Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 190 The Panicked Ant King! Two Terrifying Breaths! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Relationships really have such a powerful trump card?"

Jin looked at the domineering Super Bangela on the field and was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

Although I have known Lin Ke for a long time and have explored the "Ancient Labyrinth City" together, I know that Lin Ke is very powerful.

I know that Lin Ke has a variety of powerful mind beasts that emerge in an endless stream.

But facing the strengthened Ant King, Jin still had no confidence.

It wasn't until I saw Super Bangela knocking out the ant king as soon as he appeared that I felt at ease.

Moreover, he has seen this Nian beast before, and it seems to be the Nian beast called "Bangira".

But now there are some changes in appearance and strength.

Compared to Jin, who was more relieved, Netero's movements of stroking his beard suddenly froze, and then returned to normal.

In fact, he wanted to say that the strength he was referring to was not this one, but the more terrifying Nian Beast.

That is an existence countless times more powerful than this "Desert Monarch"!

But at the moment, it seems that Lin Ke has no need to dispatch a mind beast.

Is it enough just for this Banjira that has changed its form?

Jin and Netero were sighing at Bangira's amazing strength.

Lin Ke was quietly admiring Super Bangela's handsome appearance.

After super evolution, Bangira's appearance has undergone some changes, and overall it will be more domineering.

Its back cracked due to the astonishing energy of super evolution, forming six irregular spikes on both sides of its body.

The carapace exposed on its abdomen and back turned from blue to red, filled with violent energy, making it more powerful.

The whole body is covered with hard armor, which makes Banjira even more worthy of the title of "Steel Behemoth".

The soft moonlight poured on Super Bangela's body, and the metallic luster of her body made people feel frightened.

The heavy body stood where the ant king had just stayed, but the ground beneath his feet made another cracking sound.

Just standing there, not even moving, the ground was overwhelmed. "Seven Two Three" showed cracks that were still extending.

At the same time, as if to welcome the king of the desert, piles of yellow sand suddenly appeared on the surrounding ground.

The characteristic of Super Banjila is still to use [Blowing Sand]

Compared with the normal state, after super evolution, the surrounding environment changes faster and has a greater impact.

In the past, just grains of yellow sand appeared out of thin air, but now even the ground has been assimilated, transformed from stone into grains of sand.

Somewhat similar to the Devil Fruit in the One Piece world, it has the effect of assimilating the surrounding terrain after awakening.

This is truly changing the terrain!

No matter what the original terrain is!

As soon as Banjira appears, this place will become a "yellow ocean" formed by yellow sand!

At this moment, the ant king embedded in the pillar is repairing his body.

Countless muscle tissues on its body are squirming, as if there are insects crawling inside the body.

As countless muscle tissues gathered towards the chest, the broken chest immediately recovered as intact as before.

This is Menthuthuyoupi's ability. Even if he suffers a huge blow, he can still recover through the peristalsis of his muscles.

After eating the three guards, not only did the ant king's mental energy increase tremendously, but he was also able to use their abilities.

In the original work, the ant king used this to grow a pair of wings directly on his back.

However, Super Bangira's enhanced [brute force] is so powerful that even the Ant King has to spend a lot of energy to recover.

【What kind of monster is this!】

The Ant King's eyes were full of gloom, and he still couldn't believe that the other party could have such experience.

The appearance of Super Bangela suddenly woke up the ant king who was immersed in the dream of ruling the world.

It's not as invincible as you think.

But precisely because of this, it must kill this area!

They are obstacles that must be cleared from their own path!

"It doesn't look like there's any damage?"

Lin Ke looked at the ant king walking step by step from the depths, feeling a little surprised.

Because it didn't have any injuries on its body, it looked like it hadn't been hit by Super Bangira.

"After eating the three guards, even the recovery ability has become so terrifying."

Lin Ke murmured to himself, while thinking of the performance of the Ant King in the original work.

Such a rapid recovery may also be related to the abilities of the guards.

The ant king walked out of the depths, as if taking a walk, with the stern expression on his face.


Suddenly, the Ant King stepped forward with an arrow, and his figure immediately disappeared from the spot, and his body rushed towards Super Bangira like an arrow from a string.

The fist is wrapped in dark purple thought energy, and the power from the front is countless times that of Uvogin's super destructive fist!

Even from a long distance away, Lin Ke and others could feel the fist blow from the Ant King.


The extremely fast fist directly bursts the air, making a deafening sonic boom sound, and this attack is about to fall on Super Bangira!

If this attack hits a mountain, it is estimated that it can directly blow up a mountain.

But the enemy it faces is Super Bangela!

Super Banjira's scarlet eyes flashed with a hint of violence, and a solid breath surged from his hard arms.

General skills——Million-ton punch!

Just when the fists were about to collide, a dark green figure suddenly jumped down from the sky.

It’s the second ant king!

The second ant king landed behind Super Bangira in an instant, and its spiked tail was completely dyed purple by the thought energy.

The tail whipped towards the side of Super Bangira, causing bursts of sonic booms.

All of a sudden, Super Banjira was in a predicament of being attacked from both sides!

Facing Super Bangela, even the ant king, who is known to use brute force to defeat his enemies, had to think about a battle plan.

As the king of the chimera ant race, it goes without saying that the ant king's IQ is definitely top-notch.

It's just that the enemies it encountered in the past were not worth its brains, even Netero.

Especially after eating Shaiapouf, the ant king's IQ has improved to a higher level, and his brain is an extremely sophisticated supercomputer.

Operating at full power, the Ant King is analyzing the enemy's every move every moment, and then reacts accordingly.

Now it can transform into a clone "using Shaiapouf's ability Ten Lord of the Flies!"

Using [Lord of the Flies], the Ant King can create countless clones, but his thoughts must also be dispersed.

In order to ensure sufficient power, the Ant King just created a clone.

In order to prevent the other party from seeing something wrong, it even uses itself as bait and takes the initiative to attack.

Just to create suitable opportunities for the clone.

Judging from the current situation, its strategy is progressing very well, and it will soon cause heavy damage to Super Banjira.

But even if it comes from behind, Super Bangira still has measures to resist.

Feeling the aura that suddenly appeared behind him, Super Bangira's expression remained unchanged and he still punched out a million tons of punches.

At the same time, its thick tail suddenly flicked towards the ant king behind it, exuding a silver-white metallic luster.

Steel skill——Iron Tail!


The tails of the two collided together instantly, but there was no such a close match.

The moment the ant king's tail came into contact with the iron tail, it was immediately destroyed, and then the iron tail hit the clone with undiminished power.

Just hit it with a tail and blow it up!

Although the Ant King's clone was a sneak attack, Super Bangira's attack was a few points faster than it.


A trace of fluctuation appeared on the ant king's cold face, and his expression became even more ugly.

It was about to succeed in its plan, but was actually defeated.

It doesn't care if it has too many branches, because its main body is also difficult to withstand.


There was another loud noise, and the strong collision caused strong winds to blow around, sweeping up countless gravel and yellow sand.

A tornado of sand and stone suddenly formed.

When their fists collided, the ant king's complexion suddenly changed, and an extremely powerful force descended on its fist.

Even though it was surging with thoughts all over its body, its body was still retreating.

In this struggle, it is still at a disadvantage!

After struggling for a few breaths, the ant king was finally unable to resist the punch of this giant steel beast.

The right arm was crushed by a million-ton punch and completely twisted, forming irregular fractures. Even with huge mental energy, it could not protect it.

Then its body flew out again!

But this time it didn't let itself fly out.

After flying upside down for a while, the ant king spread out a pair of broad wings from behind and flapped vigorously.

Relying on the recoil of the wings, the ant king was finally able to stop his body in the air, not as embarrassed as before.

"What just happened?"

Jin scratched his head and looked at the sudden changes on the field, a little confused.

Among the three, only Lin Ke could understand every detail of the battle between the two sides and what had just happened.

"The Ant King just used Shaiapouf's ability to create a clone for a sneak attack, but it was directly destroyed."

"Even the main body has been damaged by one hand."

Lin Ke explained casually, paying more attention to the ant king in the air.

In just a few breaths while he was speaking, the Ant King's right arm had returned to its original state!

Although it is difficult for the Ant King to cause damage to Super Bangela, its self-healing ability is a bit too strong, which makes it more troublesome.

Also has Catwoman's [Toy Repairer], Shaiapouf's [Body Cell Reconstruction], Menthuthuyoupi's [Muscle Peristalsis]

The current Ant King may not be as powerful as Super Bangela, but its blood is much thicker and its self-healing ability is much stronger!

Extremely good at fighting a war of attrition!

"Human, your methods are indeed far beyond my imagination."

"But there's still no way you can win me!"

"As the essence of the ethnic group, I have too many abilities!"

"Not only do I have a strong self-healing ability, even if you destroy my head, I can recover in an instant!"

"Even if most of my body is destroyed, I can still recover in a short time.

"In terms of life and death, I won!"

The ant king scolded in a cold voice, trying to get back 10%.

"You are right. After absorbing the three guards, even I am impressed by your self-healing ability.

Lin Ke nodded slightly and agreed with the Ant King's statement.

Putting aside everything else, with the blessing of various abilities, the Ant King has really become an extremely difficult existence to die.

To exaggerate, to use the term of immortality novels, it is almost possible to achieve rebirth with a drop of blood.

It is extremely difficult to completely kill such a creature.0

"That is to say, it will either take a very long time, consume almost all your thought energy, and wear you to death."

"Either it will kill you completely in an instant without giving you time to recover."

Lin Ke explained the two methods, but the Ant King still didn't see a trace of hesitation, difficulty or even fear on his face.

It seems that these things are very common and he can do them easily.

The Ant King's words reminded him.

See if you can kill it but keep the body.

Such a body has some value.

"Hohoho, have you grown to this point?"

Netero next to him can still laugh, but he will still be frightened when he hears the Ant King's ability.

I accidentally plucked out a few strands of my newly grown beard.

"Old man, you are really big-hearted~"

Seeing this, Jin couldn't help complaining, but he looked away, then took out another piece of fruit and started eating it.

The Ant King was in mid-air, his sharp eyes staring at the three people on the field, with a vague look of violence.

Repeated defeats made it difficult for it to remain calm.

Moreover, the three of them either spoke indifferently, or laughed, and one of them even started to eat?

This is too contemptuous of it.

After eating the guard, it thought that it was already invincible in the world and no one could defeat it.

Who would have thought that before he could say a few words, he would be punched away by a giant beast that suddenly appeared.

In addition to absorbing the three guards of the chimera ant, the ant king is now thinking more in the direction of the chimera ant.

"You... don't seem to take me seriously!"

The ant king's eyes were filled with scarlet color again, and the dark purple thought energy on his body suddenly burst out.

Surprisingly, in addition to the dark purple thought energy, it also exudes a deep red aura.

At the same time, its body glowed brighter and brighter, and the aura on its body rose wildly again.

【This is... Menthuthuyoupi's ability!】

Lin Ke stared at the changes in the ant king and recognized that this was Meng Tutu's unparalleled anger ability.

As long as the anger in your heart becomes stronger, you can turn it into strength.

And it's not over yet.

The ant king's thoughts gathered behind him crazily, and countless dark purple thoughts intertwined together to form a purple figure!

The strange figure stretched out countless thought strings, involving countless joints and muscles of the ant king.

"Kuroko Maixiang!"

The ant king shouted lowly, and the aura that erupted from his body became even more terrifying!

[Ability of Anger] + [Kuroko Dance Thoughts]

This is the strongest state of the Ant King now!

The aura continued to rise, and finally stagnated at a level similar to Super Bandera.

Through the ability of the escort team, the Ant King finally reached the same level as Super Bangela after "Dragon Dance".

Moreover, its extremely strong self-healing ability can offset the side effects of using these abilities and can be used without injury!

This is what the world of Hunter X Hunter currently reveals, the strongest single entity!

The ultimate enhanced version of Ant King!

Under the pressure of the endless aura, both Jin and Netero felt as if they had a huge mountain on their bodies.

Being pressed so hard that his legs bent involuntarily, he could only let out a muffled groan.

The ant king's body suddenly disappeared, along with the energy that filled the sky.

Super Banjira looked around, but could not find its figure, even if he used "Circle".

In an instant, the Ant King appeared again, but in front of Lin Ke!

The fist controlled by [Heizi Wuxiang] kept enlarging in Lin Ke's eyes, and was almost about to fall on him!

The Ant King actually jumped directly over Super Bangela and turned to attack Lin Ke!

After this period of observation, it has discovered the connection between this man and the giant beast.

So I decided to kill this human being first!

Suddenly, the ant king felt that he had accidentally entered some kind of space, and everything around him became very slow.

This is the trick the old man used!

【The human in front of me can actually do it?!】

The Ant King's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't care much. After all, this man's strength was far inferior to that of the giant beast.

Even if you use this technique, it will be of no use.

Now its strength is countless times stronger than before. Even with the same technique, it only slows down time a little.

But even though it was only for a moment, the ant king heard exactly what the young human in front of him said.

"Although I thought you would die, I never thought you would take the initiative to die like this~"

"You made a bad move and got checkmate~little ant!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared behind Lin Ke.

One big and one small.

But they all have one thing in common—the smell is extremely strong!

At this moment, two auras that made the ant king extremely desperate descended on it!!

It's just two mountains that can never be climbed, pressing it down tightly, unable to move!


【How could there be such terrifying strength!!】

The ant king's body suddenly stiffened, like a little ant facing a giant predator.

It could only roar crazily in its heart, with a panicked look on its face, but there was no solution.

We can only wait for the ending of death!.

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