Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 197: Team Rocket’S Version Of Meow Meow! Weird Mind Tool! (1/2 Please Subscribe)

For a moment, Lin Ke really couldn't imagine what kind of Pokémon it would be?

If there are many props, it wouldn’t be the alpaca (Arceeus), right?

Appears directly with all attribute slates?

But just think about it, it's impossible to achieve.

As the creator god of the Pokémon world, how could Arceus be conceived in this small "warehouse"?

Seeing this, Lin Ke had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, judging from the speed of the breeding bar, it won't take long for him to know what Pokémon it is.

After looking at the [Repair Potion], Lin Ke continued to look down.

What came into view next was a silver necklace placed in a box.

The necklace is just silver, the style is relatively ordinary, and there are no gems embedded in it.

[Guardian Necklace]: As long as you wear the necklace around your neck, it can protect you from external attacks and other dangers.

When attacked by the outside world, it will form an invisible wall with a radius of 2 meters around your body.

Disadvantages: It needs to be worn around the neck all the time, and it can be used only by inputting chanting energy all the time.

This necklace is quite good. According to the description, it should be passively released.

In other words, as long as there is constant input of thought energy, when an enemy attacks you, you will directly block it.

Compared to active release, this passive release shield is obviously better.

But he already has the magical skill [Guardian], so this [Guardian Necklace] is not so important.

Lin Ke continues to look down.

What appeared in front of him was a wooden staff made of unknown wood, with a strange red light glowing on it.

[Vampire Wand]: As long as you use it in combat to cause damage to a creature, you can absorb the opponent's blood.

You can use this to recover from your injuries.

Disadvantages: Not only does it need to consume mental energy, but if used for too long, it will affect the user's mental "five or seven buildings"

This was pretty good, it reminded him of the leather-clad woman he met in the Harimu ruins before.

Her Nen is a whip that manifests itself and can restore her mental energy after causing damage to the enemy.

This Nen is very similar to the [Vampire Wand], except that one restores mind energy and the other restores injuries.

But it's of no use to him. If he needs to recover from his injuries, there are plenty of Pokémon that can heal him.

Moreover, using this [Vampire Wand] also risks losing one's sanity.

Maybe he will become a vampire who only knows how to drink blood?

"You choose slowly here first, I'll stay outside."

When Netero next to him saw this, he asked Lin Ke to watch slowly while he went out first.

Although the office door is locked, it is not good to be outside for too long. Just let Lin Ke choose slowly inside.

Although Lin Ke was a little surprised that Netero was so reassured, he immediately felt that it was normal.

After all, I am not the kind of person who steals things.

"Okay, I'll come out as soon as I finish selecting."

Lin Ke waved his hand and continued to read attentively.

But he didn't notice Netero's slightly thoughtful look.

The reason why he was relieved to let Lin Ke stay here alone was because he understood Lin Ke's character.

Lin Ke can't do this kind of stealing.

Another thing is that although the things in it have various effects, they also have various side effects.

Compared with Lin Ke's mind beasts, he doesn't think Lin Ke needs to pay more attention to these mind tools.

There is one last reason...

Netero glanced at Lin Ke with a slight smile, then turned and left, leaving only Lin Ke still observing.

After a while, Lin Ke looked at the last chanting tool and finally decided which one to choose.


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

Just at this moment, the gestation bar in my mind finally reached its end!

Lin Ke quickly immersed his mind in his mind, wanting to know which Pokémon was born this time.

The new Pokémon has a feline-like appearance and has similar characteristics to a small domestic cat.

It has light yellow hair that begins to turn brown at the end of its tail and hind paws.

The pair of pointed ears are very cute, there are two thin beards on both sides of the cheeks, and there are two protruding tiger teeth on the mouth.

The most striking feature is that it has a shiny oval gold coin attached to its forehead.

This gold coin is also a symbol of its love for things like sparkling lights and money.

It’s the Pokémon that loves money——Meowth!

"Is it Meow?!"

Lin Ke couldn't believe it and didn't quite understand why Miaomiao was born.

Is it more reasonable for meows to appear in places with more money, or in places with more cats?

Why would the Pokémon born in this space filled with various mental tools be Meowth?

Although he didn't quite understand it at the moment, Lin Ke still followed the order and used the restriction and oath on Du Miao.

Then use the illustration ability to check the specific information of Meow Meow.

Name: Meow Meow

Characteristics: Inventor

Attribute: General system

Strength: Undefinable

Skills: random grab, high-five surprise, harsh sound, split...

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But when Lin Ke took a second look, he discovered that there were two abnormalities in this panel.

The first is characteristics. Let’s not talk about whether Meow Meow’s characteristics include [Inventor]. Even if it is not included in all characteristics, right?

Is this a new feature popping up out of nowhere?

The second is strength. Meow Meow’s strength is the same as that of the ever-changing monster and the sturdy ghost cicada, which are both indefinable!

A Pokémon with this description is definitely not an ordinary character.

The Variety Monster can transform into any creature it has seen, and the upper limit is quite terrifying.

Not to mention the strong ghost cicada, by merging with it, you can directly become "immortal"!

So why does this seemingly ordinary meow display "undefinable"?

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ke finally focused on the extremely special characteristic of [inventor].

If I understand correctly, the reason for the special description of strength is this strange characteristic.

[Inventor]: Pokémon has a very smart brain and can easily learn a lot of knowledge, such as speaking, walking, etc.

Pokémon are extremely good at inventing and modifying items.

As long as you have certain raw materials, you can create quite powerful items.

After viewing the description of this feature, Lin Ke couldn't help but be shocked by this feature.

This characteristic is indeed an unprecedented characteristic. It should not be called a "characteristic" but a "talent".

In other words, this cat is very smart and can easily learn skills such as talking and walking.

At the same time, he is very good at inventing and transforming items, and is a great inventor.

Why do I have an inexplicable sense of déjà vu?

Isn’t this Team Rocket’s version of Meowth?!

Lin Ke now probably understands why Miaomiao was born here.

Because this meow of mine is not an ordinary meow, but a meow similar to the Team Rocket version.

Possess strong learning ability and talent for inventing and creating items.

This corresponds to the various mental tools in the space.

At the same time, it can roughly explain why the strength display is "undefinable".

Because Meow Meow's strength mainly relies on inventing items, it cannot be directly defined.

It seems that I want Miaomiao to learn more things next, and I don’t know what I can develop?

This time there was a huge surprise.

The three things I took were far less important than this unique meow.

This is also the first Pokémon he has acquired that has an original attribute.

Maybe it has something to do with the unique environment here?

According to the old man, this place is not a normal secret realm or a demonic realm, but one created by people using divine words and mental tools.

Is this the reason for this meow with unique characteristics?

Lin Ke gathered his thoughts, took the three things he chose, and then left the space.

After a slight shake, Lin Ke appeared in the office again.

"Have you chosen?"

Netero, who was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea leisurely, asked softly.

"After I've chosen it, I have to say that the things in it are really weird and have all kinds of effects."

Lin Ke subconsciously sighed that this place reminded him of Greed Island, with all kinds of props.

But everything here can be used directly.

However, it is not that easy for the props on Greed Island to remain useful after leaving the island.

"In the end I chose these three."

Lin Ke spread his hands and revealed three things of his choice.

The first is a black flute. It looks ordinary on the outside, but its effect is quite interesting.

[Inverted Flute]: As long as you use it to play a song, you can make other creatures who hear the flute do things contrary to their original intentions.

Disadvantages: It requires too much mental energy. When used, the effect is on all creatures except the user, so it is easy to hurt allies.

He chose this flute more because he thought it was fun and wanted to try it to see if its effect was really like this.

It's interesting just to imagine an effect like this that can make creatures do the opposite.

I don’t know what the specific performance will be?

For example, if the enemy wants to attack him, then after hearing the sound of the flute, he changes direction and hits the attack on himself?

Or maybe the enemy wants to move forward, but ends up going backwards?

Or maybe someone wants to eat, but ends up vomiting or excreting?

These will only be known after trying to use them.

The second one is a piece of emerald green leaf, which does not look ordinary, but is full of peculiarity.

It's too iconic.

The appearance is very regular, like a deliberately carved leaf, and the lines on it are very clear.

It's not like a normal leaf, but more like a work of art carved by a master.

There is even a faint fluorescent glow on it, which reminds Lin Ke of the skill [Magic Leaf]

But the effect of this leaf is completely different from the [Magic Leaf]. It does not have an attack effect...

【Natural Leaf】: Just hold it in your hand and you can communicate with other living things.

The user can understand the other party's meaning, and the other party can also understand the user's meaning.

Disadvantages: It consumes too much thought energy. Long-term use will affect your language ability, and your speech will gradually become uncoordinated.

This is also chosen because of interest. It can be said that it is basically chosen based on interest.

Because everything in it has its own side effects, there is nothing particularly powerful.

Especially for him who has so many Pokémon.

Although there are Pokémon such as Lucario and Gardevoir who can detect the opponent's thoughts.

But Lin Ke feels that this kind of mental tool that can communicate with any living creature still has certain uses.

Especially in the next trip to the Dark Continent, this thought tool may be used.

As for the side effect, it's not bad. As long as you control the usage time, it should be fine.

What problem.

The last one is also what Lin Ke finds most useful.

This is a round mirror with an unknown pattern on the edge of the frame.

It doesn't emit any light beams, and it doesn't feel anything even if it's directly illuminated by a mirror.

[Copy Magic Mirror]: Just put something in front of the copy magic mirror, take a photo, and then input a certain amount of thought energy.

A copy will appear in the mirror with its left and right sides reversed compared to the original.

The amount of energy that needs to be input is related to the size, quality, effect and other aspects of the original object.

Disadvantages: The replicas that appear basically only have their shape, the effect is much weaker than the original, and it requires a lot of mental energy.

Although this [Copy Magic Mirror] looks useless, the replica has very little of the original effect.

But it's still very useful.

Even if it is just an "empty shell", it is still possible to use it in many situations.

Not to mention that the replica still has a fraction of the original effect.

At the same time, after getting Miaomiao, Lin Ke had a bold idea in his mind.

That is to give these mental tools to Miao Miao.

Let’s take a look at what kind of props can be created with these thought tools as raw materials?

In the animation industry, Team Rocket's version of Meow Meow is similar to Big Wolf, and both are quite outrageous inventors.

In the plot, Miao Miao, Kojiro, and Musashi form a trio of Team Rocket, who often face a shortage of funds.

However, in this way, Meow Meow can still show his power.

Give it a pile of scrap metal, and it can even build a tower with various functions for you.

Not to mention these mind tools that are impressive in their own right.

Maybe you will create a prop that will surprise him?

"Hahahaha, have you chosen these three things? Then put them away."

Netero knew their general use at a casual glance, stroking his beard and smiling.

Although it is the result of a long-term collection by the Hunter Association, the number of telepathy tools inside is actually not that large.

So he basically knows everything inside, because he can recall what the recorded effect 2.8 is at a glance.

After all, the number of spiritual tools in the six continents is still small, otherwise they would not be called "treasures".

Not to mention that V5 countries are also eyeing the teleportation tools, and they are all in a state of competition with each other.

Those countries in V5 must have a higher number of mental tools than the Hunter Association.

After all, the other party has an entire country as a background.

Even not just V5, even the Cajin Empire, which has not yet become V6, has been collecting telepathy tools.

For those countries, the more rare things like this, the better.

Therefore, the huge Hunter Association does not have many mental tools.

Hunters who have their own mind tools like Jin are even rarer.

Not to mention that what he owns is a relatively rare space-type thought tool.

This shows that his ability is also quite strong.

Not only does he have strong strength, but he is also not short of money.

Lin Ke remembers that in the original work, after Jin came to Biande's team, he directly offered a sky-high price for the weenie.

Just to make the members recognize his status.

"I've got my things, so I'll leave first, I still have something to do.

"There's a good thing about getting things later, so call me."

Lin Ke waved to Netero, and then stepped into the space channel just created by Porygon Z.

He couldn't wait to see the Meow he just got in the online world!

I already have a dog (Fengsu Dog), and this is my first cat (Meow Meow).

Now I can be considered a cat and a dog.

You can also let Meow Meow learn in the online world and let Porygon Z release all kinds of knowledge.

This is more conducive to Meow Meow learning knowledge.

Looking at Lin Ke's disappearing figure, a smile flashed across Netero's bright eyes.

As if he was thinking of something good. .

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