Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 188 The Ant King Beats The Ant King! Keep Evolving! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Netero has lived for more than a hundred years, and this is the first time he has experienced such a miracle.

I'm afraid that's the extent of Vanilla as one of the "hopes", right?

[Sure enough, he has extremely strong healing ability]

Jin next to him looked at the happy egg, then looked at Lin Ke who was not surprised at all, and sighed secretly.

What Jin and Netero didn't know was that the effect of the [Egg Laying] skill was far more terrifying than they imagined.

This is a regular skill for Pokémon.

After Netero recovered, the three of them stood side by side and looked at the ant king opposite with tacit understanding.

Facing the gazes of the three people, the Ant King felt a little stressed for a moment.

If the old man opposite used that move again, he wouldn't die, but he wouldn't feel comfortable either.

And there were two more people beside him.

Judging from the vague aura, the two new people are no weaker than the old man!

Ant King had seen Lin Ke before when he was in the palace, but Jin had not.

Even at this time, the Ant King just felt that it was a bit tricky and did not feel that he could not deal with the three people.

"How about it, old man? Another fight?"

Lin Ke glanced at Netero, who had a leisurely look, and chuckled.

"Hoo ho ho, I, the old man, have had my fill of fighting. I'll leave it to you next."

Netero shook his head and indicated that his fighting spirit had been completely released, so he should give this opportunity to young people.

"In this case I won't be polite."

After saying that, Jin planned to take off his outer robe and have a good fight with the ant king.

The battle between the Ant King and Netero just now made him feel itchy.

"No, let me do it this time."

"There will be plenty of opportunities for you to fight later, and I hope you won't lose the courage to correct yourself when the time comes.

Lin Ke stretched out his hand to stop Jin, and there seemed to be something in the last sentence.

Seeing this, Jin had no choice but to suppress his excitement and continued to stay where he was, preparing to see what Lin Ke would do.

After all, Lin Ke asked him to take the first shot when he played gold and silver ingots last time, so this time he was repaying him.

But what does Lin Ke’s second sentence mean?

Ignoring Jin who looked thoughtful, Lin Ke turned to look at the Ant King who was on alert.

"King Ant, I'm curious about something."

"You think you are invincible, but if you fight yourself, who will win?"

Lin Ke raised the corner of his mouth, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, a green figure appeared beside him.

【this is me?!】

The ant king shuddered and looked at the figure next to Lin Ke, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw a figure almost identical to the Ant King appearing on the field, no matter in body shape or appearance.

The only difference is that the body of the new ant king is very clean, and there are no traces of high temperature burns.

It is the Ant King who transformed from the Variety Monster!

"Hoo ho ho, this is so familiar 510~"

Netero touched his newly grown mustache and let out a bad smile, somewhat curious about what would happen next.

He was all too familiar with the scene before him.

The last time he was in the sky arena, he experienced the same stress as the current Ant King.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Ke's mind beast could not only imitate one person.

Then the operability is much wider.

Jin next to him also thought of this. He had thought about it when he and P were watching the live broadcast.

This ability to imitate others perfectly and also use Nen from the other person is terrifying.

You can imitate the old man, you can imitate the ant king, but what about me?

Can I also imitate it? Can I also use my abilities?

The more he thought about it, the more Jin felt that the mind beast Lin Ke was terrifying. The most important thing was that it seemed that there were no restrictions?

Even the ant king, whom he had just met for a short time, could imitate it directly.

[The Ant King] walked forward at a snail's pace, approaching the Ant King step by step, his stern face extremely intimidating.

The Ant King secretly observes every move and expression of [Ant King], hoping to expose him as a fake.

But it can't be found.

A feeling of confusion arose out of thin air in the Ant King's heart.

Why is this counterfeit exactly the same as myself?

Aren't you unique?

The Ant King didn't have time to think too much, because the [Ant King] was already here!

[The Ant King] flicked his tail vigorously and immediately made a hole in the ground.

The broken sound was like some kind of signal, and extremely huge dark purple thought energy burst out from [Ant King].

This aura is very familiar to the Ant King, it is exactly the same as the aura exuding from his own body.

[Ant King] As soon as he stepped on the ground, his whole body suddenly disappeared on the spot, without even an afterimage, as if he disappeared directly on the spot.

The next moment, [The Ant King] appeared behind the Ant King in vain, and a straight right fist, carrying an extremely terrifying thought energy, went straight to the back of the Ant King's head.

The moment the [Ant King] disappeared, the Ant King raised his five senses to the highest level and discerned any movement around him.

When he felt the punch coming from behind his head, the Ant King suddenly squatted down and dodged the move in a thrilling way.

[The Ant King]'s right straight fist whizzed past the Ant King's head. It would definitely be uncomfortable if he was hit.

The crouching Ant King did not intend to dodge blindly, but at the same time stretched out his hands to grab the [Ant King]'s right arm.

It wants to fight back!

But when the ant king stared closely at his arm, an afterimage with a strong mental energy quickly hit it.

That's the tail of [Ant King].

Under the entanglement of the dangerous thoughts, the originally green tail turned into a dark purple thick whip, and suddenly hit the ant king's body.


Being hit directly by the tail, the ant king's left waist suddenly dented, and his whole body arched slightly.

Netero's attacks are difficult to injure, but the Ant King copied by the Variety Monster is different.

The same level of attack power can naturally break the ant king's defense.

Under the huge impact, the ant king's body suddenly flew backwards to the other side, and hit a pillar before stopping.

The ant king transformed by the Variety Monster only has half of the ant king's total mental energy, but it has power that the ant king does not have.

That's the trick!

The current ant king still relies on the instinct of the beast to fight and has not learned the skills developed by humans.

The ant king's body is similar to a human form, so it is naturally suitable for learning human skills.

If you give it time to learn, it will be even harder to deal with.

In the previous battle with Netero, the Ant King began to realize this.

It's a pity that it has no chance to learn anymore.


The Ant King casually slapped the pillar behind him into pieces, and his sharp eyes turned red again.

Waves of thought energy that were several meters high erupted from his body, and his whole body seemed to be in a sea of ​​purple flames.

In the dark purple thought energy, the scarlet eyes of the ant king were particularly conspicuous, revealing tyranny everywhere.

Now the ant king finally figured it out.

It doesn't care whether it is unique or not.

As long as you tear this counterfeit to pieces, you will still be unique!

Stared by the Ant King's heart-wrenching eyes, [The Ant King] remained unmoved, folded his arms and said:

"You don't have to feel sad."

"After all, you are just an ant with the mind of a beast. You cannot compare with humans."

Lin Ke imitated what the Ant King said before and asked the Variety Monster to return it to it!

You chimera ants are strong.

But humans are not weak either!

"well said."

Jin on the other side applauded Baibianguai's words, expressing his great agreement with what he said.

But now the angry ant king couldn't listen at all, and even made the anger in his heart rise to the next level.


In an instant, the two figures disappeared from the same place, and then reappeared at the same place in an instant.

"OK! OK!......"

The collision of fists sounded, and the strong force made a loud sound of breaking through the air.

Suddenly, the entire underground space was filled with the sound of their fist bumps.

【What a terrifying strength!】

Jin's eyes narrowed and he stared directly at the confrontation on the field. Even he could not completely see the actions of both parties!

Not to mention ordinary people.

Ordinary people couldn't see the two sides at all, and could only hear the loud fist bumps.

After a fist bump, both sides were injured. Sometimes the ant king was knocked out, sometimes the [ant king factory]

The Ant King looked at the counterfeit in front of him, his chest rose and fell slightly, and his face looked extremely gloomy.

Although the fight like this won't cause much harm to it, its inability to defeat the impostor makes it feel very unhappy.

【What the hell is this?】

The Ant King realized that he had indeed underestimated humans.

Human beings have too many weird ways.

After the battle between Netero and the Variety Monster, the Ant King finally suffered some damage and also consumed some mental energy.

But the injuries on its body are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Its ability to heal itself is amazing.

Looking at the ant king who was out of breath and recovering from his injuries, Lin Ke felt that he was done playing.

A thought flashed through his mind, and the [Ant King] in the Ant King's eyes suddenly turned into wisps of thought energy and dissipated in mid-air.


A flash of astonishment flashed in the Ant King's eyes, why did he suddenly disappear again?

"what do you mean?"

The ant king (badg) looked at Lin Ke next to him, his facial expression calmed down again, and there was a vague hint of anger in his low tone.

It hasn't been able to tear the counterfeit to pieces yet!

"No, no, no, don't misunderstand me."

"I saw that you were still unable to defeat your opponent, so I specially prepared a way to win for you.

Lin Ke shrugged, as if he was doing it all for your own good, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The strengthened ant king.

How much experience can you get?

What's the winning method?

The ant king's doubts did not last long, and soon he knew what Lin Ke was referring to.

With a snap of his fingers, a hole in the space passage suddenly appeared on the field.

In the hole that was constantly emitting white light, three things fell straight to the ground.

Shockingly, they are the corpses of the three guards!

"It just so happens that I also know a little bit about your abilities. You can improve your own strength by eating the opponent, right?"

"These three are the methods I give you to win!"

"I think you know who they are better than I do, and you should also know how much improvement you can get by eating them.

"As long as you eat it, you will definitely gain a huge increase!"

"It depends on whether you are willing or not."

The ant king quietly looked at the bodies of the three guards on the ground. These three were his loyal men.

[Neferpitou, Shaiapouf, Menthuthuyoupi, were they all killed?]

The Ant King is very familiar with his three guards. Even though the appearance of the three guards has changed drastically, Hui can still recognize them.

Even the usually cold and indifferent Ant King was stunned for a moment, but then a burst of relief flashed through him.

Others can die, so there is no reason why they can't die.

This is a war.

It is normal for people to die in war.

Even if the guard is dead,

It shows their lack of strength.

Although I don't know how this person knows his ability, nor why he does this.

But he was right.

I want to kill the counterfeiters, I want to kill them [even conquer the world 2-

Right now, eating their corpses and using them as your own nutrients to strengthen yourself is the best choice!

It can be regarded as letting them exert their last remaining heat.

The ant king believes that even if they are still alive, they will be willing to sacrifice their bodies.

Because the guards are born for the ant king, everything they do is for the ant king.

At any time, the one who holds the highest position in their hearts is the ant king.

Even if the ant king tells them to die directly, they will follow this order.

The determination in the ant king's eyes became more and more vivid, and he walked to the corpse with determination, then sat cross-legged on the ground and prepared to start.

All this is to complete the mission of conquering the world!

"Hey, Lin Ke, does this seem bad?"

Jin's eyes passed over the ant king, and finally fell on Lin Ke. Surprisingly, Lin Ke had an expectant expression.

Why look forward to it?

Even Jin, who knew little about the Ant King, roughly understood the abilities that the Ant King probably possessed.

But is this really a good way to increase its strength?

Just to challenge more powerful enemies?

Don't take it off then.

Jin felt that the current ant king was very troublesome, and the strengthened ant king was even more unimaginable.

Just based on the remaining auras of these three corpses, Jin could estimate their approximate strength.

After devouring three strong men, Jin didn't know how terrifying the ant king in front of him would grow to be!

"Hohoho, Jin, believe Lin Ke."

"The strength he possesses is far beyond your imagination!"

Netero chuckled and shook his head, his trust in Lin Ke evident in his tone.

Jin has never seen Lin Ke's hidden strength, and Netero can understand his current mood.

Facing the already terrifying Ant King, it would be unwise to let it continue to grow.

But this is all based on insufficient own strength.

Netero, who has met Marshado, knows very well——

Lin Ke can definitely crush the ant king!

Even the grown ant king can never be Lin Ke's opponent!

Netero is confident that he has the right to speak because he has experienced it up close.

If the ant king burst out with aura, it would make him jump a big step back.

Then just a breath of that unknown mind beast made him unable to move!

You can feel the gulf-like gap between the two just by their breath!

No matter how much the ant king eats, he can't defeat Lin Ke.

This involves the upper limit of talent.

No matter how talented a chimera ant is, there will definitely be an upper limit. This is an iron rule for everything in the world.

Therefore, Netero dares to conclude that the Ant King cannot defeat Lin Ke in any case.

"Do you have absolute confidence..."

Jin murmured softly, his heart slowly falling.

I think the old man probably knew the details that he didn't know, so he was extremely confident that Lin Ke could handle it.

Then there is no need for me to say more.

After all, everyone is here, and Lin Ke is not the kind of person who would risk his own life.

While several people were talking, the ant king had already begun his own evolution.

The ant king sat cross-legged in front, grabbed Menthuthuyoupi's body, opened his ferocious mouth, and bit it down hard!

【What's this?!】

【I have never experienced such extreme deliciousness! 】

The ant king's pupils dilated, and even the biting movement stopped, savoring the indescribable deliciousness.

The moment it bit it, the flesh and blood immediately melted in its mouth, and then turned into balls of pure life essence.

At this moment, the ant king felt that every cell in his body was cheering for joy, as if the land had been experiencing drought for a long time.

Absorb these life essences crazily and greedily!

This was an eye-opener for the ant king, who had only eaten strong men with narrowed eyes at most. Everything he had eaten in the past was rubbish compared to this!

This is what a "king" should eat!

The rich taste and ultimate deliciousness are like pushers, constantly pushing it to continue eating.

It wants more!

Eat them all!!

The ant king once again showed the look of a beast, which is the look of a hungry beast when it sees a delicacy.

At this moment, the ant king's brain could not think about anything else, only one thought remained.


The voracious ant king began to eat like crazy. "It ate ten pieces after ten pieces of meat."

Every bite brings a lot of growth to it, and as you continue to eat, the aura emanating from your body continues to rise!

The dark purple thought energy on his body was even deeper, and a shuddering atmosphere continued to spread on the field.

It is evolving!.

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