Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 187 You Underestimate Humans! Bottomless Malice! (2/2, Please Subscribe)


The light waves quickly impacted the ant king, and then thick light bombs exploded.

The subsequent aftermath swept through the entire underground space, suddenly creating a crazy hurricane.

The strong wind brought smoke and dust several stories high into the sky and flew towards the ground above.

The pillars nearby were shattered into pieces, and the pillars in the distance were also damaged to varying degrees.

To say that the terrifying change has to be in the place where the light bomb is directly facing, there is only a pile of scorched earth left at this moment.

It was like lava had invaded, leaving only a pool of black and red scorched king melted by high temperature on the ground.

It was originally a specially made solid terrain, but it turned into a pool of lava under the impact of the Zero.

While making a sizzling sound, streams of high-temperature steam floated into the air.


Netero collapsed on the ground, quietly watching the scene he had caused, coughing from the incoming smoke.

Even though he coughed hard, his chest did not rise and fall much because his body was extremely thin.

Now he doesn't even have the mental energy around him to defend himself against the smoke. It can be said that he is almost exhausted.

His whole body felt like it had been squeezed dry, most of the muscles in his body had atrophied, and his limbs could not even support him to stand up.

The originally elastic skin also relaxed, and the wrinkles on the face increased several times.

Since Type Zero has exhausted all its energy and spirit, Netero is now completely hollowed out, with almost 1,000 households

He could even be knocked to the ground by the aftermath of his own attack, and then he couldn't get up again.

It is hard to imagine that not long ago this man was a cheerful and energetic old man.

No one would dare to admit that this old man, who is already half-empty of his teaching skills, is the president of Netero.

At this moment, Netero finally had an appearance that matched his age, like a "living fossil" who was over a hundred years old.

After coughing a few times, Netero raised his head slightly and looked forward with his sunken eyes.

But there was a flash of horror.


As if to respond to Netero's raised head, the Ant King slowly walked out of the thick smoke.

One can still walk naturally after being attacked, while the other collapsed to the ground and cannot even get up.

Which of the two is stronger and which is weaker is clear at a glance.

"What a wonderful shot, worthy of praise."

The ant king regained consciousness at this moment, looking as if he had been knocked awake by Netero.

Quietly looking at the dying old man in front of him, the Ant King's eyes were filled with admiration.

After suffering a full blow from Netero, even the Ant King was not as calm as before.

There are tattered skin everywhere on the body, as well as numerous traces of charcoal produced by exposure to high temperatures.

There were vaguely visible wounds opened by light bombs, and blood was slowly leaking out.

But it only looked serious on the outside, and the ant king only suffered superficial injuries.

Internal damage can also be repaired in a short time.

After all, it still failed to have much effect.

This is why Netero is surprised.

He knew that even the Type Zero couldn't defeat the Ant King, but he didn't expect that he would only be so slightly injured.

On the surface, the injury looks serious, but this cannot fool the experienced Netero.

He could completely see that the Ant King was not affected much.

"You don't have to feel sad."

"As the ant king, I am an achievement supported by the entire ant colony, and a product born from the collection of countless advantages.

"That's not the case with you humans. Everyone is independent and fighting on their own."

"In other words, I represent the power of the collective, and you are just one of many human beings. It is normal for you not to be able to give in to me."

The ant king looked at the old and drooping Netero and kept expressing his thoughts.

It can be seen that contact with Netero has made it have a deeper understanding of human beings.

"Your efforts alone will not go to waste."

"Because of your efforts, I will set up a special human area in the world that I rule."

"Looking at your face, a small number of people who deserve to live can live in it."

"We will also be more strict when choosing food."

The Ant King is still making declarations as a superior until now, and has taken a new turn in dealing with humans.

Netero's desperate struggle makes it see the instability of human beings, which is not suitable for their ant tribe's clearly defined upper and lower classes.

We can only give them an area for a few humans to live in.

This is quite sincere.

"I don't want to say it a second time"||!"

"Say my name!"

The ant king's sharp eyes stared at Netero, who was like a candle in the wind, and his eyes became colder and colder.

Again and again.

It has no patience!

Netero lowered his head, the darkness in his eyes became more intense, and he spoke again after a few breaths.

That very deep voice was like a sentence from hell.

"I have never fought alone~"

"Humanity's strength manifests itself in so much more than just Nen."

"And there are too many strong people in human beings, and I am just an insignificant one among them.

Netero thought of Jin and Porter Bai, who are both the top five Nen people in the world... and finally thought of Lin Ke!

He is undoubtedly the strongest!

Even the ant king who thinks he is invincible will never be Lin Ke's opponent!

"You underestimate humans!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Netero, who was as skinny as an old tree, slowly raised his head. His deep-set eyes were like two soul-eating black holes.

The ant king didn't have time to think about his name. His pupils suddenly shrank, and then expanded rapidly.

At this moment, under Netero's words, the entire place presented a hellish scene in the eyes of the Ant King.

Behind Netero, a huge skull suddenly appeared, accompanied by the sky full of extreme malice!

Colors of red, red, purple and purple fill the field, making people feel like they are in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

【What’s going on with this guy!】

The ant king subconsciously took a step back. This was the first time it had taken the initiative since the fight started!

"Meruem, King of Ants! You don't understand!"

"The bottomless malice of human beings!!"

Netero gradually raised his head, and an extremely terrifying smile appeared on his withered face.

The mouth opened wide, revealing the dark hollow inside, as if it wanted to swallow the ant king completely in one bite.

The ant king stared blankly at Netero with a terrifying face, his heart palpitating inexplicably, and all the cells in his body were giving frantic warnings.

will die!!

Facing Netero, who was full of extreme malice, the ant king couldn't help but start to tremble, and there was obvious cold sweat on his forehead.

The ant king didn't know why.

It was obvious that the other party was just an old man who was on the verge of death and had no strength to fight anymore.

Why does it have such a terrifying premonition?

But it can feel that the old man in front of it is not talking nonsense.

But he really has the confidence to kill himself!

This is the first time since the ant king was born that he has felt the threat of death!

【If there is a hell, let’s meet there!】

Netero stretched out two skinny fingers in vain and stabbed his heart quickly.

He has already placed the "Poor Man's Rose" in his heart, as soon as his heart stops beating.

[The Poor Man's Rose] will explode!

This is also his back-up plan!

Even if you can't defeat the Ant King yourself, you can still take it away with you!

Seeing Netero's actions, the Ant King had only one thought in his mind at the moment.


【This old man is right!】

【I underestimate human beings!!】

Even a dying old man can bring him such a sense of threat, which makes the ant king feel horrified towards humans.

In vain, the atmosphere on the field was stagnant, and Netero's fingers were stuck in mid-air, unable to fall down.

"Old man, there's no need to leave so early, right?"

Then a very familiar voice from Netero sounded.


At the same time, Netero's figure disappeared from the spot, leaving only the still somewhat stagnant air.


The Ant King, who had just jumped back a few steps, looked suspicious. Who suddenly disappeared?

After looking around, the Ant King discovered several figures appearing out of thin air on the other side, with Netero sitting slumped between them.

【Can't move】

Netero looked at the rich pink thought energy on his body and understood that he was under control.

Super skill - telekinesis!

With Gardevoir's mind control, Netero could not continue to poke his fingers into his chest.

After being suddenly interrupted, the extreme malice around Netero also dissipated, making him unable to continue.

"Oh~ are you here after all?"

Netero glanced at Lin Ke, who was holding his arms on his chest, and let out a weak sigh.

Now Netero doesn't even have the energy to speak.

"President, you still want to be immortal forever. I remember this, so naturally I won't let you die."

Lin Ke chuckled, and the words also reminded Netero of his previous memories.

【Do you still remember it? 】

Netero naturally knew what Lin Ke was talking about. When he first met Catwoman, he said he didn't want to grow old.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ke still remembers it in his heart.

"Old man, your current state is quite terrifying~"

"This is the first time I've seen you like this."

Jin next to him put his hands in his pockets, looking at Netero who was like a mummy, his expression became solemn.

He had also seen Netero's Type Zero just now, and it was no exaggeration to say that he would never be able to take it.

However, even with such terrifying power, the ant king could still act naturally after that.

This is the most terrifying enemy he has ever seen!

In addition to the strength of the ant king, Houtro's maliciousness also made him as solid as ice.

It's like the thoughts of death in countless ruins have been compressed.

It seems like a hellscape is presented in the space centered on Netero.

【Human malice!...】

Jin's eyes flickered slightly, and he could vaguely understand what Netero meant.

"Old man, what you did just now, were you trying to detonate something?"

"Using it as a trump card means it must be very powerful, at least it is a method that you think is more powerful than the Type Zero."

"And it's not placed on other parts of the body, but it's placed on the heart. This reminds me of something that has been banned for a long time.'

"The poor man's rose!"

Jin stared straight at Netero, as if he could see through his body and see Kataiko directly at his heart.

That is the so-called "poor man's rose"

Because it is easy and quick to make as long as you master specific skills, it is often used in large-scale wars.

One of the most common uses is to place the box at the heart of a person after surgery.

Can pose a threat to the enemy in the form of a human bomb.

The biggest difference between [Poor Man's Rose] and other bombs is not its power.

It's the toxins it contains.

After detonating, an explosion cloud similar to a rose flower will appear, and countless extreme toxins will spread rapidly.

Turn countless miles around into a dead place where no one can survive!

This is also the reason why [Poor Man's Rose] was later banned by various countries.

"`]Yes, that's it."

Netero nodded slightly and told the answer that all three of them already knew.

This also shows that he has already made plans to die together!

Netero had thought that Lin Ke might appear, but he never thought that Jin would appear here.

It was probably Lin Ke who brought him here.

Lin Ke looked at the thin and short Netero, and as soon as a thought came into his mind, the happy egg appeared in front of him.


Happy Egg stood in front of Netero who was like a candle in the wind, his eyes full of sympathy, and he wanted to cure him quickly.

Even the tone of his voice was lowered a few times, and you could hear his worried mood.

The pure thought energy quickly gathered in the pocket in front of it, and the egg it carried suddenly emitted a soft light.

Dots of soft light illuminated Netero's body and also illuminated the dark eyes.

General skills——laying eggs!

While the happy eggs were being prepared, Lin Ke was also thinking about what Netero had just said.

Hearing Netero's words with your own ears is a completely different feeling than watching it on Blue Star.

As early as when he was on Blue Star, Lin Ke felt that the old thief Togashi handled this part very well.

The passing of Mr. Netero is certainly regrettable, but the final "Poor Man's Rose" is the finishing touch.

Among those cookie-cutter "explosive" wins, Chairman Netero's move of using [Poor Man's Rose] is particularly eye-catching.

Rather than relying on the strength of a strong human being to defeat the ant king, it would be more satisfying to win with so-called "technology".

I think this is what Togashi wants to express.

The strength of human beings is important, but the power of technology should not be underestimated.

The development of various technologies is the embodiment of human wisdom, and it is also one of the components of human "strength".

Compared with defeating the ant king alone, using [Poor Man's Rose] to kill the ant king can better reflect the collective power of mankind.

This is one of the explanations for "I never fight alone" in Netero's words.

The ant king has the advantage of taking advantage of the gathering of groups, and humans also have the crystallization of long-term wisdom.

Facing any enemy that challenges mankind, people can defeat it with the embodiment of these wisdoms.

Over the long years, human beings will continue to make progress, overcome difficulties when encountering them, and resolve invasions when encountering them.

The only thing that cannot be shaken is the human heart that constantly pursues!

This is the bottomless malice that human beings have possessed in the long process of evolution (Wang Wang Zhao)!

While Lin Ke was thinking, Happy Egg also took out his own egg, which was filled with a strong breath of life.

Just taking one sip, Netero felt refreshed and seemed to have recovered a little.

【Can you really say that you can save me? 】

Before this, Netero fought with the intention of dying and never thought that he could survive.

Not to mention being able to heal well.

But it was Lin Ke who gave the treatment, which again made Netero unsure.

Happy Egg held the egg in front of Netero with a worried look on his face.

Because he barely had the strength to open his mouth.

So he squeezed the happy egg hard, and the eggs made of strong thoughts spread out in all directions.

The dissipated thought energy glowed with a little light, like a bright galaxy flowing into Netero's mouth.

【This is!】

Netero was shocked because he could feel the drastic changes in his body.

Not only Netero himself, but also Lin Ke and Jin next to him, and even the Ant King watching from a distance can see clearly.

"How can this be?!"

Watching Netero's changes from a distance, the Ant King subconsciously shouted and clenched his fists involuntarily.

I saw Netero, who was originally as thin as a dead tree, changing rapidly, and his withered limbs suddenly became fuller.

The face was glowing again, the wrinkles were quickly reduced, and the deep-set eye sockets were returning to their original appearance.

Just like an old tree blooming with spring, Netero is quickly returning to its former glory!


Seeing that the happy egg was almost done, he stuffed another egg into Netero's mouth.

[Laying eggs] can restore half of the blood volume at one time.

After using [Laying Egg] twice in a row, Netero actually returned to its original state in just a few breaths!

And it’s hard to be in a fully filled state before fighting the Ant King!

"This is nothing short of a miracle!"

Netero raised his hands and looked at his body carefully. He really couldn't believe what he saw.

But the power that kept pouring out of his body told him clearly.

This all really happened!.

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