Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 193: Great Harvest! I'm Kate! Thanks Kim? (1/2, Please Subscribe)

The last chess piece that falls not only means victory, but also represents the end of the chimera ant incident.

As for Mai, she can enjoy the joy of military honors without worrying about other things.

Anyway, relying on Porygon Z, you can go to various places at once, and occasionally you can let the Variety Monster go there to play chess.

Although the chimera ant incident is over, its impact is still expanding.

The death of the Ant King quickly spread to the ears of many people.

These people are basically high-level figures in various countries, and some of them were involved in the creation of chimera ants.

When they knew that the ant king was dead but the key Netero was unscathed, they all changed their minds.

After they explored the news again and again, they finally set their sights on Lin Ke, who is now the strongest in the world.

If Lin Ke were not present, things would probably develop as they expected.

Coupled with his performance at the previous [New Top Five] meeting, Lin Ke is now the person that attracts the most attention from all countries.

Because Lin Ke has strength beyond their imagination!

This is countless times more powerful than Netero!

After careful investigation, Pei Guo also learned that the explosion in the experimental site was actually caused by Lin Ke's mind beast.

And it is said that it only used one attack!

Some people believe this, but more people don't.

It was really hard for them to imagine that such a horrific explosion was caused by an attack.

To reach this point, even using weapons of mass destruction would require a large number of weapons.

Therefore, Lin Ke has become the common focus of high-level officials in all countries.

But Lin Ke didn't care about those. What he cared about more was what he gained from this incident.

This harvest is quite good.

The first is the conceived Pokémon.

Genesect is a fantasy Pokémon like Marshado.

As a result, I have two SS-level Pokémon on hand.

This is also the biggest gain this time.

Second is the experience gained.

The Ant King's experience points were divided equally between Genesect and Bangira.

Genesect has not improved much. After all, it is an SS-level existence. This experience value is not enough.

12 But it’s different for Banjila. Even half of the experience value is quite a sumptuous “meal”

Half of the experience points directly allowed it to break through the S+ level and reach the same level as the strengthened Ant King.

Stuck here S+ - SS.

It can be seen that this is a very big hurdle [the experience points required to break through to SS-level are extremely huge.

But as long as this hurdle is crossed, a large distance can be opened.

Even the strongest S-class is just an ant in the eyes of the weakest SS-class.

Inside the castle of Rimeiro City,

There is an orderly and prosperous scene here.

The chimera ants brought here fit perfectly into Greed Island.

Chimera ants like Brobutta, who like peace and quiet, choose to stay in the castle and occasionally take care of some troubles.

Like cleaning Dwun's room.

Dwun was even more sloppy than Gon. When Gon cleared Greed Island and came here, he saw garbage all over the ground.

There wasn't even a place to stay.

This arduous and "great" undertaking was handed over to the chimera ants, mainly the bear chimera ants.

Another type of chimera ants who want to be exposed to novel things are scattered in other places, serving as NPCs.

It includes "Squidward" Igaloo, who has many roles in the original work.

And they will go to the gymnasium under the lighthouse at specific times to receive instruction from Leza.

Over this period of time, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and most of them have created their own Nen.

"Well, it would be a great thing for them to be able to integrate into the Greed Island.

Lin Ke listened to Dwun's description and nodded slightly.

Next to him are Gon and Killua.

Calculating time, Kate has almost grown up now, and now she is here to restore his memory.

By the way, let’s take a look at the current situation of the chimera ants.

As for the meeting between Gon and Jin, it still came to nothing in the end.

In Jin's words, he is a person who needs to be mentally prepared, so a sudden meeting is not suitable for him.

So although the two father and son met, it was as if they had never met.

They are also a great father and son.

But Gon said that Jin promised to find time to have a good talk with him later.

"The talents of these chimera ants are really terrifying. It makes me want to turn into a chimera ant."

Dwun held a cigarette in his mouth and said with an envious tone.

As the central administrator of Greed Island, he naturally knows the progress of the chimera ants.

It is no exaggeration to say that their strength changes day by day.

There is considerable progress every day.

Most of the chimera ants who came here were division leader level, so naturally they were talented.

In the original work, even without professional Nen guidance, you can grow to that point by relying on natural development.

Now with the professional guidance of Leza and others, the strength of the chimera ants will only exceed the performance in the original work.

It is precisely because of this that Qi En Tuan is as envious as a grave.

As a human being, his strength has already reached its upper limit, and he usually manages various things on the Greed Island.

But those chimera ants are different.

Their upper limit far exceeds his, and there will be more progress in the future, which is hard not to be enviable.

"Most of them have been developed by Nen, and some are even connected to the Greed Island content."

"There seems to be an octopus chimera ant called Ikaruko. It developed Nen. I forgot its name."

"But he can wear other people's corpses as clothes and control them."

"Through this, it can pretend to be any NPC, which is quite useful."

"Is that so?"

Lin Ke pondered slightly, recalling the memory of the octopus chimera ant named "Yigalu".

It seems to be called [Children Playing with Corpses]?

It can parasitize on a corpse and can operate and use the corpse's original abilities, but it cannot parasitize a corpse that has rotted.

This ability is quite good, and sometimes it works wonders.

"Oh, it's really enviable. Not only are their strength improving quickly, but Nen is also better than the other."

Dwun sighed again.

"You're obviously too lazy, right? You're not bad at your own talent, but you just eat and sleep all day long?"

The elegant and delicate Li Site spread his hands and exposed Dwun's truth mercilessly.

The truth is that he is too lazy.

Even the management tasks are mostly shared by him. Dwun looks like an old man all day long and lives a leisurely life.

"And smoking."

Li Site glanced at Dwun who was smoking, and then added another sentence.

Dwun smokes almost all the time. He has a lot of cigarette butts every day, as if he can't live without cigarettes.

"Hahaha, how can you say it is so exaggerated?"

Dwun scratched his afro and laughed, as if Li Site was not talking about him.

"Please, I'm not complimenting you at all!"

Seeing this, Li Site's temples twitched, and a burst of anger arose spontaneously, and he slapped Dwun on the shoulder.

"That house would be full of the garbage you made, if it weren't for the chimera ants that came over to help with the cleaning work."

"I can't even clean up the environment by myself."

Gon next to him also recalled the scene when he first entered the room, nodded quickly, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

It was really messy there, with rubbish everywhere.

"It's almost time, we should go and wake up Kate's memory."

Looking at Dwun and Li Site who were still arguing, Lin Ke spoke again.

The main purpose of their visit this time is to wake up Kate.

In an exquisite room,

It is filled with all kinds of toys, and it looks like a preschool child's toy house.

Although Dwun and others knew that the child was Kate, an adult.

But now it has no memory of its own, so it still has to be treated like a child.


The door of the house was slowly opened, and the noise attracted little Kate who was playing with toys inside.

"I'm Kate!"

Little Kate suddenly stood up, her plump face trembling slightly, and at the same time she waved the toy knife in her hand in a cool way.

Looks very cute.

It's like a child holding a toy knife and wanting to show his "power" in front of the gods.

I don’t know if it is caused by past memories, but little Kate is particularly interested in toys such as knives and sticks.

According to Dwun, little Kate's favorite thing to do is to play with these toys.

I was not interested in any of the stuffed animals they gave me, but I was only interested in the toys with swords, guns, and sticks.

In addition to this, one of the biggest characteristics of little Kate is that she always repeats the same sentence.

Or the same word - Kate.

Even though it has no previous memory, it still remembers that its name is "Kate"

Although she already knew that Kate was growing up very fast, Lin Ke was still surprised when she saw this scene with her own eyes.

It was clear that he was just such a little kid before, but now he has turned into the size of Mo, who is about five or six years old.

There is no trace of Kate's original appearance now.

The original silver hair turned into red hair, and the length was almost the same, reaching around the waist.

Because he is still a child, his limbs are still relatively short and not as long as before.

But after it grows for a while, its appearance will continue to move closer to its previous appearance.

Behind it is the only tail that can express its identity as a chimera ant. The arthropod-like tail is swinging.

Overall, he is just a cute kid in Q version form.

Gon looked at the grown-up little Kate, and heard the words calling herself "Kate", and his emotions finally burst out.

Two lines of tears slid down his cheeks and dripped on the floor.

The people around him, especially Killua, know best how Gon is feeling right now.

Sadness, joy, self-blame and other emotions were constantly intertwined in Gon's heart, and finally turned into two lines of tears.

Gon clenched his fists tightly, not daring to look at little Kate's current appearance, so he could only lower his face and let the tears continue to fall.

To this day, he still feels that he harmed Kate.


Little Kate tilted her head and looked at Gon who was crying as soon as he came in, feeling a little confused.

But I don’t know why, but it always has a strange feeling inside?

Little Kate walked in slowly, looked at Gon who was still crying, and suddenly grabbed his clenched hands.

Then he looked at Gon with a pair of firm eyes.


"Kate! I'm sorry!"

Gon was startled for a moment, then hugged Kate again and kept apologizing.

Little Kate was a little at a loss, but she acted subconsciously, stood on tiptoes, and patted Gon's back gently.


It's like an adult comforting a child.

Obviously Gon is bigger, but few people around him don't think this is out of the ordinary.

"Okay, it's almost time for Kate to recover her memory. Let's talk about anything else after she recovers her memory."

After a moment, Lin Ke waved his hand, and Dao Qianying appeared in front of everyone.

Gardevoir gathered his hands in front of him, and pink circles flew towards little Kate.

Super skill——Hypnosis!

Little Kate suddenly froze on the spot, her eyes lost their brightness, and she was completely immersed in her own consciousness.

At the same time, a steady stream of memory fragments emerged from the depths of its mind.

They were like slides playing automatically in Kate's head.


"The master is Jin...the companion is Spina..."

"NGL Autonomous Nation...and Gon and Killua!"

Little Kate talked about memories intermittently, these were all fragments that she spoke unconsciously.

When it came to Gon and Killua, Kate's eyes flashed with light and she finally regained consciousness.

And he woke up with the previous 173 memories!

The eyes that were originally innocent and pure became complicated and weather-beaten.

No one who looked at it would think that this kind of look would appear in the eyes of this five or six-year-old child.

Not only her eyes, but little Kate's temperament also changed at this moment, becoming more and more like the Kate in Gon's memory.

Kate looked around, at the people surrounding her, and then looked down at her current appearance.

Completely figured out my current situation.

So it looked at Gon again, saw the pair of expectant eyes, and moved slightly:

"Gon, Killua, I'm back!"

Seeing Kate really regaining her memory, Gon and Killua finally felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you know that this is Kate, without the memory of the past, it still makes people feel a little weird.

"I really didn't expect that I would turn into a chimera ant.

Kate sighed softly. She did not expect this ending, because it was also the first time she used [Absolutely Resistant to Death].

Before this, it had no chance to exert this effect, so it did not expect to be reborn in this form.

But fortunately, his life was saved after all, and becoming a chimera ant was worse than dying directly.

"Thank you for helping me restore my memory, Mr. Lin Ke."

Little Kate bowed to Lin Ke and said in a very sincere tone.

Without Lin Ke's help, it is very possible that it may not be able to recover its memory in its lifetime.

If there is no memory of the past, it is not the real Kate.

"No need to thank you, it's just a casual gesture."

Lin Ke waved his hand and told him not to take it to heart.

He wasn't too surprised that Kate recognized him.

Not to mention Hunter now, even among the common people, there are very few people who don't know him, and he has adapted to it.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank my master."

"If he hadn't given me advice, I wouldn't have developed the ability of [Absolute Death Resistance]."

[Absolute resistance to death] This ability was developed by him under the guidance of his master, Jin.

According to the master's words, as a Hunter, the first thing to consider is not attack ability.

But the ability to save life.

The foundation of everything must be based on survival.

If you can't even save your life, let alone cause harm to the enemy.

Kate cupped her chin and recalled, feeling that she needed to express her gratitude to her master.

This action is something Kate often does. He often does this action when he is meditating.

The more Kate thought about it, the more she felt that she had to be grateful to Master, otherwise there would be no chance to speak here.

"Thank you Kim...?"

Lin Ke seemed to have something to say, and the expression on his face was extremely subtle.

Kim had previously recognized Sheena as Kate, and disliked the newborn Kate and was unwilling to touch it.

If I tell these things, I wonder how Kate will react?

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