Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 192 Father And Son Meet! The Unfinished Chess Game! Period! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"No more loss of life force? What does this mean?"

Gon asked curiously.

The two little ones next to them were not present at the time, and they didn't quite understand why Mo Laowu and the others looked happy.

"Hahaha, at that time you were still preparing for the battle with Nakoulu and the others, we...

Mo Laowu laughed heartily for a while, then started to smoke with confidence and explained a little to the two of them.

"So that's it. The Ant King is dead."

Only then did the two little ones understand why Mo Laowu and the two suddenly smiled. It had something to do with the "big explosion".

But then Killua asked another question.

"What about Lin Ke and President Netero?"

Killua's words seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made Mo Laowu and others' breathing stagnant, and the smiles on their faces became stiff.

Yes, the ant king with such a terrifying aura died, and he must have paid a heavy price.

Probably the cost of life!

So Lin Ke and President Netero...

Mo Laowu, who had just burst into laughter, fell into silence again, smoking a cigarette.

Norbu stopped talking, his expression looked more stern than usual, and his brows were also furrowed.

If we want to kill an ant king, the price will be two of the strongest from the six continents.

Is this price too high?


Just when a few people were silent, the air around them suddenly made a loud breaking sound.


Hearing this familiar voice, Mo Laowu's pupils shrank, and he turned to look at the same time as several others.

I saw a newly created space channel emitting clean white light.

This white light had no warmth, but it inexplicably made several people feel warm in their hearts, as if they saw hope.

As if to confirm their thoughts, three figures came out of the space passage one after another.

"Lin Ke, I'm not telling you, your power is too terrifying, isn't it? Just one shot can produce such an effect!"

Jin sighed as he walked out of the white light, completely appearing "Nine Zero Zero" in the eyes of several people.

Even now, the shock in his eyes has not faded much.

That scene, which was like the earth falling apart, will be completely engraved in his heart.

Just like Netero who used the "circle" to explore Marshado that day, this scene will be remembered by him for a lifetime.

He has been a Hunter for a long time. In order to see more new and unknown things, he has never seen creatures with terrifying strength.

But the several creatures that appeared today broke the most terrifying records he had ever seen.

The first is the strengthened ant king, and Lin Ke's mind beast named "Banjira", whose aura is even more terrifying after transformation.

Then there are the two mind beasts, one large and one small, exposed by Lin Ke.

He had a vague premonition in his heart that perhaps those two mind beasts would be the most terrifying existences he had ever seen!

Even if I go to the Dark Continent in the future, I may not have the chance to encounter stronger creatures!

Thinking of this, Jin felt as if he had missed something, and his body shuddered subconsciously.

This is not a good sign!

He rarely shuddered like this.

What exactly did you forget?

"Hohohohoho, that's why I said it before, don't worry about Lin Ke, his hidden strength is far beyond our imagination.

"There are even more powerful mind beasts, maybe?"

Netero glanced at Jin, who looked solemn, and could also feel his inner surprise, because he was also shocked.

After all, he thought Lin Ke would take out the small mind beast before, but who would have thought there was another big one!

"Are you guys exaggerating too much? There's no need to be so shocked at this level, right?"

Lin Ke touched the tip of his nose and said with some embarrassment.

Because the mushroom cloud in the distance was still in the sky and had not had time to disappear, everyone thought it was a big scene.

A bit exaggerated indeed.

"Mr. Lin Ke! President Netero! And... Mr. Jin?"

"You are all back safely!"

Seeing several people appear alive in front of him, Mo Laowu's expression finally returned to joy, and he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"So...that was done by Mr. Lin Ke?"

After being surprised, Norbu was frightened by the chatter of several people, and quickly pointed at Lu Yun who was still there and asked.

The stern face was no longer replaced by a look of astonishment.

Is this created by Mr. Lin Ke in one go?

You told me that it was a box of large-scale bombs set off at the same time, Yan.

"Yeah, it's really unimaginable how much strength he hides.

"Just take out a mind beast and you can crush the strengthened ant king."

Jin looked at the strange smoke cloud and murmured.

When several people were still immersed in the emotions of joy and surprise, Gon on the other side suddenly asked softly:


Gon's tone was filled with disbelief, as if he couldn't imagine that the two of them would meet under such circumstances.

Jin then saw Gon next to him and suddenly remembered that Gon was also in the expedition team!

Jin's hair suddenly stood on end and his body stiffened, feeling like the protagonist of a horror movie encountering a ghost.

【Something bad!】

Jin screamed in his heart. On the surface, he looked calm and calm, but in his heart, he was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

[I was so frightened by the breath of Lin Ke's Nian Beast just now that my brain was temporarily deprived of oxygen and I even forgot about this! 】

Jin screamed in his mind, what he saw tonight was too shocking.

So much so that he completely forgot about this kind of thing and followed Lin Ke directly.

He is not mentally prepared yet!

Gon was like a machine that helped Jin recover his memory. Jin finally remembered what he had forgotten.

He forgot Gon was here!

At this moment, Jin's brain was running rapidly, trying to find a way to crack it.

Countless thoughts are intertwined in my mind, and information is recalled one after another, just to find a way to escape!

Lin Ke and others looked at Jin who was brainstorming, and they all looked like they were eating melon.

Except for Lin Ke, Netero and Killua who already know "Gon's Search for Dad".

During this period, Mo Laowu and the other three also knew that Gon had been looking for Jin.

This also gave me a deeper understanding of Jin’s character.

Now in their eyes, Jin is just a powerful and inconspicuous father.

I thought that with Jin's strength, it would not be that easy for Gon to meet Jin.

Who would have thought that there would be a turn of events, and Jin's momentary mistake actually led him to directly see Gon, who had been avoiding him.

Could it be said that this "Looking for Dad" is coming to an end?

【This is...Gon's dad!】

Killua stared at Jin with burning eyes, and after a moment, his concentrated expression suddenly fell.

【Isn’t this too sloppy?!】

At this time, Jin was still wearing a rough linen robe, and his hair was wrapped in a longer strip of cloth. Occasionally, a few messy hairs were exposed.

Although it looks relatively neat and not messy, it gives people an extremely sloppy impression.

This hiding is probably related to his unkempt beard, which combined with his outfit makes him look like a homeless man on the roadside.

This is not exactly the same as Killua expected, but it should be completely different.

But when Killua saw Jin's face that was exactly the same as Gon's, he still had to admit it.

The man in front of me is Gon's father.

If you don’t look at the raunchy look, it’s just like Zhang Miao’s Gon.

Facing the gazes of several people and Gon's extremely sincere little face, Jin made his choice!

"No, you got the wrong person, my name is 'Nigu'.

Jin pulled the scarf around his neck up, trying his best to cover his face.

At the same time, he scratched the back of his head and deliberately lowered his voice.

He had never been so lucky as at this moment, lucky that he was wearing a scarf at all times.

"Oh, I see."

"Sorry, I mistook you for the wrong person."

Gon smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said sheepishly.


The conversation between the father and son made the "onlookers" nearby were dumbfounded.

Especially Mo Laowu, who was still smoking, was shocked by this conversation and started coughing.

I almost burst into tears.

Even Netero, an old man who had seen strong winds and waves, couldn't stand it anymore, his eyelids were twitching wildly.

At this moment, everyone present had the same thought - these two people are definitely father and son!


"Idiot! He is golden!"

Killua slapped Gon on the head, making the father and son laugh angrily.

A really lame reason like this.

The most bizarre thing is that the other one actually believed it!


"But he said no?"

Gon covered his head and said a little aggrievedly.

"Have you forgotten? Isn't the first name you saw on Greed Island the name 'Nigu'?"

Killua patted his forehead, feeling a little annoyed.

He was going to be driven crazy by the crazy Gon.

"Yes! That one is also called 'Nigu'."

Gon suddenly realized something and was suddenly awakened by Killua, so he turned to look at Jin again.

Now Jin perfectly explains what it means to be an "ostrich with his head in the sand."

With the scarf covering his face, Jin tried his best to pretend that he "didn't see Gon".

From this moment on, he is the same as ancient times!

"Ahem, maybe they have the same name."

Jin cleared his throat and tried to continue to quibble, unwilling to admit that he was Jin even to death.

This "rogue" move gave Mo Laowu and others a deeper understanding of Jin.

From "the loser dad" to the "weird loser dad".

Lin Ke completely lost his interest when he saw this scene. There was nothing he could do if Jin beat him to death and refused to admit it.

This kind of person is really weird. Because he is so shy, seeing his son is like seeing a ghost.


If Jin was given two choices.

He definitely chose to see a ghost instead of his own son.

Being a father is unique for being able to do this.

Lin Ke shook his head, looking away from the father and son, and turned to the palace next to him.

After the battle between dragon stars and Pokémon, the gorgeously decorated palace has now become dilapidated.

Collapsed walls and holes in the ceiling can be seen everywhere.

Such a palace, illuminated by the moonlight in the dim night, suddenly has a different kind of beauty.

But this is not Lin Ke's focus.

In the tower in the middle of the palace, there was a weak aura.

That was his goal this time.

Put a final end to this relationship.

room in the tower,

This is the highest room in the entire East Kota Palace, and it is also the room where the Ant King spends the most time.

Like other places, there are holes on the ceiling that were punched out by the dragon stars.

Dots of soft light passed through the hole and poured into the room, providing as much light as possible.

"What happened?"

"Why are there explosions in the palace?"

"Commander-in-Chief, where are you?"

The blind girl Xiaomai hugged her knees with her hands and sat with her back against the wall, burying her head, her heart filled with fear.

She didn't know what was happening because she was just blind and couldn't see clearly.

I only know that tonight there were sudden sounds similar to explosions, and then...

Then I never heard the voice of the Commander-in-Chief.

Was the palace under attack?

Are you okay, Commander-in-Chief?

"Hey, Commander-in-Chief... Hey, you must be fine...

Xiaomai's young face was covered with tears. While sobbing, she prayed for her "Commander-in-Chief" in her heart.


Suddenly, steady footsteps came from outside the door, and Xiaomai quickly began to listen attentively.

It might not be possible for ordinary people, but as a blind person, Xiaomai usually relies on his hearing the most.

They are extremely sensitive to the sounds around them.

So Xiaomai could easily tell who the owner of this footsteps was.

The commander-in-chief is back!

"Is... is it the Commander-in-Chief?"

Wheat took courage, asked in the direction of the footsteps, and opened his eyes at the same time.

They were a pair of beautiful eyes, but the pupils were inexplicably covered with a layer of gray-white, destroying the original beauty.

Can't help but feel regretful.

In fact, Xiaomai himself is not ugly, but his hair style is not very good-looking, and his nose will runny from time to time.

It left a sloppy impression.

"it's me."

A steady and powerful voice responded, and at the same time, a dark green figure walked into the room.

【Meruem】Looking at Mai whose expression changed from uneasiness to joy, he sighed slightly in his heart.

"There was an attack on the palace just now. Now it's all taken care of. Let's continue playing chess."

After finishing speaking, [Meruem] gathered up the military rituals scattered in the corner, then brought them to Maimai and placed them in front of him.

This is also Lin Ke's way of ending this relationship.

Let the Variety Monster become the Ant King and play the final, unfinished chess game with Xiaomai.

It can be regarded as fulfilling the ant king's last wish.

"So that's it. It's good that nothing happened to the Commander-in-Chief."

Xiaomai nodded obediently and felt very happy to be able to continue playing chess with the Commander-in-Chief.

During this period of time together, both Ant King and Xiaomai valued each other extremely.

Even the sensitive Xiaomai didn't realize that the ant king in front of him was transformed into a monster.

The real ant king is dead.

This can be considered a white lie.

His eyes glanced at Wheat, who was full of joy. [Meruem] didn't say anything more, but started to play the first move.


Because Xiaomai is blind, the ant king reads out his moves every time he plays chess.

Logically speaking, as a blind person, it is obviously not easy to play board games.

But Xiaomai not only reached 1.1, but also reached the level of world champion, and even defeated the Ant King several times.

This shows her talent in military etiquette.

As time passed bit by bit, there were only the sounds of chess playing and the sound of [Meruem] in the whole room.

Xiaomai, who was completely in the state of playing chess, did not notice the sound of several footsteps at the door of the room.

Lin Ke and others quietly watched the two sides immersed in playing chess, with different emotions in their eyes.

There are sighs and sympathy…………

"8-5-6, letter!"

After a while, [Meruem] put down the last chess piece, and the chess game between the two finally ended.

This also heralds that the chess game between Ant King and Xiaomai has finally come to an end.

The ant king, who was unable to win until his death, was helped by the Variety Monster to win after his death.

This is also the first time that Xiaomai has lost in military honors.

"I lost."

"Congratulations, Jishi Tianren!"

Xiaomai said something in a daze, and then showed a bright smile.

Obviously he lost, but Xiaomai felt happier than he had won.

Because the commander-in-chief has defeated her!


"I have something to tell you. There are a lot of national affairs recently, so I may have few opportunities to play chess with you in the future."

【Meruem】 said in a deep voice.

Variety Monster can't always play chess with Xiaomai, so he can only use busy business as an excuse.

"From now on, you only need to concentrate on studying military etiquette without worrying about other things."

"I will come see you again when I have time."

This is Lin Ke's arrangement for Xiaomai, and it is also the best he can do for this poor little girl.


"I will work hard to study military etiquette and prepare myself for the next meeting with the Commander-in-Chief!"

Wheat's complexion changed slightly, then he cheered up again.

They can play chess together again in the future...

Is it right?.

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