Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 198 Meow Who Loves To Learn! Beyond Who Is Attentive! (2/2, Please Subscribe)


A white light flashed, and a petite body appeared in front of Lin Ke.


Meow Meow got down on all fours, wiped his face with one hand, and then licked his paws. It could be seen from his bent eyes that he was very leisurely.

It looks like a kitten wiping its face.

The current Meow Meow has just been born and has not had time to learn knowledge, so it cannot speak human language or stand up and walk yet.

Just a normal cat state.

"Meow meow, come here, come here."

Lin Ke squatted down slightly and waved to Meow Meow.

Upon hearing this, Meow Meow's pointed ears twitched, then she stepped back and quickly descended into Lin Ke's arms.


Meow Meow's body is about the size of a child, which may be a bit heavier for ordinary people.

But for Lin Ke, this weight is nothing at all.

Feeling the warm body in his arms, Lin Ke subconsciously reached out to touch Meow Meow's fur.

It has a very soft feeling, just like touching silk, which gives Lin Ke a good feel.

Feeling Lin Ke's touch, Meow Meow could not help but narrow his eyes and cry out.

The curled tail stretched out and gently swept Lin Ke's arm. The furry tail was very soft.

Sure enough, the cat still enjoyed being petted.

I remember that Team Rocket Meowth in Pokémon had a dream, hoping to be touched in the opposite direction.

Being treated like his cat boss.

The same goes for my own cats, or in other words, all cats are similar, they all crave someone’s touch.

At the same time, Lin Ke also noticed the gold coin on Meow Meow's head. It was still strange to see it with his own eyes.

A cat actually has a piece of gold coin growing on its forehead.

"Meow meow, you have to start studying next."

After hugging him for a while, Lin Ke gently put Miao Miao down and spoke softly.

At this time, Porygon Z suddenly appeared next to Lin Ke, and it was up to him to cooperate with Meow Meow.


Meowth's smart eyes stared at Porygon Z in the sky [with a strong sense of curiosity.

Suddenly, Porygon Z was filled with energy, and green data suddenly appeared out of thin air in the online world.

Under the precise control of Porygon Z, these constantly flowing data gradually come together and become something like a book.

It can be called 14 "data books".

The content of this "virtual book" is the common language of the six continents. Just put your hand on it and you can read the knowledge inside.

No need to even turn the page.

As long as Meow Meow memorizes the contents of this "virtual book", he should be able to learn to speak.


Miao Miao looked at the green data that suddenly appeared, with a strong look of curiosity in the cat's pupils, and walked forward with cat steps.

Cats are known to be extremely curious.

Hence the proverb “curiosity killed the cat”.

The first moment Meow Meow touched the green data, countless language knowledge poured into his mind like a river.

It has already begun to learn.

Seeing that Meow Meow had begun to learn the common language, Porygon Z did not stop here, but continued to follow the law.

In a short period of time, similar “data books” appeared in this space one after another.

Inside is knowledge about various types.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke felt a little guilty inexplicably. This seemed a little bad?

It has just been born, so I let it go to study.

It's just a little kitten.

Seems a little too cruel?

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ke asked Porygon Z to collect some of the data and just keep the basic knowledge first.

Just wait until Miaomiao learns the common language of the six continents, and then provide relevant knowledge based on its ability.

Lin Ke estimates that what Miaomiao will want to read is mostly knowledge about making money, inventions, technology, etc.?

Seeing that Miaomiao was still learning knowledge seriously, Lin Ke left first.

He hadn't seen Menqi for a while, so he took this time to meet her.

During the time that Lin Ke was getting along with Menqi, the Hunter Association’s thirteenth presidential election was also in full swing.

After the election rules were determined, Clook, the unitary chicken of the twelve earthly branches, was responsible for delivering the news to each Hunter.

There are more than 600 Hunter members in the Hunter Association. What we need to do is notify everyone of the election news.

Because there is a requirement in the election rules: the turnout rate must reach 95%

With her ability to control birds, Clook is the most suitable candidate for this role among the twelve earthly branches.

In her artistic dance, a flawless white dove sets off from the rooftop of the Hunter Building.

One by one, the white pigeons flapped their wings and quickly moved away from Clook's sight, with only pieces of feathers falling down.

As time goes by, the day for the election of the 13th President is quickly approaching.

August 8th!

The rules require that it starts at 0:00 on August 8th and ends at 11:59 that night.

That is to say, if you want to vote, you must vote within this day.

If the turnout fails to reach 95%, another vote will be required [until the mark is met.

Lin Ke and Men Qi are both Hunters, so they will naturally be present to vote.

But before midnight, he still had to go to an appointment.

The city where the Hunter Association is located,

It was night at this time, the streets and alleys were full of dazzling neon lights, and the night scene was quite beautiful.

Such a prosperous city seems to be more lively at night, and pedestrians can be seen everywhere.

However, in such a prosperous city, there is an extremely high-end restaurant that is almost empty.


Lin Ke gently pushed open the glass door and walked in without even glancing, and found Biande sitting at the central table.

Is there only Bjornde?

A flash of understanding flashed in Lin Ke's eyes.

This is a famous restaurant, the picture shows "Paulia Restaurant"

It's famous not just for its delicious food.

Also because this is a relatively famous place for discussing matters.

I don’t know where the source comes from. It may be luck or the restaurant’s own marketing.

Gradually, "Julia's Restaurant" was regarded as a professional place for discussing affairs, and many high-ranking officials liked to talk here.

It seems that as long as we talk about things here, most of them will be successful.

Therefore, Julia's restaurant mostly has private rooms and there are not many tables in the hall, so Lin Ke can see Biande at a glance.

After Lin Ke came to the Hunter Association to attend the [New Top Five] meeting, he and Men Qi came here to eat delicious food.

The next two people went to Carter Harbor.

For him, the reputation of "talking about things" here is not important. What attracts him more is the food here.

Compared with the food in Gourmet Paradise, this restaurant can already be ranked in the middle range.

Normally "it's hard to find a place here", but today it was just him and Biande.

Obviously, this is a reserved venue.

Hearing the sound from the door, Biande stood up quickly, waved to Lin Ke and smiled:

"Hohohoho, Mr. Lin Ke, here, here."

Billander's laugh is the same as Netero's, but it's thicker and more heroic.

This kind of hearty laughter will give people a feeling of freedom and ease, making people subconsciously think that he is a reliable person.

When Lin Ke saw this, he walked over directly and said hello to him.

"Nice to meet you, no need to be so polite."

After the first greeting between the two parties ended, the two people sat down one after another, preparing for further conversation.

Seeing Biande with his own eyes, Lin Ke couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This is indeed the old man's son. The two of them look so much alike.

The difference is that Biande is younger and has jet black hair and beard.

Another difference is the huge "X" shaped scar on Biande's face, which adds a bit of evil to the kindness.

Then there is the clothing. Biande wears a green robe, with a strong body and a long beard.

If my face were redder, I would feel like Guan Gong.

"Mr. Lin Ke, in order to thank you for your kindness to my father today, I have reserved this place."

"And I heard that you have a preference for food, so I have specially prepared some special food for you to try."

Biande's tone was extremely sincere, a tone that put himself in an absolutely inferior position.

This attitude is different from facing the twice-cooked pork king. Compared with twice-cooked pork, he is more reserved when facing Lin Ke.

Lin Ke sees all this.

Whether it's the act of standing up to greet someone or the sincere tone, it can all be reflected.

After all, even if he offended twice-cooked pork, he probably wouldn't die.

But if Lin Ke is offended, no one in the entire six-person continent can save him.

And he came here to say thank you this time.

"Oh? Then I'll have to look forward to it."

Lin Ke responded, while also noticing a move by Bede.

He touched the silver bracelet on his hand, and then a white light appeared on the big table.

The white light slowly dissipated, and several dishes suddenly appeared on the originally empty table.

All of a sudden, the ultimate fragrance of the food filled the air, like a seductive elf lingering on the tip of Lin Ke's nose.

【Space-type telegram!】

Compared to the top delicacies on the table, Lin Ke was more interested in the silver bracelet on Biyander's hand.

From the action just now, Lin Ke can easily see that this is a spatial telepathy tool.

The reason why these delicacies are still piping hot and freshly baked is all thanks to this bracelet.

In fact, this is the third space telegram Lin Ke has seen.

The first one is Jin's little cloth bag. He can take out fresh fruits to eat anytime and anywhere because of it.

The second one was seen not long ago in the collection room of the Hunter Association, which is the space with various mental tools.

It looks like a gray ring, which at first glance looks like it was made by polishing small stones on the roadside.

Lin Ke was deeply impressed by it because it is a rare space-type memory tool among them.

It sounds a bit like the space ring in the novel about cultivating immortals. It can be said that it is exactly the same.

And among the entire Hunter Association's collection of telegraph tools, this is the only one that is a space type telegraph tool.

A leopard can be seen in a tube, and one spot will be seen later.

Space-type mental tools are even rarer than he imagined.

The reason why I didn't choose this ring is very simple.

Because the space of this ring is too small, instead of holding the ring in this small space, he might as well hold something else.

And since he owns Gengar and Porygon Z, he has no shortage of space to store things.

But this kind of thing that he doesn't care about is something that others may not be able to obtain even in their lifetime.

The third space telepathy device I saw was the silver bracelet on Biande's hand.

From the current point of view, space-type mental tools are quite rare in the six continents, let alone those big countries.

Basically only those who are strong are qualified


Biande's move was probably not just about bringing out delicious food, but also the purpose of showing "strength".

Strength not only refers to combat strength, but also financial resources, background, etc.

Being able to own a spatial mind tool is the best embodiment of these aspects.

As for why we need to show our “strength”?

There is a high probability that he still has the idea of ​​​​pulling himself into the team.

“It’s so unique~”

Lin Ke said something calmly, a pun.

Not only does it refer to the dishes on the table, but also to Bjander's rather delicate methods.

Billande is worthy of being someone who can ally with the King of the Cajun Empire, and his handling of the details alone is breathtaking.

It can be said that he is roughly the same type of person as Jin.

They all pay great attention to the things around them, easily observe some details, and then make appropriate reactions.

It's just that Jin's point is more reflected in his IQ, and he doesn't pay much attention to interpersonal communication.

Biyande is more reflected in his emotional intelligence, has the qualifications of a leader, and is extremely good at handling interpersonal relationships.

It can be satisfying in every way.

Even if you are as picky as twice-cooked pork, you have to admit that Biande is a good partner.

Compared with his rough face, the contrast is quite big.

"Hohohohoho, in order to thank Mr. Lin Ke, preparing these dishes is nothing."

Biande scratched the back of his head and pretended not to hear the deeper meaning of Lin Ke.

Pretending not to hear it is the best solution at this time.

Seeing that Biande did not intend to get into the topic directly, Lin Ke ignored it.

703 turned his attention to these fragrant delicacies.

"This is nothing. Being able to prepare these things shows how sincere you are."

When Lin Ke saw the food on the table, he said meaningfully.

Then I read them out one by one like a treasure trove.

"Whitening caviar, white cabbage, dreamy tuna..."

“Seeing these delicacies again makes me feel like I’m in another world.”

Lin Ke said with emotion, but it was not only the food from the past that appeared in front of him again, but also Bede's delicate thoughts.

He might not recognize it if it were replaced by other foods, but he was too familiar with these foods.

It was the dish he and Menqi finally presented when they participated in the food competition.

And even the cooking techniques are very similar to Menqi's, so the dishes can be identified.

This shows that there is a high probability that Biande went to investigate the food he had eaten and obtained the video of the food competition.

Then let people reproduce these delicacies.

Not only can delicious food satisfy you, but it can also show your intentions.

It is still too difficult to obtain all these ingredients, because many of them are only available in the food area in the Foodie Park.

It can be seen that Biande probably has connections in the gourmet paradise, which is why he has this table of top-notch food.

Even so, it is not a complete replica of the original cuisine.

For example, there is no mammoth meat, but other types of meat are used instead.

Within this period of time, being able to put together such a table is enough to show that Biande has great magical powers.

"Most of these delicacies are not as good as the taste you had before, but you still have to taste them."

Biande held up his hand and signaled Lin Ke to taste it as he pleased. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a confident smile.

It can be seen that he is quite confident in these delicacies.

After all, in addition to the difficulty in obtaining the ingredients, he also spent a lot of money to hire the chef from the Gourmet Paradise.

Among them was the bald chef who was very moved after eating Menqi's food at the food competition.

As a senior executive of Gourmet Paradise, he is also a top chef in six continents.

The price for Biande asking him to help with the cooking was to give him a portion of the final product.

"Okay, then I won't be polite."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and took the lead in picking up the knife and fork, ready to enjoy the top delicacies on the table.

In other words, the table was reserved, otherwise their table would probably be surrounded by people.

These top delicacies are enough to arouse people's most primitive desires, and basically it is difficult for anyone to remain calm in front of them.

Just like the ant king facing the top powerhouse, he only has one thought in his mind.

That's eating.

Lin Ke cut off a piece of meat and stuffed it directly into his mouth without any sloppiness.

This also shows his trust in Biande.

After all, they had never met before and could be said to be strangers.

Being able to eat the delicacies brought by the other party on the first meeting is enough to show Lin Ke's generosity.

But it's mainly because people who are skilled in art are bold.

Lin Ke is not afraid of poisoning or other means at all. .

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