Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 204 The Ultimate Alien Beast Xuwuide! Five Major Disasters! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

After a while, Porygon Z had not yet found the information room, but found the place where the victims of the Dark Continent were stored in the Ferry Hall.

The basement of the ferry hall is a place specially used to store victims of the Dark Continent, specimens and other things.

The so-called victims are people affected by the five major disasters.

Some of them were people who had returned from the Dark Continent, and some were people who had been in contact with them.

While Porygon Z was still searching, Lin Ke simply went there to have a look.

After arriving in the basement, the first thing that caught Lin Ke's eyes were bottles and cans.

In the corner of the basement, there were several soldiers dressed like astronauts.

Their duties are not the same as those of the soldiers at the entrance.

The soldiers at the entrance are mainly to prevent others from breaking in.

And the soldiers here are on guard against anything happening in the basement!

If the ferry hall is the most important place in V5, then this basement is the most important place in the ferry hall!

Countless things related to the Dark Continent are here.

So if you want to come to this basement, you have to ask strictly.

People can only get off the elevator, and the palm prints of specific people are required to unlock it.

However, for Lin Ke, there is no need to be so troublesome. He can appear in the basement in an instant as soon as he has an idea.

Even the soldiers, with the help of Marshado, "turned a blind eye" to his actions.

This place is very similar to some kind of biological laboratory, with unknown green liquid soaked in those transparent devices.

It is precisely because of these green liquids that the originally white room is given a strange green color.

Lin Ke estimated that these should be formalin-like liquids used to preserve these things.

Things wrapped in liquid are even more bizarre.

There are human corpses twisted into twists, which look quite scary. The expressions of the people inside are like the famous painting "The Scream"

Lin Ke glanced at the card under the device. Although the card was not big, it contained various important information.

This man was called "Pluto" and he was one of the few people who came back from the Dark Continent. His strength ranked first in the team at that time.

Since he is number one, he is probably a strong person who has reached the S-level range.

But now it has become like this.

In addition to information about the body, the card also contained speculations about the cause of death.

It is suspected that it is because of the "nurturing beast" Papp.

It is almost impossible to twist a person into a twist by brute force.

Because the human body is not dough and does not have such high flexibility, it is difficult to imagine that a person can be twisted into such a symbolic twist.

Therefore, the Ferry Office believes that the source of this death is the "nurturing beast" Papu.

It's just that no conclusive evidence has been found yet.

Perhaps it was because Pluto was very strong, or for other reasons, that he became like this after returning to the Six Continents.

Next to Pluto, there were several similar corpses, all of which were human beings twisted into twists.

Compared to Pluto, they were deformed to a deeper degree, completely turning into a stick without even a face.

At the same time, what is different from Pluto is their identity.

They are not people who have been to the Dark Continent!

Lin Ke remembers that it was mentioned in the original work that many people become twisted in public for no reason.

Most of these victims are related to each other.

Some of the witnesses were police officers and some were doctors...

So this is completely believable.

They just suddenly became like this.

This shows that on the six continents, there are "disasters" that have not been discovered by the Ferry Office and are still lurking.

For example, Lin Ke once encountered "Angstrom" and "Gold and Silver Ingots".

They were all encountered by Lin Ke before V5 discovered them.

This also confirms that V5’s worries have come true.

If humans keep marching toward the Dark Continent like this, it will only increase the danger of the six continents.

On the other side of several "twisted twists" is a device that is even larger than before.

Because there is a whole person inside!

Unlike other devices, this device is large and does not contain any bright liquid.

Just one person.

A living person!

This man looks like a primitive man from ancient times. His hair is like overgrown weeds and he is very slovenly.

When Jin compared with this "barbarian", he suddenly understood a lot. He could be regarded as "exquisitely dressed".

In addition to being slovenly, his body is also filled with extremely strong dark thoughts, which is similar to the thought of death.

Everything was pitch black and blurry from head to toe, except for the pair of wide-open eyes that were particularly bright.

On the contrary, it is even more terrifying.

With this appearance, Lin Ke had only seen a similar appearance on one kind of thing.

That's Dark Sonata!

It's just that this person was not turned into this by Dark Sonata, but was affected by a type of disease on the Dark Continent.

It is Zorba AIDS, one of the five major disasters.

According to the record on the card, this man has been in this state for fifty years, and his appearance has not changed at all.

Unlike normal people, he does not need to eat or other activities. He can survive even if he just stays in the device like this.

The lifestyle he adopted was "self-sufficient."

He only needs to suck his own blood or eat his own flesh to survive.

A strange law has been reached that goes against human common sense.

This effect seems to be very good. You can survive on your own without relying on external food.

In fact, this is not the case. Although this person had the effect of "immortality" after getting sick, his mental aspect was also affected.

He can no longer be called a human being!

That's why he's kept in there.

The Ferry Office recognized this condition as a disease, named it "Zorba AIDS" and also gave an explanation.

A disease that deceives hope and plunges people into endless despair!

In addition to these two types of disasters, other human corpses are also displayed here, all related to disasters.

Some were human corpses parasitized by gold and silver ingots. Because Lin Ke had witnessed them with his own eyes, he could identify them without relying on cards.

Some of them were corpses so full of thoughts of death that it was difficult to see their true appearance clearly.

This is the person who heard the sound of the "Hell's Bells" double rattlesnake, one of the "disasters".

It can be said that this entire basement is full of corpses!

They are all humans affected by "disasters".

The only person who is "alive" is the person with Zoba AIDS, but there is no difference between living and dying.

And what is shown here is just the tip of the iceberg among the many dangers in the Dark Continent!

The Ferry Hall has little strength. Even though the people sent out are all good players, they still haven't been able to get very far on the Dark Continent.

Despite this, they were turned away by each of these "disasters".

This shows how dangerous the Dark Continent is.

Lin Ke felt that this trip was worthwhile just to see these things with his own eyes, if nothing else.

After seeing these things, Lin Ke also discovered what these disasters have in common.

That’s “parasitism”!

Their harm often affects humans.

For example, gold and silver ingots rely on parasitism on human corpses, absorb human emotions, and spread Zorba AIDS to humans...

They are either physical or mental, and they all exert their effects on human beings.

This kind of "parasitic" disaster should be a relatively common type among the many dangers in the Dark Continent.

Lin Ke is like a tourist visiting a museum, looking here and there, taking a general look at the contents of the entire basement.

After wandering here for a while and glancing at the soldiers who were still standing guard dutifully, Lin Ke disappeared in a flash.

Polygon Z has found the specific location of the information room.

In a large room,

Lin Ke's figure suddenly appeared here.

This is the information room that Porygon Z searched for. It is very different from other places in style. They are all the same.

Everything is made of unknown silver-white materials, and even the cabinets have a strange shimmer.

Except for the wall at the door, the entire information room has three entire walls inlaid with countless standard cabinets.

Each cabinet has a number and a line of text on it to indicate what information is stored in the cabinet.

This information is not secure enough to be stored online.

There are all kinds of Nen in the world, and it is hard to guarantee that some Nen will not be related to cracking network information.

At the same time, there are residents of the online world like Ikshanpe.

Therefore, instead of storing this information on the Internet, it is better to put it in paper form in this "absolutely safe" ferry hall.

From these countless cabinets, we can see how much information V5 collects.

Not even all the information is here, and information that is not important enough is not qualified to be placed in the ferry hall.

What can be put here must be extremely important information, that is, intelligence that must not be leaked to the outside world.

For example, information related to the Dark Continent.

For these materials, Lin Ke is naturally open to all comers, and it must be valuable to be collected by V5 like this.

So he asked Polygon Z to record all this information so that he could read it later.

After receiving the order, Porygon Z's petite body suddenly overflowed with thoughts, split into three groups and flew away.

As waves of thoughts enveloped those cabinets, the information inside seemed to turn into reality at this moment.

Rows of green data are like thousands of rivers running towards the sea, flowing in ribbon-like shapes from all directions with the polygon as the center.

The data accumulated by V5 over the years is being input into Porygon Z's brain at an extremely fast speed.

While Porygon Z was absorbing, Lin Ke was looking around at these cabinets. The contents written on them included many fields.

There is one that says "Ancient Labyrinth City".

It means that what is recorded here is the information about the "ancient labyrinth city" that the soldiers brought back from the dark continent.

There is also one that says "Hunter Association".

This is also normal. V5 has been interested in the Hunter Association for more than a day or two. It is also normal for it to be recorded here.

But what Lin Ke didn't expect was that he saw an unexpected cabinet.

【Lin Ke】

What is written on this cabinet is of course my name.

In other words, this cabinet is filled with information about yourself.

This made Lin Ke a little surprised. The ferry hall actually had a cabinet specially designed for him.

He looked through so many cabinets, and without exception they contained relatively large-scale information.

For example, Hunter Association, then what is talked about here is all kinds of information about Hunter Association.

This is the only situation he has seen where one person alone occupies an entire cabinet.

Even Mr. Netero doesn't have this qualification. He should be classified in the ".|| Hunter Association Senior Management" cabinet.

He is the only one who has

This "honored" person.

As for why there is such a privilege, it seems that it is because of its own strength that V5 has to pay attention.

This aroused his interest, and he was a little curious about what information was recorded in this cabinet?


"The Pokémon is conceived!"

After he came in and "visited" for a while, new Pokémon were born.

Lin Ke quickly immersed his mind in his mind, a little curious which Pokémon will be born this time?

After all, the environment in which this birth occurred was quite unique.

It is in a space that is neither natural nor artificial, and is full of various "disasters".

Could it be that it will be a ghost-type or evil-type Pokémon?

Soon Lin Ke saw new Pokémon.

The new Pokémon has a body that closely resembles a bell-shaped jellyfish.

The translucent upper umbrella is surrounded by some white six-pointed star marks, and the wavy umbrella edge is bright blue.

Its tentacles are gelatinous, and its overall shape is close to humanoid.

Several tentacles intertwine to create the appearance of a cape or long hair, while four shorter tentacles resemble shorter hair and arms.

The two long tentacles form the humanoid legs.

Its body is made of a glass-like substance, somewhat similar to water glaze, one of the seven beauties in the world.

There is a dreamy beauty everywhere, giving people a feeling between fantasy and reality.

Lin Ke's eyes suddenly widened, his mouth opened slightly subconsciously, and he murmured softly.

"I really didn't expect it~"

"The Pokémon this time will be you!" (King-killing)


"No, it's Xu Wu Yi De!"

The Pokémon born this time is none other than the ultimate alien beast, Void, known as "Lilia"!

It's just that the one similar to Lillie in the original work is the flashing Xuwuid, and this is just a normal Xuwuid.

Because Xuwuide's appearance is somewhat similar to Lillie's hairstyle, players once joked that he was Lillie's real body.

At the same time, Xuwuide is the ultimate alien beast that has the deepest connection with Lillie's family, whether in the animation or in the game.

Lin Ke had expected that the Pokémon this time would be unusual, but he never thought it would be the ultimate beast.

This is also the first ultimate beast he obtained.

But thinking about it carefully, it makes sense for Lin Ke to think it would be the ultimate beast.

The Ultra Beast appears in "Pokémon Sun and Moon".

The official introduction to Pokémon is:

Ultra Beasts are only common Pokémon in the original world, but they are very dangerous creatures in the Pokémon world.

This goes very well with the Dark Continent factor in the Ferry Hall.

The Dark Continent is full of "disasters" and everything is common there.

But for the six continents, it is a very dangerous existence.

In addition, the special space where the ferry hall is located matches the background of the extremely strange beasts.

As for why it is Xuwu Yide.

Lin Ke generally has two types of suspects.

One is that Xuwuide's number among many ultimate beasts is 01, which may be due to this reason.

This statement is a bit far-fetched, and Lin Ke thinks the second possibility is more likely.

The other is the correlation between Xuwuyi De and the five major disasters.

As a parasitic Pokémon, Xuwuide has extremely strong parasitic properties, which coincides with his previous points.

Xuwuide can invade the human body, release toxins to the host, stimulate the nervous system and control the host.

From this point of view, the emergence of Xuwuyide is quite reasonable. .

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