Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 205 Targeting Lin Ke! I'm So Sorry! (Please Subscribe)


Features: Alien beast promotion

Attribute: rock type, poison type


Skills: corrosive gas, meteor beam, venom impact, power gem, venom trap…………

Like the previous two legendary Pokémon, Void cannot use constraints and oaths to improve its strength.

As one of the ultimate beasts, Xuwuide's strength has also reached SS-level, only lower than Maguanduo and Genesect.

Currently, he already has three Pokémon in the SS-level range!

Moreover, Xuwuide is also quite practical. It has the ability to inject neurotoxins into other creatures and then control them.

This is an ability that Lin Ke did not have before.

At the same time, Xuwuide is also a very powerful poison-type Pokémon, and its poison-type attacks are very promising in the Hunter X Hunter world.

Before this, the only poison-type Pokémon he had was Gengar.

The characteristics of Xuwuid are also very important and quite useful.

[Alien Beast Improvement] The original effect is to increase the highest ability value except blood volume after defeating the enemy.

This ability is similar to the [Overconfidence] trait, both of which can increase one's ability value by defeating the opponent.

He is good at wheel fighting and can continuously strengthen himself.

In the real world, there are slight changes.

Not defeating any enemy can increase the same power.

The effect of the improvement is related to the enemies defeated.

The stronger the enemy, the more strength it will increase after defeating it. If you beat some weak creatures, it will have almost no effect.

There is also a time limit, and the improvement effect will disappear once the time is up.

Generally speaking, it is a very good feature. It can be used in group battles without fear of most wheels.

Coupled with Xuwuide's neurotoxin, it can also transform the opponent into one's own combat power.

Among the ultimate beasts, Xuwuide is also considered a good existence.

I just don’t know if there will be a chance to get other ultimate beasts in the future?

Lin Ke gathered his thoughts, just at this time Porygon Z also finished absorbing the information in the cabinet with his name on it.

A thought can directly transfer that information into Lin Ke's mind.

Suddenly, Lin Ke felt that a series of information appeared in his mind for no reason, and without exception, it was all information related to himself.

There is information about the town where he first appeared, and he also deliberately noted that he could not find his birth point.

There are a series of whereabouts that he went to the Halimu ruins, the Samok Desert... and so on.

Among them, what is most important to me and what is the largest is my own strength.

The Ferry Hall not only records every Pokémon it has shown, but also has 420 of its respective abilities.

It even estimated the approximate strength level of Pokémon.

In the end, we came to a conclusion that needs to be treated with great caution.

The information in this cabinet should be updated frequently, because Lin Ke also saw information about himself becoming the president in it.

“It’s really a lot of hard work~”

"It's also difficult for you to search so hard for any information about yourself."

Lin Ke sighed softly.

As expected of V5, it can be said that most of the things that happened after I came to the world of Hunter X Hunter were recorded.

There is even a record of him and Hisoka going to deal with the shadow.

Lin Ke doesn't care much about them collecting information about themselves.

Just for the sake of collecting it, I almost reached the point where I would take out my underwear.

Lin Ke couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

These sources are all recorded in the same style.

That’s the style of treating yourself as a potential enemy!

The strength he displayed finally made V5 unable to sit still.

Just at this moment, Polygon Z sent him another message.

It just discovered that a meeting was being held in a room in the ferry hall, and it was related to Lin Ke!

In a room in the ferry hall,

This is a relatively spacious conference room with a rectangular conference table with an unknown pattern on it.

The whole room was inexplicably dark, as if a few people were unwilling to turn on the lights, except for the small screen on the wall in front of the room.

Maybe it's because darkness helps people think.

At the same time, it was this negligible light that slightly illuminated the figures of the five people at the table.

Five people just enough to cope with the number of V5s.

The five people here are all the top leaders of V5 and the most powerful people in the six continents.

Any decision between them will affect the six continents and the future development of mankind.

“This time, we spent a lot of money to have the gatekeeper transport the chimera ant queen from the Dark Continent.

"We even specially selected the most suitable place in the NGL Autonomous Country, and even the Ant King was born as planned."

"But it still hasn't affected Netero, and he's still alive and kicking. What do you think we should do?"

A middle-aged woman wearing gorgeous clothes and full of jewels said slightly angrily.

As the country's top leaders, middle-aged women hold countless power and wealth.

This piece of clothing alone is worth tens of billions of ring nini!

It also carries a variety of jewelry, such as gemstone necklaces, pearl bracelets, etc.

Among them are some of the seven beauties in the world.

The silver necklace around her neck still shines brightly even in the dim room, like a bright shooting star.

The azure gemstone set in the middle of the necklace is one of the seven beautiful colors [Liquid Ore]

The production environment of liquid titanium ore is unclear. It only appeared once in ancient times, and it is also a rare type among the seven beauties.

The mined ore body will solidify due to the drop in temperature. Its internal temperature is extremely high, and the titanium ore is very volatile.

Therefore, it is extremely rare for liquid titanium ore to be preserved in the world, which shows that middle-aged women have strong funds.

Liquid titanium ore is characterized by a hard ore body, a water-blue color, and a faint light ice-blue glow at night.

Paired with the surrounding silver necklace, it looks like an icy blue ocean floating in a shining galaxy.

This necklace alone is a priceless and immeasurable treasure.

The middle-aged woman also vaguely acts as a "light source" in the whole room because she is wearing too many shining jewelry.

It can even be brighter than the screen next to it.

The fact that this room is dark has something to do with her [because in this environment the magnificence of her jewelry can be better displayed.

This is not the most striking thing.

The most eye-catching thing is the crown she wears on her head. It is made of various rare metals. It does not feel heavy and is beautiful at the same time.

As women, middle-aged women attach great importance to their appearance, which is why they wear so much jewelry.

And this crown is the most important treasure to her.

I saw a fist-sized pearl embedded in the gorgeous crown.

The surface of the pearl is white and smooth, and you can see that there is quite a rich blood light in the depths.

Just like a glass filled with red wine, the blood in the pearl seems to condense into blood.

This is the legend Lin Ke once heard in [Carter Harbor] - the Blood Pearl!

A few years ago, a bloody pearl was auctioned at the [Carter Harbor] auction, and it was originally bought by a V5 high-ranking official.

After changing hands several times, it finally fell into the hands of a middle-aged woman.

This bloody pearl can replenish itself by absorbing the life breath of surrounding creatures.

The richer the blood color, the more life breath has been absorbed.

After absorbing enough life breath, wearing it with you can delay aging and improve your appearance.

You only need to replenish it with life breath regularly to delay the aging of the wearer.

To put it simply, it transfers the life breath of others to the wearer, which is a relatively evil thing.

Naturally, middle-aged women cannot miss this treasure that can nourish their skin and keep them young forever.

Once you get it, you will never leave it, and you will only take it down when you need to replenish your health.

Facts have proved that this blood-colored pearl is indeed useful. Since then, middle-aged women have not only hardly aged, but their appearance has also slowly improved.

She can be called a beautiful woman.

It's just that this beautiful woman now has a fierce expression, and she is very dissatisfied with the failure of this operation.

"What should I do? What else can I do now?"

"Although Netero is not dead, he is also aware of our thoughts.

"We proactively chose to give in and resign as president of the Hunter Association. In fact, we have achieved our goal."

"What we really need to pay attention to now is Lin Ke. After finally sending away a Netero, a more terrifying Lin Ke appeared.

A middle-aged man in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses gently massaged both sides of his head and said helplessly.

This is how he relieves his headache.

The middle-aged man is about thirty years old, the youngest among the five, and he is wearing a plain suit.

Although (cbdh) was only wearing an ordinary suit, his superior temperament and sharp eyes were particularly outstanding.

Even if he is placed among a bunch of ordinary office workers, he will stand out from the crowd, making people notice him at a glance.

Unlike middle-aged women, men in suits are not greedy for things like looks and appearance.

What he is even more greedy for is power!

This is also the reason why he can sit in this position at the youngest age among the five people.

Now he can be said to have reached the top "position" in the six continents, and he has achieved his wish.

It is precisely because of years of fatigue that he has little time to train Nen, and he is the weaker one among the five.

He is used to handling affairs by himself and does not feel comfortable leaving too many things to others. Therefore, his body is overstocked and he often suffers from headaches.

Even if he is treated by a healing type patient, he will relapse quickly due to the large amount of work he has to do every day.

"Lin Ke, he is indeed someone who needs high attention. It is no exaggeration to say that he is more difficult than Netero."

"This failure to kill Netero as planned was also the reason for this Lin Ke."

On the other side, a man in military uniform folded his arms and said solemnly, his rough voice making his voice louder.

The man in military uniform has a face with a Chinese character, a bronze complexion, and a pair of eyes full of perseverance.

But within this determined look, there are also some different emotions mixed in.

Its name is "ambition"!

Unlike middle-aged women and men in suits, men in military uniforms are extremely ambitious and value opening up more fields.

He is the main militant among the five, and he proposed and organized most of the exploration of the Dark Continent.

It's just that this ambition is aimed at himself.

He conquered the Dark Continent because he wanted to make the entire Dark Continent his own.

Let the Dark Continent also become his territory.

At the same time, the man in military uniform is also the strongest among the five, reaching S-level.

It can be seen from the vague aura emanating from him.

"Go away

[The former strongest in the world], now there is another [the strongest in the new world].”

"But they all became the president of the Hunter Association!"

"I don't know if we planned this operation right now or not?"

"And judging from the intelligence collected from all aspects, Lin Ke's strength has reached a level that has never been resisted in human history.

"It's very possible that... it's already reached their level!"

As the man in military uniform spoke, his expression became increasingly gloomy.

After hearing this, several people's breaths froze, and their already solemn expressions became even more gloomy, full of gloom.

"Is there any mistake? Does Lin Ke really have the strength to reach [Leader] level?"

The man in the suit adjusted his glasses, his tone mixed with a bit of disbelief.

Although the man in military uniform did not name anyone, everyone knew that the "they" he was referring to were (the guide workers).

[Leader] lives in the Dark Continent near Lake Mobius.

Beyond where they are, there is the true dark continent behind.

This can be regarded as a "door" in a different sense.

[Leader] is a sub-human monster with terrifying strength and is an existence that is difficult for humans to touch.

In fact, none of the 149 explorations conducted by humans over the years have reached the other side by relying on their own abilities.

Instead, contact the [Gatekeeper] through a special method.

After reaching a consensus, the [Gatekeeper] will send his subhuman monsters to lead humans to the Dark Continent.

Hence the name [Leader]

The [Gatekeeper] is also a member of the Warcraft clan, and his strength is even greater than that of the [Leader].

They are like a door, standing on the edge of the dark continent.

It is also like a bridge connecting humans with the dark continent.

Humanity paid some price, plus some of the things obtained from the Dark Continent, in exchange for help leading the way.

[Leader] is not only powerful, but also very familiar with Lake Mobius, so he can choose some easy-to-travel routes.

If we go straight, even the [Leader] will lose his life in this sea area.

Without the help of the [Leader], it would not even be possible to cross the middle sea area.

This is a lesson learned at the cost of countless blood!

Any trip without the help of a [guide] will, without exception, be heard from and disappear into the boundless ocean.

Among humans, the only ones who have the ability and qualifications to talk to the [Temple Gatekeeper] are sitting in this position.

After countless interactions, there was only one sentence describing the power of [Leader].

Can't resist!!

This is a creature that far exceeds human strength!

So when the man in military uniform said this, the man in suit and several others couldn't believe it.

"No, what I said is not an exaggeration, but the result of comprehensive consideration of countless intelligence.

"If I had to find a creature within my cognitive range to compare with Lin Ke's strength."

"Then I can only think of [the guide]."

The man in military uniform spoke at an extremely steady pace, and his words obviously sounded extremely scary, but several people subconsciously believed him.

"Among the five of us, I am the strongest, so I can appreciate the terror of Lin Ke's strength better than you!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that his power far exceeds that of Netero!"

"Netero is completely incomparable to him! There is a huge difference in strength between the two!"

"I personally went to see the place where he fought with the Ant King."

"Although you haven't been there in person, you should have seen photos and the like, so you know something about it, right?"

The four people except the man in military uniform nodded in unison, they had indeed seen the scene.

"Then you should have some estimate of the destructive power, right?"

"Take the [Poor Man's Rose] as an example. To achieve this level, at least five roses need to explode at the same time!"

The man in military uniform slowly took his right hand, opened it into a palm, and made a "five" gesture.

"This is a destructive power that no human being has ever been able to achieve in the history of the world!"

“But Lin Ke can do it!”

"Everyone, now we have to discuss how to deal with Lin Ke."

"If such a terrifying existence were left on the Six Continents, I'm afraid you and I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully at night.

The words of the man in military uniform were extremely seductive, making several people feel panic once again.

In vain, a voice came from a dark corner.

"I'm really sorry for keeping you all awake at night~"

"But you should be able to sleep peacefully from now on."

At this moment, the five people seemed to have a light on their backs, and their pupils suddenly shrank, as if they saw something extremely terrifying appearing in front of their eyes!

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