Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 185 We All Worked Hard! You Must Learn Xin Drop Quan And Listen! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

In a wilderness area far away from the palace,

A radiant golden dragon suddenly dispersed, changing from a condensed dragon shape to countless tiny fluorescent lights.

Both the ant king hooked his tail on the dragon's claws and Netero sitting on the golden dragon's back looked calm.

It seemed that he was already prepared for what was coming next.

The two fell straight from the sky, drawing two streaks of light in the sky like falling meteors.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two landing sounds were heard in succession. Both sides landed safely, but pieces of dust were stirred up.

Although thick dust arose around them, the two people's surfaces were both lingering with thoughts, so it had no impact.

The disappearance of the golden dragon was deliberately calculated by Geno. The amount of energy used was fixed and it could only fly this distance.

Just fly to this place and it will disappear.

And this place was carefully selected by Netero.

"This is a testing ground for weapons of war."

"Don't have any scruples, just come boldly."

Netero looked at the Ant King's back and said calmly.

War weapons are naturally worthy of certain weapons of mass destruction, which coincides with [Poor Man's Rose].

This kind of place is not only suitable for the use of war weapons, but also suitable for battles between strong men.

Especially when the strength of both parties reaches their level.

This place is deserted, and even using [Poor Man's Rose] will not affect other people.

Clearly Netero is ready.

Prepared in every sense of the word!

Let him, an old man, enjoy the battle before he dies!

Netero's muscles were slightly tensed, his face was solemn, and his eyes were full of fighting intent.

"Why fight?"

The ant king crossed his arms and looked around for a while, knowing that this should be a carefully selected battle venue.

The ant king flicked his tail, turned around slowly, and said something to Ling Netero that Netero didn't expect.


Hearing the words "527" Netero opened his mouth slightly, his serious expression fell, and even his fighting spirit was affected.

"You have no chance of winning."

"Why rush to die?"

The ant king's deep eyes were fixed on Netero, and what he said was very consistent with its domineering temperament.

The Ant King doesn't think anyone can win it, whether it's the old human in front of him or the young human he saw in the first hall before.

At least in the realm of combat.

So it doesn't understand Netero's "death" behavior.

In fact, the idea of ​​the Ant King is not wrong. If you really want to say it, Netero is here to die.

The ant king is just a burial object.

Seeing that the ant king didn't seem to be joking, Netero had no choice but to gather his fighting spirit again.

Netero stretched out his little finger and dug his ears, and said with a look of surprise:

"You haven't even been beaten yet, how can you be so sure that I can't beat you?"

At this time, Netero had a bad premonition in his heart.

I'm afraid this battle won't be as easy as he expected.

It’s not about the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves, but the change in the opponent’s thinking!

After a moment of pause, the stern face of the Ant King remained unchanged and he continued:

"You don't look like a mediocre person who can't understand the situation."

"I was born in this world, and at first I thought there was no need for everyone to exist."

"But now my mind has changed. There are still a small number of people who deserve to live."

"For example, you, or that girl (Wheat)"

On the first floor of the palace,

At the same time that the Ant King and Netero arrived at the location, the battle here had also come to an end.

Super Lucario holds the bone rod in his hand, and the pure thought energy in his body continuously pours out, making the bright bone rod covered with thick thought energy.

The blue waveguide is also mixed in, making the bone rod dyed with a touch of blue, adding a bit of power.

The heroic waveguide warrior holds a bone club and stands majestically in front of Menthuthuyoupi, creating a sense of terrifying intimidation.


The next moment, Super Lucario stepped forward, and his figure suddenly disappeared from Menthuthuyoupi's eyes.

General skills————Super speed!


Almost instantly, the bone stick carrying huge power hit its chest, making a sound like an explosion.

Menthuthuyoupi's invincible body opened a big hole in the blink of an eye under the blow of the bone rod!

This large hole directly runs through the front and back, covering most of the torso.

Menthuthuyoupi's tattered body flew out immediately, and blood poured out on the ground.

From Mega Evolution to Attack, all of Super Lucario's actions are completed in just an instant!

After numerous enhancements from the enhanced punch, coupled with the power of super evolution and waveguide, and finally, there was a blazing speed of coordination.

Super Lucario's bone club is extremely powerful.

Even the evolved Mengtu Youpi could not bear it, and his entire torso was almost shattered.

But this is not enough. The vitality of the chimera ants is so terrifying that their heads must be broken.

Super Lucario clenched the bone rod tightly, leaned back slightly, and leaned back with his right hand holding the bone rod.

Throw the bone club suddenly like a javelin!


The bone rod flying at high speed accurately stabbed Menthuthuyoupi's brain and shattered into pieces.

Like a watermelon smashed by an iron rod.

At this point, Menthuthuyoupi, who has extremely tenacious vitality, no longer has the opportunity to "sit up".

Total death!

The bone rod composed of thought energy slowly dissipated, and at the same time, a space passage appeared under Meng Tu Tu You Si's mangled body.

It was transferred to the space channel by Porygon Z.

Catwoman, Shaiapouf, and Menthuthuyoupi, all three guardians died!

"Phew~ It's finally over."

Norbu, who was staying in the corner, put away his handkerchief, exhaled softly, and said with emotion on his face.

Even though he didn't do anything, just being on the field made him feel heart-stopping.

They really have no chance to participate in a battle of this level, or rather they are not qualified to participate.

The originally ornately decorated venue had completely disappeared, leaving only pieces of gravel scattered on the stairs leading to the second floor.

The surrounding walls also shattered into piles of ruins.

If there were not one or two pillars left on the site, the place would have completely collapsed and been covered by countless stone slabs.

Even on the ground, there are big pits everywhere. The better ones are cracks, but basically no place is intact.

He and Meleon could only huddle in a corner, and several times he even planned to get into the [fourth-dimensional apartment].

Fortunately, we won in the end.

"I don't know what's going on with the others?"

Norbu kicked aside the rocks with his feet, intending to clear a path.

The stairs leading to the second floor are completely destroyed, so let's go outside to see the situation first.

At this moment, Super Lucario on the field flashed and disappeared in vain.

On the stage on the second floor,

Wisps of night wind whistled through the air.

Lin Ke stood leisurely, looking into the distance.

That's the direction Netero and the Ant King left.

Behind him were Super Gardevoir, Super Lucario and Gengar who had just finished dealing with them.

"Now that everything has been dealt with, it's time to meet the last enemy."

"I wonder how much experience the Ant King can provide after eating the three guards?"

The next second, Lin Ke and the three Pokémon disappeared, leaving only an inaudible murmur.

In the distant wilderness on the other side,

The ant king continued to pour out his thoughts.

As the ant king expressed his thoughts sentence by sentence, Netero's expression continued to become gloomy.

He would rather compete with the more powerful Ant King than the Ant King who has changed his mind.

At least the former allows him to focus on the battle without any distractions.

Now it has an impact.

Netero has seen clearly. After this period of experience, the concept of the ant king has been shaken from the complete chimera ant camp.

Now it is caught between chimera ants and humans, and it is not pure enough.

【It’s really tricky~】

【You won’t even let me fight well in the last battle?】

Netero sighed in his heart, and the fighting spirit he had accumulated for a long time was also affected by the Ant King's words.

The Ant King now is far less easy to fight than when he was born, both in terms of strength and changes in thinking.

"I have no intention of fighting you."

"The reason why I am willing to come here with you is just to facilitate our conversation.

The ant king changed his standing posture and sat cross-legged on the ground. He held his chin in one hand and looked at Netero calmly.

It's not just a verbal statement, this change in posture also expresses that it doesn't mean to fight.

East Kota Republic has changed a lot during this time.

This is mainly caused by the girl Wheat.

It was she who pulled the ant king from pure beast thinking to human beings and learned to think with human thinking.

It can be said that Shaiapouf's concerns have not been missed.

If there is no encounter with wheat, then the ant king will most likely develop in the direction it expects.

But in fact, no matter which ending, there is no way to escape death in the end.

Long before Netero came, he had received a call from a senior V5 official requesting that this creature be eradicated.

Even without Netero, humans would use other means to eliminate the ant king.

[Poor Man's Rose] is one of the means.

What's ironic is that even though they clearly said they would eradicate such dangerous creatures, they ended up classifying them as new types of monsters and ignoring them.

The whole chimera ant incident was just a game between various countries. Once the game was over, they didn't bother to care about the chimera ants.

Anyway, the ant king was dead, so they simply judged the few remaining chimera ants as new types of monsters.

Just like that the dust settled.


"I really don't want to let the old man have my way~"

"Everyone is like this."

"King Ant, we have all worked hard~"

Netero sighed softly and walked slowly towards the ant king. While walking, his hands naturally hanging on both sides began to move slowly.

This is!

The ant king who was originally calm and composed suddenly turned his eyes and stared at the old man walking towards him.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Ant King, Netero put his hands on his chest and clasped together.

It seemed to be a very slow movement, but strange afterimages appeared.

If it were anyone else, they really wouldn't be able to see clearly, like Catwoman before, who couldn't react.

But the ant king is different.

It sees every move of Netero, and it is precisely because it can see so clearly that it will be surprised.

The old man's movements in front of him were very capable, without any unnecessary movements, and his movements were completely simplified to the extreme.

This is the result of Netero's lifelong hard work.

go through

Countless swipes resulted in unimaginable speed!

It looks like an incredible picture, both fast and slow, it seems very unreal.

The afterimage that appears is nothing more than a visual error.

In fact, Netero put his hands together in an instant.


With an inaudible collision sound, Netero's old and powerful palms came together completely.

In an instant, a circular golden light centered on Netero suddenly shone brightly!

Like an ever-expanding golden moon, it slowly rises behind Netero.

In just a few breaths, it quickly expanded from the diameter of a person to the size of a nearby hill.

For a moment, the dim wilderness that was originally illuminated only by soft moonlight was suddenly enveloped by countless warm golden lights.

The ant king stared blankly at Netero, who had a solemn expression. The golden light behind him quickly changed its appearance.

The next moment, a vague statue of Guanyin with dazzling golden light came into view of the Ant King.

The golden Guanyin statue is full of majesty, extremely tall, and has hundreds of arms.

Each arm holds different movements, so that each movement is not repeated.

Under the golden light, Netero's body was also dyed with a touch of golden color, like the afterglow before sunset.

But it's even more dazzling than that light.

At the same time, his whole temperament also changed instantly.

It seems that he has transcended the world and is no longer in this turbid world.

It is [Hundred Styles Guanyin]!

Netero suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he finally showed his edge after being silent for a long time!

At the same time as he opened his eyes, Netero removed his right hand that was already clasped together, and suddenly struck the ant king with a knife-hand gesture!

[Heart Drop Quan Listening]

It seemed like a very slow movement, but it appeared in front of the Ant King in an instant.

This was the first time that the ant king had experienced [Heartdrop Fist Listening], and he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, wanting to analyze this technique in more detail.

The enemies it encountered in the past were not worth mentioning. At most, they were the narrow-eyed brawny men in the East Goda Palace.

As the strongest guard of the East Goto Republic, the squinty-eyed brawny man is quite strong.

This can be seen from the thought energy around the body.

But he is also a character that the Ant King can kill with just one tail.

The Ant King has possessed extremely terrifying strength since his birth.

So much so that it has never been exposed to the so-called "skills" from birth to now.

Or it requires no skill at all.

Because it can defeat any enemy through sheer force alone.

But at this moment, the ant king realized that he seemed to be missing something.

This kind of thing happens to be owned by the old man in front of me.

That is the power called "skill".

"4.5 Boom!!"

The ant king who was thinking was hit directly by Netero's hand knife, and a loud noise suddenly echoed in the wilderness.

One palm!

The heavy hand knife contains a lot of thought energy, as if it has a huge power, and it makes an explosion-like sound when it is struck.

A large crater suddenly appeared on the originally flat ground, and the ground turned into a sky full of smoke and dust.


Netero's eyes were wide open, staring closely at the thick smoke and dust, not daring to look away even for a moment.

There seemed to be something stirring in the smoke. With the ant king's wave, the restless smoke immediately calmed down.

From the diffuse state, it returned to its original quiet appearance, and fell to the ground honestly.

"It's a very good move. Now I feel even more worthy of your survival."

"You can be my teacher and be responsible for teaching me these abilities, and I can give you what you want in return.

"Or you just need to be responsible for teaching me that move just now."

The ant king patted the smoke and dust on his body. Even though Netero chose to attack, it still insisted on its own ideas.

"Looks like you are really old~"

Looking at the ant king who seemed to be doing nothing, Netero sighed subconsciously.

"I can't teach you that hand sword, it's my Nen, Nen can't teach you.

"No, I'm not referring to the Taoist sword."

"It's your ability to move seemingly extremely slowly, but in fact it's very fast."

"I want to learn this."

The ant king sat cross-legged on the ground again, as if nothing happened just now, it continued to sit.

If you ignore the big pit next to it.

【Do you actually want to learn Xin Di Quan Ting? 】

Netero stroked his moustache, feeling a surge in his heart.

He couldn't believe how difficult it would be to defeat such an ant king if he learned the top skills of humans.

"I'm sorry, I won't teach you."

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