Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 189 Super Bangela! You Don’T Fight Enough! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Outside the palace of East Kota Republic,

This is a flat open space outside the palace.

As for the originally gorgeous palace, it is now in dilapidated condition after passing through the dragon stars and fighting with the escorts.

The open space further away was even worse than the palace, with rolling dirt everywhere, like an earth dragon turning over.

So the remaining members of the Ant King's expedition team gathered here, quietly waiting for the results from the Ant King's side.

"It's really easy to say~"

"I just blew out a few puffs of smoke and didn't do anything else. Yaputian was killed by Mr. Lin Ke's mind beast.

Mo Laowu exhaled white smoke and said with a relaxed expression.

"You're pretty good, you even let out some white smoke, but we didn't even make a single move.

"Menthuthuyoupi, who has extremely strong physical talent, was suppressed and beaten in front of Lin Ke's mind beast.

"It didn't take long to be completely defeated."

Nobu looked embarrassed, feeling a little embarrassed to be defeated like this.

He didn't do anything during the whole process, he just watched the two sides fight.

"No, no, no, you are all better than me. Catwoman was eliminated before Gon and I even arrived at the battlefield."

"The battle ended too quickly. We even had to run back halfway, otherwise we would be hit by the aftermath of the attack."

Killua was playing yo-yo boredly and kept complaining that he and Gon were the least effective combination.

I just ran around tonight.

I ran from the first floor to the second floor, then ran from the second floor to the wild, and then ran back to chat.

Unlike the others who looked relaxed, Gon stood alone, his head slightly lowered, his face full of gloom.

Obviously for this revenge, I have been training for a long time...

Gon naturally wouldn't say anything like Lin Ke's attack was too fast. He would just feel that he was not strong enough.

If only he were faster, he could face Catwoman.

Killua glanced at Gon who was silent and felt quite relieved.

Unlike in the original work, Gon is not so extreme now when he learns that Kate is still alive.

"Then just wait for the president and Lin Ke to come back."

"With Lin Ke taking action, there won't be any problems."

Mo Laowu's words were full of praise for Lin Ke, thinking that with Lin Ke taking action, there would be no accidents.

Several people also nodded, feeling that what Mo Laowu said made sense.

Everyone present has seen the strength of Lin Ke's Nian Beast, so they naturally know that Lin Ke's reputation as "the strongest in the world" is not in vain.

With the two [World's Strongest] taking action together, if they still can't solve the Ant King, it won't be their turn to worry.

The next moment, an aura that seemed to appear out of thin air came from afar, encompassing countless areas.

This aura is invisible to the naked eye, but wherever it goes the air becomes stagnant and feels extremely oppressive.


The bodies of several people who were still relaxing suddenly trembled, and their bodies immediately became stiff, and Si Fu could not move.

The pupils of several people shrank suddenly, but they were unable to act and could only feel the aura quietly.

This is a terrifying atmosphere that makes them feel desperate to the extreme!

Shrouded in this aura, several people's breathing became rapid, but they could only stay in place like wooden figures.

In just a short moment, their backs were wet with sweat, and their foreheads were dripping with sweat.

Although it was only a very short time, they felt as if a lifetime had passed and it was extremely painful.

【This kind of breath!!】

【No way?!】

【This is too exaggerated!!】

Although several people were so shocked that they couldn't even say anything, they could still come to a consensus through the horrified look in each other's eyes.

Something big happened!!

This breath is extremely terrifying, and it also makes people feel extremely violent and bloody, mixed with the meaning of becoming an overlord and making all things surrender.

The most important thing is that this aura is extremely evil!

It doesn't feel warm and pure like President Netero at all, but like a devil crawling out of hell!

They can only think of the Ant King as someone with such an aura!

【So is the ant king actually so strong?!】

The people who had just exchanged words with each other all looked horrified, and their expressions were extremely bad!

This feeling is very uncomfortable, like falling from heaven to hell all of a sudden.

The hearts of several people dropped to the bottom, and they could no longer imagine what would happen next.

If they were full of confidence just now and were waiting for the two of them to come back to report that they were safe, then that was not necessarily the case now.

They are not sure that Lin Ke and Netero will win!

What should we do if the two strongest people in the world die?

"It's... so scary!"

Jin looked at the scene in front of him and felt as if something was stuck in his throat. He held it in for a long time before he uttered a word.

His eyes were full of fear, and he had no fighting spirit towards the enemy in front of him.

When the difference in combat power was too great, even the bellicose Jin and Netero no longer had the desire to do so.

It's not that their pursuit of strength is not pure enough.

The main reason is that the gap is too big, and people will be killed instantly if they get close to each other. This kind of battle is not helpful in the pursuit of strength.

"Ahem, young people just don't have enough experience. You still have to practice more, so you're scared?"

Netero coughed twice and lowered his voice.

"Old man, you still have the nerve to accuse me, but your legs are constantly shaking, like sifting chaff."

"I think you can't even walk, right?"

Jin looked at Netero's legs. The old man said it nicely, but his calves were trembling.

Now the Ant King's strength has reached a point where even the two of them feel extremely powerless!

Compared with Mo Laowu and others who were far away, the Netero three were much closer and were right at the scene.

Faced with such an appalling aura, even as the five great nuns from the six continents, the two of them couldn't bear it.

"So, old man, do you still think Lin Ke can solve it?"

Jin stopped joking and asked Netero seriously.

It's about their next actions.

If there is no way to deal with the other party, then you must use Lin Ke's space method to leave here now.

Every second you stay here is a great danger!

Although Netero has confidence in Lin Ke.

But Jin still had a hard time imagining what kind of mind beast could rival the current Ant King.

Even if Lin Ke has all kinds of powerful mind beasts, he can't resist such a perverted enemy, right?

The current ant king may not even be called a chimera ant. It can be said that it has evolved into another kind of creature.

"Don't worry, even if you are the current ant king, Lin Ke can still handle it."

Netero said confidently, the confidence in his tone still unwavering.

This made Jin Cuo stunned.

What kind of strength does Lin Ke hide?

The old man can face such a powerful ant king and still firmly believe that Lin Ke can defeat him.

Kim's curiosity was piqued.

When the two were communicating, Lin Ke focused entirely on the ant king. The ant king's performance could only be said to be pretty good.

After eating Menthuthuyoupi and other guards one after another, the appearance of the ant king did not change much.

It’s just that the thoughts that burst out are purer and larger!

The height of the thought energy that bursts out at will can be compared to several floors. The soaring thought energy brings an extremely domineering aura!

At the same time, because he ate Catwoman, the Ant King became more able to use the "circle", which matched his current terrifying strength.

It can be done here to cover the "circle" into the palace, or even further away!

In the original work, after eating most of the bodies of Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi, the Ant King is already the strongest being in the six continents!

Not to mention the Ant King who has now eaten three whole guards!

Without Lin Ke, it would be invincible!

Except for a few special measures, the six continents will have no means to deal with it.

Name: Meruem (King of Ants)

Strength: S+————SS-


After strengthening, the ant king's information was completely revealed by the illustrated ability.

What makes Lin Ke a little regretful is that the Ant King still failed to reach the SS level after all, and was between $4 and $5.

Obviously, if you want to reach SS level from S level, you need a lot of improvement to do it.

Simply eating three S-level escort members is not enough. It is already very good to be able to reach this level.


It’s time to harvest!

Lin Ke looked at the ant king opposite with burning eyes. At this moment, the ant king didn't know that his life had entered a countdown.

"Is this what I really should be like?"

The ant king stared blankly at the thought energy lingering around him, which was many times thicker than before!

That pure thought energy is almost endless and can be squandered at will.

Just the thought energy in the Ant King made it difficult for Netero and Jin to look directly at him.

What a terrifying amount of thought!

At this moment, the Ant King finally understood how powerful his talent was and how to use it.

Just eat!

The whole world was created just to be eaten by him!

The duties of the escorts are not just simple protection.

Turning into its nourishment is also one of the ways of giving.

With such great power, the world should be ruled by it.

Everything exists to serve it!

Along with the unparalleled power, the Ant King's belief has become completely firm, and there will no longer be any wavering.

In his opinion, so-called human beings are no longer worth mentioning, even the three people in front of him are the same.

If it were it now, even if the old man used the same move again, it would still be able to avoid any harm.

In a very short period of time, the power increased crazily and increased countless times.

This makes the ant king think that nothing in the world can stop it.

It was born to be the king who should rule this world!

Winning is a matter of course!

They chimera ants are about to replace humans and become the new overlords!

After sighing with emotion, the Ant King found that his emotions had changed as his strength increased.

I feel that my mood has become much calmer, and it seems that everything is inconspicuous in my eyes.

You are not qualified to enter your own eyes.

"Perhaps...this is what being a king should look like.

"As a king, these are all normal."

Slowly gathering his thoughts, the Ant King turned to look at the human who specifically brought the bodyguard's body to him.

0Flowers requested0…

"Human, although I don't know what your purpose is, but I am indeed much stronger now."

"In return, I can make a promise to make your death painless for the three of you."

"I will get rid of you in a moment, and then..."

“Eat you.

The Ant King said calmly, and when he said the last sentence, his eyes flashed red.

After eating the guard, the ant king truly realized the so-called "deliciousness", which also triggered more greed in his heart!

It’s not enough, you have to eat more!

The quality of the three Lin Kes is higher than that of the three guards. Naturally, it will not miss such top-notch "delicious food".

The ant king spoke in a calm tone, as if he was just announcing an extremely ordinary order.

In its view, it is even an honor for Lin Ke and others to be eaten by itself and become part of its strength.

As the ruler who is about to rule the world, it is the supreme existence!

"Want to eat us?"

"I'm just worried that you don't have enough appetite~"

Lin Ke laughed dumbly, and then said to Jin, whose eyelids were twitching wildly:

"Well, I just told you that the enemy I specially reserved for you must not waste this opportunity."

"Being able to fight against such an enemy is an extremely rare opportunity."

"You won't have the courage to go up, will you?"

After hearing Lin Ke's teasing words, black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he was so angry that he said in a funny tone:

"You have the nerve to say this and let me play, why not just declare my death.

"Well, if you don't want to go up, then I will."

"Hurry up, I'm going to run away if you don't come with me."


Passing by Jin who hurriedly urged him, Lin Ke looked at the Ant King again, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a look of excitement flashed across his face.

"King Ant, do you know why I want to hand over the bodies of the three guards to you?"

The Ant King frowned and had no patience for the three people in front of him, so he responded casually:

"I have no idea."

Hearing this, Lin Ke didn't make any movement, but the smile on his face became even brighter.

"That's because you were far from good enough before!"

"You are the same now!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a space channel appeared above the field, and immediately a huge body jumped from the hole to the field.

The heavy body jumped straight onto the field, causing the ground to vibrate greatly.

The place where it was stepped on suddenly turned into a large sunken pit, with countless gravel splashing everywhere, and dust spreading.

The giant beast stood on the ground, waved its hands, and suddenly let out a deafening roar at the ant king.


A roar full of violence resounded through the sky!

The huge roar triggered bursts of sonic booms, and then countless powerful hurricanes rose in response, raging throughout the underground space.

The ant king's pupils shrank, the aura emanating from his body retreated like a tide, and he subconsciously took a step back.

This is the second time today that it has actively retreated.


The Ant King's face instantly darkened, his fists clenched involuntarily under tension, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The giant beast that suddenly appeared in front of it has the same strength as it!


Even the aura on its body is a bit stronger than mine, and the domineering meaning in it is also more abundant!

What on earth is this?!

The giant beast that made the Ant King extremely panicked at this moment was the super-evolved Bangira!

Super Bangila is the same as Ant King, with strength between S+ and SS-, but the difference lies in the two

Super Bangela has [Dragon Dance]!

This is also one of the clever tricks Lin Ke came up with.

It's usually troublesome to get the super evolution halfway through, and you usually have to cooperate with the guard to prevent sneak attacks.

So Lin Ke saw the right moment and allowed Bangira to super evolve in advance in the online world, and also used [Dragon Dance] many times.

This is why Super Bangira has the same strength as the Ant King, but the Ant King feels that the other party is stronger.

Because there have been several consecutive increases in [Dragon Dance]!

"Hey, Ant King, why are you shrinking?"

"Don't you want to be the king who rules the world?"

"Aren't you going to eat us all?"

Lin Ke's playful words sounded on the court, as if some kind of switch was pressed, and Super Bangela also took action.


Super Bangira suddenly stepped on the ground, and the ground that had become a big crater exploded, and countless rocks shattered into smoke and dust rising into the sky!

Then its figure disappeared completely.

【Where did you go?】

The ant king stared closely at the big pit in front of him, but there was no sign of the giant beast in it.

It can't see the opponent's speed clearly!

In an instant, Super Bangira's body suddenly appeared in front of the Ant King, and at the same time, its right arm was wrapped with huge thoughts!

Fighting skills——brute force!


The ant king's body was deformed at this moment, and he flew backwards in vain, like a cannonball flying at high speed!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

After breaking countless pillars one after another, the ant king was completely embedded inside a pillar, dripping with blood!

The verdict is three!

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