Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 191 Genesect! Two Ss! Bring Your Own Item PokéMon!

The Ant King felt dizzy in his mind, as if he was hit by two big hammers at the same time.

It only took a moment for it to appear in front of the opponent.

But he stayed there in a daze, his body unable to even tremble, and only his face filled with fear told everything.

Jin and Netero didn't wonder why the ant king didn't move, because they also felt the terrifying aura!

That is absolute power!

With just a touch of momentum, all creatures present can be immobilized and feel the breath of death!

Drops of cold sweat broke out quickly on the ant king's body, and his body became completely stiff, like a corpse.

Just because of the two figures standing quietly behind Lin Ke!

One on the left and one on the right standing behind Lin Ke, like two door gods, keeping out any danger.

They are loyal and will never allow anything to harm their master————Lin Ke!

To the ant king, they possess absolutely overwhelming strength.

In front of them, the ant king is just a small ant that cannot be seen!

Neither Jin nor Netero would question why the ant king stood there motionless.

Because they themselves were shocked by the terrifying auras of the two!

Unlike the Ant King, the two Pokémon did not emit their aura randomly, but spread throughout the entire underground space.

[Old man, is this the hidden strength you mentioned?!]

【Today I really saw what top strength is!】

[Such an extremely despairing aura is really terrifying!]

Jin stood there dumbfounded, with only his pupils moving throughout his body, as if he had used a body-holding technique.

But his heart was not as peaceful as it looked on the outside.

The shock turned into a huge wave at this moment, completely sweeping through every part of his heart.

Jin was completely shocked by the two extremely powerful mind beasts hidden by Lin Ke!

Lin Ke deserves to be [the strongest in the world]!

He is truly the strongest!

What Jin didn't know was that the fear in Netero's heart was now no less than his.

【I guessed it right!】

[There is more than one mind beast like that!!]

Netero's newly restored strength seemed to disappear completely at this moment.

Facing the two Pokémon, he in his prime state seemed to have returned to the way he had just used Type Zero.

It was a complete feeling of powerlessness!

He had this thought before after Lin Ke defeated Jed - Could Lin Ke have a more terrifying telekinesis beast?

Now it seems that this is not impossible!

Even for such a powerful being, Lin Ke could take out one after another, but now he couldn't be sure that Lin Ke didn't have it.

Quite the opposite.

Netero suspects that Lin Ke definitely has a more powerful mind beast that has not yet been revealed!

At this moment, the same thought that 013 and they had had long ago flashed through their hearts.

How many mind beasts does Lin Ke have?

How powerful is it?

Every time he gets along with Lin Ke, he always seems to come up with new and stronger mind beasts.

The mind beasts he possesses seem to be endless, and his strength is far from the upper limit. Some of his powers are far beyond their imagination!

The two beings who are considered the ceiling of humanity in the world of Hunter X Hunter were shocked by Pokémon.

Although the bodies of the two Pokémon are larger and smaller, their momentum is balanced.

The height difference between the two is relatively large. The smaller one looks like a standing doll.

But the aura it exudes is no weaker than the one next to it.

The petite body is very gentle, with wisps of dark gas floating out of the body, as if it is composed of countless black smoke.

A pair of orange-red eyes are very conspicuous against the surrounding black body.

There are several obvious marks on his body, like rolling clouds.

It’s the fantasy Pokémon—Mashado!

In addition to Macado, which was obtained in the martial arts tournament, there is another Pokémon that also has terrifying and intimidating power.

It is the Pokémon born from this collection!

This is a bipedal insect robot Pokémon with a metal shell and a saucer-shaped head.

It is purple in color, has two red eyes, and has a tooth-like structure underneath.

Its arms are long and slender, with a sharp claw at the end. It has a gray circle pattern on its shoulders and gray stripes on its belly.

It is shaped like a giant insect, with purple armor covering its body and a powerful cannon on its back.

It is the legendary phantom Pokémon—Genesect [also known as the Steel Insect God, Exterminator Insect, and World Worm.

As a rare insect-type legendary Pokémon, Genesect is the most popular insect-type Pokémon.

As Lin Ke had guessed in advance, an insect-type Pokémon was born, and it was of a very high level.

This is the second fantasy beast he has on hand [and also his second Song SS-level Pokémon!

Name: Genesect

Features: Download

Attributes: Insect type, Steel type


Skills: high-tech light cannon, locking, electromagnetic gun, jade and stone, simple beam...

As a fantasy Pokémon, Genesect, like Marchado, has its own unique skills.

[High-tech light cannon]: Release light bombs at the opponent. The attributes will change depending on the cartridge you carry.

This leads to the reason why [High-Tech Light Cannon] is Genesect’s exclusive skill.

The key point is the word "cassette".

Genesect itself is an ancient Pokémon that existed 300 million years ago, and is feared as the strongest hunter. (bcej)

Compared to ordinary bugs, Genesect is a giant bug with a purple armor covering its body.

Later, after being modified by Team Plasma, a turret was installed on the back, and the power of the cannon on the back was improved.

The incredibly powerful cannon on its back can be inserted into cassettes with different attributes, which are used to change the attributes of the [high-tech light cannon].

[High-tech light cannon] If you don’t carry a cassette, the attribute of the move will be normal.

There are four types of cassettes: lightning, fire, ice, and water flow.

This is what surprised Lin Ke the most.

The birth of Genesect was actually accompanied by four different cassettes!

This is the first Pokémon that was born with props at the same time!

Maybe it's because Genesect is complete with the cassette?

I wonder if there will be Pokémon born with items like this in the future?

For example, if Groudon appears with a vermilion orb, can he directly evolve?

Or is it Arceus, the alpaca, who appears with a stone slab of all attributes?

The appearance of Genesect made Lin Ke discover another pattern. Unexpectedly, Pokémon props may also appear.

Slowly gathering his thoughts, Lin Ke turned his attention to the ant king with a horrified look on his face.

"King Ant, I'm sorry, but it seems your road to rule has come to an end."

"Do you have any last words?"

After finishing speaking, the two Pokémon restrained most of their aura, making the Ant King relax and be able to barely speak.

Next to them, Netero and Jin were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they also set their sights here.

The ant king looked at Lin Ke quietly, the anger on his face wiped away, replaced by loneliness.

It is very clear that it has no hope of winning.

If it is still not convinced when facing that giant beast, it can keep fighting to the death.

But in front of these two breaths, it no longer had the arrogance it had before.

In the face of the absolute power gap, even having a strong self-healing ability is useless.

The Ant King believes that as long as the other party is willing, he can completely eliminate him in an instant.

Even if it is still standing here now, it is an extremely honor to have the opportunity to say its last words.

Its dark face is just like its heart, with no light visible.

Give others hope first, and then take away hope.

Nothing is more cruel than this.

The dream is clearly close at hand, and it should be the strongest existence after evolution...

After all, it still lacks strength.

After a while, a figure appeared in the ant king's gloomy eyes, and said with a slightly moved expression:


The ant king, who had lost his spirit, even spoke in a much lower tone, and his throat felt as if it had been cut by a razor blade and it was difficult to speak.

But Lin Ke could still understand its meaning and nodded:

"I will make arrangements for Mai. She doesn't need to worry about other things in the future and can enjoy military honors as much as she wants."

"She will also not discover the true identity of the 'Commander-in-Chief' who made military honors with her."

Hearing this, the Ant King nodded slightly, and most of the tangled look in his eyes had disappeared.

That’s good…………

in underground space,

Lin Ke, Jin and Netero all disappeared, only Genesect and the Ant King stayed here.

All three of them hid in the online world because the aftermath of the subsequent attack was unbearable for them.

The Ant King's self-healing ability is too strong, and if you want to kill it, you have to take action from Marshado or Genesect.

Super banjera alone can't do it.

So Lin Ke asked Genesect to take action.

The Pokémon born from this event gave the Ant King born from this event the final blow!

The three of them stayed in the online world and observed every move on the field through the post.

Even Lin Ke has never seen an SS-level attack. I am curious about how powerful it can be.

However, facing the Ant King who has not yet reached the SS-level, Genesect does not need to use all his strength, presumably he will control his strength.

Genesect's red eyes flashed with gleams of light. At the same time, he leaned down slightly and pointed the turret on his back at the ant king in the distance.

Countless pure white thoughts gathered in the same direction.

That's where the fort is.

As streams of pure thought energy filled the fort, wisps of light gradually emerged from the dark and deep cave entrance.

This light is extremely pure, but every creature that sees it will tremble from it.

Even if it hasn't been launched yet, just a touch of aura dissipating when it is accumulated can scare countless creatures and make them unable to move.

Because this is an extremely dangerous attack!

The ant king stared blankly at the fort where the light became increasingly bright, and his dark eyes were also illuminated by this light.

At this moment, the ant king was free and had time to think about his name.


What does this name mean?

What the ant king doesn't know is that this name means "the light that illuminates everything."

But it matches the current scene quite well.

Looking at the light beam that was about to be emitted, the ant king had a lot of thoughts in his heart, recalling everything he had experienced from birth to now.

This is its revolving door.

Memories were like slides, constantly flipping through his mind, and finally settled on the figure of a girl.

Until now, what it finally misses is the girl Xiaomai who sniffs her nose from time to time and looks slovenly.

"I really want to..."

"One last game of chess..."

The ant king's murmur was completely drowned in the huge light beam attack.


An extremely pure

White light spurted out from Genesect's triangular barrel.

It was a small beam at first, but as soon as it came out of the barrel, it expanded into a thick beam of light in the blink of an eye!

This size is far greater than the extremely destructive death ray used by Super Gardevoir before!

General skills——High-tech light cannon!

The extremely dazzling light cannon was like a ferocious white dragon, roaring straight towards the Ant King.

Everywhere they go, there are traces of being exploded by nuclear bombs. Such destructive power is outrageous!

The people in front of the screen felt their scalps numb.

I saw the light cannon completely swallowing up the ant king in an instant, not even a scrap of his body was left, and the entire underground space was destroyed together!

Under the deafening roar, there was a series of explosions!

Countless pillars, soil, and stones were swept in by the explosion caused by the light cannon, and were completely turned into nothingness!

The entire underground space was destroyed with just one shot!

At the same time, the noise caused by the light cannon is far more than that.

The aftermath of the explosion became more and more intense, affecting not only the underground space alone, but also countless areas on the ground.

At this time, Genesect was also taken back by Lin Ke, and there was no living thing left.

Centered there, the scope of the explosion continued to expand outwards, and in the blink of an eye, several miles of land were blown up into the sky!

Most of them are directly turned into endless dust by high temperature!

Following closely behind is a rising mushroom cloud!

The dust all over the sky was like a volcano erupting, instantly rushing into the sky at an unknown height, followed by exploding flames.

The yellow and black mushroom clouds were mixed with streaks of blazing light that alternated between strong and weak, making it look extremely coquettish.

However, such a gorgeous scene does not bring happiness to people, but makes people feel terrified.

Genesect's casual shot has the power of a nuclear bomb explosion!

This is also the origin of Genesect’s other name—the World Exterminator!

This scene is like the earth falling apart, and it can be said to be a scene like the destruction of the world!

Completely worthy of the word "destroying the world"!

Outside the palace of East Kota Republic,

The Ant King's aura disappeared when the two Pokémon appeared, and only a few people had time to breathe.

"Huh~ That breath just now was so bad!"

Norbu wiped the sweat with a handkerchief, but it turned out that it was not enough because he was sweating too much.

Not only him, but everyone around him was soaked in cold sweat.

Just when Mo Laowu was thinking about what to say, he saw Nobu suddenly pointing to the wilderness on the other side, shouting with a windy face:

"Look! What is that?!"

Several people turned their heads to look.

This sight almost frightened several people out of their minds.

I saw an extremely huge mushroom cloud slowly rising into the sky, and an unprecedented large-scale explosion was raging in the distance!


After several people were stunned for a long time, the sound of an explosion that was about to shatter their eardrums came from the distance.

At the same time, Mo Laowu and others suddenly had tinnitus, and a stab of pain spread from the ears to the whole body.

Several people quickly covered their ears with their thoughts to avoid being unable to hear anything in the future.

【What happened again?!】

【Did some large bomb explode? 】

Several people were discussing in their hearts. Seeing the shocking changes in the distance, their hearts that had just been relieved became anxious again.

They all know that there is the direction of President Netero and them.

Coupled with this explosion scene, it is not difficult to think of "die together"!

Could it be…………

After a while, the explosion finally passed, and the four of them were able to continue talking normally.

"That should be the direction where President Netero and his friends are fighting, right?"

"I have never heard of a bomb of this level."

Killua glanced at the long-lasting mushroom cloud, his expression unusually solemn.

"As far as I know, there should be no bomb in the world that can reach this level."

"Even if multiple bombs are used to achieve this effect, it's hard for me to imagine how many bombs were used here?"

Nobu pushed down his glasses, tried his best to calm down his emotions and said, his tone full of questions.

"Anyway, the fact that there is such movement means that the war situation must have changed significantly."

"I just don't know if the Ant King is dead."

Mo Laowu bent down to pick up his big pipe and said in a deep voice.

"I probably know this."

Meleon's face relaxed, he raised his hand and said:

"Just now, my life force stopped flowing away.

Hearing this, Norbu and Mo Laowu's expressions were startled for a moment, and then they both became filled with joy.

They were both present when Meleon made the restriction and oath, so they naturally knew what it meant.

The restrictions and oaths made by Meleon [Only ten of both sides can survive.

Since the vitality is no longer lost, it means——

The ant king is dead!.

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