Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 201 An Overwhelming Vote! Lin Ke Is The President! (Please Subscribe)

After walking forward for a while, Lin Ke saw an old acquaintance again.

"Hey, future president, I will vote for you too."

Bisji was still wearing the same burgundy princess dress, with her hands on her hips and said, she was very confident in Lin Ke.

In fact, it is no longer a matter of having faith.

Although the entire team is long, you can basically hear what is said.

It is already known to everyone that a lot of people want to vote for Lin Ke.

There is no need to even go into details, as long as they do what they say, it is a certainty that Lin Ke will be the new president.

So what Bisji said was really not said casually.

Then Bisgi, like the others, chose to get out of the way and let two people and one cat pass by.

Now it is no longer a matter of two people giving up their positions, it has become an agreed-upon decision.

Everyone plans to let the next new president go to the front of the line.

Let this new president be the first to cast his vote.

The person in front of Bisji was also an old acquaintance of Lin Ke.

It was the members of the expedition team who met not long ago: Mo Laowu, Nobu, Nakulu and Xiutuo.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Lin Ke, I believe that under your leadership, the Hunter Association will definitely get better and better in the future!"

"We will vote for you too!"

Mo Laowu, carrying a big pipe, gave Lin Ke a thumbs up, and then moved out of the way with the other three people.

Lin Ke continued to move forward with Menqi with a smile on his face and Miaomiao with a curious look on his face.

"They all respect their master, meow."

Miao Miao couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that those people respected their master.

A pair of cat eyes also curled up with a smile. It likes its master to be welcomed by everyone, because its master is the best person in the world.

Gon and Killua stood in front, looking at Meowth curiously.

Lin Ke knew who they were going to vote for without even asking.

After passing through countless acquaintances and strangers, an unexpected and reasonable person appeared in front of Lin Ke.

"Hohohoho, future president, the Hunter Association will be handed over to you from now on."

President Netero stood at the front of the team and said with a smile, as if he had expected this scene.

that's the truth.

The reason why he showed Lin Ke the method of opening the darkroom in detail.

It's because he already knows that the new president is Lin Ke.

Lin Ke may not realize it himself, but as the president, he is very aware of Lin Ke's current prestige.

His appointment as president is a sure thing.

Looking through the entire Hunter Association, I can't find another person who is so perfect.

Lin Ke is a hexagonal monster. This refers not only to combat, but also to fame, deeds, etc.

There is also a contribution from Sky Arena.

The "Strongest Host" created by the Sky Arena and the "Fighting Tournament" held in the Sky Arena are both good opportunities for Lin Ke to expand his reputation.

All things considered, Pariston, even as the vice-president, is not as famous as Lin Ke, who is at the height of his power.

"Old man? Why are you here?"

Lin Ke did not expect that Netero would be at the front, or that he would be in the team.

Generally speaking, the top leaders of the association did not join the voting team, but voted directly in private.

For example, the twelve earthly branches.

Netero is already dead at this time in the original novel.

Even when the vote for the new president was held, there were his photos and bouquets of flowers on the ceremonial stage.

"This time we are electing a new president, so I, as the president, can be regarded as a symbol by staying here.

"But I am not the first. You should be the first."

Netero looked at the young man in front of him, a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

I think he was so young back then, but it's a pity that time doesn't leave anyone behind.

After finishing speaking, Netero turned sideways and, like those in front of him, took the initiative to give up his position.

"Come on, let our future new president cast the first vote."

"Dingling, ringing, ringing..."

As the crisp bells rang, everyone in the team became energetic.

It's midnight!

Lin Ke looked at the large door in front of him, the firm look in his eyes became more intense, and then he pushed it gently.

The door opened in response, and the appearance of the auditorium was completely revealed to Lin Ke's eyes.

The entire auditorium is very large, with countless seats, and can accommodate many people.

At the front of the auditorium is a platform on which Yohn the rabbit, Kanzai the tiger, and Ginta the sheep stand.

There was an iron box in front of them, which was the ballot box.

Lin Ke walked towards the ballot box step by step, walking steadily.

Behind him are Netero, Menqi, Miaomiao…………

Everyone followed in an orderly manner, forming a straight line.

Lin Ke is like a leader, leading the entire team forward.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Ke arrived in front of the ballot box. The other two were fine, since Pyoern was staring at him closely.

"Me, Gel, Jin and Clook all vote for you."

Just when Lin Ke cast his vote, Pyoen slightly bent his upper body, put his face close to Lin Ke's ear, and whispered.

Lin Ke nodded, now he can be calm.

If someone says he doesn't vote for me, there will be some reaction.

It's really scary when you think about it carefully. There are Hunters who vote for you everywhere.

On the contrary, he did not vote for himself.

Because I never thought that I would become the president.

I thought it would develop roughly according to the original work, mainly because Pariston and Childo had high votes.

As a result, not only did I have more votes, but it seemed that a lot of people came to vote this time.

In other words, there is a high probability that the condition of 95% voting rate can be met, and this vote is real and effective.

So he didn't pay much attention to this vote. He just happened to come over to meet with Biande and cast his vote along the way.

He even invested money.

There is no difference between voting for money and treating it as a waste vote.

As for why you voted for Jin?

It can be understood that the class elects the class committee member, and you choose to vote for that cheap friend. "It's the same principle.

The result is that he will become the president?

After Lin Ke voted, he was closely followed by President Netero…………

The huge team voted one after another, and the votes were quickly finished.

Although most people arrived at midnight to vote, the rules are the rules.

The twelve earthly branches waited until the deadline to start counting.

However, the final results surprised them.

"Bean-faced man, is there really nothing wrong with this?"

"Is this data too exaggerated?"

Kanzai swallowed his saliva, stared blankly at the final statistics, and said something that most people felt.

"This... is the result of statistics calculated one by one. Although it is a bit surprising, it is indeed true."

The bean-faced man wiped his sweat with a small handkerchief and was also surprised by the result.

In each of their hands is a piece of paper with the results tallied.

Here is a collection of all people who voted, as well as turnout, absenteeism, etc. data.

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the top line of information:

First place, Lin Ke, 489 votes (73.9%)

The entire Hunter Association has only 661 members, and 489 of them chose to vote for Lin Ke!

The percentage in brackets next to the number of votes is the percentage. 73.9% of Hunter voted for Lin Ke.

Compared with second place Pariston, it was an overwhelming number of votes!

"Hoo ho ho, this is the first time the turnout has been so high. I remember it was only over 60% at the time."

Netero touched his beard and saw that Lin Ke had so many votes. Yi Ping was even happier than him.

"Excluding some missing votes and invalid votes, the voting rate this time reached 96%, which is in compliance with the rules."

"In other words, the new president is Mr. Lin Ke."

As the bean-faced man spoke, he inexplicably recalled his first meeting with Mr. Lin Ke.

It was obviously the first time we met, but Mr. Lin Ke called him the same as President Netero, calling him "Douzi".


Pariston looked at the voting results in his hand, still wearing that fake smile on his face.

He had somewhat expected this result, but he didn't expect it to be such an overwhelming vote.

[It’s a pity that I couldn’t finish it before leaving]

[But forget it, next we still have to focus on Dark Continent Mechanics

"So everyone has no objections, right? Lin Ke is officially announced as the 13th president!"

Netero glanced at Pariston without leaving any trace, and then continued to speak loudly, making the final decision.

When the meeting was over, Netero put Doumian in charge of publicity matters.

In the next two days, the results of the selection of the new president will be publicized in the six continents.

"So, you are the president now."

Pyoen said coquettishly, a pair of pink pupils filled with Lin Ke's figure.

"It seems like we knew about this before the vote, right?"

Lin Ke spread his hands and said helplessly.

After getting the results, Pyoern called him immediately.

Lin Ke simply picked her up and had a chat in person.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Ke spoke again:

"Maybe we will have to choose a vice president next."

"Oh? Why?"

Looking at Pyoen who was puzzled, Lin Ke planned to say simply:

"Because Pariston is going to the Dark Continent next, he will resign as vice president."

"And looking at it now, the team he joined has become my team."


"Parishton is going to the Dark Continent? And it's your team? Are you going to the Dark Continent too?"

Pyoern lightly covered his mouth, somewhat disbelieving.

For Pyorn, who didn't know the plans of the Cajun Empire, he was really shocked to suddenly learn this information.

So Lin Ke roughly explained to her the ins and outs of the matter.

"Is that so?"

"But you have just become the president. Do you have to resign from this position if you go to the Dark Continent?"

Although Pyorn has roughly figured it out, he still doesn't know how Lin Ke will deal with it.

"Well, actually, I didn't originally plan to be the president at all, so I became the president out of nowhere.

Speaking of this, Lin Ke was still a little bit sad. Sure enough, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

"My plan is to take care of it first. After Pariston leaves, Childo the Dog will probably be the vice president."

…………Please give me flowers………………

"With the help of Douzi (Doumen), it should be enough to handle the association's affairs."

"And with my ability, if there is something urgent, I can come back from the Dark Continent in a very short time."

After some thought, Lin Ke finally decided to be the president first.

If it doesn't work out later, find another excuse to resign.


"That's right, indeed this is also a way."

“Without you, we might not be able to choose the next president, so it’s better not to resign.

Pyoern said solemnly, but the long and cute face coupled with the expression made it look more sinister.

Lin Ke knew that what Pyoen said was right.

It is also quite difficult to meet these voting rules in the original book. It requires a 95% voting rate and more than half of the people voting for the first place.

After many rounds of voting, no candidate fully met the rules.

If it weren't for a coincidence, I might not be able to choose a new president in the end.

With the Hunter Association going all out, the results of the 13th Hunter Association President quickly spread throughout the six continents.

Lin Ke's reputation was thus once again publicized.

Although there have been many publicities before, the news this time will surprise countless people.

That's because Lin Ke became the 13th President of the Hunter Association!

In the past, the common people’s deepest impression of Lin Ke was [the strongest poster in Sky Arena], [the strongest in the world]…………

But here is a new addition!

That is [President of Hunter Association]!

People have different opinions on this news.

Some people are confused. Most of these are Paris Stone or other loyal fans of Hunter.


Some people are afraid. These are probably some of the notorious criminals in the six continents.

But more people are happy and respectful. These are the people who really want to see this scene.

Since Lin Ke made his mark in Sky Arena, he has accumulated a considerable number of fans.

These people are all cheering for Lin Ke to become the president.

Suddenly, Lin Ke peripherals in the Sky Arena also experienced a boom again, and people went to buy them one after another.

Since the last martial arts competition, Sky Arena officials have learned "lessons."

From selling peripherals only during fighting tournaments, special peripheral counters are set up all year round.

Without exception, these peripherals are all Lin Ke peripherals.

Facts have proved that the official vision is very good, and they have successfully caught the popularity of the Hunter Association this time.

There are even some plans to compile a book about Lin Ke’s deeds and outstanding experiences since he became famous.

For others to read, let more people know how powerful Lin Ke is.

This momentum is much stronger than when Netero was elected as president.

Zoldyck family,

In a small dark room,

There is only a TV set here that is emitting a dim light, which shines on Maha's face, making him look like a ghost formed after the death of old age.

"Haha, the new president~"

"Has that old man finally retired? I thought he would continue to be the president for another hundred years."

Maha laughed softly twice, his voice was hoarse as if he had drunk extremely concentrated alcohol.

He originally thought that until the day he died, Netero might still be blocking the president.

Fortunately, he still lives until the next president appears.

"Can Lin be the president? He is indeed the most suitable candidate."

Maha looked at the photo of Lin Ke on the screen, a look of reminiscence flashed through his cloudy eyes.

He has never forgotten the battle with Lin Ke that day.

From that day on, he understood that this young man was definitely no ordinary person.

But it's sad to say that I can't defeat two Hunter Association presidents.

Netero is better, but Lin Ke is really unbeatable.

meteor street,

In the center, which is also the most prosperous place here, there are several people in strange clothes standing outside a shop.

There is a glass wall between the shop and the outside world, and inside the wall is a TV playing.

"Captain, this person is the one..."

Kubi gently pulled up the bangs in front of his eyes, looked at the picture on the TV, and asked Kurulu next to him.

Although Kubei didn't say everything, Chrollo and Pikenotan beside him knew what he meant.

"The new president of the Hunter Association... It's no wonder, after all, he has such strong strength.

Chrollo's pair of deep eyes stared at Lin Ke on the screen, but he felt a sense of powerlessness.

The gap between them and Lin Ke is too big......

Since "Phantom Troupe" lost more than half of its value, he has returned to Meteor Street to find new partners.

But after searching for so long, I could only find one that I couldn't stand.

It is even more elusive to fill the vacancies.

As for revenge, Chrollo has it deep down in his heart.

Even since then, they have been hiding here and there, not daring to make any move for fear of attracting Lin Ke.

After sighing softly, Chrollo turned and left, and Kubi and Pikenotan quickly followed.

"You can't offend anyone if you offend him... That's right."

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