Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 196: Bjander Calls! Item-Type PokéMon! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

island of greed,

Lin Ke stayed in a separate room and quietly watched the conversations on the screen.

"Although there are some changes, it seems that the final direction is still similar to the original work, and the rules are roughly finalized."

The TV in front of him at the moment was playing a scene of the twelve earthly branches in the Hunter Association discussing the election rules.

Being able to do this is naturally thanks to Porygon-Z.

And Lin Ke knew that they were discussing the rules now because Pjorn, who was bored, was chatting with him on his mobile phone.

During the chat, Pyorn said that he was in a meeting to discuss with others the rules for electing a new president.

After chatting with Kate and others earlier, Gon and Killua still stayed with Kate.

The two children just wanted to talk to Kate about everything that happened during this period.

Dwun and Li Site went to work.

He happened to be idle himself, so he simply asked Porygon Z to turn over the scene there to see what they were talking about.

The content was quite different from what he thought.

The only thing that made him curious was the random selection of three items from Netero's mouth.

"What's going to be in there?"

Lin Ke subconsciously rubbed his fingers and murmured.

The items collected by the Hunter Association must be of much lower value?

Maybe there will be some items similar to Greed Island props?

I don’t know if it will help Pokémon. Is it used on them like props?



Looking at the incoming call displayed on the phone, Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and did not answer it immediately.

The caller on this page is not someone I know, which means that this person is most likely not his friend.

So why did this "stranger" call me?

That is to say, I have Porygon Z, otherwise normal people would not be able to use their mobile phones on Greed Island and there would be no signal.

Suddenly, Lin Ke felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

I remember that after I and Kurapika came out of the Kuluta tribe ruins, we also received such an unknown phone call.

That man is golden.

So who will it be this time?

There are many people who know him, but not many people know his phone number.

Such people basically have a high status.

Was it because of his chimera ant incident that more people noticed him?

The moment he saw the unknown phone call, Lin Ke's brain was racing and he finally made a simple and crude decision.

Let Porygon Z transmit the face on the other end of the phone to the TV to see if he recognizes the caller.

As soon as Lin Ke thought, the picture of the twelve earthly branches and others playing in the ring suddenly flashed for a moment.

Instead there was a man on the phone.


Lin Ke's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the person who was calling him.

He really knows this person!

It’s just that I probably have never met him, and if I say I know him, I’ve only seen him in the original work.

At the first sight of him, Lin Ke roughly understood the purpose of his call, even after the call was answered.

"Hohohohoho, is this Mr. Lin Ke?"

"I don't know if my phone call disturbed you, sorry?"

A burst of hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone, and it was as golden as that day.

Although the other party started talking immediately after he answered the phone.

But Lin Ke could still see that the other party paused obviously, as if he didn't expect that he could answer the call.

"I can't say it's disturbing. I'm free right now and can chat with you."


Lin Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly, added a sentence interestingly, and named the other person by name.

In the picture, Bichangde's expression changed slightly.

His mouth was slightly open, and he paused for a moment without speaking, showing an obvious look of surprise.

Obviously he didn't expect Lin Ke to know it was him.

First of all, his reputation is not widely known, and he has always done things secretly.

Being able to know that the call was from him is already impressive.

Secondly, Lin Ke not only read his name, but also his surname.

What does this mean?

This shows that Lin Ke knows the relationship between him and the old man, which is even more rare and valuable.

Because he keeps a low profile, few people in the entire six continents know that he is Netero's son.

[Did the old man tell Lin Ke? 】

This idea just appeared in Biande's mind, and then he killed it.

The old man is not the kind of person who would tell anyone. He has not mentioned himself to others in these years.

That is to say…………

Did Lin Ke investigate it himself?

Biande found that the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this Lin Ke was unfathomable.

"Oh, as expected of Mr. Lin Ke, he is really awesome."

"Yes, I am Biande."

After being stunned for a moment, Biande admitted his identity generously.

Everyone has named them, and it won’t work if they don’t confess to death.

"Then I don't know what the purpose of your call is?"

Lin Ke had already made a guess before asking, and now he was just asking to confirm his thoughts.

"That's right. You must also know that I am President Netero, the old man's son."

"Thanks to your presence during this chimera ant incident, otherwise my old man's life would have been in danger."

"I want to thank you in person. Are you available next time?"

Biande's words were very sincere and there was nothing wrong with them.

With the power of Lucario's waveguide, Lin Ke could easily hear that what he said was true.

So he really wanted to thank himself.

Thinking of Biande's performance in the original work, Lin Ke also roughly realized that Biande and Twice-cooked Pork are actually not the same.

At least when it comes to Netero, opinions are not unanimous.

As Netero's son, Biande was still too cruel to kill his father and break the agreement between the two.

But Twice-cooked Pork doesn't care about that. He only cares that if the agreement is not lifted, Biande will not be able to go to the Dark Continent.

Transactions between them cannot proceed normally.

So the chimera ant incident happened, and it was decided to kill Netero with the help of chimera ants.

Now that the old man is not dead, leaving aside the reaction to the twice-cooked pork, it is reasonable for Biande to want to thank himself.

But it’s certainly not just about thanking yourself.

"I'm free later, so you can say thank you if you want."

"Hohoho, that's great, how about you decide the time and place?"

Billande laughed a few times. He was indeed Netero's son. Not only did the two look the same, they even laughed the same way.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Lin Ke hung up the phone with Biande.

The screen on the TV changed again to the picture of the twelve earthly branches and others.

Biande wanted to meet him, and Lin Ke believed that there was definitely an element of gratitude in it.

But to say it's just to say thank you...that's probably impossible.

Considering that he formed the Dark Continent team in the original work, Lin Ke guessed that he might have the idea of ​​​​pulling himself into the team?

"Ding dong."

Just as Lin Ke was thinking, another alert sounded on the phone.

Only this time it wasn't a phone ringing, but a text message.

President Netero: Come quickly, there are good things!

"There are good things..."

A flash of light flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, and he glanced at the screen. The twelve earthly branches were leaving the conference room one after another.

I guess the election rules have already been drawn up.

After finishing the matter, the old man sent him a message and asked him to pick up the things.

I hope the items collected by the Hunter Association can be more interesting.

Hunter Association, in the picture director's office.

"Old man, is there a secret door in your room?"

"Or is it that the items collected by the Hunter Association are in this room?"

"Isn't that too little?"

Lin Ke looked around for a moment and found that the entire office was quite spacious.

But apart from the lack of space to put things, a huge office only consists of a sofa, a coffee table, a desk, and an office chair.

There are also two large cabinets for storing documents, and a larger TV.

There is nothing else.

At least Lin Ke doesn't think the items collected by the Hunter Association will be among these objects.

It must be placed in a deeper hidden place.

"Hohoho, of course it wouldn't be placed here, but don't underestimate the Hunter Association's heritage.

Netero dug his ears with his little finger, gently blew off the impurities on them, and then spoke.

"Come on, I'll take you to see what's really important about the Hunter Association!"

Netero waved towards Lin Ke, and then came to the only two cabinets in the entire office.

The tight-fitting sportswear showed off his taut muscles, like a carefully crafted work of art.

As Netero exerted force, the muscles on his body became tighter, with bulging muscles and extremely clear lines.


With a heart-wrenching screeching sound, the two large cabinets were pulled open by Netero.

"As you said, there is indeed a secret door here.

"But I'm afraid it's not what you think."

Netero stood in front of the wall, placed his hands tightly on the wall, and then input his thoughts into it.

Time passed bit by bit, and Netero slowly removed his hand after inputting a large amount of air conditioning.

As if something had been triggered, strange lines suddenly appeared on the originally blank wall.

It looks like it was written by a child, with a crooked appearance.

In an instant, the text expanded rapidly, like a virus that multiplied crazily, covering this small area of ​​the wall.

There is still a strong sense of thought attached to it.

"Is this... a sacred text?"

Lin Ke saw those familiar weird words and asked Netero next to him.

He had seen the divine words with Jin and Pyorn before in the Death Thought Cave.

Although the sacred characters all look different, they have one thing in common, that is, they don't look like words.

Because it's rather distorted, it's more like some kind of texture has been put on it than it is words.

"Yes, this kind of sacred writing has a [hidden] function."

"It takes a considerable amount of mental energy to reveal the hidden things."


Netero nodded.

"Even if someone inputs mental energy into the wall, a large amount of mental energy must be input in a short period of time, otherwise the divine characters will not appear."

Along with his explanation, the sacred characters seemed to expand to a certain limit, and then disappeared together in vain.

Without the divine words, the wall returned to its original normal appearance, as if Netero had lost so much energy in vain.

"It looks like nothing happened, but in fact it was sealed

The secret passage was opened. "

Netero reached out and touched the wall. This time, unlike before, he went straight through it, and half of his arm disappeared there.

At the same time, waves of water-like circular motions arose around his arms.

"Oh, it's quite mysterious. First, I use a cabinet to block it, and then I need to input a lot of energy."

"And in order to prevent the storage space from being opened, it was deliberately placed in the secret realm."

Lin Ke saw every move of Netero and couldn't help but admire him.

This confidentiality work is really done to the extreme.

If you set up a secret door, you will definitely need space to place things, and it may be discovered by someone who is interested.

But if it is a secret realm, it is different. There is no use of the outside space at all.

Just go through the entrance and you will appear in another space.

"Only the presidents of each generation know about this darkroom, and they are extremely careful when handling things."

"So far, you are the first person other than the past presidents to know about this dark room."

"It's very difficult for other people to get the rewards of these items. Even if they have the chance to get them, I take them out and give them to them.

Netero looked at Lin Ke, who was still sighing, and touched his long beard, as if there was something in his words.

"That's quite an honor."

"It's just that I don't quite understand why there is a secret realm right here?"

Lin Ke said quite puzzled.

Neither the secret realm nor the demonic realm can be created by man. Does that mean this appears here naturally?

"No, the secret passage is just convenient for me to describe."

"In fact, it is not a secret realm, it is just an independent space formed by the use of sacred words and chanting tools."

Netero shook his head, then demonstrated by example, stepped in first, got off and disappeared in front of Lin Ke.

Seeing this, Lin Ke followed closely and jumped in together.

In an instant, Lin Ke felt like he was jumping into water, causing waves of ripples, and then his feelings returned to normal.

What comes into view are shelves one after another and a relatively large space, but this place is incomparable to the secret and magical realms I have been to before.

Compared to them, this place is too small.

But it's just a place to store things, so it doesn't require much space.

This place looks like a warehouse, with sacred characters of unknown meaning in every corner, presumably to maintain this space.

"Go and see, you can pick any three things."

After hearing this, Lin Ke started looking at the nearest shelf.

There are not many things placed on each shelf, and some even put one thing on one floor [the intervals between duplicates are relatively large.

In addition to the item itself, there is also a card on it with the name and effect written on it very thoughtfully.

The first thing that caught Lin Ke's eyes was a small bottle with a little fluorescent blue liquid in it, and the amount was quite small.

[Repair Potion]: As long as you apply the repair potion to the damaged things, the damaged things will be repaired.

Disadvantages: The quantity of potion is limited, and the damaged area will be difficult to repair if it is larger.

"I remember this was something found in a certain ruins."

"Judging from the excavated history, it seems that the leaders of that small country were extremely crazy about repairing certain items."

"I searched everywhere for something that could repair the items, but I spent my entire life unable to complete it."

"What is regrettable is that after his death, because of his deep obsession, his thoughts of death were merged with the half-finished potion."

"Finally there's this healing potion."

Netero played the role of narrator very well, retelling the memories in his mind.

That is to say, this [Repair Potion] was collected during his tenure, otherwise the specific source would not be known.

"This is pretty good, but it's a pity that the quantity is too small and it's not heavy."

Netero shook his head and said with a little regret.

Being able to repair items, it is hard to say how precious this kind of thing is, but it is a pity that the quantity is too small.

But this gave Lin Ke an idea.

If the things inside are so powerful, then wouldn't I have entered Doraemon's fourth-dimensional treasure bag?

Just this first item opened his eyes, and Lin Ke couldn't imagine what else would follow.

Lin Ke had a vague hunch that he would get something very useful to him here. 2

As if to confirm his conjecture, Lin Ke suddenly discovered something!

I don’t know when a new pregnancy item appeared in my mind!

This is a Pokémon that was born in this space!

In a space filled with all kinds of strange teleportation items, Lin Ke really didn't expect what kind of Pokémon it would be at the moment.

Pokémon Seven has many items.

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