Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 194 Hormone Cookies! Discuss And Meet! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

"You'd better not be in a hurry to thank me. I'll show you a video first and then talk about it after you finish it.

Lin Ke finally decided to let Kate take a look and find out what happened before.

I don’t know what the reaction will be?

【What video?】

Several people present were confused at the same time. They didn't know what the connection between the video Lin Ke mentioned and Kate's thank you to Kim were.

"Just use this TV to play it."

Coincidentally, this dollhouse specially decorated for little Kate happens to have a larger TV.

Now that there is a TV, if you want to show the previous scenes, you need to use the ability of Porygon Z.

To put it simply, Lin Ke's memory is used as data, and Polygon Z can use this to express part of the fragment.

So the picture will be from Lin Ke's perspective.

Before a few people could react, they saw that the originally dark TV screen was suddenly covered with a layer of pure thought energy.

In an instant, there was a picture, exuding wisps of bright light.

Pictures and sounds came out one after another, attracting the attention of several people in the village.

The picture seems to be from Lin Ke's perspective.

The venue is a cave-like place.

Next to him were Jin, the chimera ants, the queen ant lying aside, and so on.

Kate didn't know why, but suddenly her heart palpitated and she had a bad premonition.

In the picture, Jin looked at the chimera ants one by one, finally stopped and spoke slowly.

"Kate, I am your master, how can I not recognize you?"

"Yes, you are Kate!"

Jin suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at Xina, who looked confused, and shouted confidently.

Xina in the picture was immediately frightened by Jin's actions, but it wasn't just him who was frightened.

People watching the video were also shocked.

How does this look like Kate?

"Ha ha ha ha……………"

Dwun was startled at first, then slapped his thigh suddenly and started laughing, even the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

It's like something this guy Jin can do.

In addition to Jin who laughed the loudest, Li Site, Killua, and even Gon also laughed.

Everyone was amused by King's outrageous remarks.

Although they all look like girls, you can't tell that they are Kate, right?

Suddenly, several people present smiled, even Gon no longer had the depressed look on his face just now.

Only Kate didn't laugh.

Kate, why don't you smile?

Is it because it's not funny enough?

Lin Ke glanced at Kate, whose mouth was twitching and her face looked like she was constipated, and a smile appeared on her face.

Little Kate's chubby, round face is quite cute with her tangled and speechless expression.

The silent Kate formed a sharp contrast with the laughing people around her.

However, the picture did not end here, it continued to play.

This also aroused the curiosity of Dwun and others.

Are there any interesting scenes later?

"Hahaha, just kidding."

In the picture, Jin scratched his head and laughed, trying to get over this matter.

"Did you really think it was Kate just now?"

"Okay, don't continue to guess. Kate is really unlucky to have a master like you."

"Jin, why don't you come over to praise your apprentice?"


In the picture, Jin "inadvertently" took half a step back, coughed twice, and said with an extremely "serious" face:

"I'm actually allergic to chimera ants."

The picture stopped abruptly and disappeared directly. At this point, all the pictures Lin Ke wanted to play have been played.

At this time, Dwun and others were just like Mo Laowu and others that day, and the same thought flashed through their minds.

You said you were allergic to chimeric ants, who would believe you?


Two consecutive scenes that fit Jin's temperament made Dwun burst into laughter and even brought tears to his eyes.

Killua next to him was laughing, and at the same time he had a deeper understanding of Gon, his unreliable father.

He is not only unreliable, it should be said that he is very unreliable.

"How about it, Kate, is there anything else you want to say now?"

Lin Ke asked Kate with great interest, and Dwun and others also stopped laughing and squeezed to ask Kate.

Curious what it would say?

Facing the curious looks of several people, and recalling the scene just now, little Kate raised her eyelids and twitched the corners of her mouth.

Finally, he sighed softly, spread his hands, and said helplessly:

"What else can you say ««?"

"I can only say that he is indeed my master.

"I have known him for such a long time, and I know his character relatively well.

"I'm actually not surprised that you can say this, because I'm used to it."

What Kate said is very pertinent. His master Jin is such a person. As his disciple, he can only adapt as much as possible.

"Kate, I understand you. That guy Kim is really out of tune."

Dwun crossed his arms, as if he felt the same.

"Although Master is usually not very in tune, the advice he gave me is still good."

"For example, this time I relied on [Absolute Death Resistance] to survive. Although I turned into a chimera ant, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

"I can clearly feel that the talent of this new body is greater than my previous talent."

"The talent of the chimera ant is indeed powerful, even though it still looks like a child and has not fully grown up yet."

"I can still feel that there is huge potential inside my body!"

"With this, I can go further on the road of 'strength' and see scenery that I never had the chance to see before!"

"And the growth rate of strength is also surprisingly fast, not as slow as before."

As she spoke, Kate's smart eyes flashed with a faint light, and the tone of hope in her tone became more intense.

Several people around him nodded frequently, acknowledging Kate's words.

After this disaster, Kate is a blessing in disguise. As long as she can accept her new body, she will have a higher limit.

In the past, Kate was in the scope of the homeless.

Now with the talent of the chimera ants, coupled with past memories and experiences, Kate's strength will only improve by leaps and bounds in the future.

Maybe there will be a chance to break through to the S-class range in the future?

"It can be said that becoming a chimera ant is an advantage for me in every aspect, except...

"The fact that my biological sex has changed to female makes me really uncomfortable."

"If possible, I would rather be a boy."

Little Kate said in a sweet voice, but there was a look of helplessness on her face that did not match her age.

This is the only place where it feels pity.

If it's a male, it's really impeccable.

"This is easy to handle. Do you think we are right now?"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and asked Kate, who was slightly frustrated.

"Huh? We should be on Greed Island, right?"

Little Kate paused slightly, scratched her head and replied with some confusion.

Wait... Greedy Island?


Kate suddenly thought of something, and the color of Dohara suddenly appeared on her face.

"It seems you've come to your senses."

"Greed Island is a game developed by your master, Jin, and several of their friends.

Having said this, Lin Ke patted Dwun on the shoulder, and then continued:

"There are many props with various effects here, and without exception, they are all products of Nian.

"I remembered that there happened to be a gender-changing prop inside."

"Yes, we do have a tool suitable for your situation here, called "hormone Quyuan"

Dwun nodded and summoned his book at the same time. After rummaging for a while, he took out a card from it.


As two spells were shouted in succession, a box of cakes suddenly appeared in Dwun's hand.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary butter biscuit, except it has a slightly weird pink tint on it.

[Hormonal Cookies], S-level card

If you eat a cookie, you will change into another gender within 24 hours. There are 20 pieces in one box, and there are 10 boxes in ten sets.

In other words, there are a total of 200 cookies, which can be used by others to change their gender a full 200 times.

Kate naturally doesn't need that much, just one piece of it is enough.

You can change yourself from a woman to a man that you are accustomed to.

Kate took a piece of cookie and swallowed it in one gulp without any hesitation.

"How is the taste?"

The silver-haired cat Killua was more curious and asked first.

As we all know, Killua loves sweets and can eat a lot of them at once.

I once used all the 200 million Ring Ni I won at the Sky Arena to buy chocolate balls from the counter.

You can spend it wherever you make money, and you don’t take any points home.

"Hmm... the taste is quite good, with a rich buttery aroma, but not very sweet.

Kate smacked her mouth and expressed the feeling she had just tasted.

Because [Hormonal Cookie] changes gender within the next day, the change cannot be seen immediately.

"The sweetness of hormone cookies will vary."

"If a woman transforms into a man, the sweetness will be lower, because men rarely like to eat things that are too sweet."

“On the other hand, when a male transforms into a female, the resistance will be higher.

Li Site raised his finger and introduced several people.

He and Dwun are the administrators of Greed Island and have stayed there for many years, so they naturally know the props on the island very well.


Killua put his hands behind his head, feeling a little less concerned about tasting the [hormone cookies].

Mainly because its effect can change gender, otherwise he might want to try eating one piece.

While several people on Greed Island were talking, the turmoil that the Ant King was dead but Netero was not dead was still going on.

The capital of the Cajin Empire,

In this splendid palace, lives the current leader of the Cajun Empire - Nasby Guoru.

"I really didn't expect that even this couldn't kill Netero~"

"Is it because of the presence of the [World's Strongest]..."

The King of Twice-cooked Pork is sitting on a throne made of gold and precious stones, gently shaking a magnificent red wine glass in his hand.

The pair of beady eyes stared closely at the sloshing wine in the glass, showing obvious dissatisfaction.

The hand holding the wine glass subconsciously exerted a little more force, making tiny cracking sounds.

Standing next to him, the tall and mighty Billande smoothed his beard with his hands and pretended not to hear Twice-cooked Pork.

As the twice-cooked pork of the Cajun King, he just put an end to the chimera ant incident that he had finally managed to accomplish.

And nothing happened to the key target.

I was really depressed, so I could only keep drinking to vent my frustration.

But Biande, who was his ally, was different.

The moment he heard that his father——Chairman Netero was not dead, and was even alive and kicking.

Instead, Biande felt a surge of joy in his heart.

And my gratitude to Lin Ke.

This also made him completely understand his own heart.

After all, I still can’t bear to see the old man die~

Biande sighed deeply in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to have a "what a pity" expression.

In fact, it can be seen from the fact that Biande has been unwilling to do it himself for so many years.

In his heart, he still hoped that Netero would survive. After all, it was his father.

It's a pity that with such a strong ally, most of the time it's not up to him to decide what he wants.

"Billander, I remember you said before that you wanted to recruit that (the strongest in the world) into the team."

Twice-cooked Pork suddenly remembered what Biande had said before, so he put Netero's concerns behind him and started to care about this matter instead.

Things related to Lin Ke are obviously more important at the moment.

As the king of the Cajun Empire, he naturally knew about the actual location of the East Goto Kingdom.

When the information came from his subordinates, it didn't even dare to believe it.

It wasn't until someone was sent to broadcast the video live that he realized that this was actually happening!

He has never seen such a sight!

Just from the huge potholes left here and the wide area it affected, Twice-cooked Pork could not even imagine the scene at that time.

I'm afraid it can only be described in four words: "The sky is falling apart and the earth is falling apart"!

What shocked him even more was that according to the intelligence, the scene was caused by just one shot of Lin Ke's Nian Beast!

The strength of this [New World's Strongest] has far exceeded his expectations, as well as those of other leaders of V5 and other countries!

No one is afraid of it!

But if this kind of existence is willing to join the team, it will be different. He will be a guest of any country!

Therefore, twice-cooked pork is particularly thoughtful about inviting Lin Ke.

"Yes, I have had this idea and plan to find time to meet with him next time."

"It's just that I really can't make any guarantees. After all, he doesn't seem to be lacking anything, so it's hard to impress him.

Biande nodded, then smiled wryly.

Lin Ke needs strength, ability, and money...

To put it bluntly, they can afford this giant Buddha.

It is estimated that people will not take them seriously at all.

After all, judging from the abilities displayed by this [World's Strongest], there is absolutely no need for him to join any team.

He alone is a team that no team can match!

You can completely explore the Dark Continent on your own. (Zhao De’s)

"That's it, Hui~"

"You try your best, if you can't do it, forget it~"

Twice-cooked pork thought the same thing when he heard it, and he suddenly became very interested and changed the topic to Netero.

"Bjande, please come up with an idea~"

"Now our plan has been destroyed, resulting in Netero not being harmed at all, but still paying a lot of dust~"

"I want to hear your opinion on what to do with Netero next~"

The twice-cooked pork stopped shaking the wine glass, but the wine inside was still shaking due to inertia.

It's just that the amplitude of the shaking continues to decrease until it finally disappears.

This also shows the patience of twice-cooked pork.

Again and again.

His patience is about to be exhausted!


"Well, let me go and talk to the old man myself."

"After the chimera ant incident, the old man's attitude may have changed [Mishu will be able to cancel the contract and leave."

"If things don't work out, I will give you a new plan at that time, which will definitely satisfy you."

Biande pondered for a moment, and finally slowly expressed his thoughts.

It would be best if it can be resolved through discussion.

He really didn't want to go so far as to hurt the old man.

In other words, he will have to convince the old man no matter what!

Otherwise, it's hard to guarantee what his ally will do?

"Okay, then you do this first, Hui~"

The twice-cooked pork yawned and waved his hand.

Seeing this, Biande left the room very wisely. He still had many things to do.

First of all, I want to see the old man I haven't seen for a long time, have a good chat with him, and try my best to cancel the agreement.

The second thing is to see the "legend" with your own eyes!

Let’s not talk about recruiting or not. He saved his father’s life. As a son, he always wanted to express his gratitude.

It seems that this Lin Ke prefers food?

It seems that I am going to find some top-notch food as a meeting gift.

While thinking about his next plan, Biande gradually moved away from the room where the twice-cooked pork was. .

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