Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 186 The Two People Watching The Battle! I'm Grateful For It All! (1/2, Please Subscribe

Netero looked stern and refused the Ant King's request very decisively.

Hearing Netero's decisive rejection, the Ant King showed no emotion and still sat there quietly.

There was just a flash of pity in his eyes.

It seems that I want to find someone to teach me, but I don't know if anyone knows this trick.

Seeing that he rejected it, but the ant king remained unmoved, Netero scratched his head with a bitter look on his face.

I can't even fight, what should I do?

Netero himself didn't expect that even though he was ready to die, the problem was that the opponent didn't want to fight.

Now, no matter in terms of strength or language, I am inferior to the other party.

In terms of strength, if you hit the opponent hard with one hand, he will be the same as the innocent person.

In terms of language, the other party's thinking has changed, and he has beautiful and naive ideas that cannot be corrected.

Even if he takes the initiative, the other party doesn't care. After all, it basically doesn't cause any harm.



Netero bent over, his face that was not illuminated by the moonlight looked extremely dark, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He thought of a breakthrough!

If nothing goes wrong, I can persuade the Ant King to fight me!

"King Ant, do you want to know your name?"

Netero slowly stood up straight, looked at the ant king sitting cross-legged on the ground, and said in a low voice.

"Why do you know my name!"

The Ant King trembled, his eyes became sharper obviously, and even the tone of his rhetorical questions became a little heavier.

At this moment, it recalled that Xiaomai asked her name before. She had a name, but she didn't.

So it always wanted to have its own name.

Does the old man in front of me actually know his own name?

【Oh? There's something going on】

Netero curled up his lips and showed a successful smile,

[It’s really hard for an old man like me, it’s so hard to even give him a blow before he commits suicide]

Judging from the subtle changes in the ant king, Netero can easily see that it attaches great importance to its name.

I feel more confident now.

"My men witnessed your mother's death."

"Your name was also spoken before it died."

"How's it going? Are you interested in fighting me now?"

"As long as you can make me admit defeat, I can tell you your name." 08 Netero stroked his beard and spoke slowly.

He wants to use the ant king's name as bait to lure the ant king into fighting him.

The ant king's expression changed slightly, and he finally stood up from the ground and walked toward Netero at a fast pace.

"That is to say, even if I want to defeat you, I can't hurt your life, right?"

The ant king stepped on the ground step by step, and at the same time, wisps of strange dark purple thought energy emerged from his body.

Just looking at this thought energy can bring extreme discomfort to people.

This is a thought that is more terrifying than the thought of death!

In an instant, the ant king's body was completely wrapped in this dark purple thought energy, like a dancing will-o'-the-wisp.

The ant king stood with his legs in front and back, and his arms did the same, assuming a fighting posture.

【Finally it’s time to start!】

Netero spread his legs and stood in a Zhama stance. He first let out his truly pure thoughts.

The next moment, an extremely rich golden light burst out from around Netero, completely illuminating the wilderness.


The golden thought energy represented by Netero and the dark purple thought energy represented by the Ant King were immediately intertwined.

There is a very clear dividing line between the two.

The collision of two top thoughts caused an extremely violent movement.

Centered on both sides, countless amounts of dust swept away crazily in all directions, as if bursts of sandstorms were blowing out.

Before the ant king could make a move, Netero pushed his legs hard and jumped into the air.

Assume a Buddha-like posture.

Tuck one foot in, place the other foot on the knee of the adducted foot, clasp your hands, and close your eyes.

While the golden light was shining brightly, the ant king seemed to see Netero stepping on a bright lotus flower.

But it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Netero suddenly opened his eyes, which were wide-open eyes filled with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Netero is like a glaring King Kong, with a coercive temperament everywhere around him, intending to suppress this "little ant" in front of him.

Hundred Styles of Guanyin!

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the dark pupils of the Ant King were suddenly illuminated by the golden light from the sky.

What caught the eye was a huge Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statue, waving countless arms towards it.

Form 99!

The Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, as tall as a Gundam, hit the Ant King crazily, and all its arms were struck at one point.

The ant king's pupils shrank slightly, and the muscles on his body tightened subconsciously, and more thought energy surged around him to defend himself.

In an instant, palm shadows all over the sky appeared one after another. The ant king in the center was dazzled and could not see them all clearly.


Countless rocks were broken into pieces, and then smashed into countless fine dust, flying everywhere.

Thick smoke and dust enveloped tiny gravels to form a rock storm, completely covering the entire area.

Every strike of the Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara has the power of a missile.

But this move was shot out by Netero like a machine gun.

Under such a rapid and violent blow, countless hard rocks were turned into nothingness and drifted into the distance with the wind of those palms.

Needless to say, the Ant King, who was at the center of the attack, was the one who suffered the most damage.

The impact is far greater than that of smoke and dust.

In the online world here, there are two figures watching an astonishing scene.


"Is it the ninety-ninth posture of the Hundred-Style Guanyin? The power is really frightening~"

Jin took a hard bite of the pear and could hear that the pear was very crisp. Ten sighs of emotion arose spontaneously while eating the pear.

"Did you really not expect that the old man would directly use the ninety-ninth style?"

Jin also often competes with Netero, and naturally knows that there are one hundred styles in "Hundred Styles Guanyin".

Except for Type Zero, which has almost never been used, Jin has seen them all from Type 1 to Type 99.

The ninety-ninth move is the second most powerful move in [Hundred-Style Guanyin], second only to the most terrifying Zero Move.

To put it simply, all the moves before the 99th move are played at once in a very short time.

He has known President Netero for so many years, but he has never seen him in the 99th position.

"After all, the opponent is the ant king. The old man's first move hit it steadily, but it had basically no impact."

"If you want to cause an effective blow, you still have to use the ninety-ninth move. Using other moves is just a waste of energy."

Lin Ke carefully observed every scene on the field and understood very well why Netero directly enlarged his moves.

For the Ant King, the previous moves are scraping.

"That's right. Instead of wasting your energy and doing useless work, it's better to just give it a try."

Jin nodded, also thinking that Netero's approach was fine, but his opponent was too scary.

"Speaking of which, your ability is really good. You can watch it like this. It feels so good."

At this moment, the two of them were sitting cross-legged in the online world, with a large "screen" in front of them playing the battle between the two sides in the outside world.

It feels like booking a movie theater.

Normally, if you want to see the real world from the online world, you need a screen such as a TV or a computer as a medium.

But after Porygon Z reaches S-level, it can see the outside world clearly without a screen.

You can even create images from several more angles, so that there are no blind spots in all directions.

The form of these "screens" is somewhat similar to the so-called "holographic projection" on Blue Star, which makes them very comfortable to watch.

"Sure enough, you were right to call me over."

Jin chewed for a while, then took another bite of the pear, leaving very clear teeth marks on it.

He is able to appear here now because he mentioned it to Lin Ke before taking the chimera ants to Greed Island.

If Lin Ke is free, pick him up when you fight the Ant King.

He also wanted to see how far this so-called ant king could reach.

When he saw the ant king through the screen for the first time, he understood that the title of "king" was not earned for nothing.

This is a truly formidable enemy!

Under the fierce attack of Thousand-Hand Guanyin like a violent storm, the ant king could only block it with his hands in front of him to resist the continuous impact.

His body continued to fall back under the impact of the tide, but his feet sank deeply into the ground unknowingly.


Along with a loud noise, a pothole suddenly appeared on the ground.

Moreover, the size of this hole continues to expand with the attacks.

Because countless rock formations were shattered and there was no point of strength, the ant king's body fell downwards.

Countless gravel and dust fell together with the ant king.

Under the blow of the ninety-ninth style, the hard surface shattered, and the appearance underneath was clearly visible.

Under the surface of the wilderness, there is a huge space.

There are countless thick pillars underground, but nothing else can be seen.

Perhaps it is used to store weapons of war, or it may be used for other things.

But at this moment, in Netero's heart, this place has only one meaning.

"This is a cemetery."

"You're going to die here!"

Netero looked at the ant king who was still standing in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and he lowered his voice and said in a deep voice.

"You can even hit the ninety-ninth style with almost no damage?!"

Jin's pupils shrank, staring at the appearance of the ant king on the screen, speechless.

After undergoing the ninety-ninth posture of Guanyin, the Ant King still had no obvious damage on his body.

The dark purple thought energy on his body was still extremely stable, and there was no trace of the violent attack he had just undergone.

Moreover, with the thought energy lingering around him, the gravel and dust had no effect on it.

My body was still very clean and not dirty at all.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you are indeed a creature from the dark continent.


Jin shook his head and continued eating fruit, but changed the pears to apples.

While watching the game, I still didn't forget to eat.

If Lin Ke were to describe it, Jin is like the kind of person who eats popcorn when watching movies and potato chips when watching dramas at home.

It's just that the food he eats will be healthier, mostly fruits.

"It is indeed frighteningly powerful. Even the old man's 99th style has no effect."

"It has had the experience of being at the top since it was born."

Although he had already seen the battle between the Ant King and Netero on Blue Star, Lin Ke had a deeper understanding watching it now.

The strength of the Ant King is truly terrifying.

It is a hexagonal warrior with almost no weak spots.

Not only does it have high attack speed and high health, but its ability to regenerate blood is also top-notch.

Even if it is hurt, in an instant it will

It will be repaired.

No wonder Netero was having such a hard time.

After hearing Netero's "big talk", the half-crouched ant king slowly stood up, and the emotion in his eyes completely changed.

The original purple eyes were instantly filled with scarlet, and endless dark purple thought energy burst out from his body.

With a sudden swing of his hands, the frightening huge thought energy filled the ant king's body, and his pair of scarlet eyes made people shudder.

Under the extreme pressure, even the rocks under its feet were overwhelmed and cracked and shattered one after another.

A wave of murderous intent instantly filled the entire underground space, and everything you could see was filled with dark purple murderous intent!

Netero raised his inner warning to the highest level, his throat raised to a high point, and his eyes fixed on the ant king.

If the previous ant king was still on the dividing line between humans and chimera ants, he had the ability to think in both directions at the same time.

So the ant king who is currently angered by Netero has a complete chimera ant mentality and is a beast that can eat people!

【Even if you are attacked like this, do you still look unscathed? 】

【Not only am I old, the ant king is also very fishy.

【You really have chosen a formidable opponent~】

Netero's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the ant king full of murderous intent, and sighed secretly in his heart.

This ninety-ninth move is already his second most powerful move, but it doesn't even work.

In order to deal with the ant king, he even spent 567 long hours adjusting his state, and his power was much higher than usual.

At the moment, it seems that he only has the last and only remaining moves.

Netero slowly raised his hands that were hanging down, forming a triangular posture in front of himself.

【King Ant, I am very grateful to you】

Through the triangular space between his hands, he could clearly see the ant king walking toward him step by step with murderous intent.

Immediately, Netero moved his hands to his chest again, making a heart-shaped shape on his left chest.

【Meet you】

【And everything we have experienced so far】

【Everyone is grateful!】

In the dim underground space, only wisps of soft moonlight shone on Netero's face and body.

Although it was only a subtle expression, the Ant King could see it clearly.

He is smiling.

Netero, who lived for more than a hundred years, went from being a meticulous martial artist to later becoming the president of the Hunter Association.

His character also changed from being stern to smiling, becoming an old naughty boy who likes to have fun.

But at this moment of life and death, his smile was a real smile from the heart.

He's grateful for everything he's experienced so far.

Whether sad or happy, he will sing praises in his heart at this moment.

Because after this, he is about to die.

The first moment he saw the ant king's situation clearly, Netero knew that he would not be able to defeat the ant king after all.

Even if you use Type Zero!

But as a martial artist, he will never retreat, but regard this as his last battle.


The next second, the killing intent on the Ant King suddenly stopped, and he turned to look behind him.

A huge Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statue suddenly appeared behind it!

In the past, it only appeared behind Netero, but this time it was behind itself.


The Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara waved its hands in a gentle manner, completely closing the body of the Ant King between its two palms.

Strangely, the ant king did not feel any murderous intention, while the Guanyin statue was filled with a kind atmosphere.

One hundred postures of Guanyin——The zeroth posture!

In an instant, Netero mobilized all his energy and spirit, and then gathered them in the Guanyin statue.

All of this caused Netero to concentrate on the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Statue, just to deliver a blow with all his strength!

Immediately, the Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara statue opened its mouth and pointed it at the palm, and there were some faint fluctuations in the dark and deep mouth.

A giant light bomb that shone like a star was released all at once.

The powerful light bomb suddenly spit out, and the shining light completely illuminated the entire underground space.

It seemed as if endless thoughts were pouring out towards the imprisoned Ant King!

The imprisoned ant king suddenly rang the alarm bell and frantically mobilized the great thoughts in his body.

Just to withstand this blow!

The Ant King could clearly feel that this attack was different from any previous attack.

Not on the same level!

This is the trick that Netero uses with the hope of death——Type Zero!

After this move, life and death appear immediately!

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