Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 206 Lin Ke’S Puppet! Communicating With The Gatekeeper! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

【Someone broke in!】

This thought flashed through the five people's minds at the same time!

Among them, the man in uniform with the highest strength reacted the fastest. As someone who has been on the battlefield for a long time and has been trained every day, he reacted very quickly.

A powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body, and the pure thought energy continued to boil like steam.

The majestic thought energy enveloped him, like a ball of white fire beating in a dark room.

The aura that burst out in an instant formed a strong air pressure, setting off gusts of wind in the sealed room.

This S-level strength is not mixed with a trace of water, it is all tempered by his wealth.

The other four people have not yet reacted.

I saw the figure of the man in military uniform flash forward, his fist wrapped with strong thoughts, and he hit the corner where the sound came from.

Although this punch was thrown hastily, its power cannot be underestimated.

This is the most powerful thought energy that the man in military uniform can use in a short period of time.

He knows exactly where this place is!

In the secret space where the ferry hall is located!

If he had to name the safest place in the six continents, he could only think of this place.

First of all, the entrance is hidden, and it is impossible for only a handful of staff to find the entrance.

Secondly, both outside and inside the entrance, there are high-tech equipment or advanced engineer handles.

Not even a mosquito has a chance to fly in.

But even in such a safe place, someone sneaked into it today!

If this person hadn't made a sound, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been able to find out about him.

Therefore, I feel that this person's strength is not low. He must go all out and not have any contempt!

This series of thoughts and actions were completed in just an instant.

In a flash of lightning, the body of a man in military uniform appeared in front of Lin Ke, and Sha Baotian's fist shone with golden cold air.

Just one look at it makes one feel extremely sharp, as if everything is indestructible in front of this fist.

If this punch hits the ground, it will definitely create a terrifying deep pit in an instant!

Just putting it in the ferry hall is not necessarily the case.

Because the materials here are all made of rare metals from the Dark Continent.

So it is extremely strong.

The Ferry Hall had conducted experiments, and even a powerful rocket launcher could not leave a mark on it.

In addition to being strong, this type of metal also has self-healing properties.

If damaged, it will slowly heal itself and return to its original appearance.


There was a loud noise!

Just this loud noise made several other people a little unbearable, and they had the illusion that a bomb was exploding in their ears.

The explosion-like sound was not only deafening, but the blast of air created waves of wind and waves that swept away in all directions.

Suddenly, there were quite violent movements in the room, but strangely, none of these movements could be transmitted outside.

In addition to the fact that the metal material has good sound insulation, it is also because at this time, there are wisps of dark thoughts lingering around the surface of the entire room.

When those sounds reached the mind, they were instantly absorbed and no rich sound was heard outside.

This was naturally arranged deliberately by Lin Ke.

"How can this be!"

An extremely shocked expression appeared on the rough face of the man in military uniform, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He almost punched with all his strength, but was grabbed tightly by Lin Ke's palm and couldn't move!

The thought coming out of Lin Ke's hand was far stronger than that of the man in military uniform, like an extremely strong iron pliers, grabbing him tightly.

The man in military uniform's heart skipped a beat, and he frantically activated the energy in his body just to prove that he could break free from Lin Chen's clutches.

However, no matter how hard he tried, it was all in vain in front of Lin Ke's vast sea of ​​thoughts.

This is a huge gap in strength like a chasm!!

At this moment, the man in military uniform finally understood.

The strength of the person in front of him is far greater than him!

With the "condensation" covering his eyes, the man in military uniform finally saw the true face of this "uninvited guest".

But the man in military uniform found that it seemed that it was worse than not seeing clearly.

“Lin, Lin, Lin Ke!!”

Looking at the face with a playful smile, the usually stern man in military uniform also stuttered, and his reaction was even greater than seeing a ghost.

At this moment, the man in Chinese costume realized what he meant by what he just said.

When they were discussing how to deal with Lin Ke, others were listening to their exchange in the corner!

In other words, Lin Ke heard everything they said!

Now the man in military uniform finally understood why the man in front of him was so powerful. It turned out to be Lin Chen!

"What?! Lin Ke!"

The middle-aged woman shouted in panic. Under the aftermath of the collision, even her crown was crooked.

"How is this possible! How could Lin Ke appear here!"

When faced with unknown and fearful things, people's first reaction is denial.

Just like getting cancer, people's first words are "impossible"

They don't think this will happen to them.

But when several people used "Ning" in a panic, they were able to see Lin Ke's face clearly.

Now even the middle-aged woman who least believed it was speechless.


Upon seeing this, Lin Ke curled his lips slightly, and with a flick of his hand, he threw the man in military uniform to the other corner.

The most powerful man in military uniform among them could not even survive a round in front of Lin Ke, and was thrown around like a rag doll.

The faces of the men in suits suddenly changed, their bodies stiffened subconsciously, and even their hearts beat a few times.

These people are all the top leaders of the country, and they are not fools. They know very well what may happen next.

Now they can only hope that the movement will be noticed by the outside world, and then soldiers will come to rescue them.

Although there is a high probability that Lin Ke cannot be dealt with, it can provide them with some chances of survival.

But what they don't know is that under Lin Ke's deliberate influence, there is not even the slightest movement from the outside world.

"Why do you always have such an expression?"

"Aren't you thinking about what to do with me?"

"Now that I'm here, let's talk carefully about what to do with me next."

Lin Ke crossed his arms and looked at the people with interest.

I really didn't expect that these five people just held a meeting to discuss Gao just because he became the president.

As a result, he was hit by himself.

This time it's not them dealing with themselves, but themselves dealing with them.

As for how to deal with them, the Pokémon bred in the ferry hall have already given the answer.

Facing Lin Ke's words, few of them responded, remaining silent and motionless.

Anyone who doesn't know about it might think they are playing "one, two, three wooden men".

"Hey, wasn't it pretty good just now? Why didn't I dare to speak when I came out?"

Lin Ke sighed lightly, shook his head and said.

The contemptuous tone aroused a sense of irritation in the hearts of several people. None of them outside were the ones who could move the wind and rain.

Facing Lin Ke's treatment, the frightened people became more angry.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

Lin Ke waved his hand and said.

Just after a few people breathed a sigh of relief, they were surprised to find that a figure had appeared behind Lin Ke at some point!

It was a relatively large body, its head could reach the ceiling, and its lower end was floating in the air.

It was a figure similar to a jellyfish, but it was much larger than a normal jellyfish.

After using the tentacles as hands and feet [Xuwuide looks like a shy girl at first glance.

The crystal clear body is like glass, exuding wisps of light, adding a pure temperament.

However, instead of feeling calm and peaceful, several people felt panic and uneasiness in their hearts.

The aura of the mind beast Lin Ke released in front of him was extremely terrifying!!

The sense of intimidation it brings is far greater than that of Lin Ke!

【How could there be such terrifying power!!】

[This strength has far exceeded that of the leader!!]

The man in military uniform who had just gotten up next to him was once again stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the horrified Xu Wuide, roaring in his heart.

Facing Lin Ke, the man in military uniform completely lost his composure.

For the first time, the man in military uniform who believed in meritocracy felt that the gap in strength between himself and others was so huge!

He knew Lin Ke was very powerful, but he never expected that he actually had a Nian Beast that was even more powerful than [Leader]!

He had met the [Leader] before and knew that the other person's strength was far superior to his own.

But this unknown mind beast in front of me is even stronger!

In just a short moment, the slightly damaged clothes of the man in military uniform were soaked with sweat again, and he was already covered with sweat.

Although the remaining four people are not strong enough and it is difficult to compare Xu Wuyide's strength, they all understand one thing.

Lin Ke's strength exceeds their expectations!!

Xuwuide floated in the air, the tentacles on his body swaying unconsciously, looking like he was swimming in the sea.

At the same time, the tip of Xuwuide's tentacle split into five small pieces in succession, and the exquisite and clear appearance was very beautiful.

Each little piece of this contains a large amount of neurotoxins.

At the same time, coupled with part of the consciousness of Xu Wuyi De, he can freely control others.

This is Lin Ke’s plan!

Using the parasitic ability of Xuwuid, he controlled all five people and turned them into his slaves.

Under the control of Xuwuide, five block objects of different sizes merged into their bodies in the horrified eyes of several people.

The reason why they vary in size is because controlling stronger creatures requires more toxins.

Among them, the man in military uniform has the largest lump.

At the same time as it split apart, the tip of Xuwuid's tentacle grew again, filling in what was just consumed.

Xuwuide itself is a jellyfish and has a certain degree of self-healing ability. With its own thought energy, it can split into many small pieces like this.

The parasitic ability shown in the original work is that Xuwuide's entire body is parasitic on others.

But now you can achieve even scarier effects.

To put it simply, Xuwuide's parasitism is divided into three modes.

The first is overall parasitism. This mode requires the entire body of Xuwuyide to be in the living body, and it is also the mode with the strongest control.


The second is partial parasitism, which is the method currently used on the five people, which also has strong control.

Because part of Xuwuide's consciousness is in other people's brains, he can control thinking.

The third is toxin parasitism. This model can no longer be called parasitism, but simply injects neurotoxins into living organisms.

You can only manipulate the other party to a certain extent, and at the same time, there is a high possibility that the other party will lose control and end up with mental disorder.

To control these five people, the second method is obviously the most suitable. You can pay a small price to make them freely controlled slaves.

Xuwuide is worthy of being a parasitic Pokémon, and it is worthy of being an ultimate beast. Its abilities are quite useful.

With Xu Wu Yi De, Lin Ke can easily pull up a big


This ability will be even more valuable when you go to the Dark Continent later, and there will be many opportunities to use it.

After the small piece entered the body, the five people's bodies twitched at the same time, and countless neurotoxins filled their bodies at an extremely fast speed.

Even his face was faintly glowing with a bright or dark purple light, and he could tell at a glance that he was deeply poisoned.

After a few breaths, the purple light quietly disappeared, and the conditions of several people returned to calm.

It seemed like nothing happened, but several people were completely controlled.

What controls them now is the consciousness of Xu Wuyi De.

Xuwuide is like a puppeteer, and the neurotoxin is his thread, and he controls the five people like puppets.

Five behemoths in charge of six continents!

The five top leaders of V5 have become Lin Ke's "puppets"!


In disguise, it is equivalent to taking control of V5.

From now on, your own commands will be the common commands of V5.

It can be said that on the six continents, controlling these five people is the most cost-effective option.

Despite being manipulated, the appearance of these people remains unchanged.

At the same time, because Xuwuide relies on neurotoxins that cannot be detected, not qi.

Therefore, others cannot detect that the five people have been manipulated.

"Ah, very good."

"Now, please tell me how you usually get in touch with the [Gatekeeper]?"

Lin Ke nodded with satisfaction, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise in this trip.

Controlling these five people would be very useful.

Not to mention that the countless wealth and power, as well as the treasured chanting tools, are all his own.

And you can get all the information related to the Dark Continent.

What it is most curious about right now is the communication with the [Gatekeeper].

The five people looked at each other, and then the man in the suit explained.

"Communication with [gatekeepers] is difficult. We usually communicate with each other only once a year or even several years."

"Usually the purpose of contact is to let the [leader] lead the team."

"We already contacted each other once in order to create the chimera ant incident."

"We use special items and the blessing of divine words to get in touch with the other party."

It was impossible to understand much just by explaining it verbally, so Lin Ke immediately asked them to demonstrate it on the spot.

"We can get in touch with each other by relying on a special telepathy tool, which is divided into five pieces by us and carried by five people.

While the man in the suit was explaining, the five people simultaneously took out a gray stone with strange patterns.

At first glance, it looks like just an ordinary stone, but Lin Ke can feel that it contains extraordinary energy.

With the cooperation of the five people, the five stones merged into one piece, with almost no gaps.

The whole stone is natural, as if it was born this way.

After being combined, only a round stone ball was left, which was densely covered with various patterns.

"Are the patterns on this a sacred character?"

Lin Ke's eyes narrowed and he felt that this pattern was a bit like a sacred character.

"No, the patterns on it are the characters of the Warcraft clan where [Gatekeeper] is located."

Isn’t it a divine word?

But it is also text with special effects.

"Where did these stones come from?"

Lin Ke changed the topic and asked about the origin of these things.


The man in a suit, who had been speaking fluently since the beginning, paused and looked a little hesitant.

"Based on V5's most hidden information."

"These things are actually obtained from [Gatekeeper], and they appeared as early as the establishment of V5."

Got it from [Gatekeeper]?

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and did not continue to ask, but fell into thinking.

V5 has a long history, and the country’s leaders have changed many times.

It can communicate with the [Gatekeeper], and it has the [Gatekeeper] pattern printed on it, so it makes sense to say that it was obtained from the other party.

So [Gatekeeper] came to the Six Continents a long time ago?

As for giving things that can be communicated to V5, it should be because they can trade with each other. .

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