Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 200: Three Brothers And Sisters Repay Their Kindness! I Will Be The President? Everyone Expe

"Now that the matter has been decided, I will leave first and go to the association to vote.

After chatting with Biande for a while, Lin Ke saw that the time was approaching midnight, so he took the lead in saying goodbye.

Lin Ke stepped out and disappeared, leaving only Biande who was still sighing.


"Master, hello, meow~"

When Lin Ke entered the online world, the first thing that caught his eye was a standing cat.

And this cat is still saying hello to himself.

"Meow meow~ You have learned to talk and walk, it's really amazing."

A look of surprise flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, then he leaned down slightly and tossed Miao Miao's head.

Meow Meow is only the size of a child, so Lin Ke has to lean down to better touch his head.

However, even with such a petite body, it can be more than 30 meters tall after becoming Gigantamax.

At this height, he can be a wise giant in "Attack on Titan".

For example, the giant beast—cat form?

"Yes, meow, meow has learned to talk and walk, meow."

Feeling Lin Ke's touch on the head, the meow behaved very comfortably, and its tail kept waving left and right.

During this period of time, Miaomiao has been studying in the online world. When Lin Ke came in, he saw that he was in a learning state.

Including the conversation in cat language when she was just conceived, this is the second time Meow Meow has spoken to Lin Ke.

"You're so good, how about I take you out to play together?"

Lin Ke looked at the obedient Meow Meow and realized that Meow Meow might be smarter than he expected.

Even it only took such a short time to learn to speak and walk, which can already show its intelligence.

"Okay Meowth Meowth wants to go out and play."

Meow Meow nodded quickly, his eyes full of curiosity.

It has the common sense to understand the world through the knowledge of Porygon Z, but it has not been to the outside world since its birth.

"Okay, let's do that.

Hunter Association,

In the corner of the hall on the first floor, a hole suddenly appeared. Lin Ke walked out of it first, followed closely by Meow Meow.

"Is this the Hunter Association, meow?"

Meow Meow scratched his face with his paws and looked around curiously, being very curious about the things he saw.

The first floor of Hunter Association is similar to most hotels, it is an extremely wide lobby.

At the front is the front desk, where a professional Hunter is responsible for reception.

In other places, sofas and tables are scattered here and there for guests to rest.

Menqi stayed here, she was the only one in the entire hall except the front desk.

Because most of the Hunters have gathered at the polling place.

The two of them came to vote together, and he was going to make an appointment with Biande, so Menqi was waiting for him in the hall.

"Have you finished meeting?"

Men Qi walked towards Lin Ke with a warm smile on his face.

Wearing a pure white dress with hair hanging loosely on her shoulders, she looked like a princess from a fairy tale.

It was now approaching midnight, and Men Qi estimated that Lin Ke should arrive at about the same time, and sure enough, it turned out to be true.

"Yes, everything has been discussed, let's go up and vote."

Lin Ke nodded.

"Are you the mistress, meow?

A crisp voice came, and at the same time Meow came out from behind Lin Ke, and then Menqi noticed Meow.

After seeing Miaomiao clearly, Menqi's expression changed slightly.

"Did the cat talk?"

"And it's a standing cat?"

Menqi looked up and down at the cute meow. It could be seen that she was very curious about meow.

"Let me introduce, it's called Meow Meow, and it's also my third mind beast.

"Ah? Is that so?"

Menqi didn't react at all. Just now she thought it might be some kind of magical beast.

After all, the animals on the six continents that can speak human words are basically Warcraft.

Although Lin Ke's mind beasts could make sounds, they had no precedent of speaking human language, so Menqi didn't think about it in that regard.

"Is your name Miaomiao? So cute."

"I am indeed your mistress."

Menqi smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch Meow Meow's chin, which made Meow Meow laugh continuously, and it was obviously very comfortable.

Men Qi noticed that Lin Ke’s Nian Beast looks pretty good?

Moreover, this "meow" can communicate directly in human language, so communication is very convenient.

After teasing Miaomiao for a while, Lin Ke, Menqi and Miaomiao took the elevator upstairs to vote.

The headquarters of Hunter Association is actually an office building area, not just one large office building, but also several small buildings.

The voting for this election was held in the auditorium of one of the small buildings.

Outside the entrance of the auditorium is an entire open space, and there is already a long queue.

Excluding those who were not present, three to four hundred people had gathered here.

Because not all Hunters come to the headquarters to vote, the second part is to vote at the Hunter Association branches in various places.

There are many faces that Lin Ke is familiar with, and there are also faces that he has never met.

After all, there are more than 600 Hunters in total, and Lin Ke can't see them all.

Even if you include the characters you have seen in the original work, there are still quite a few people who have never seen it.

"Ding dong."

An elevator bell rang, attracting some people's attention.

The elevator door slowly opened, revealing three figures, two large and one small.

"Wow, there are so many people meow~(bhdh)"

Miaomiao couldn't help but feel a little shocked when she saw the long queue in front of her, and exclaimed loudly.

This is the first time it has seen so many people.

The sound of meow made more people pay attention, and the first thing they noticed was meow.

All of a sudden, the Hunters were all talking about it.


"Isn't it right? I am a Warcraft Hunter. I have impressions of all the Warcraft that have been recorded in the six continents. I can guarantee that this is not among them.

"Hey! Don't worry about whether it's a monster or not. Look who's next to that cat!"

"That's Lin Ke!"

After a brief period of confusion, people ignored Miaomiao and focused on Lin Ke instead.

Even after seeing Lin Ke, they roughly understood the origin of Meow Meow.

You must know that Lin Ke's nickname is "Nian Beast Master". I guess this maverick cat is Nian Beast.

The arrival of Lin Ke made the team completely "boiling". He could see people's different expressions at a casual glance.

There is an expression of enthusiasm similar to that of a Yin beast and an earthworm, and an expression of respect as if he is looking at a big shot.

There was even a curious look on his face, as if he had seen a rare animal...

"Why do I feel like I've seen you before?"

Lin Ke frowned and recalled the scene when he took the Hunter exam.

I took the elevator down and was watched by many people, which was quite similar to now.

"Benefactor! Benefactor!"

Just when Lin Ke, Menqi and Miaomiao came to line up at the back of the team, there were bursts of shouts.

Lin Ke looked sideways and saw three familiar faces a few places in front of him.

Among them was a man with glasses, who was thin, had squinty eyes, and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Wearing a white shirt and black trousers, it is the same standard suit as an office worker.

The other woman is 1.7 meters tall, has the face of a royal lady, and has an inexplicable heroic spirit between her eyebrows.

Wearing a black leather jacket, she highlights her cold temperament and looks like a queen.

The last man was wearing red and green fancy clothes and a big hat with extremely complicated patterns.

The whole body is full of hip-hop style.

His skin color is darker, and he has a pair of slightly funny and exaggerated thick eyebrows, which can be compared with Metkai in Naruto.

They are the three brothers and sisters that Lin Ke met at the Harimu Ruins!

"So it's you."

"This is the first time we have seen each other since the last time we said goodbye to the Harimu Ruins."

Hearing Lin Ke's response, the three brothers and sisters were relieved. Fortunately, their benefactor had not forgotten them.

"Yes, when you saved the three of us, we have always wanted to repay your life-saving grace."

"It's a pity that we have never had the opportunity to repay the kindness. It was only now that we finally found the opportunity!"

The man with the eyes said enthusiastically, even his originally squinty eyes widened a bit.

"We three brothers and sisters are not strong enough to help you, so we decided to vote for you as the president!"

"We know that these alone are not enough to repay your life-saving grace, and we will try our best to repay you in the future.

The man with the eyes spoke slowly, and the leather-clad woman and the hip-hop man next to him also nodded.

Now everyone in the queue understood the conversation between the two parties.

It seems that the famous Lin Ke once rescued these three people at the Harimu Ruins.

Then they kept thinking of ways to repay the favor.

"Vote for me?"

"Actually, you don't have to be so polite. When I saved you, I just did it casually and didn't think about repaying you.

Lin Ke didn't expect that the three brothers and sisters had been thinking about repaying him, and even planned to vote for him.

"We all know this. When you saved us, you said you wouldn't need to repay us, but this is our decision.

The man with eyes shook his head. The three brothers and sisters decided to repay their kindness. This was their own decision.


Seeing that the three brothers and sisters were so determined, Lin Ke said nothing more and let them repay their kindness.

Anyway, there are more than 600 people in the association, and only three people voted for him. He can't elect a president, right?

I just don’t know why, Lin Ke always has an inexplicable premonition, as if he has missed something?

"Hey, I'm voting for you too, Lin Ke."

Hearing what the three brothers and sisters said, Men Qi next to him smiled sweetly and said that he also voted for him.

"That's it."

Lin Ke responded casually that it was normal for Men Qi to vote for him, after all, he was her man.

It's just that the premonition in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

After chatting with the three brothers and sisters for a while, the two of them and the cat also came to the end of the team.

Although the rules say you can vote all day long on August 8th.

But most people came to vote at midnight, and only a few people voted at a later time.

"Mr. Lin Ke, please, please go forward."

Hunter, who was originally ranked last, saw how this could work, how could he let Master Lin Ke rank behind him?"

So he quickly got out of the way and let Lin Ke, two people and one cat, stand in his place.

"There's no need for this, we'll be fine waiting here."

Lin Ke thinks he is making a fuss out of a molehill. Is his team worried about him losing his temper?

How can I be such an unreasonable person?

Seeing that Lin Ke was not going to move, the Hunter almost burst into tears.

Since the martial arts tournament and the elimination of the ant king, Lin Chen's reputation has spread wider and wider.

And the rumors are getting more and more outrageous.

Now the rumor has become that Lin Ke can sink a continent by himself.

Don't tell me, although this is a rumor, it is not necessarily wrong.

With Mashado and Genesect, Lin Ke might actually be

Can do this kind of thing.

Unbeknownst to Lin Ke, his reputation has been spreading, and everything he does is a major event and is remembered by everyone.

This is why everyone looks at him with expressions of respect, fear, or curiosity.

"No, no, no, please stay in front of me."

This little Hunter is almost crying. How can he be able to let Master Lin Ke line up behind him?

"Okay, if you insist."

Lin Ke glanced at the Hunter strangely, and then walked forward with Men Qizhong.

Is this Hunter's psychological quality a bit low?

Why are you so frightened that you feel like a savage beast?

Lin Ke has not yet realized that his own reputation among everyone has reached or even vaguely surpassed that of President Hou Tero.

If you think about it from his perspective, if President Netero were behind this Hunter, he would probably give up his position.

This is a way of showing respect.

Lin Ke thought that the matter was over, but it turned out that things were going up again and again.

Just after he took a step forward, the person in front of him spoke to him again:

"Mr. Lin Ke, I am also a gourmet Hunter like you. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see you today."

"Oh, I still can't vividly remember the image of you and Miss Kadaki winning the championship."

"I will vote for you. In my mind, you are the most qualified person to serve as president."

"Please go forward, I can't stand you standing behind me."

So the two of them and the cat moved forward again in a daze.

It seemed that the two people in front had made a "good start", and the people in front followed suit and rushed to give up their seats.

What makes Lin Ke most amazing is that almost everyone can tell their own stories.

Some people are bounty hunters who admire themselves for killing members of the Phantom Troupe and the Seven Deadly Sins.

Some people are gourmet hunters because they and Menqi won the gourmet food competition and were the first combination to score a perfect score.

Therefore, I admire both of them very much and regard them as benchmarks in life.

Some people are ruin hunters, and they are respected because they have removed the thoughts of death from the Halimu ruins and the Moros ruins.

Compared with Hunters in other fields, they can best understand what Lin Ke has besides Nen means!

This is the ultimate Nen the likes of which no one has ever done before or since!

With Lin Ke's efforts, they were able to successfully explore the historical data of the Halimu Ruins and the Moros Ruins.

This is a huge contribution to the field of heritage.

And the most important thing is that most of these people said a word.

That is to vote for Lin Ke!

The premonition in Lin Ke's heart is about to solidify.

You must know that bounty, food and ruins are areas where there are a large number of Hunters.

These groups of people alone represent an extremely large number of votes.

Not to mention that some Hunters who admired him because of his strength also said they would vote for him.

"Why does it feel like everyone voted for me?"

Lin Ke said to the door next to him while walking to the front of the team.

Although it is not as exaggerated as "all", so far, seven or eight out of ten people have said they will vote for him.

Even if there is no explicit statement, he will take the initiative to give way and let them move forward.

If this continues, they will be at the front.

"This is all because everyone respects you."

"It seems that you are the only one who doesn't know how powerful, famous and famous you are."

Menqi held his forehead and said helplessly.

"Hehehe, I will vote for you too~"

At this time, a series of sinister laughter came from the front.

Hisoka held the big trump card in front of him, only showing his eyes with a sly smile.

"Although I feel it doesn't matter whether I vote or not, I feel it would be better to vote for you~"

"You can understand it as my repayment for eradicating the "Phantom Troupe"."

While speaking, Hisoka also turned sideways and gave up his seat.

Lin Ke's mouth twitched slightly, already feeling numb, and continued to walk forward.

Now he can no longer count how many people have said they want to vote for him. He only knows that there are at least three or four hundred people.

These alone meet the requirements of the rules.

Before today, he knew that he was relatively famous, but he never imagined that his fame had reached this level!

After I came to the world of Hunter X Hunter, I have done too many famous deeds.

【The World's Strongest Mind Eliminator】

[The strongest poster in Sky Arena]

[Hunter Association Three-Star Hunter]

[The world’s five most talented people]

【The strongest in the world】

These are all the titles he has achieved [and there is a high probability that ten more titles will be added in the future.

[President of the Thirteenth Hunter Association!].

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