Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 202: Workers! Where Is The V5 Ferry Hall? (Please Subscribe)

The news that Lin Ke has become the new president is getting more and more intense, but he himself does not seem to be affected at all.

It's like being in the center of a whirlwind but not being affected by it.

At this moment, he was following Biande to the team's base camp, preparing to see these "cheap men" with his own eyes.

The base camp is a standard Japanese-style courtyard with an open space in the middle of the house.

There is a small pool in it, and there is also a [Frightening Deer] that seems to be found in Japanese gardens.

[Frightened Deer] is a bamboo used to guide water flow in a small pond.

When the water reaches a certain level, it will pour down and hit the rocks to make a sound.


A little girl who looked like a puppet in the room suddenly turned her head and looked at the entrance, her eyes unusually solemn.

She is the strongest person in the team besides Biande, and even Pariston is not as fishy as her.

Therefore, he was the first to feel the aura.

Pariston, who was drinking tea leisurely, glanced at the puppet girl who suddenly made a move, his eyes becoming deeper and deeper.

Although he is a bit weak in strength and hasn't felt anything yet, he has a brain.

Mariona (the puppet girl) is stronger than him, so she must have sensed some aura that he was not able to feel.

Think about it again. This time, Biande notified him to come here to announce the new captain in public.

Since it can make Mariona react, he must be a top powerhouse!

There are not many people like this~

Except for Pariston who was drinking tea and Marionet who was on guard.

There are two strong men playing chess on the other side.

There is a man with a watermelon head on his head, like a Watermelon Taro, and his face is quite silly.

The other man was dressed like a fisherman, with a thick white rope tied to his head and a long chin.

"It's really strange to say that, why did old man Bede suddenly say that he has changed his boss?"

"Isn't this too sudden?"

The fisherman Ussaman moved a chess piece casually and held it "Eight Seven Three" Ba You said in disbelief.

They were all companions gathered one by one by Biande. Why did the boss suddenly change?

"Well, it is indeed too sudden."

Watermelon-headed Matthew nodded dully, making him look even more stupid with his naive face.

"Tada, Tada......"

While the two were talking, the sound of footsteps approached from far away, and gradually became louder and louder.

The floor of this kind of house is made of wood, and if you walk on it with shoes, it will easily make noise.

Now almost everyone turned their attention to the entrance, waiting for the appearance of Biande and another new boss.

In the slightly nervous eyes of several people, two figures appeared at the entrance.

When he saw the familiar yet unfamiliar figure clearly, a flash of surprise flashed across Pariston's eyes.

Even his facial expression froze.

Pariston really didn't expect that the person coming would be him!

"I really didn't expect it~"

"Our new captain will be you!"

"President Lin Ke~"

Pariston said with great interest, his face that had been frozen just now returned to normal, and he was also vaguely excited.

Appearing in front of everyone, it was Biande and Lin Ke!

"What?! Isn't this Mr. Lin Ke?"

"Hey, hey, let the new president be our boss?"

"Mr. Biande, is this true?"

All of a sudden, the team members were talking a lot with different emotions.

But what is certain is that they are all surprised by Lin Ke becoming the new captain.

While their discussion was in full swing, Lin Ke was also paying attention to the people gathered here.

Excluding him and Biande, there were ten people present.

Pariston was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, staring at himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

The strong man with watermelon head and the strong fisherman sitting on both sides of the chessboard. Compared with their appearance and temperament, the chessboard in the middle looks a bit strange.

The man with bangs was sitting at the small table and was typing on his laptop just now. His long bangs directly covered his left eye.

There was also a chef wearing a chef's uniform with a thunder and lightning pattern standing next to the man with bangs.

He was carrying two trays filled with drinks and food, seemingly acting as a waiter.

The look he looked at Lin Ke was different from that of Paris Stone, but full of admiration.

Anyone who pursues delicious food will know Lin Ke’s name and almost all of them admire him.

Drifting away from a few people was a man with eyes wearing high-rise glasses and his hair rolled up like a devil fruit pattern.

The closest to Lin Ke are the two women in front.

One is dressed like Yamato Nadeshiko, her hair and clothes are all pink, and she loves pink even more than Pjorn.

The other one looks like a child with a mushroom head, eating a lollipop and playing Ludo with the former one.

In that inconspicuous place deep in the room, there was a person who looked very conspicuous.

It's not right to say it's a human being, because it looks like a whole machine shell and stays inside.

Lin Ke remembered that that person seemed to belong to the [Shibi] mercenary team and had the ability to manifest various types of firearms, artillery shells and weapons.

His ability to materialize is very strong, and he can materialize many weapons in a short period of time, and then distribute these weapons to the army.

Easily arm an entire army.

Therefore, the [Shibi] mercenary team he is a part of is also one of the best legendary mercenary teams in the six continents.

There are currently ten subordinates present!

But Biande's team was far more than that, and some people were not present.

"Hohoho, now that everyone has met the new captain, I don't need to explain more. I believe you also know who this is."

"He is the new President of the Hunter Association! Mr. Lin Ke, who is known as [the strongest in the world]!"

When Billander saw their reactions, he knew there was no need to waste any more words.

Lin Ke is so famous now that even if you have never seen him, you have more or less heard of his reputation.

It will definitely not be a loss to have such a person as captain.

"Boss, I know Mr. Lin Ke is very powerful, but is it too hasty to suddenly change the captain?"

Fisherman Ussaman scratched his head, still a little hard to accept the reality.

"Usaman, you don't have to worry about whether to rush the change or not."

"You only need to know that with Lin Ke's leadership, our trip to the Dark Continent will be more secure and the harvest will be greater."

Biande shook his head and turned to the reason for inviting Lin Ke to be the captain.

Obviously, Lin Ke is far more suitable to lead everyone than him.

In other words, what really matters is him.

As long as he is in the team, all aspects of the team will be greatly improved.

"That's true."

"President Lin Ke not only possesses a variety of abilities, but also has the most experience in the world!"

"With such a person leading us, I think this trip will be more stable."

When Pariston faced Lin Ke, he was like a different person, not as "naughty" as he was when dealing with others.

If the Twelve Earthly Branches saw it, Tu Ban felt that Pariston was thinking something "bad" again.

Pariston is different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people feel happy when they convey love or are loved.

But the more cute and interesting things he sees, the more he wants to destroy them.

He will not feel happy when others convey good intentions to him. He will only be happy when others feel disgusted with him.

But this disgust is also offensive.

He can easily make those who are similar to him in strength, or whose strength is lower than him, make them hate him.

But Lin Ke…….

Pariston still wanted to live for a few more years. It would not be surprising to him if he was killed on the spot after saying a few more words.


Glancing at Pariston, who planned to be a "good boy", Lin Ke didn't bother to pay attention to him. Anyway, he was now his own wage earner.

Lin Ke turned to look at the "robot" walking towards him from the depths.

Because the body is covered with a shell made of extremely hard metal, Xiumu makes loud noises every step he takes.

"Mr. Lin Ke is indeed very strong!"

"I have something to ask you. Is it okay?"

"Say it."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, wondering what the robot wanted to ask him?

Having said that, the shell of his machine is also very eye-catching. I wonder if Miaomiao will be able to build such a thing by himself in the future.

Now Miaomiao is absorbing knowledge in the online world and plans to transform some props.

This was also proposed by Miaomiao.

It wants to invent and transform some props so that it can contribute to Lin Ke.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke naturally agreed, and with a wave of his hand, Porygon Z took full responsibility for providing the materials that Meow Meow needed.

He also gave some of the rare items and telepathy tools he had obtained to Miaomiao. He wondered what kind of props he could create later?

"The war weapons experimental site of the East Kota Republic has now been razed to the ground. I know this to be true."

"But there are rumors that you hit it with one blow. Is it true?"

"The scope of the damage was so large that it was unimaginable, and it would have taken multiple large-scale bombs to cause it.

Hearing this, several people around him also looked at Lin Ke, curious about how he would answer. It couldn't really be a single blow, right?

Facing Gao Lime's question, Lin Ke spoke calmly and said slowly:

"That one was indeed the result of a single blow, produced by my mind beast."

Several people present were breathless. Unexpectedly, Lin Ke directly admitted the authenticity of this rumor!


"Thank you for your answer."

Golem's voice came out through the thick shell, so his voice seemed unusually deep.

Although it sounds unbelievable, Gao Laimu still feels that Lin Ke is telling the truth.

With many years of mercenary experience, he has fought many battles, large and small, and has also met some strong men.

Without exception, they all have one characteristic.

That means not bothering to tell lies!

Once they reach that level, they no longer need to lie to cover up anything.

For example, Biande, and Lin Ke in front of him.

Compared with others, he is the one who can best understand the power of Lin Ke.

As a mercenary, he often comes into contact with guns and artillery. Even Nen is the embodiment of rocket launchers and other weapons.

Therefore, it is very clear that it is impossible to achieve the kind of destructive power that can destroy the world by relying on people's own abilities...

Only by relying on the power of technology can we do this.

But things are different now.

A person appears who can achieve the same effect as the power of technology by himself!

That’s Lin Ke!

This is extremely terrifying single combat power, worthy of the title of "The Strongest in the World".

He alone symbolizes countless large-scale bombs that are ready to go off!

"Let me introduce these to you

Team members, first of all, the person who just asked you a question is called ‘Gollam’

After some introductions by Biande, Lin Ke also completely recognized these people as his wage earners.

"Does anyone else have any questions?"

"From now on, Lin Ke is the leader of our team, and I assist him as the second in command.

Biande looked around, and it could be seen from their faces that no one had any objections.

After all, an extra thigh appeared out of thin air, and it was the thickest thigh in the entire six continents willing to lead them.

They are just team members, and adding Lin Ke will do no harm to them and will also increase their survival rate.

The real person whose interests were harmed was the former captain, that is, Biande himself.

But Lin Ke was personally invited by him.

If they are still picky, it means they are ignorant.

"Do you want to play Mario with me?"

The little mushroom head who was playing Ludo just now asked Lin Ke, licking the lollipop in his mouth.

At that moment Lin Ke thought he heard wrongly, why even Mario appeared.

But he soon remembered that it seemed that the child in the original book also invited Jin to play Mario together.

So there is indeed a Mario game in the Hunter X Hunter world.

"I don't have much time now."

"Let's do this. I'll introduce you to a friend who knows a lot about games. You can play with him."

Lin Ke thought for a moment, and then prepared to introduce Lao P to this little mushroom head. Remember, it seemed to be called "Pactro"?

As soon as he finished speaking, a wave of mental energy arose around Lin Ke [The figure of Multilateral Z emerged from it.

【This is!】

The expressions of the team members changed slightly. Judging from the fluctuations of the mind energy just now, this mind beast alone is far stronger than them!

Porygon Z ignored the nervous people and flew straight to the TV in the room.

Waves of pure thought energy burst out from Porygon Z, directly wrapping the TV.

Lines of green data appeared on the TV screen, and then a dazzling white light emerged from it.

【Is this...connected to the online world?】

[In other words, the friend Lin Ke wants to introduce to Piketero is Ikshampe? 】

Pariston quietly looked at the brightly lit TV next to him, his brain analyzing rapidly.

As the vice president of the Hunter Association, he naturally knows Ikshanpe, a resident of the online world.

[I heard that his hobby is gaming?]

Pariston roughly knew what Lin Ke meant by doing this, but others did not.

Their doubts disappeared immediately when the picture appeared on the TV.

I saw a figure suddenly appear on the TV screen. It was a very abstract face.

At the same time, the unknown creature was holding a cardboard with a paragraph written on it.

【Lin Ke, what do you want from me?】

"It's nothing 1.6, it's just that someone here wants a friend to play games with her. Are you free now?"

Lin Ke pointed to the little mushroom head next to him and said softly.

Ikshampe's big eyes moved, and then the words on the cardboard suddenly changed into another paragraph.

"Okay, let her in."

"I have already made some of the games you told me about before. Do you want to come in and play together?"

Although Ikshampe didn't speak, his words showed anticipation.

"Next time, I'll have something to do later."

Lin Ke shook his head and rejected Ikshangpei's kindness.

So the little mushroom head disappeared directly in place with a flash of light from the TV in the surprised eyes of several people.

"Don't worry, she will be sent back when she is done playing."

These team members are worthy of being carefully selected by Biande. They are all very capable and most of them have various specialties.

Lin Ke can tell the general experience of several people with a casual glance.

The strongest among them should be the puppet girl who looks like Hatsune Miku——Marione.

Lin Ke turned around and walked out, and at the same time, Biande followed him quite consciously.

Only the team members who were still shocked by Lin Ke were left.

[It turns out that Lin Ke is the new captain, so the trip to the Dark Continent will definitely be more interesting]

Pariston watched Lin Ke and Biande leave, then picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

The fake smile on his face was mixed with some sincerity.

Kim said it well in the plot.

In the entire Hunter Association, Pariston is actually the one who most inherits Netero's legacy.

They all have one thing in common - they like interesting things.

When Lin Ke came outside and saw no one around, he whispered to Biande beside him:

"Billander, you once went to the Dark Continent through the V5 route."

"Now I have a question for you."

"Where is the V5 ferry terminal?".

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