man, and then he was hit by the moon inexplicably.

Catwoman raised her head angrily, her eyes filled with blood-red light as she stared at the figure above.

Under the bright moonlight, Gardevoir's posture became more and more elegant, like a fairy with refined temperament.

There are also wisps of light pink thought energy lingering around him, like a fairy spirit surrounding him.

"Ka, ka..."

Clear sounds came from Catwoman's joints one after another, which was extremely harsh in the silent open space.

Under the control of the puppet master, Catwoman assumes a difficult pose that is impossible to do normally.

"Tear you apart!"

Catwoman glared fiercely at Gardevoir, her facial expression almost distorted, and a pair of smart eyes completely covered in blood.

As soon as she finished speaking, Catwoman's body burst out with extremely huge thoughts.

The blood-colored thought energy was like an endless stream, rising directly into the sky, and for a moment the entire sky was filled with blood-red light.

Even the sky was dyed blood!

It feels like you are in hell.

Gardevoir looked at the crazy Catwoman quietly, without any influence around her.

On the second floor of the palace,

Just as he ran past a window, out of the corner of his eye, Gon caught a glimpse of the terrifying blood-colored breath in the distance.


As a harsh friction sound sounded, Gon quickly stopped and looked out the window again.

Seeing this, Killua also stopped and followed Gon's gaze to look outside. Naturally, he also saw the huge curtain of thought energy.

"found it!"

The two little ones looked at each other and said in unison.

"Hahaha, I found it here too."

Mo Laowu looked out through the window and saw Shaiapouf flying into the tower, running forward non-stop.

When Shaiapouf hurriedly flew to the room where the ant king usually stayed, he saw only ruins.

Holes appeared on the ceiling, which were obviously marks left after being penetrated by the dragon stars.

The power of the Dragon Star Cluster did not diminish after it penetrated the ceiling, and continued to penetrate the floor, leaving potholes everywhere in the room.

Ceilings about to collapse, stone slabs turned into dust beds...these things filled the room.

But there was no sign of the ant king.

【I don’t even know where the king is!】

[They don’t even know the king’s safety!]

[Shaiapouf, what qualifications do you have to be the king’s bodyguard!]

Shaiapouf stood there blankly, constantly angrily complaining about his shortcomings.

Its inner loyalty to the ant king is too strong, so it will get into chaos whenever it encounters anything related to the ant king.

[No, it’s not just that I’m not qualified to be a bodyguard!]

[Only death can pay for the sins committed! 】

Two lines of clear water flowed down the corners of his eyes and gradually dripped to the ground. Xiaoya Putian's eyes were covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, it hopes that the ant king will appear in front of it and then kill itself with its own hands.

【Shaiapouf! You deserve to die!】

Shaiapouf slowly closed his eyes and was immersed in the small theater of pain in his heart.

For a long time, Shaiapouf closed his eyes, but still felt the changes around him, and slowly said:

“Can you let me go out to find the king?

"I'm afraid that won't work."

"I finally caught a little butterfly. No, it should be called a little ant."

Mo Laowu stood beside him holding a big pipe, and while talking, wisps of white smoke came out.

At this moment, the entire room was surrounded by Mo Laowu's white smoke, like walls, surrounding the room in all directions.

Prison lockdown!

This is also one of Mo Laowu's uses of white smoke. He can concentrate the white smoke and use the white smoke to trap the enemy in a certain place.

The enemy cannot get out of the place blocked by white smoke, hence the name "prison blockade".

"is that so?"

"Then there's no way!"

Shaiapouf suddenly opened his eyes, which were a pair of bloodshot eyes that looked quite terrifying.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, the folded wings behind Shaiapouf suddenly spread out.

That is a pair of gorgeous wings with colorful spots on them

Points are a pair of butterfly wings.

Countless dust emitted from the wings, which also shone with colorful colors, quickly filled the blocked place.

Scale powder is the fountain of love!

This scale powder is Shaiapouf's Nen.

You can attach the scale powder to the other person's body and then sense the other person's emotions and psychological fluctuations.

It also has hypnotic effects.

The prison blockade not only blocked Shaiapouf, but also blocked Lao Wu.

In this kind of terrain, Shaiapouf's scale powder will be more effective.

But as an ocean hunter, Mo Laowu has super lung capacity and can completely avoid inhaling these dusts.

Compared with the other two escorts, Shaiapouf lacks combat ability, so he will be trapped by this method.

And it’s not just Mo Laowu who is responsible for dealing with Shaiapouf!

[Huh? The mood is mainly about relaxation and confidence. How is this possible? 】

【Isn't he a little nervous?】

Shaiapouf couldn't believe the perception coming from his scales. The man in front of him was almost not nervous when facing him.

Soon it knew the reason for Mo Laowu's confidence.

Suddenly, Mo Laowu's shadow fluctuated violently, as if something was about to jump out of it.

【Is it possible...】

Upon seeing this, a bad premonition flashed through Shaiapouf's heart, and his expression became gloomier.

The aura revealed in that man's shadow actually far exceeded his own aura!

How can this be?

In the blink of an eye, a purple-black gas mind beast jumped out of it.


Gengar's scarlet eyes looked at Shaiapouf fiercely, making him panic.

At the same time, a pair of strange eyes as black as ink suddenly appeared on Geng Gui's head.

Shaiapouf didn't know why, but an inexplicable thought flashed through his mind. It seemed that he couldn't leave here.

General skill——Black gaze!

Stare at the opponent with your soul-stirring black eyes, making it impossible for them to escape!

Mo Laowu's prison blockade.

Gengar's black gaze.

Under double protection, even Nen, who has Shaiapouf's clone, cannot escape.

Even when necessary, Gengar can super evolve. The characteristic of Super Gengar is [Shadow Stepper]

This is triple guarantee!

Even if Shaiapouf had wings, he wouldn't be able to escape.

As the weakest of the three guards, Shaiapouf can let Gengar deal with it, and it can be regarded as its spy.

At this point, the three guards have all faced off against Lin Ke’s three Pokémon!

Catwoman and Gardevoir! (Zhao Li Zhao)

Menthuthuyoupi and Lucario!

Shaiapouf and Gengar!

Gon and Gon on the other side were too hasty and couldn't find a suitable place to get medical treatment for a while.

They are now on the second floor, and the stairs leading to the first floor were still in fierce battle when they came.

So Gon planned to jump directly from the platform extending from the second floor, and then rush directly to where Catwoman was.

However, when they ran from the indoors to the stage outside, what caught their eyes was "Lin Ke!"

"Lin Ke?!"

Gon exclaimed while running in the direction of Lin Ke.

Lin Ke was still on the first floor just now, and now he appeared on the stage on the second floor.


Lin Ke looked away from the red thought energy in the distance and turned to the two little ones behind him.

This place has a better view, and you can directly see the battle between Catwoman and Gardevoir.

At this moment, Lin Ke suddenly sensed something and turned to look at the stage on the other side.

I saw a dark green figure walking out of the passage, and even from a distance, I could feel its terrifying aura.

It’s the ant king!

Following closely behind the Ant King are the elderly duo Geno and Netero.

[It’s really scary ~ this kind of smell! 】

Geno glanced at the figure of the ant king without any trace, and couldn't help but secretly gasped.

The last time he felt this kind of terrifying aura was when he faced Lin Ke at a meeting.

It can be said that only Lin Ke can compete with this ant king!

【Did you actually choose such an opponent for yourself? 】

Geno glanced at Netero next to him again, sighed in his heart, and didn't plan to say anything more.

In Geno's view, even if Netero now faces this so-called "ant king", he probably doesn't have much chance of winning.

To put it bluntly, it means death.

Lin Ke still has to take action!

At this time, Netero paused slightly and turned to look to his left hand.

That's exactly where Lin Ke is.

Even though there was a slight distance, Netero could still clearly see Lin Ke's mouth shape and what he said.

Don't die, old man. .

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