Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 199 The Only Person Alive! You Will Lead Us! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Although the meat used in this dish is not the original mammoth meat, it can be regarded as the top ingredient in the six continents.

It tastes just a little bit different from the one Menqi made.

For Lin Ke now, these delicacies are basically only useful to satisfy the appetite.

Because now he is combined with the strong ghost cicada. If he is not combined with Kirbymon, there will be no such improvement effect.

Secondly, his current strength has improved so much compared to before, and it is difficult for the food on the six continents to be significantly improved.

If you still want to make a considerable improvement, you probably have to taste the food of the Dark Continent.

So the food on this table is delicious, but to Lin Ke, it is just that.

Seeing that Lin Ke started eating without any hesitation, Biande didn't feel much doubt.

Not to mention that he has no tricks, the main reason is that he is not afraid of any small tricks at all.

It's just that such a bold approach will always make people feel good.

Who doesn't like this feeling of being trusted?

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

After meeting Lin Ke in person today, Bede became more convinced of the idea of ​​​​pulling Lin Ke into the team.

Lin Ke is extremely powerful, versatile, and easy to get along with...

They are all extremely suitable as companions on the journey to the Dark Continent!

Even to invite Lin Ke, Biyander has made a more prudent decision in his heart!

No matter what, Lin Ke’s thigh is guaranteed!

"Mr. Lin Ke, I would like to toast you and thank you for saving my father's life."

Biande picked up the wine glass on the side and offered a toast to Lin Ke.

This wine is also extraordinary, it is the rose wine that King Twice-cooked Pork usually drinks.

"It's okay, it's just a casual move."

Lin Ke put down the knife and fork in his hand and raised his glass in response.

"So, besides thanking you, do you have anything else you want to say?"

After taking a sip, Lin Ke put the glass down and spoke again.

After I had almost eaten, it was time to get down to business.

Biande's breath stagnated, and then a cheerful smile appeared again. He understood what Lin Ke meant and continued:

"As expected of Mr. Lin Ke. In this case, I won't hold back. In addition to thanking you for this meeting, I do have one more thing to say."

"I wonder if you have any plans to go to the Dark Continent next?"

Biande looked at Lin Ke with burning eyes. In fact, he already understood the other person's thoughts in his heart, but it was just to elicit the following.

Because there were only two of them in the entire restaurant, Biande said "Dark Continent" without any cover-up.

Even if someone heard the conversation between the two, Biande wouldn't care.

Because later he will work with his ally, the Twice-cooked Pork King, to announce the Dark Continent in various places on the six continents.

At that time, all ordinary people will know "the truth about the world."

Their so-called "six continents" and "world map" are just a few small islands in a small lake in the entire world.

The world is far wider than people think!

Biande would not say anything like "Did you know there is an unknown continent in the world?"

A being at Lin Ke's level must know more or less about the Dark Continent.

And most likely they have the idea to find out!

Anyone who is strong will have the idea of ​​​​exploring that place full of unknowns and mysteries.

"Dark Continent? Of course I have the idea of ​​​​going there."

Lin Ke nodded and admitted his plan directly.

Let’s not talk about the various “hopes” on the dark continent, such as “Nitolomi” that can make people live longer.

The various Pokémon that can be bred there are what he pays more attention to!

Compared to the small islands in this small lake like the Six Continents, the Pokémon bred in the Dark Continent are definitely of a higher level.

He also has the possibility of obtaining those legendary Pokémon.

So no matter what he said, he was determined to decide the Dark Continent.

"That's easy to handle. In fact, I have been to the Dark Continent a long time ago. I am also the only person who has been to the Dark Continent over the years and is still alive today."

As Biande spoke, he recalled the situation back then, with a happy expression on his face involuntarily.

"It was so thrilling that time."

"All my companions were dead. I escaped by hiding among the dead, and then I escaped like a prodigal dog.

"The Dark Continent is a forbidden land for humans!"

"In a place like that, even wanting to escape is a luxury."

Biande said rather sadly, his expression also darkened subconsciously.

This is the unwilling feeling people have after encountering something far beyond their capabilities.

“But despite this, I will still not give up exploring that unknown continent, and the gains gained there are also the source of motivation for me to continue working hard.

"Although I escaped in a panic last time, I still gained something, and finally got back an extremely rare alchemy plant.

"The materials it contains are not found on the six continents and are of considerable research value."

"Even if it's just a small plant, it represents my harvest."

"So even if there are setbacks, I will still not give up, but continue to explore."

Speaking of what happened next, Biande's originally gloomy expression gradually returned to normal, and his eyes that were filled with haze just now became bright again.

It was like the sun came out and dispersed the fog.

【Continue to explore...】

Lin Ke listened quietly to Biande's speech, but did not react much to these impassioned speeches.

What he valued more was Biande's experience of going to the Dark Continent and then coming back.

Lin Ke still remembers the introduction about the Dark Continent in the original work.

V5 has organized teams to explore the Dark Continent a total of 149 times, of which only 5 people returned.

The total number of survivors was 28.

These people later died one after another because of their experiences in the Dark Continent, and it was they who brought the five major disasters back.

Therefore, everyone was either seriously injured or seriously ill like Lin Nie.

Only three people were able to return to normal life in the end.

Two of them are also dead.

Until now, only one of these 28 people is still alive, that is Biande sitting in front of him!

V5 sent out a total of 7,500 people, and finally the master of Song You remained in good health.

In other words, the probability of staying normal after having been to the Dark Continent is as low as 0.04%.

This shows how high the gold content of Biyande is.

Like his father Netero, he is one of the very few people who have been to the Dark Continent but survived.

It's just that Biande took the official route, and Netero went with two partners.

Even Netero, Lin Nie and Jaeger haven't really arrived at the Dark Continent.

In the original work, Netero left a videotape, which clearly stated that he had barely reached the "Heaven Gate" of the Dark Continent.

He went home without even crossing the "threshold".

Even at its peak, Netero had only touched the "threshold" and had not truly set foot in the dark continent.

This further highlights the gold content of Biyande.

What Biande said is indeed correct. He is one of the very few people on the six continents who has been to the Dark Continent and is still alive.

If there is such a person accompanying you to the Dark Continent, it will provide certain convenience.

"Then what's your idea behind saying this?"

Lin Ke gathered his thoughts and asked again to Biande opposite.

"Ahem, the purpose of what I say is to invite you to join my team."

Biande coughed twice and said with a more serious expression, knowing that the next step was the most important part of this meeting.

He had to convince Lin Ke no matter what.

In this way, his dream of exploring the dark continent can be better realized!

“Since I came back last time [I had the idea of ​​starting my own team.”

“After years of accumulation and cooperation with the Cajun Empire, my team has gradually matured and has a large number of partners with clear division of labor.

"Including but not limited to investigation, knowledge, combat, transportation, etc., covering almost all aspects of travel."

"And the strength of each of them is not low. Except for a few auxiliary personnel responsible for relevant knowledge, the others are basically at the level of first-class ability users!

"This time I must go to the Dark Continent."


Biande's tone became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he was determined to win, but he changed his mind halfway through the sentence.

"In my opinion, whether it is the partner Cajin Empire or the professional team we have built over the years."

"All of these are far less important than you alone!"

Biande said with a solemn face, which sounded very exaggerated, but Lin Ke felt that this was his sincerity.

In fact, as Bjornde said, Lin Ke alone is far superior to those professional teams.

"Your breathtaking strength is the most important thing in exploring the Dark Continent."

"At the same time, the various types of mind beasts you have are better than the professional team I have built over the years.

"As far as I know, your mind beasts can store items, use space to travel, heal, and get rid of death thoughts..."

"These mind beasts are not only far more powerful than my team, but their abilities are also stronger and more comprehensive."

"You alone are enough to surpass any team!"

Biande talked about what he valued about Lin Ke like a treasure trove. It was obvious that he paid great attention to Lin Ke.

Even just the two of them can go to the Dark Continent as long as they are accompanied by Lin Ke.

If it weren't for deficiencies in all aspects, he wouldn't have needed to pull up the team, he could just bring a few top players with him.

"I'll give you another assurance. Not long after, the Cajun Empire and I will announce the existence of the Dark Continent to all people."

"At that time, it will be time for me to go to the Dark Continent again."

"So this time I am inviting you to explore the Dark Continent with us. What do you think?"

Although Biande's tone was high-pitched, his speaking speed was surprisingly gentle, making it very easy to hear.

Finally, he sent an application to Lin Ke, explaining the real purpose of the meeting.

【As expected, just to invite me to work

Lin Ke felt a sense of understanding in his heart. After a moment of pause, he did not respond directly to Biande, but asked instead:

"."You said it yourself just now, I am worth more than your entire team.

"Then give me a reason, give me a reason to join your team."

"I think since you will extend an invitation to me, you must be ready to impress me."

Hearing this, Biande's expression did not change, as if he had been prepared as Lin Ke said.

"It's natural. If I dare to invite you, it won't be just chatting. I have two reasons for you to join!"

Billande raised two fingers, and with that face, it was like Netero making a "yeah" gesture in front of Lin Ke.

"At first, we

What really matters to you about the team is actually me, or my previous experience!”

"I have the experience of setting foot on the Dark Continent. Compared to other people on the six continents, I am the one who is most familiar with it."

"If you need any information there, I'll give it to you as best I can."

Lin Ke nodded slightly, this is good, it can impress him a little.

Since Biande has been there, he naturally understands part of the terrain.

This will help you choose the terrain and breed matching Pokémon types.

A long time ago, when he went to the Zoldyck family to challenge Maha, he also bought information about the Dark Continent.

It’s just for the terrain of the Dark Continent.

It's a pity that the Zoldyck family doesn't have much information, it's basically about the terrain between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent.

Obviously the terrain information Biyande possesses will be more important.

Seeing Lin Ke nodding, Biande was convinced, and then continued to give the second reason:

"The second reason is people!"

"I may not have made it clear before, but I shouldn't be inviting you, but asking you to lead our team!"

Biande put his hands on the table, then lowered his head directly, making a bowing posture.

It turns out that he planned to hand over the entire team directly to Lin Ke!

Now the whole nature has changed.

It turned out that Biande, as the team leader, invited Lin Ke to join his team.

Now it is Biande who is willing to give up his position as the boss and let Lin Ke take this position and lead them forward.

In other words, this is no longer Biande's team, but Lin Ke's team.

And it was Biande who begged Lin Ke to be the boss.

【How decisive~】

Lin Ke looked at Biande, who was extremely determined and believed that nothing could be accomplished without being too big, with a flash of appreciation in Lin Ke's eyes.

Although he was a little surprised at first, Lin Ke later realized that this was a win-win result.

With the addition of Lin Ke, the gains of the entire team will obviously be countless times greater than without him.

Even if Lin Ke takes away most of it, there is a high probability that they will not make any profit.

And from previous intelligence and face-to-face conversations, Biande could tell that Lin Ke was not that kind of person.

And Lin Ke is even more powerful now that he has a team with no psychological burden.

At best, they are an entire professional team covering all fields; at worst, they are his cannon fodder.

Having this well-equipped team is also a good bargaining chip.

Plus Biande, who has been to the Dark Continent...

This is a result that both parties can be satisfied with!

The only thing that might go wrong is the Cajun Empire.

"If it's true what you said and the team is left to me to lead, then what will happen to the Cajin Empire?"

Lin Ke looked at the extremely sincere Biande and asked the last question.

Biande's body trembled slightly. He could tell from these words that Lin Ke had already thought of accepting it!

Biande slowly raised his head, showing a face full of confident smile, patted his chest and said: Father:

"Don't worry, I will handle the Cajin Empire's side and it will never affect us."


Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and immediately picked up the wine glass on the side.

"Then I wish us success in our operation."

A rough smile appeared on Biande's lips, and he also raised his wine glass.

"Good move!".

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