Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 195 Underestimating Lin Ke! Resign! Lin Ke’S Reward! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Hunter Association,

This is Vice President Paris Stone's office.


The sound of fingers tapping on the table sounded regularly.

"I really didn't expect that even this would be okay..."

"Netero is intact~"

Pariston murmured thoughtfully, his face unusually calm, without the fake smile he usually wore.

It’s not just Billander who is associated with twice-cooked pork, but Pariston, as the vice president, is also the same.

So it's a bit tricky that Netero didn't die as planned.

However, his mood at the moment was not only pity, but also a bit lucky.

Maybe they have been fighting each other for a long time?

The old man died like this, and he was still a little reluctant to bear it?

After all, what he loves most is this kind of struggle, and then using it to make the other party hate him will give him a sense of accomplishment.

Netero is the only one in the entire association who has the ability to fight with him like this.

Jin can barely count, Chier can count half of it.

From this point of view, he may have to thank Lin Ke?

As the vice president of the Hunter Association, Pariston is naturally aware of the details of this chimera ant incident.

It can be said that this chimera ant incident was basically understood by only one person.

That’s Lin Ke!

If Lin Ke was not present, the entire chimera ant incident would probably go as they expected.

But because of the addition of Lin Ke, the plan deviated from the direction.

The most important thing is Lin Ke's strength exposed this time!

"Lin Ke~ I seem to have always underestimated you."

"I'm really lucky enough to be able to pick on people like this and still live to this day."

Pariston said with a faint look.

Since receiving the report of this operation, Pariston couldn't help but be stunned by Lin Ke's strength.

It’s so scary!

This man's strength has far exceeded the level of the strong men from the six continents!

I don’t know how he created those terrifying mind beasts?

At this moment, he was so grateful that he was still alive, and he was even more determined not to criticize Lin Ke anymore.

He likes to do this kind of thing, and he will consider the king again.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the opponent's strength. If you still do it knowing that the opponent's strength is so terrifying, it is no different from committing suicide.

"However, although Netero survived, he no longer wants to continue to serve as president."

"I didn't expect this. Maybe the battle with the Ant King made him change his mind?"

"This should be one of the few pieces of good news for them, and it should be just that for me."

The "they" in Pariston's mouth refer to the masterminds behind the chimera ant incident.

Although they couldn't 697 kill Netero with the help of chimera ants, it was good that he could step down as president.

As long as Netero takes a back seat and no longer leads the Hunter Association, then we can consider not targeting it anymore.

As the former strongest player in the world, President Netero's influence is so strong that even V5 and other countries don't want to see it.

Pariston felt that Netero's resignation was a smart move.

Because he does not take the initiative to resign, he will instead attract constant testing and targeting from other countries.

At that time, Pariston will have to take the initiative to make Netero resign.

The chimera ant incident had a huge impact, and both countries were devastated.

V5 and other countries can put all the blame on Netero and make the public think that it was caused by the Hunter Association's improper handling.

Netero will probably have to resign at that time.

Now that he had predicted the future in advance, and coupled with his change in mentality, he simply took the initiative to retire from the position of president.

But this will require the election of a new president.

If it were before, Pariston might still have some interest, but it's different now.

The appointed time is getting closer and closer, and he will follow Biande to the Dark Continent.

Let alone the current vice president, even if he becomes the president, he will resign.

"But we can use this election to have some fun before leaving?"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Pariston's calm face again, but it looked a little malicious.

In the meeting room of the Hunter Association,

Because of Netero's voluntary resignation, Doumianren gathered all the twelve earthly branches together to prepare to discuss the details of the selection.

"Whoa, whoa, president, why do you have to resign?"

Ginta, a huge sheep, had tears in her eyes and shouted while shedding tears.

In the original work, he also cried when President Netero died, but now the crying was not so painful.

The other local branch members around also felt sad and wondered why the president chose to resign?

Most of them became the twelve earthly branches out of their respect for the president.

If the president is gone, then what's the point of them continuing to stay here?

"Okay Ginta, don't cry anymore, don't make it look like the president is dead."

Clook frowned, trying to calm down Ginta's mood.

She was sitting next to Ginta, and she was the one most affected by the crying, which was really upsetting.

"Isn't the fruit-bearing rat here yet? Even Jin is obviously here."

Shen Housai put his right hands behind his head and glanced at Jin on his right.

"What does it mean to be connected?"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you."

Jin crossed his arms and was very dissatisfied with Seyou's words. Don't compare him with people like Pariston.

But this time Jin was able to attend, and the rest of the Earthly Branches were really surprised.

After all, Jin is famous for not being present. Like every outsider, he doesn't seem to regard himself as a member of the Earthly Branches.

At most, you can ask someone to put a red panda stuffed doll with the word "gold" written on it and treat it as if you are participating.

Quite perfunctory.


After the door opened, two figures at the door were revealed.

"Hoo ho ho ho, it looks like I'm not the last one to arrive?"

President Netero walked into the conference room with light steps, followed by Secretary Beanmenren.

Today's meeting was initiated by him, wanting to discuss a better election method with the twelve earthly branches.

At the same time, most of the local branch members will be resistant to the election of a new president because of him. He has to make it clear.

But no matter what, this time he resigned from the position of president.

It's time for him, an old man, to enjoy some leisure time.

Even to show his determination to resign as president, Netero is now wearing ordinary sportswear.

Instead of the usual blue and white long robe.

"President! Why don't you plan to continue being the president?"

When Weiyang Ginta saw Netero appearing, her mood fluctuated even more, and she quickly asked Netero.

"Hohoho, I will explain it when everyone arrives."

Netero came to the main seat and sat down. He glanced at the empty mouse position and chuckled.

"Dong dong."

Just at this moment, there were two knocks on the door, and it turned out to be Pariston.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was late accidentally because I had to deal with a lot of things."

Pariston said seriously. In fact, he was just talking to himself in the office and was not busy with official duties at all.

After seeing Netero on the main seat, Pariston's eyes flashed with light, and then he came to his seat and sat down.


Yinhu Kanzai spat and curled his lips, his dissatisfaction with Pariston clearly visible on his face.

Pariston's fake smile made him feel sick every time he saw it.

"Hohoho, now that everyone is here, let me make the official announcement.

"I, Isaac Netero, hereby resign as President of the Hunter Association."

Netero said with a smile while stroking his newly grown beard.

This was not a bad thing for him, but rather a relief.

The expressions of several people on the field changed slightly, even though they had been mentally prepared in advance.

But when I really heard the president say this, I still couldn't help but feel sad.

"I'm quite old, and I usually feel incompetent when I'm responsible for the responsibilities of the president. It's time to choose a new president."

After hearing this, several people showed doubtful expressions.

President, don’t you look at your current appearance, with your energetic appearance, what does it look like that you are “inadequate”?

Of course Netero himself knows it, but he doesn't care about it, or it's not important.

Only attitude is the key.

His attitude of resigning is what really matters.

"President, do you really plan to resign?"

Childo, the dog, pushed up his round glasses and asked solemnly.

But in fact, everyone already understands it in their hearts.

"Well, I really decided to resign."

Netero nodded, and the remaining expectations in the hearts of the Earthly Branches disappeared.

They know President Netero very well. Once he makes a decision, he will never change it.

No matter how others try to persuade me, this is the case (beee).

After the battle with the Ant King, he no longer had any regrets and had a great time fighting.

This is why after he recovered, Lin Ke asked him if he wanted to play again, but he refused.

He's had enough.

Coupled with the factors of V5 and other countries, he finally chose to resign and enjoy the life of an elderly person.


Childo responded in a low voice.

"Ah~ everyone, I have a good idea.

"Since the president has resigned on his own initiative, should I, the vice president, take over as president?"

Pariston "suddenly" thought of a "good idea" and exclaimed, raising his finger.

At first glance he looks like the boss from "I Don't Eat Beef".

In fact, this was just what Pariston said deliberately. He knew that it would cause great resentment among the earthly branches.

But he just liked the feeling of being disliked.

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, the atmosphere on the field suddenly changed, and the Earthly Branches all turned their attention to him.

Each one of them had red eyes, like bloodthirsty wolves and leopards, planning to tear Pariston to pieces and devour him completely.

Except Jin who was sitting there calmly, all the other Earthly Branches were boiling with murderous intent.

Sishe Gel worked hard to activate his mind energy to flow to his hand, and his arm suddenly turned into a giant ant that exuded gloomy mind energy.


In an instant, the giant python transformed by the hands continued to grow longer.

It can be extended like a rubber glove, and has curved lines like a spring.

Finally, he stopped directly in front of Pariston.

Looking at the giant python that kept spitting out the seeds in front of him, Pariston's expression froze slightly, and then returned to his usual smile.

"Stop joking!"

"No one will want you to be the president! Let alone let you be the president directly without election!

Gel shouted coldly, a pair of snake eyes glowing with a chilling cold light.

If Pariston says something unreasonable again, she will really let a snake bite her!

Seeing this, Ginta and others all showed satisfied smiles, and Gel

What was on their minds was spoken.

There is no way they would let Pariston succeed him as president!

"Ahem, put the gel away."

Netero coughed twice and signaled Gel not to go too far.


Gel coldly scratched Pariston, who was still smirking, and took back his snake hand.

"Oh, is it really scary?"

Pariston pretended to touch his chest and made an extremely exaggerated move.

"I gathered everyone together this time for roughly three things."

"The first is to announce his resignation as president, and the second is to discuss merit-based rewards for this chimera ant incident.

"The last step is to discuss the election rules together."

Netero brushed past Pariston who was still acting, ignored him, and continued talking about business.

"In this chimera ant incident, Lin Ke's contribution is undoubtedly the greatest."

"It's fair to say that without him here, I wouldn't be able to speak here right now."

“Given that Lin Ke is already the highest three-star Hunter, it is difficult to continue to improve in the title.

"So I decided to reward him by randomly selecting three items collected by the association."

Netero said in a deep voice that he chose to repay Lin Ke in this way for saving him.

There are many treasures collected in the Hunter Association, which can also be called "memorial tools".

Many tasks will be assigned in the Hunter Association, and other forces can also assign tasks here.

Usually the reward for a task is a nun, which is money.

But for those first-class people, there is not so much need for money.

The reason why they are willing to take the initiative to undertake various tasks within the association is not only to improve their star rating.

The rest is for the memory tools collected in the association.

After long-term collection, there are still many good things in the Hunter Association, and those strong people will basically be interested.

Most of them can be given to others, but only a few of them are banned because they are too evil.

Considering that Lin Ke is not short of fame and money, this is the best reward that Netero can think of.

According to some information, Lin Ke seems to be quite interested in novel things, especially those with special effects.

Naturally, the earthly branches would not have any objections to President Netero's proposal.

Especially for Pidgeon, she will only feel that her man's reward is too little, and will never feel that the president gives too much.

At the same time, she is also proud of Lin Ke. It is because of Lin Ke's help that their beloved president was able to save his life.

It seems that I should thank Lin Ke properly when I get back~

Pyoern held his chin with his hand, his eyes wandering, and he couldn't help but think of Lin Ke.

A pair of pink pupils were full of anticipation.

Pariston on the other side was surprisingly silent, acquiescing to the reward announced by President Netero to Lin Ke.

This surprised Yin Hu and others. After all, judging from the last [New Top Five] meeting, he should be able to find fault.

Only the smarter Jin, Chierduo and others roughly understood.

He must be afraid of Lin Ke!

I don’t dare to provoke Lin Ke anymore.

Jin glanced at Pariston, who was "well-behaved and obedient", and curled his lips, feeling a little pity.

If he says something against Lin Ke, he can tell it to Lin Ke.

There will definitely be no good things for Pariston to eat by then.

Jin can understand Pariston's choice to give in. After all, Lin Ke's strength is too scary.

But anyone with normal intelligence who still wants to live would not provoke him.

"Then there are Mo Laowu, Nobu and others."

"Although the contribution of a few people is not much compared to Lin Ke, it is undeniable that they also contributed...

Netero continued.

The rewards for these people are similar to those in the original work, the only difference is Mo Laowu.

He was only promoted from one-star Ocean Hunter to two-star, instead of mentioning three-star like in the original work.

After all, in the original work, Mo Laowu killed many corps leader chimera ants alone, and later faced Shaiapouf alone.

But now that Lin Ke has almost done all his work, naturally he doesn't have that much credit.

"The next step is about the election rules for the new president."

“I only have one request, and that is for all Hunters to participate in voting, and the stock voting rate should be over 95%.

"The rest of the rules will be filled in by everyone present."

While Netero and others were having a heated discussion, Lin Ke was also busy with his own affairs.

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