Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 184 The Power Of Waveguide! Super Lucario! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Catwoman is dead.

But it wasn't the first of the Guardians to die.

Shaiapouf will die before it, because its opponent is Gengar!

In a room shrouded in white smoke somewhere in the palace,

【Such a huge aura!】


【This is already comparable to the king! 】

Shaiapouf stared blankly at Gengar emerging from the shadow, his face as cold as frost, but his heart was filled with huge waves.

It doesn't believe that humans have the same strength as their king!

How can this be…………………

But the facts are before it, and even if it doesn't want to believe it, it can't help it.

Or it should be said that the appearance of Gengar has strengthened its determination to eliminate the enemies present.

Just like in the original work, when Catwoman saw the blackened Gon, her first reaction was to destroy him.

He must not be allowed to pose a threat to the king.

Shaiapouf's mood is the same now. He also wants to eliminate the threat for the ant king, even if he dies.

It's a pity that the strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

Shaiapouf doesn't have much to offer Nen in a comeback.


Geng Gui let out a ferocious laugh, and the purple-black thought energy separated, and the balls of thought energy rotated counterclockwise around it.

Immediately, several groups of will-o'-the-wisps exuding coquettish colors roared toward Shaiapouf.

Shaiapouf was shocked and found that he could no longer dodge this strange flame attack.

He quickly circulated the thought energy in his body, and his body shone with light, splitting into countless tiny Shaiapoufs on the spot.

This is also one of Shaiapouf's Nen [Lord of the Flies]

[Lord of the Flies]: It can cause Pufu's body to be broken down into countless tiny Pufu.

This ability can be used to dodge enemy attacks, spy on enemies, control enemies, and more.

But the body that controls all the little Puffs must be at least the size of a fly, hence the name [Lord of the Flies]

Relying on [Lord of the Flies] Shaiapouf quickly split into countless tiny individuals.

It is impossible to escape unscathed at the moment.

It can only make a choice and try its best to survive this attack.


The will-o'-the-wisp clung to countless little Shaiapouf's bodies like maggots attached to their bones.

In an instant, tiny will-o'-the-wisps ignited on them, forming a large area of ​​strange fireworks.

Shaiapouf's method worked. Although some of the Lord of the Flies were burned out, most of them still survived.

Shaiapouf quickly controlled countless clones, trying to see if he could escape from the white smoke blockade with his small body.

But when it had this idea, its body involuntarily froze in place, as if something was affecting it.

【Is this also the enemy's ability? 】

Shaiapouf thought well, this is the black moonlight effect Gengar just used.

From the moment it entered this room, the outcome was already determined.

So under Gengar's deliberate control, Shaiapouf not only died, but also kept his body as much as possible.

A flash of light flashed on the ground, and then a space passage appeared, and Yapov's body fell into it.

This was also arranged by Lin Ke, so that Gengar would feel a little uncomfortable eating their corpses.

Simply put it directly into the online world and take it out when the time comes.

"This is………………"

Looking at the disappeared body of Shaiapouf, Mo Laowu was a little confused at first, and then remembered that it should be Lin Ke's ability just now.

So it was Mr. Lin Ke who took away the enemy's corpse.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no clones, Mo Laowu dispersed the white smoke area.

[I fought this battle really easily, so I put a prison blockade on and did nothing else]

What Mo Laowu didn't know was that he had paid a lot in the expedition team.

Before Gon and Killua even arrived at the battlefield, Catwoman was defeated by Gardevoir.

Norbu and Meleon are still watching the battle, and they can't interfere in the battle between Lucario and Menthuthuyoupi.

Mo Laowu shook his head and walked outside with his big pipe. He planned to see how the others were doing.

Just as Mo Laowu was thinking this, he suddenly felt a shaking, and the Jiandong Palace was shaking slightly.


At this time, the destroying death light fell to the ground, and the movement caused could even reach the palace.

"Have Catwoman and Shaiapouf been resolved?"

"That leaves only the last Menthuthuyoupi."

Lin Ke stood on the stage and murmured, even though the palace was shaking a little, he remained firm and motionless.

Now the escort has been reduced to three, and only the last Menthuthuyoupi is left.

Among the three guards, Lin Ke feels that the one who is most useful to him is Shaiapouf.

Mainly because of its Nen.

Shaiapouf has three abilities. One is the ability to sense emotions and hypnotize others [Fine scales are springs of love]

This is okay, but not very useful.

The second is [Lord of the Flies] who can split the body into countless small individuals.

This one is more useful than [Square Pink is Love Spring], and is most suitable for exploration.

When you arrive in the Dark Continent in the future, you can turn the Variety Monster into Shaiapouf, and then use [Lord of the Flies] to investigate.

The last ability is also the ability that Lin Ke thinks is the most useful. It can be called [stimulating ability tool].

Shaiapouf can wrap other people in Miles, then cause them to unconsciously create the Nen that best suits them.

Nen is a very important thing for Nen people.

But not every Nen user can develop Nen that suits them.

For example, Doro Hakashi was once evaluated by Hisoka as a "waste of capacity".

The [Tiger Bite True Fist] he originally developed is suitable for his own abilities and can exert good power.

But two years later, when he fought with Hisoka again, he actually developed a [double clone tool] that was not suitable for him.

In the end, his talent was wasted and he died at the hands of Hisoka.

This shows how important Shaiapouf's ability is.

No effort was required to develop Nen.

You only need to lie in the cocoon for a while, and you will have the Nen that suits you best when you come out.

Many of the chimera ant Nen in the original novel were developed by Shaiapouf in this way.

The only thing worth exploring is whether this [stimulation ability] is only effective for chimera ants.

After all, in the original work, Shaiapouf only used this ability on chimera ants, and there is no guarantee that other creatures can also use it.

I'll have to find another chance to try this later.

Generally speaking, compared to the other two escorts, Shaiapouf's telekinesis ability as an auxiliary will be more useful.

The first floor of the palace,


Fierce collisions occurred one after another.

"so amazing......"

Norbu held a handkerchief and kept wiping the cold sweat. It was really too intense on the court.

He and Meleon could only stay in the corner, quietly watching the two sides fight again and again, without a chance to help.

At this moment, Menthuthuyoupi has a few more arms than before, and they don't even look like arms anymore.

The red tentacles were like cooked octopus legs, waving in the air and creating afterimages.

It's not just tentacles, Menthuthuyoupi even controls the body's changing forms.

The tips of the tentacles transform into weapons like swords and hammers, making it even more lethal.

With the blessing of countless tentacles, every wave of it will produce a violent sound of breaking through the air.

The entire venue was never quiet.

In addition to the changes in its arms, it also has countless eyes, large and small.

It seems that there are as many eyes as there are tentacles.

No matter front, back, left or right, there are eyes everywhere on it, so there are no blind spots.

To deal with the fast Lucario, Menthuthuyoupi chose more arms and more eyes.

But it doesn't seem to be of much use.

Menthuthuyoupi is still at a disadvantage and can only be beaten.


Lucario's body is now completely covered in dazzling blue energy, and waves are faintly visible around his body.

This is the power of waveguide!

It is precisely with the power of the waveguide that Lucario can continue to dodge in Menthuthuyoupi's stormy attacks.

What Lucario does is not only dodge, but also accumulate strength!


If you are careful, you will find that Lucario's fists will sometimes flash a deep red light after collision.

Then the next punch will be more powerful.

Fighting skills——enhancement punch!

[Enhancement Fist] Not only can you attack the opponent, but you can also increase your own attack power.

During this period of fighting, Lucario has used enhanced punches several times.

Menthuthuyoupi feels this most deeply.

If it had the upper hand in terms of power at the beginning, now it is completely at a disadvantage!

Now it can only try to gain an advantage by increasing its arms, so that it can make up for its lack of strength.

In other words, Menthuthuyoupi can use his anger to increase his power, otherwise he would not be able to fight Lucario.

But it's soon.

Menthuthuyoupi can increase its strength through anger, but this can also make it lose its mind.

They can only attack without any discipline.

This also allows Lucario, who uses the power of fluctuation to analyze Menthuthuyoupi's every move, to seize the opportunity!

Lucario finally discovered a flaw in Menthuthuyoupi's movements.

As a bright thought emerged, Lucario's right fist burst out with sparkling light.

With the blessing of Nian Qi, his right fist was like a falling star, drawing a line in the air.

At the same time, there are also bits of diamond-like shining fluorescence falling, which looks extremely beautiful.

But beneath this gorgeous "meteor" is a terrifying offensive that hides murderous intent!

Steel skill——Meteor Fist!

Due to the need to control too many arms, Menthuthuyoupi lost his mind again, so Lucario naturally caught Kong Dao.

Now it doesn't even have time to defend.

Even though the eyes on the body saw Lucario's attack, the speed was too fast and it had no time to defend.


A blow sounded louder than any before.


When the Meteor Fist landed on Menthuthuyoupi, its right waist suddenly showed an extremely terrifying curve.

Coupled with its red complexion, the whole body looks like a cooked prawn, completely arched.

Immediately, Menthuthuyoupi's huge body flew backwards, as if he was hit by a real meteor.


It hit the wall next to it, not only shattering the wall, but also continuing to fall backwards.

Crash one wall after another.

After the fierce battle between the two sides, this building has long been dilapidated, and everything you can see is a collapsed ruin.

Lucario shook his right hand, still looking at the place where Menthuthuyoupi flew to.

Lucario knew that one blow alone wouldn't be enough

Defeat it.

At this moment, Menthuthuyoupi's entire body was embedded in a wall in the depths, and all the bones in his right waist were broken.

Not only was it broken, there was also a big hole in the right waist, and the internal organs inside could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, the emotions of pain and anger were intertwined in Menthuthuyoupi's heart, and the anger in his heart seemed to have substance at this moment!

The veins on his head were exposed, and even more terrifying thoughts were released from his body!

The endless bloody energy suddenly burst out from Menthuthuyoupi's body, and his whole body seemed to be walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The wall beside him was instantly shattered into powder by the burst of scarlet thought energy.

At the same time, Menthuthuyoupi's body changed crazily again.

First, the injury on the right waist was completely healed, and then the muscle tissue of the lower body continued to squirm.

Finally, it changed from two legs to four legs, giving it the form of a centaur.

The muscles of the upper body have also changed, forming an armor made of flesh on the surface of the body.


In extreme anger, Menthuthuyoupi regained some sanity after transforming into this form.

But the obsession in my heart lingers.

Must kill it!

"Is it dead?"

Meleon swallowed, looked at the series of broken walls, and asked Norbu next to him in a low voice.

Before Norbu could respond, they heard the sound of horses trampling from deep inside.


Every time he stepped on it, a spider web-like scratch would burst out on the ground, and even the ground would shake a little.

What appeared in their eyes was Meng Tutu Wupi who looked like a centaur!

Menthuthuyoupi's speed was now more than twice as fast as before, and he appeared in front of Lucario in the blink of an eye.

Holding a spear made of flesh, he looked like a charging knight.

All this happened in an instant, Meng Tutu Yousi appeared in front of Lucario.

It seems there is no way to dodge it.

【Die to me!!】

Menthuthuyoupi was furious in his heart, and the part that could no longer be called a face looked even more ferocious and terrifying.

Coupled with the strong bloody energy on his body, he looks like a hell knight

The top of the sharp blood-colored spear also glowed with a chilling cold light, making people feel that this thing could pierce anything.


It's a pity that it pierced the green protective cover. Although there were some cracks on it, it just failed to hit Lucario.

General skill——Guard!

At the same time, Lucario's body suddenly erupted with a white light, and his body was constantly changing within the [Guardian].

This moment is just like that moment!

Not only Catwoman realizes the horror of Pokémon's skills, but also Menthuthuyoupi.

Seeing Lucario's breath rising steadily, Menthuthuyoupi seemed to have regained some sense.

He quickly poured out more thoughts, just to kill Lucario before it successfully transformed!

However, [Guardian] is like a natural chasm, firmly separating it from Lucario.

After a moment, the white light dissipated, revealing Lucario's current appearance.

It should be called "Super Lucario"!

Super Lucario has more black stripes on its surface, its skin becomes darker, and its feet turn red.

The milky white fur on the body became longer, the thighs became thinner, and more thorns grew on the back and soles of the feet.

Both the limbs and the wave sensors on the back of the head were dyed with a touch of red, symbolizing courage.

This is Lucario's first Mega Evolution.

Compared with before, the super-evolved Lucario's waist is more heroic and handsome, and he has a great sense of intimidation in every move.

The [Guardian] protective shield quietly shattered, and what appeared in Menthuthuyoupi's eyes was something even more terrifying.


Super Lucario stretched his hands outward at the same time, and a shining "light pillar" suddenly appeared between his hands.

Super Lucario shook his hand hard, and the shiny bone rod was held in his hand.

This bone stick is like a peerless sword in its hand, and it can create a sword flower with just one swing.

With the bone club in hand, Super Lucario's aura was even more terrifying, and Menthuthuyoupi felt his body stiffen.

At this moment, Menthuthuyoupi's inner anger quietly subsided, replaced by fear!

Its ending seems to be doomed!.

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